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Briana Bradley

Hi/ Low Freq. Vowels
He Treats Me
He treats me like
a memory.
He treats me mean,
real mean.
He treats me like
a bee in spring.
Maliciously, he treats me.
He treats me like
a sirens screech.
He treats me red,
real red.
He treats me like
a spike of ice.
How frigid, how he treats me.

Let Us Go
Oh, let us go
until were gone.
Until nobody knows
if weve woke,
or we slumber till dusk
becomes rust
and meets dawn.
Until love and loss
and other forget-me-nots
become wrong of us.
Until lust and smoke
consume their hollow hearts
as they wallow in want.
Until our worn and our poor
are no longer our hurt,
but the joy
in our struggle for more.
Although rock and slop
may become our home,
let us go beyond their wrongs,
Oh, let us go
until were gone.

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