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Mel Bond

His brightness was like the illumination of the morning

sunlight with rays of sunlight splendor streaming out of His
hands, and there in that sunlight splendor was the hiding
place of His miracle-working power.
Habakkuk 3:4

As He is, so are we (that believe, trust, have faith and

confidence) in this world.
I John 4:17

All Scripture quotations in this volume are taken from the

King James Version of the Bible and the Hebrew and Greek
fuller meaning of words.

Releasing Gods Anointing

Copyright 1999 by Mel Bond
140 N. Point Prairie
Wentzville, MO 63385
Published by Agape Church
140 N. Point Prairie
Wentzville, MO 63385

Printed in the United States of America. All rights reserved

under International Copyright Law. Contents and/or cover
may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any form
without the express written consent of the Publisher.


The Vision of Christ............................................8


What Are Signs and Wonders?..........................22


Signs and Wonders Will Bring the Last



Understanding the Precise Will of God

Concerning Miracles.........................................41


Gods Grace The Prerequisite for Signs

and Wonders......................................................49


Greater Results When One Is Spirit-Filled.......57


Learning How To Release Gods



Dying, So Jesus Can Live.................................96

To Darlene and Richard March with
great love and respect. III John 2:4
Mel & Donna

Jesus explained to me how to pray with my whole heart,
so that others would receive instant healings and miracles
every single time. This comes about through being singleminded, in order to release and receive Gods anointing.
Unobvious demons are quite often, if not always, present
to prevent Christians from being single-minded. These
demons attempt to make you think you may not be praying
correctly, or doubt whether the person you are praying for
will be healed, or wonder what others will think about how
you are ministering.
These not-so-obvious demonic
suggestions hinder Gods anointing. A double-minded
person will not receive anything from the Lord.
Jesus taught me that yielding to God is important in
receiving, and it is as simple as physically relaxing. The
word yield in the Greek means to relax or surrender.
Romans 6:19 teaches that as we have yielded our members
to sin (satan), we can yield our members to Gods holiness.
Holiness is Gods reputation. We can simply relax and
surrender to Gods reputation being manifested in our
mortal bodies. God has a reputation of the miraculous, and
it is easier to yield to Gods glory than it is to yield to sin,
because God is greater than satan.
I have been filled with the Holy Spirit, with the evidence
of speaking in tongues, since June 17, 1958. Since that

time, I have prayed for many people while evangelizing,

holding crusades and pastoring. I believed in healing and
miracles, but had only experienced about 5 percent results,
as years without instant manifestation passed by. With
Jesus explanation of how to pray with my whole heart, I
now know how to release Gods anointing, and experience
instant manifestation in about 90 percent of the people for
whom I pray.



Before discussing Jesus teaching on how to release Gods
anointing, I must emphasize that the Scripture is the final
authority. In Psalm 138:2, God exalts and promotes His
Word above all, even above Himself. 2 Corinthians 10:5
teaches that any thought, perception, imagination,
reasoning, subject or discourse must be in obedience and
subjection to Christ.
According to John 1:1,14, all
reasoning should agree with and obey the Word of God, as
Christ and the Word of God are equal terms.
Furthermore, in Matthew 15:6, Jesus said that Gods
commandments are made none effective by traditions. This
includes legends, religious customs, preconceived
intellectual practices and man-made religious teachings.
Above all, Gods Word must always be put first. Paul said
in Galatians 1:8, But though we, or an angel from heaven,
preach (teach or promote) any other gospel (than the Word
of God), let them be accursed. Paul also said that satan
has the ability to transform himself into an angel of light.

The Vision of Christ

Visions and supernatural manifestations are to be judged

according to the Word of God, in order to avoid deception.
Gods Word must always come first. I do not exalt any type
of teaching, vision or manifestation of supernatural beings
above the Word of God. I do not, however, want to void or
belittle the sound doctrine of the visions of Jesus. John
14:21 says, He (or she) that has My commandments and
keeps them, it is that person that loves Me and he (or she)
that loves Me shall be loved by the Father, and will
manifest Myself to them. The Greek meaning of the word
manifest is to exhibit in person, appear or show.
Anyone who has read the New Testament could safely
assume that Paul loved Jesus more than any other person
loved Jesus in the New Testament, as his writings bear
proof. Also, more than any other person in the Bible, Paul
loved the Word of God. He is responsible for writing
nearly half of the New Testament through the inspiration of
the Holy Spirit.
Valuable wisdom is found in many of Pauls experiences.
In Galatians 1:12, Paul said that he was not taught the Word
of God by man, but by revelation of Jesus Christ. In
Galatians 2:1-2, Paul, Barnabas and Titus went to
Jerusalem, but Paul went to Jerusalem by revelation.
Galatians 1:12 and 2:12 indicate that Paul went in person.
The word revelation in the Greek means to appear,
manifest or to be coming. In the King James Version of the
Bible, the word used is appearing.1
In 2 Corinthians 12:1, Paul talked about the revelations of
the Lord, and in verse 7, he had an abundance of

Strong, James. Strongs Exhaustive Concordance. Massachusetts: Hendrickson Publishers, pg. 657.

Releasing Gods Anointing

revelations. Again, the same root word for revelation or

appearing is used. Continually, Jesus appeared to Paul and
taught him the Word of God.
Jesus first appeared to Paul in Acts 9:4, and his life was
forever changed. Paul even changed his own name. In
verse 17, Jesus taught Paul by asking him why he
persecuted Him. In Acts 18:6-11, an upset Paul made up
his mind to change the course of his ministry, but Jesus
appeared in a night vision and encouraged him to continue
his ministry. Because of this vision, Paul continued in that
city for a year and 6 months.
Acts 22:17-21 finds Paul in Jerusalem praying at the
temple. As he prayed, he saw Jesus, Who told him to make
haste and get out of Jerusalem, quickly, for the people there
would not receive his ministry. Acts 23:11 gives yet
another account of Jesus appearing to Paul in the night,
giving him words of cheer, encouraging his ministry and
telling Paul that he would be a witness in Rome.
In Acts 27:14-22, a great storm arose as Paul was on a
ship bound for Rome. Neither the sun nor the stars
appeared for many days, and all hope that any would be
saved was lost. After a long period without food, Paul
stood up in the midst of the men on the ship and exhorted
them to be of good cheer. Acts 27:24 tells of an angel of
God who stood by Paul that night, serving him and saying,
Fear not, Paul; thou must be brought before Caesar: and,
lo, God hath given thee all that is with thee. Wherefore,
sirs, be of good cheer: for I believe God, that it shall be
even as it was told me (Acts 27:25).


The Vision of Christ

Once again, Paul received instruction to encourage and

strengthen him supernaturally, through the appearance of an
angel sent from God. I believe there is a strong implication
that it was Jesus who came to Paul in verse 25, when Paul
says, For I believe God. Regardless of whether or not it
was Jesus or an angel who appeared before Paul, there was
a supernatural, spiritual appearance that stood by Paul, and
it was God-ordained. As you read this, a thought from
satan may already be tempting you, saying that Paul was
special, or telling you that those things do not happen,
today. There is Scripture that will destroy those thoughts.
Hebrews 13:8 says that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday,
today and forever. In the Word of God, Jesus has different
names and according to Revelation 19:13, one of the names
is the Word of God. Hebrews 13:8 clearly displays Jesus as
never changing in doctrine, love or in the way in which He
deals with humanity. This further supports that He appears
to people, today.
Also, God does not just pick out certain people and say
that they are to be His special chosen ones. 2 Chronicles
16:9 says, The eyes of the Lord run to and fro over the
whole earth to show Himself strong on the behalf of those
whose heart is perfect toward Him. He isnt looking for
someone who is perfect, but for someone whose heart is
He is looking for those who hunger and are open-minded
towards God and the realm of the Spirit. In James 4:8, God
says, Draw nigh unto Me and I will draw nigh unto you.
He is giving all of humanity an invitation into His presence.
In Psalm 37:4 He says, Delight yourself in the Lord, and
He will give you the desires of your heart.

