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1. Whats your name?

2. How do you spell your name?
3. What do you do? Where do you study / work?
4. Whats your cell phone number?
5. Whats your e-mail address? Whats your address?
6. Where are you from?
7. How old is your father? Your mother?
8. Whens your English class?
9. Wheres the credit bank? How do I get to the post office?
10. Tell me about your mother. What does she look like?
11. What time is it? What day / date is today?
12. What do you need?
13. Could you describe your dream house?
14. Whats your house like?
15. Are you a morning person or an evening person? Why?
16. Whats your typical day like?
17. How many brothers and sisters do you have?
18. What do you do on the weekend?
19. How do you usually get to school / to work?
20. Whats the weather like?
21. What are you doing right now? What are your parents doing this week?
22. When were you born? Where did you grow up?
23. Where were you last night?
24. What did you do last summer?
25. What would you suggest if your friend had a terrible toothache?
26. What things can you do?
27. What do you like to do in your free time?
28. What would you like to do in the next two years?
29. When are you going to have children?
30. When are you going to eat dinner?

1. Whats your name? How do you spell it? Spell it for me, please
2. What English class are you in? How many students are there in your class?
3. Tell me something about yourself and your family:
a. Do you have any brothers or sisters?
b. What are their names, ages and occupations?
4. I have a family too. Ask me some questions about them.
5. Tell me about your daily schedule. Tell me 3 things that you do after you get
6. What time is it now?
7. When does your English class begin? When is your English class over?

8. What do you do after school?

9. How do you get to school?
10. Why are you studying English? Why did you decide to come to ICPNA?
11. Whats your favorite kind of music?
12. When do you listen to music?
13. Do you have a big or small big family?
14. What is an advantage of having a small / big family?
15. What is a disadvantage of having a small / big family?
16. Do you have any brothers or sisters? If so, how are you alike? And how are
you different?
17. What kind of events do you like to go to?
18. What kind of foods do you usually eat? What foods do you like / dislike?
19. Is eating healthy food important to you?
20. What machines drive you crazy?
21. What do you do to stay in shape? How often do you exercise?
22. Whats your personal dress code?
23. Do you need a vacation? Whats important to you in a vacation?
24. What did you do on your last vacation?
25. How often do you go on vacation? Where do you usually go on vacation?
26. How do you pay for things when you travel?
27. Do you usually bargain for a lower price when you go shopping?
28. Do you usually tip for good service?

1. Whats the best thing that you like/dislike about your English class?
2. Do you like your teacher correcting you when you make a mistake / error in
class? Why?
3. I want to study at ICPNA. Tell me what to do.
4. What are you studying right now in your English class?
5. What are we doing right now?
6. How do you prefer to address people?
7. When you meet someone new, what topics are OK to talk about?
8. Have you ever visited Cusco / Arequipa / Trujillo?
9. Have you ever tried sushi / lasagna / cebiche?
10. Have you ever done something dangerous?
11. Whats the best / worst movie youve ever seen? Tell me about it.
12. Tell me about your most embarrassing moment.
13. What will the world be like in 2020?
14. What are some things that you intend to do in the future?
15. What are your plans for next weekend? What will you probably do

16. What time did you get up? Why did you get up at that time?
17. Where were you yesterday at this time? What were you doing last night at
18. Where were you and what were you doing before you came to talk to me
19. Where would you rather see a movie, at home or in the theater? Why?
20. If you could stay in an expensive hotel. What services would you use?
21. Will you practice English when you finish your studies? How?
22. Its 4:45 p.m. I have a date at 5:00. What had I better do?
23. When you travel, what personal products do you pack?
24. Do you have any money on you? Approximately, how much?
25. Whats your favorite excuse for not accepting food you dont like?
26. Tell me about your food passions.
27. How can you describe chocolate / milk / broccoli, etc?
28. What leisure activities do you enjoy?
29. Give me an example of a sad / cheerful / disgusting / calm experience you
30. Were you raised in Chepen or in another place?
31. What important person have you been influenced / inspired / fascinated by?
32. What can you do with a computer?
33. Who are stricter? Your parents or your teachers?
34. Should married women work outside the home?
35. What would your parents do if you dyed your hair green?
36. If you had a million dollars, what would you do?
37. If you had 3 wishes, what would they be?

1. When you have a headache, what do you do?
2. What kind of Holiday is Christmas?
3. When is Independence Day in Peru?
4. In your opinion, whats the most important invention?
5. When did you start studying English?
6. You study at ICPNA, dont you? Why?
7. Can you describe a disaster?
8. Do you like to read? Why? Why not?
9. You are Peruvian, arent you?
10. Do you like your parents?

11. If I were a tourist, what piece of advice would you give me?
12. Could you tell me an interesting custom in Peru?
13. What would you do if you won La Tinka?
14. Has anything dangerous ever happened to you?
15. What kind of natural disaster do you think is the most dangerous? Why?
16. Ask the teacher 3 questions.
17. I have a friend. He didnt study for his test, but he went to a party. What do
you think he should have done?
18. How many children would you like to have?
19. How did you study for this interview?
20. What language would you have studied if you had been born in France?
21. Where do you get news from?
22. What is your political belief?
23. What is your favorite book / magazine / newspaper? Why?
24. How do you describe your first year studying at ICPNA?
Remember you also need to practice answering questions from the
Question Banks for Fundamentals, TN 1 and TN 2.

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