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End of Semester Reflection Comment

Concepts and Creations is my most preferred subject as I enjoy it the most

out of my subjects. In concepts and create we have made a space simulation
game that we presented at the EXPO. My least favorite subject is Maths and
Abstract Thinking as I struggle with this subject because I dont understand
most of the tasks. I feel like Im not as smart as other students in my class.
In learning studies, we have researched about the human brain and how it
works and how sleep and learning impacts the brain. Im still getting used to
the self-directed learning concept as my other schools were self-dependent.
I wasnt involved in any camps this semester besides the biodiversity
excursion to the botanic gardens. Some of my extracurricular activities
consist of building computers, playing music and making music. I wasnt
involved in observation day as I was busy all day and didnt have the time to
look after other students.
In Adventure Space I originally chose chess club but moved to music this
term when it was available. I didnt have an interest in chess but joined
because I had friends in that adventure space. I intend to improve my time
management skills majorly and need to put in a lot more effort into my
school work. I need to ask for help when needed.

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