Releasing Gods Anointing

God does not just choose certain people to be special.

Rather, people choose God to be special to them. This is
why I believe that the Lord appears to people, today. If you
delight in the Lord, He will give you the desires of your
It isnt because of my holiness that I have had visions.
God makes the offer to all. You will notice this same type
of offer in the following passages: Jeremiah 33:3, Jeremiah
29:13, Matthew 6:33, Psalm 34:10, Psalm 23:1, I John
5:14-15, Mark 11:24, Mark 9:23, Ecclesiastes 5:20 and
John 16:24. These are just a few of the many Scriptures
that support the truth that God does not choose certain
people in which to be special. Instead, people choose for
God to be special to them, allowing Him to reveal Himself
to them.

On Friday evening, September 28, 1984, I had a vision.
In the vision, I was preaching in the church I was then
pastoring, and perceived that there was a woman in the
service who needed healing in her body. In my vision, I
called her to the front, and began to pray for her. When she
came forward, I felt someone behind me put their hand on
my right shoulder, and I turned to see who it was. It was
the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
Then Jesus
described to me the womans ailment and said, Pray with
your whole heart, and My anointing will go into her, and
she will be healed.


The Vision of Christ

If you have ever experienced the spirit realm, you know

that when words are spoken, volumes of information are
transmitted. Often times, lips do not move, audible words
are not spoken, yet volumes of information are transmitted.
The way that Jesus told me to pray in that vision is what
this book is about.
On that very Sunday that followed the vision, I finished
preaching and simply acted out what I had experienced in
the vision. I called the woman forward, and asked her if
what Jesus had told me about her physical need was correct.
She admitted the same condition, so I ministered to her in
the way that Jesus had explained, and she was instantly


The instructions Jesus spoke to me during that vision
were so simple. The more I meditate on the experience, the
further I understand the knowledge that was transmitted in
the realm of the Spirit. This is because when Jesus speaks,
His words are alive and forever live. Anything that is alive
must continue to grow, and Gods words are more alive
than anything else in existence. However, the only way His
words can continue to grow in us is by meditating, thinking
and giving those words a place in our lives.
There are several points to be made regarding Jesus
instruction about praying with your whole heart. Matthew
5:8 says, Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see
The Greek word for see in this passage is

Releasing Gods Anointing

optomahee, which means to have a vision. As you study

this passage, you will find that the word heart refers to
the spirit, and there is only one way a person can have a
pure, clean spirit, and that is through being born again.
It is simple to have your heart whole, clean and pure. If
you are already born again, allow that Christ-like spirit that
is within you to have its way, for your spirit is always
willing and wanting to see God. It is your flesh that is
weak and unable to see, comprehend or relate to the things
of God. The things of God are of the Spirit world.
Hebrews 10:21-22 says, Let us draw near (to God) with a
true heart.
God invites all of humanity to live in His presence.
Simply learning to pray with your whole heart will allow
you entrance into the very presence of God. In this
Scripture, God says that we can draw near to Him with a
true heart. If Jesus is the Lord of your life, you have a true,
perfect heart or spirit. The greatest reason for learning to
pray with your whole heart, as Jesus said, is so that
anything you pray for will be instantly manifested.
Psalm 16:11 says, Preserve me, O God: for in thee do I
put my trust. In His presence, we are shown the path of
life. There isnt an entity in existence that knows more
about life at its best, fullest, most satisfying, most exciting
and most complete, than God, Himself. Yes, there is
pleasure in sin, but that pleasure is not as satisfying as
Gods pleasure, because satans pleasure is counterfeit. In
addition to being counterfeit, it will only last for a season,
and then the wages of torment and destruction come.


The Vision of Christ

Even if sin had no ill after-effect, it is of the devil, and the

devil cannot out-do God on any account. If we give in to
sin, we give in to the devil. The pleasures of God are
always more fulfilling, satisfying and exciting than the
pleasures of sin. If you have not yet found that out, get into
Gods presence and see for yourself.
In Gods presence is direction from God, Himself, into
this abundant life and fullness of joy. As you study joy in
this passage of Scripture, you will find this is the same joy
that God experiences. There isnt a fuller joy in existence
than the joy that He experiences, and it can be yours by
simply getting into Gods presence. In His presence is
pleasure, forevermore. Anything else is an extremely cheap
There was a time when my wife and I sold most of our
possessions, walked away from our business and moved
across the United States to pastor a small church of about
15 people. From a natural viewpoint, everything you can
imagine went wrong, yet we were happy in our hearts.
One evening, I was awakened to the fullness of Gods
presence, as I had never experienced it before. When God
wakes you up during the night session, you are more alert
than you would be during the most alert time of your
natural life. None of my natural sensibilities related to this
experience, but the fullness of His person was manifested in
ways that I had never known before.
The Lord spoke to me and said, I love you so much,
more than you could ever possibly imagine, and I am here
to ask if there is anything I can do for you. The Lord was
telling me that He would fulfill my needs, no matter what I

Releasing Gods Anointing

requested. His presence was so awesome, beyond the

human ability to understand. I simply wept and said, Dear
Lord, You are doing it. He was giving me more than
anything this world could possibly even imagine, by simply
being in my presence. Now, if this had happened during a
time when my natural sensibilities were ruling, I would
have given Him a long list of things that I thought were
Although, it might not have been Gods perfect will for us
to pastor that small church, He instilled in our lives a
supernatural foundation. The spiritual experiences occurred
on a daily and sometimes hourly basis. And, although, we
suffered tremendously in the natural realm, we prospered
spiritually. To this day, I have not had the visions and
spiritual experiences that I had during that time of our
God eventually paid us back in the natural, far beyond
what we ever thought would happen in our lives. If your
heart is right, God will even honor your mistakes. When
your heart is right, I am not sure you can even make a
mistake that wont work for your good in the end. God
offers each of us a way of life that is supernatural, and all
we have to do is learn to receive what has already been
given to us.
2 Chronicles 16:9 says, For the eyes of the Lord run to
and fro through the whole earth, to show Himself strong in
the behalf of those whose heart is perfect toward Him.
God isnt looking for people who have arrived at perfection,
because there are none. He is looking for someone like
Abraham, who was counted as perfect and righteous,

The Vision of Christ

because he believed God. God certainly did not choose

Abraham because he had his natural life in order.
It is so simple to have a perfect heart. Man-made
doctrines and doctrines of devils are difficult, but the
doctrines of God are simple. Psalm 119:130 says, The
entrance of Gods Words give light (direction); it gives
understanding to the simple. God isnt in it, if it isnt
Proverbs 23:7 teaches, As a person thinks in their heart
so are they. Your heart is your spirit, and the only way to
think spiritually is with spiritual substance.
There is
nothing more pure and more perfect in spiritual substance
than the eternal Word of God. So, think what God thinks
and says about you.
The Scriptures tell us that we are as Holy as God. We
have Gods exact reputation. The Scripture says that God
cannot find faults or failures in us. According to Colossians
1:22, we are holy, unblameable and unreproveable in His
There are some who become angry at this message,
because they feel as if they have to earn their holiness and
righteousness. But I know that Gods treasures are simply
given to all who read the Word, believe It and act as if It is
the truth. This Godly reputation is too pure, too holy and
too good for any human to earn, so stop trying. This will
only take you further away.
If God sees you differently, it makes no difference how
anyone else thinks or sees you. I choose to believe Gods
report rather than the worlds report. Deuteronomy 4:29


Releasing Gods Anointing

says, If thou shalt seek (desire, require) the Lord thou shalt
find Him, if thou shalt seek (frequently diligently, require)
Him with all thy heart and with all thy soul. When we
want God, to the degree that He is a requirement in our
lives, we will find Him.
In natural life, we have major requirements that must be
met in order to stay alive. We can only live a few minutes
without air, only a few days without water, and only a little
over a month without food. When God becomes as much
of a requirement as food, water or air, then we will find
Many years ago, a dear uncle of mine, Uncle Ben, lost his
youngest son in a car accident. He told me about times he
would go to bed and cry night after night, because he felt
the great torment of deep sorrow. One night, he cried out to
God like never before, Dear God, I have to have help. He
prayed in a whole-hearted fashion. He said that when he
prayed like this, God gave him what he needed in the
manifestation of a vision. From his description, I believe
that my uncle was translated to heaven. The experience
changed his life. The glory of God shone on his face, even
after a year had passed. I believe that he had the same kind
of experience that Moses had when he came into Gods
presence. The torment lifted from his life, and it became
naturally visible that he had been transformed. The key to
his revelation was found in his very words. He told me,
When I became serious with God, He became serious with
If youll learn to pray with your whole heart, you will
receive an instant manifestation. In Matthew 5:6, Jesus

The Vision of Christ

said, If you hunger and thirst you will be filled. The

words hunger and thirst also mean to crave or to starve.
People do not get into Gods dimension, because they are
not hungry or thirsty enough for God. They are like spoiled
children who eat candy all day long and turn up their noses
when a nourishing meal is set before them. They couldnt
eat it, anyway, because they are full of junk that is literally
killing them.
People, today, have their lives so full of the junk of this
temporal world, that they do not have any room for the
things of God. They may even become hateful when you
talk about the things of God. If we, as Christians, will
begin starving out some of the things of this world, the
eternal, supernatural, life-changing Word of God will
become exciting to read and meditate upon. We will be
filled with the supernatural things of God.
When we allow other things in our life to become more
important than the things of God, it becomes difficult and
often impossible to pray with our whole hearts.
In Mark 4:19 Jesus said, And the cares of this world,
deceitfulness of riches, and lust of other things entering in,
choke the Word, and it becometh unfruitful.


And in every work that he began in the service of the house
of God, and in the law, and in the commandments, to seek
his God, he did it with all his heart, and prospered.
2 Chronicles 31:21


Releasing Gods Anointing

Hezekiah knew the secret of seeking the Lord with all of

his heart. Hezekiah knew how to pray with his whole heart.
God spoke to Isaiah, a prophet of God, and told him that
Hezekiah needed to get his house in order, because he was
going to die. When God says something, heaven and earth
will pass away before it doesnt come to pass. The
Scriptures say that Hezekiah set his face to the wall and
turned his attention away from everything else. He forgot
about any problems, ambitions or concerns, and sought God
with his undivided attention. It is evident that Hezekiah
prayed with his whole heart. It didnt take long to receive
his answer from God.
2 Kings 20:1-6 tells about the same story, adding more
details that are not given in the book of Isaiah. Before
Isaiah was out of the middle court of Hezekiahs quarters,
God spoke to him, and told him to turn back and tell
Hezekiah that his prayers had been heard, his tears had been
seen, healing would be manifested and 15 years would be
added to his life.
In studying this story, I found that Hezekiahs exterior
outer court was 600 feet in length. It would only have
taken 15 minutes, at most, for Isaiah to leave Hezekiahs
presence and walk to the middle court.
I have two
observations regarding this. First, God is no respecter of
persons; what He does for one person, He will do for any.
So, we can pray with our whole heart, and God will hear
and answer us in no more time than it took for Hezekiahs
prayer to be answered. Second, Hezekiah was of the Old
Testament. If God will not do for us on a better scale than

The Vision of Christ

what He did for all of those in the Old Testament, then

Jesus didnt need to come; He would have lived and died in
vain. Matthew 11:11 says that you who are least in this era
of time are greater than the greatest of the Old Testament.
Jeremiah 33:3 also addresses the concept of praying with
our whole heart. God says, Call (fall down, cry out with
your whole heart) to Me, and I will answer you and show
you great and mighty things which thou knowest not. He
will show you things that are just for you and prepared for
you, that no one else has ever seen or heard. He will show
you things that have never entered into the heart of anyone.
Just simply call out to Him, and love and live for Him with
your whole heart.


Releasing Gods Anointing


Over the years, I have heard many people talk about Signs
and Wonders. My opinion on this topic, however, is
different than most.
I have written a book entitled,
Neglecting Signs and Wonders is Neglecting the Rapture, in
which I go into detail concerning the true Scriptural
meaning of Signs and Wonders. I will only briefly touch on
this subject in this book.
I use the following meanings when using the words
Signs and Wonders: Signs meaning supernatural
miracles in the realm of the senses, confirming the atoning
work of Christ, Wonders meaning supernatural miracles
in the imagination realm, confirming the atoning work of
Christ. I believe, from a Scriptural standpoint, that Signs
and Wonders mean miracles that the natural, intellectual
mind cannot deny.
I arrived at this opinion through the Scripture, and as a
result of visions that the Lord ordained. Also, I have


What Are Signs and Wonders

extensively researched the topic in resource materials, such

as Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, W.E.
Vines Book on Old and New Testament Words, Youngs
Concordance, the King James Bible and the Amplified
Bible. My studies began in Pusan, Korea, in 1968, as a 17year-old soldier, and continue to this day.
Exodus 14:13-29 is a perfect example of a situation in
which a wondrous manifestation occurs. The Red Sea is
about 1,700 feet deep, but the power of God came into
operation, causing the walls of water to form a large
passageway through the waters. The floor of the sea
became dry ground, as the children of Israel walked to
deliverance on the other side.
In Matthew 15:30-38, Jesus healed the multitudes.
In Joshua 10, God hearkened to Joshuas command that
the sun and the moon stand still, and they instantly obeyed.
Matthew 14:28 finds Jesus and Peter walking on the sea.
Peter received his faith from hearing the Word of God. He
heard only one word, Come. You might be thinking that
Peter heard Jesus speak many other times, but so did the
other disciples who were in that same boat.
It should also be noted that, today, we have a more sure
Word, than those who lived in Biblical times. Therefore,
we should be doing that much more.
In 2 Peter 1:17-21, Peter tells us that through the
inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the Scriptures are a more sure
Word than God speaking in an audible voice. Peter was
recalling the transfiguration of Jesus on the mount, when
His face did shine in the sun and His raiment was as white

Releasing Gods Anointing

as the light. A bright cloud overshadowed them, and a

voice out of heaven said, This is my beloved Son in whom
I am well pleased. Peter said, We have a more sure
Word, which is the Scriptures. Yes, the Scripture is surer
than God speaking to His own Son in an audible voice.
In Acts 8:39-40, Philip was translated at least 20 miles.
In John 11, Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead, after he
had been dead for four days. Once again, an undeniable
miracle was instantly manifested in such a way that even
the atheist would have to admit that there is a God Who
supersedes all gods.
In John 14:12, Jesus said, Verily, verily I say unto you,
he that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do
also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go
unto My Father. Jesus was closing out His dispensation
for a greater dispensation of God to come into existence.
Being filled with the Holy Spirit is the fullest expression of
God in this world. Ephesians 1:22-23 says, the church,
which is His body, the fullness of Him, which filleth all and
all. I John 4:17 says, as He (God) is; so are we in this
John 14:13 continues, Whatsoever you shall ask in
Jesus name, that will He do, that the Father be glorified in
the Son. He is telling us that whatever we ask in His
name, He will do it!
In the early 1900s, Dr. Nelson was one of the leading
Greek scholars in the world. Ive heard Brother Kenneth
Hagin talk of the many times he sat under Dr. P.C. Nelsons
teachings. During one such ministers meeting, I heard


What Are Signs and Wonders

Brother Hagin retell Dr. Nelsons explanation of the phrase

in verse 13, I will do it to be better understood in the
English language as, If you ask anything in my name, and
if it doesnt exist, I will make it for you.
Certainly, it is plain from Scripture that the phrase,
anything that one would ask would include Signs and


In John 17:22, Jesus prayed that we would have the same
glory that He had and has. The word glory stands for
Gods very reputation. Signs and Wonders are something
that God wants manifested through His Church of simple
believers. Mark 16:17 says that Signs would follow the
believer. A person becomes a believer immediately upon
accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
Ephesians 1:17-23 and 3:14-20 outline a prayer that the
Holy Spirit gave to the Church. I have heard Brother
Kenneth Hagin say that he had been in the ministry for
several years, but it wasnt until he started praying this
prayer, that he began to understand the deeper things of
God. I can say the same thing with much confidence.
Verse 18 of this prayer says, Pray that the eyes of our
understanding be enlightened (deeply understood in our
spirits, minds and flesh) that we may know what is the
riches of His glory to us as saints of God. Glory in this

Releasing Gods Anointing

verse means reputation. Gods reputation or glory has

many meanings, such as holy or pure, but it is also about
Signs and Wonders.
Jesus, the perfect will and voice of God in the earth, said
in John 17:18, As thou (God) has sent Me into this world,
even so have I also sent them (us) into the world.
John 17 was Jesus intercessory prayer for the Church,
today, and Jesus always had His prayers answered!
According to 2 Corinthians 4:1, we have been given this
ministry, this treasure in earthen vessels. The treasure is
Gods glory, His reputation for the believer, today.
2 Corinthians 3:7 talks about the glory that was in Moses
ministry and life, to such a degree that it caused His face to
shine. In 2 Corinthians 3:10, God says that Moses didnt
have glory compared to what is available for the believer,
today. 2 Corinthians 3:17-18 gives directions as to how we
can be changed into this same image of Gods glory. This
is only accomplished by continuing to look into Gods
Word. His Word and Spirit change us from glory to a more
mature glory.
2 Corinthians 4:6-7 says that this ministry is the
knowledge of the glory of God, and we have been given
this treasure in earthen vessels. These earthen vessels are
our mortal bodies, here, on earth, and will not be found in
heaven. In 2 Corinthians 4:10-11, the Scriptures say that
the treasure in earthen vessels is the life of Jesus being
manifest in our bodies or in our mortal flesh. Signs and
Wonders are supposed to occur in a humans mortal flesh.


What Are Signs and Wonders


The most prominent word for save, both in the Old and
New Testament, means health, healing, prosperity, to be
made whole, soundness, preservation and deliverance.
Modern Bibles, such as the King James Version, New
International Version, as well as many others, use words
such as healing, health, prosperity, and deliverance or to be
made whole, while the original Greek and Hebrew use the
same word to mean all of these terms.
For example, in John 3:17, 47, Ephesians 2:8-9 and
Romans 10:9, the word save or saved is used with the
Greek word sozo. Sozo means healing, health, prosperity,
deliverance or to be made whole (see Strongs #4982). The
text refers to people receiving salvation, the new birth and
eternal divine life from God. Mark 6:56 tells that when
Jesus entered into the villages or cities, as many as touched
Him were made whole. In this verse, once again, the Greek
word sozo is used.
Luke 6:6-10 says, And it came to pass also on another
Sabbath, that He entered into the synagogue and taught:
and there was a man whose right hand was withered
(shrunken, deformed). And the scribes and Pharisees
watched Him, whether He would heal on the Sabbath day;
that they might find an accusation against Him. But He
knew their thoughts, and said to the man which had the
withered hand, Rise up, and stand forth in the midst. And
he arose and stood forth. Then said Jesus unto them, I will

Releasing Gods Anointing

ask you one thing; Is it lawful on the Sabbath days to do

good, or to do evil? To save life, or to destroy it?
Again, the word save is the Greek word sozo. Jesus
was referring to the mans hand being recreated, making
that which was not there, to be made whole. In the next
verse, that is exactly what happened, And looking round
about upon them all, He said unto the man, Stretch forth thy
hand. And he did so: and his hand was restored whole as
the other (verse 10).
Healing, saving, delivering, prosperity and being made
whole are all interchangeable terms. I encourage you to
expect, have confidence in, and start allowing the ministry
of Signs and Wonders to operate in your life for Gods
If someone knocked on our door and cried, Please help
me. I dont want to go to hell, we would probably pray
Romans 10:9-10 with them. This would give them the
assurance of going to heaven, according to the highest
authority in existence.
If someone came to our door and cried, I heard you are a
child of the living God and can help me. Please, help me. I
am missing an eye (or some other body part), what would
happen? Is the temporal miracle or the eternal more
difficult? The missing body part being made whole is a
temporal miracle, and to be born again is an eternal miracle.
They are asking for a part of salvation, the simplest part, as
eternal life is the most difficult part.
There are some people who do not get all there is to get
when it comes to salvation. I know of some who dont


What Are Signs and Wonders

believe in healing, yet they exhibit some of the most

genuine attributes of Christ in their life. I know good
Christian people who live with sickness all of their lives,
die, and go to heaven. They never received all the salvation
that was available to them. I know Christians who live in
great financial trouble, but still go to heaven when they die.
They also received only a part of salvation. Missing body
parts being made instantly whole is just another part of
salvation. It is the simplest part, and it is just as legitimate
as the rest.
The fact is that if there isnt any manifestation of this
wholeness in ministry, salvation doesnt exist because they
are the exact same word. If God can instantly do the most
difficult, He can do the simplest. Keep in mind the
simplicity of salvation, as seen in Ephesians 2:8-9 and
Romans 10:8-10. Also keep in mind that Signs and
Wonders are the simplest form of salvation.


Hebrews 13:8 is clear when it says that Jesus is the same
yesterday, today and forever. This was as true during the
healings in Jesus time, as it is today. Several times in His
earthly ministry, Jesus ministered to great multitudes that
easily numbered 12,000. In every case, Jesus healed (or
gave all of sozo that was needed) them all. The maimed, in
these great numbers, instantly received their body parts.
See Matthew 4:23, 8:16, 9:35, 12:15, 14:14 and 15:30-31.


Releasing Gods Anointing


And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.
Mark 11:22
Jesus tells us to have faith in God. Some Bible versions
translate this as having the God-kind-of-faith. In verse 23,
Jesus teaches how to have Gods kind of faith. If you
believe Gods Word, then you should follow Jesus
instructions in Mark 11:22. Here, Jesus said that we could
have faith in God, and in the following verse He explained
how. Jesus mentioned the word believing only one time,
and He mentioned the word saying three times. So, we
should speak the promises of God, for which we are
believing, three times more than we believe. This is not
legalism; it is using the power of God. If you want more of
Gods power, use His principles more.




For many years, I was of the opinion that in the last days
God would pour out His Spirit, and there would be Signs
and Wonders. To a degree, I still believe that this is true. In
looking at the Scriptures, I now plainly see that God will
pour out His Spirit in the last days, but it will be because
we are already involved in a ministry of Signs and
This chapter will expound upon the clear
doctrine that Signs and Wonders are a ministry of the last
days, and that the world will know of Gods glory. For
further information about this topic, I have written a book
entitled, If We Neglect Signs and Wonders, We Neglect the


Releasing Gods Anointing


The Church has a job to complete before the rapture can
take place. This world must know that God is the only true
God, and that He is a good God. The world does not know
God, and will not know or understand Him unless we bring
Him to their level of understanding, just as He did for the
people of Egypt when He delivered the children of Israel.
The Egyptians did not accept God, but they could not say
that God did not make a way of salvation for them that was
on their level and was undeniably God.
Isaiah 34 and 35 clearly highlight what will happen
during the end-times. Isaiah 35:2 says that Carmel and
Sharon will see the glory (the reputation of God in all of
His splendor and might) of the Lord and the excellence of
God. Carmel refers to small nations or places, and Sharon
refers to prosperous great places. This passage is in
agreement with Luke 3:6, where Jesus said that all flesh
shall see the salvation (healing and miracles that are
undeniable, such as missing body parts being made
instantly whole) of God.
Isaiah 35:3-8 continues, the weak hands will be
strengthened and the feeble knees will be confirmed. The
blinded eyes will be opened and the deaf will receive
hearing. The lame will leap as a hart and those unable to
speak will receive the ability to speak.
Verse 8 brings attention to the fact that the way of true
Godly holiness is for those who are wayfaring. In the


Signs and Wonders Will Bring the Last Days

Hebrew, wayfaring people are those who live, set the course
of their life, and exist because of their conversation. Their
lifestyle is based upon the words that come from their
mouths. They are the redeemed, living a supernatural life.
This passage of Scripture paints a clear picture of a glorious
Church in the last days.
Joel 2:28 says, God will pour out His Spirit upon all
flesh. This is a depiction of the last days being filled with
the ministry of Signs and Wonders. There is further
correlation between Joel 2:28-32 and Acts 2:17-21. The
Scriptures do not say that everyone will be saved, but they
do say that all will experience His Spirit being poured out
upon their flesh.
I returned from Monterey, Mexico, where I held a Signs
and Wonders Crusade, in which there were more miracles
than I could remember. However, some of the local pastors
kindly let me know that they disagreed with the healing and
giving of miracles to those who were not born again and
had no relationship with God. I explained that salvation is
a manifold blessing.
The word salvation means many things in its original
language, both in the Old and New Testament. It means to
have eternal life imparted to someone accepting Jesus
Christ as their Lord, as well as, healing, to be made whole,
to have health or to have financial prosperity.
I told them that there are many Christians who have
sickness in their bodies and will still go to heaven. It is
evident that they do not have all of the salvation God has
offered to the human race. In like manner, a sinner could
receive healing or a miracle, and yet not have eternal life. I

Releasing Gods Anointing

explained that healings, miracles and Signs and Wonders

are tools for evangelism. As Howard Carter said many
years ago, These gifts are the dinner bell for the Gospel.
In this particular crusade, I also noticed that many more
people were accepting Jesus as their Lord, and I believe it
was because the Gospel was demonstrated to them, rather
than being presented as just another convincing speech
about the right path to follow. Our records showed that
everyone who received healing or a miracle, also accepted
Jesus as their Lord. I can understand this, because healing
and miracles are demonstrations of Gods love.
In fact, when you minister in this fashion, the people
should know that miracles and Signs and Wonders are only
a small portion of Gods love. There is much more love
from God to be received, when they accept Jesus as their
Lord. Most will go on to experience this fuller salvation.
Even if they do not, those who are nearby will see and
witness this demonstration of a good and loving Father, and
will accept Him and tell others. When all flesh experiences
Gods Holy Spirit upon them, there remains no excuse to
not know the goodness and loving-kindness of God.
Joel 2:30 describes the wonders of the last days. The
blood refers to the miracles that take place as a result of the
atoning blood of Jesus Christ. The fire refers to the
lightning, or rays of light, that are a product of Gods power
or reputation. According to Habakkuk 3:4, they are also the
hiding place of Gods power. According to 2 Chronicles
5:13-14, the pillars of smoke refer to Gods Shekinah glory.
Joel 2:3-11 further illustrates the Signs and Wonders of the


Signs and Wonders Will Bring the Last Days

last days, where nothing shall escape the great move of

Be glad then, ye children of Zion, and rejoice in the Lord
your God: for He hath given you the former rain
moderately, and He will cause to come down for you the
rain, the former rain, and the latter rain in the first
month (Joel 2:23).
All the former and latter rains of the Lord will take place
in one month. If this referred to natural rains on the earth,
there would be oceans of water covering every square foot
of the earth. If it referred to natural water, there would be
such a saturation, that no one could escape the waters.
Rather, this passage refers to the great movement and
manifestation of God.
The former rains signify the greatest moves of God from
the beginning of time to this present age, and the latter
rains signify the greatest moves of God from the present
time through the future. It becomes clear that the whole
earth will know the ministry of Signs and Wonders in the
last days. Everyone will be touched by it, and will be very
aware of it.
I Peter 1:5 tells of a salvation that is to be revealed or has
been reserved for the last days, Who are kept by the power
of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in
the last time.
The word salvation in this verse has the same meaning
as in Hebrews 2:3, in which salvation refers to Signs and


Releasing Gods Anointing

Ephesians 5:25-27 teaches that there will be a glorious

Church presented to the Lord. The Church will not be
presented until the rapture takes place. A glorious Church
will be one that has the very reputation of God, and that is
the meaning of the word glory. If the Church that is to be
raptured is glorious, there is once again a ministry of Signs
and Wonders for the last days.
I John 3:2 says, when the Lord shall appear, we shall
be like Him. He will not appear until we are like Him, and
to be like the Lord is to have His reputation. To have His
reputation is to be involved in the ministry of Signs and
I John 3:3 says, And everyone that has this hope in him
purify themselves, even as God, Himself, is pure. The
Scripture didnt say that we had to believe or have faith to
be pure, as God is pure. It simply said that if you had hope,
you would be like Jesus, and become pure, as He is pure.
Our Heavenly Father is so good to make such a
supernatural impossible, unreachable thing, natural and


God wants the world to know of His goodness, and the
whole world will know, especially in the last times.
Isaiah 52:10 says that all the ends of the earth shall see
the salvation of our God. It says, shall see, so it hasnt
happened, yet. Isaiah 53 talks about the death of Jesus and
the price He paid, So by His knowledge shall many be

Signs and Wonders Will Bring the Last Days

justified. Justified means to be just like Him (see I John

4:17). Luke 3:6 says that all flesh shall see the salvation of
God. Once again, salvation has the same meaning as in
Hebrews 2:3.
Salvation is the demonstration of Gods supernatural
Signs and Wonders. One example of this is found in
Exodus 14:13, where Moses said, see the salvation of
God, and then parted the Red Sea. Salvation in this
passage clearly demonstrates the miraculous workings of
Psalm 50:23 says, (the person) that ordereth their
conversation aright (speaks only God-ordained words) will
see the salvation of God. God made the excellency of His
power available to all of humanity.
Isaiah 66:18 talks about a time when all nations and
tongues shall see the glory of God. Isaiah 40:5 says, And
the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall
see it together: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.
Never has all of humanity experienced the glory, the
reputation of God all at once. When the Church comes to
the maturity of Gods glory, His reputation will flood the
earth with the supernatural like the earth has never known
or seen.
God has always had a principle of drawing near to those
who draw near to Him, when He sees people using His
Word to fulfill Signs and Wonders. It so touches His heart
that He gives a hundredfold blessing of Signs and Wonders
upon and through the doer of His Word.


Releasing Gods Anointing

When the rapture takes place, we shall be like Him. He is

coming for a glorious Church, and the Church will be at its
ultimate maturity when the rapture takes place.
Isaiah 60:1-2 says, Arise, shine; for thy light is come and
the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. For, behold, the
darkness shall cover the earth and gross darkness the
people; but the Lord shall arise upon thee and His Glory
shall be seen upon thee.
It is Gods glory that will be upon the Church. Those who
have the Gospel are anointed to do the works of Jesus.
Those who do not have the Gospel, do not have the
anointing to do the works to Jesus.
The anointing is first for the preaching of the Gospel. It is
second for binding up the broken-hearted, who are
oppressed of the devil. Third, it gives liberty to those who
are in captivity, under the obsession of the devil. Fourth, it
opens the prisons of those who are possessed of the devil.
(I go into these three steps of satanic warfare in simpler and
greater detail in my book entitled, Understanding Your
Worst Enemy.) Fifth, the anointing will give you the ability
to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, as quoted by
Jesus in Luke 4:18.
Jesus taught about the time of jubilee as something for all
who desire to receive it from the time of His days on earth
until the rapture. This is a time of freedom from anything
that comes against us. These five areas of anointing are all
supernatural, and they are the Signs that follow only those
who have the Gospel.


Signs and Wonders Will Bring the Last Days

Isaiah 61:11 teaches that this righteousness will spring

forth before all nations, and the world will know of the
greatness and riches of the goodness of the Lord. This
teaching isnt something we should do only if it is
convenient, as it is a commandment from God. Psalm 96:3
says, Declare His glory among the heathen and His
wonders among all people. This is really a commandment
from God. However, it is something even more precious
than that. It is an invitation to live in the same dimension
that God, Himself, lives in, as well as, an opportunity to
take others with you.
I Chronicles 16:24 gives this same invitation or
ordination. Habakkuk 2:14 says, The earth shall be filled
with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters
cover the sea. For this knowledge to cover the earth
makes it plain that all earth will know of Gods glory.
Psalm 105 tells of God bringing His people out of Egypt
with Signs and Wonders. Verse 37 says, and there was
not a feeble person among them. In over two million
people, there was no type of sickness or disease. Israel
coming out of Egypt is a type of the rapture of the Church.
The world will know of a supernatural, victorious Church.
A Church of this caliber will make the news. The Church is
to be Christ-like.
God is so full of love and compassion. He has and
always will come to our level. Jesus came to Thomas
level, so that he would believe. Thomas said, Unless I see,
I will not believe. Jesus said that it is better to believe and
not see. However, Jesus did come to Thomas level, and
Thomas believed. In John 4:48, Jesus also said, Except

Releasing Gods Anointing

you see signs and wonders you will not believe. Then He
performed a miracle, so that belief would be manifested.
Verse 50 said that the man believed the Word of God, but
this belief did not occur until after Jesus had ministered
Signs and Wonders in his presence. God loves the whole
world, and He will come to anyones level, as long as it
does not violate His Word.
Romans 15:18-19 teaches that the Gentiles became
obedient to Gods Word, because of Signs and Wonders.
God will give the whole world one last chance to become
obedient to His Word, as people move into the ministry of
Signs and Wonders.




is Gods will for Signs and Wonders to be in

manifestation, whenever there is a need for them, in order
that peoples needs and desires are met and the Father be
glorified. We can mature to the place that Signs and
Wonders come into operation, as we will, for God is always
Hebrews 5:13-14 and I Peter 2:1-2 teaches that the Word
of God will mature us. By simply reading Gods Word, we
can come into an understanding and maturity for Signs and
Wonders to start working in our lives, that the Father may
be glorified. I Corinthians 12:11 says, But all these
worketh that one and the self-same spirit, dividing to every
man severally as he will.


Releasing Gods Anointing

According to English grammar, the word man is an

antecedent, in which the pronoun he refers to mankind
and not to the Spirit. The word for which a pronoun stands
is called its antecedent. Pronouns should have definite
antecedents, and should be placed as close to their
antecedents as possible. A pronoun should not appear to
refer to either of two antecedents.
So, regardless of what tradition has taught, proper English
grammar declares that he refers to man and not to God in
this passage. (When tradition teaches this doctrine, they
usually use I Corinthians 12:11, and interpret it as the gifts
of the Spirit are divided to every man severally as the Holy
Spirit wills.)
As I was teaching this material at a Signs and Wonders
conference in Monterey, Mexico, one of the Pastors told me
that in the Spanish Bible the pronoun he refers to
humanity and not to the Holy Spirit.
Oftentimes, people will use John 3:34 as another
supporting verse to show that God gave the Holy Spirit to
Jesus without measure. The insinuation is that humanity is
given Gods Holy Spirit by measure. The words unto
him in John 3:34 would solidify this train of thought. The
words unto him are italicized in most Bibles, indicating
that they are not in the original, correct writing. God gives
His Holy Spirit without measure, not only to Jesus, but to
humanity, as well.
I am not as interested in disproving their doctrine, as I am
proving that all of the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the
fullness of God are to be in manifestation as man wills.
God is always willing to promote His goodness to whatever

Understanding the Precise Will of God Concerning Miracles

degree, in order to bless humanity. According to the

Scriptures, this is the will of God concerning this issue.
The gifts of the Spirit come into operation as your will
comes into agreement with Gods will to bless humanity to
whatever degree needed. I Corinthians 13:15 says, I will
pray in the Spirit and I will sing in the Spirit. This
contains the understood principle that I can pray or sing in
the Spirit, as well as I can sing or pray with my
understanding. Speaking in tongues is the least of the gifts,
but it is the prerequisite for the others.
This gift is in operation as a person wills, and not only as
God wills. There is an experience in tongues that deals
with diversity of tongues and is instigated by God,
however, this gift comes after we have instigated the simple
form of tongues. There is a gift of speaking in tongues that
is supernatural and comes from God as the person wills, not
only as God wills.
In John 14:12-14, Jesus tells that the works that He did,
shall we do, also. Twice, Jesus said that if we will ask
anything in His name, He would do it. In order to be able
to do everything that Jesus did, and have the privilege to
ask for whatever we want to be done and have it done, we
will have to be able to minister all the gifts and the
anointing of God, as this is what Jesus did.


The Word of God is the will of God. Ephesians 1:9 says,
Having made known unto us the mystery of His (Gods)

Releasing Gods Anointing

will This is a truth that is in the past tense. Ephesians

3:3 says, How that by revelation He (God) made known
unto me (Paul) the mystery. The will of God is referred to
as the mystery. The book of Ephesians is all one letter.
Epistle means letter. Ephesians 3:4 says, Whereby,
when you read, you may understand my knowledge in (or
of) the mystery of Christ. When you read the Word of
God, you read the will of God.
In Ephesians 5:17, God gives us a commandment to be
not unwise, but understanding of the Lords will. If God
commands us to do something we cannot do, He would be
bad and unfair. God commands us to know His will,
because we can know it by simply reading His Word.
Gods commandments are privileges of opportunity, and not
a type of religious bondage.
I Thessalonians 4:2-3 says, For you know what
commandments we gave you by the Lord Jesus, for this is
the will of God. The commandments or words of God are
Gods will.
According to Deuteronomy 29:29, the secret things
belong to God, but the things that are revealed (published,
shown openly) 2 belong unto us and to our children forever,
that we may do all the words of the law (the words or
commandments of God).
Most of the time, the scholars who translated our modern
Bible did a superior job. However, any time words are
translated from one language to another, problems can
arise. In this case, the word revealed in Deuteronomy

Strong, James. Strongs Exhaustive Concordance. Massachusetts: Hendrickson Publishers, pg. 843.


Understanding the Precise Will of God Concerning Miracles

29:29, lets us know the written Word belongs to us that we

may do it. If we do not do it, we will not enjoy the fullness
of what God has for us. I Corinthians 2:9 teaches, God
has things prepared for them that love Him that eye hath not
seen, ear has not heard, but God hath revealed them unto us
by His Sprit, yes, even the deep things of God. This
revealing comes through the Spirit and John 1:1 says, In
the beginning the Word was with God and was God.
These are Scriptures that validate the concept that the Spirit
and the Word of God are the same.
There is a hidden will in man that only mans spirit would
know. In like manner, Gods Spirit knows more about God
than anyone else. Through the Spirit of God or the Word of
God, we can know things that are of that realm.
I Corinthians 2:13 goes into greater detail about how the
Holy Spirit does this by comparing Scripture with


There are many verses that tell us what we have and can
do with Gods will. Brother John Osteen often said that he
could do what God said he could do, and that he was who
God said he was. That is a good Scriptural statement to
keep in mind during this segment.
2 Peter 1:3-4 says, According as Gods divine power (the
greatest power in existence) hath (past tense) given us all
things that pertain to this life and God likeness (which is the
true meaning of Godliness), through (or by) the knowledge

Releasing Gods Anointing

of God (there is only one way to get the knowledge of God,

and that is by the Holy Scriptures) that hath called us to
glory and virtue.
We have been called unto glory (Gods reputation) and
virtue (Gods power), according to the knowledge of Gods
Verse 4 calls attention to the exceeding great and precious
promises of Gods Word. It is through these promises that
we become partakers of Gods divine nature. If you are a
partaker of Gods nature, and have already been given
everything that pertains to Gods likeness, you could move
into any of the gifts of God at your discretion.
When you begin to see these truths, and allow Gods will
to become your will, supernatural life starts becoming
active, when the need is present. In John 17:18, Jesus said,
As He was sent from the Father in like manner now are we
sent by Him. Everything that Jesus did is available to us,
In John 17:22, Jesus prayed to the Father, and asked Him
to give all of humanity the same glory that He had. Jesus
always prayed the perfect will of God, and His prayers were
always answered. So, this is now ours. However, just
because something exists does not necessarily mean that
you know it or that you know how to use it.
If someone gave you a rocket ship, and you did not know
how to use it, it would not mean that it was not yours.
Hosea 4:6 teaches us that Gods people are destroyed for
a lack of knowledge. Signs and Wonders have not been in
manifestation among Gods people, because they either do

Understanding the Precise Will of God Concerning Miracles

not know what belongs to them, or they do not have

knowledge to operate with the gifts.
In John 3:34, the Scriptures tell us that God gives His
Spirit without measure. If God gives us His Spirit without
measure, at our will we can do all the mind and intent of
God. In case you believe this verse refers only to Jesus,
there are other verses that support this teaching.
Matthew 28:18, Jesus said that all miracle-working power
was given to Him. In Ephesians 1:22-23, Jesus gave all
things to the Church, which is His body, the fullness of Him
that filleth all and all.
If the will of God is to be
accomplished in this world, we, the body of Christ, who is
the highest expression of God in this world, are going to
have to do it.
Colossians 1:26 talks about the mystery of the ages,
which is now made manifest in us. It is Christ in us, the
hope of God being glorified. There was a time when God
had so much hope that He would be well glorified, that He
sent Jesus to this earth. Jesus did His job, perfectly. Now,
God has that same hope in us. God had confidence that
Jesus would adequately pay the price, so that we would be
able to replace Him in this earth. The Church is the living
Christ reincarnated.
John 16:24 says, Ask and you shall receive that your joy
be full. The decision is yours. In John 6:28-29, the
disciples asked Jesus what they should do that they might
work the works of God; what prerequisite would they have
to meet in order to function in the miracle-working power
of God? Jesus gave us the answer: Believe on Him that
God hath sent. Keep in mind that Jesus was, is and always

Releasing Gods Anointing

will be the Word of God (see Revelation 19:13, Hebrews

13:8 and John 1:14).
If you want the miracle-working power of God to be in
operation, find Scripture to support doing it and do it. If
you only read it and do not do it, you do not Scripturally
believe that it is true. Genesis 11 tells a story about an
ungodly group of people who were building a tower, in
order to gain the power of God. In verses 6 and 7, God said
that if He did not stop them, nothing that they could
imagine would be restrained from them. That is what God,
Himself, said about them.
Now, these people were ungodly people. These people
were of the Old Testament.
If Godly people cannot
supersede ungodly people, then we are serving the wrong
god. We are of the New Testament, and it is established
upon better promises than the Old Testament. It is not
better, if we do not have more than the Old Testament saints
or the heathen. If we as children of God cannot have the
blessings of the Old Testament, then Jesus died in vain, and
He did not die in vain (see Hebrews 7:19-22, 8:6, 10:1).



Scripture teaches that God is greater than satan.

Love is
greater than hate.
Righteousness is greater than
unrighteousness. Grace is greater than sin. God and His
works are greater than satan and all of his works. This
chapter establishes the fact that Gods grace is greater than
sin. Scripture makes it evident that Gods power and
anointing can only be in operation, based upon unmerited
favor. When you understand the holiness and perfection of
God, you come to the perfect understanding that the only
way any person could ever receive anything from God,
would have to be on the basis of Gods goodness and His
unmerited favor.
Ephesians 2:8-9 says, For by grace you are saved
through faith. We are saved by grace (totally unmerited
favor) through faith. Faith is believing what Gods Word


Releasing Gods Anointing

says, and then acting like it is true with every part of our
being. So then, we are saved by Gods grace, through or by
believing what Gods Word says, and then acting like it is
The Book of Judges tells the story of Samsons life.
Samson had a big problem avoiding illicit sexual behavior
with several different women.
Judges 16:1 says that
Samson went to Gaza and saw a harlot (a prostitute), and he
went in unto her. In verse 2, the Gazites found out where
Samson was and lay in wait for him all night. The soldiers
were waiting in the gate of the city and were quiet all the
night saying, In the morning, when it is day, we shall kill
Samson. In verse 3, Samson laid with a prostitute until
midnight. He then rose and took the doors and the two
posts of the gate and went away with them, carrying them
upon his shoulders to the top of a hill that is before Hebron.
There is a great magnitude to this miracle. According to
Judges 15:15, Samson had the reputation of singlehandedly slaying a thousand men. The men waiting for him
were most likely a larger group of men than this, or they
wouldnt have thought that they could overcome him. The
previous battle, described in Judges 14, had to have been
still fresh in their minds.
Again, proving the magnitude of this miracle was that
Samson carried the doors and two gateposts from Gaza to
the top of the hill that is before Hebron (Hebron is located
190 miles from Gaza). This was a supernatural event, a
clear manifestation of Gods miracle-working power in
operation. Samson illustrated a major point. If God will
allow His miracle-working power to operate for a man deep

Gods Grace: The Prerequisite For Signs and Wonders

in sin, then His anointing will be in operation for us to use

to honor and glorify His name through miracles. It was
very foolish for Samson to pull up the gates of the city and
carry them 190 miles. There are many greater miracles that
would bless humanity, such as, commanding legs that have
been removed to manifest, so that people would experience
blessings, both naturally and spiritually, that God be
Another observation is that Samson called on Gods
miracle-working power, as he crawled out of bed with a
prostitute, yet God heard and answered Samsons request.
This did not happen based on Samsons close walk with
God, but rather through the grace of God. You can live in
sin, and Gods goodness and grace will work for you,
because Gods grace is greater than sin. However, there is
also another law in operation, and that is the law of sin and
Romans 8:1-2 tells about the two laws that are in
existence. The first is the law of the Spirit of life that
comes from God. The second is the law of sin and death
that comes from satan. The law of the Spirit of life cannot
be stopped from operation, as God causes this law to
operate. Nothing, not even sin or satan, can stop this law.
God is not unrighteous or dishonest.
He does not
interfere if a person willingly chooses to live by the law of
sin and death. In Judges 16:27-31, Samsons eyes were put
out, because he knew and was willing to operate in the law
of sin and death. He put his hands upon two pillars that
supported a large building. The roof of the building had
3,000 people on it (the pillars must have been quite large in

Releasing Gods Anointing

order to support that many people). Keep in mind that God

knows everything; He knows every thought in our minds.
Samson said, Lord, let me avenge myself to destroy all of
these people (and myself as well). Samson asked God to
give even greater anointing on his life, so that he could die,
and God did it.
Gods grace is greater than sin. Samson knew about the
grace of God, and it worked for him, even while he was
deep in sin. God is no respecter of persons; it will work for
you the same way. God is the same yesterday, today and
forever. Keep in mind, that if you want to operate in both
laws, like Samson, who was tortured by having his eyes
burned out with a hot iron, the decision is yours.
Call on the power of God and know that it is only
by His grace that miracles, as the world has never seen
before, will come to be manifested. Discover the riches of
His goodness toward you, and you will not want to sin.
God is greater than satan and all of satans laws. The
pleasures of sin are putrefying in comparison to the
pleasures that God offers humanity. According to John
14:27, God has a peace (a tranquil lifestyle) that passes all
knowledge. Call on the power of God, and know that it is
only by His grace that miracles will be manifested.
Discover the riches of His goodness toward you.


I want us to do a small study of the miracle ministry of
Jesus, looking only at the book of Matthew. In Matthew

Gods Grace: The Prerequisite For Signs and Wonders

4:23-24, Jesus went about all of Galilee teaching in their

synagogues and preaching the Gospel of the kingdom and
healing all.
In Matthew 8:16, in the region of Capernaum, Jesus
healed all who were sick.
Matthew 9:35 says, Jesus went about all the cities and
He healed every sickness and every disease. Many did not
intend to become followers of Christ, even if He healed
them, yet He healed them all.
In Matthew 12:15, Great multitudes followed Him and
He healed them all.
In Matthew 14:14, Great multitudes followed Him and
He healed them all.
In Matthew 15:30, Great multitudes followed Him and
He healed them all. If you would take a great multitude
out of any city in the world, today, there would be every
kind of sinful person that you could imagine in need of
healing or wholeness. It was a great manifestation of Gods
grace that was being depended upon, and Jesus is the same
yesterday, today and forever.
The Book of Matthew clearly demonstrates that Gods
miracle-working power has one major prerequisite, and that
is grace. Jesus went about all of Galilee, healing all. There
must have been a considerable number of people in all of
Galilee, of every sinful nature you can think of, who needed
healing. Jesus healed them all, saint and sinner, alike.
In I Corinthians 1:7, Paul said that the Church at
Corinth had all of the gifts of the Spirit of God in operation.
All of the gifts of the Spirit can be criticized by skeptics as

Releasing Gods Anointing

being a manipulation of man, with the exception of the gift

of working miracles. There can be no trickery or deception
when a person born without legs instantly has them
manifested, or when a person of God stands before a nation
and commands a sea (1,700 feet in depth) to part, and it
does. Modern science at its best cannot deny that a God of
such feats would have to be a God of no competition. The
Church of Corinth had all of the gifts of the Spirit in full
In I Corinthians 3:1-3, Paul rebuked the Church and
called them babes or immature Christians, as well as, carnal
Christians. It is only by the grace of God for immature,
carnal Christians to have all of the gifts of the Spirit
operating in their lives. Galatians 5:4 says, Christ is
become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are
justified (receives anything from God) by the law (efforts of
humanity) you are fallen from grace. If Christ is become of
no effect to us, and we have fallen from grace, we are
eternally hell bound. Only by grace and through faith in
Jesus Christ can anyone receive eternal life.
You must rely totally upon Gods grace for the greatest
miracle (eternal life) and understand that all salvation
(including healing and the manifestation of miracles) comes
in the same way. If you try another way, you will not only
not see results, but you also will fall from grace, and Christ
will be of no effect in you.
I Corinthians 3:13 tells us that we have been called unto
liberty, but warns us to not use liberty for an occasion to the
flesh. He has given us such liberty or grace, that we can
sin, and His grace is sufficient. But dont do it. Gods

Gods Grace: The Prerequisite For Signs and Wonders

grace is a license to sin, but only a fool would use a liberty

that is so full, so supernatural, for the lowest form of
pleasure sin.
Once we understand how awesome, pure and holy God
and everything He has is, we can understand that the only
way to receive or be in Gods presence is on the basis of
His divine grace. We can become like God through His
grace, and understand that the smaller issues of His power
exist by that same grace (see I Peter 1:15-16).
In Matthew 10:8, Jesus gave His disciples the command
to heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out
devils, freely (gratuitously) you have received, so freely
(gratuitously) give. The only way to receive such divine,
supernatural power is by grace. Once you understand how
freely and easily it is received, you will understand how
freely and easily it can be given away.
This power belongs to us, just as it did to the disciples in
Jesus day. Jesus said in John 17:18, As thou (God) hast
sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them (us)
into the world. All of chapter 17 should be read in order to
understand that it was the intercessory prayer of Jesus for
all people; from the moment He prayed this prayer until the
end of time. Jesus prayed that we, today, would have the
same glory that He had in John 17:22.
Hebrews 10:1 tells that the law, the Old Testament, could
not make people perfect (complete in growth, be of full age
to be fully matured). Verse 14 tells that it is only through
one offering, the Lord Jesus, that God made a way whereby
people can be made perfect.


Releasing Gods Anointing

A major calling on my life is to teach people how they can

mature spiritually and be perfect, unto the fullness of
Christ, so that they will do the same things that Jesus did
during His time on earth (see Ephesians 4:11-13). There is
only one way that I can teach people this, and that is
through the ordained testament of grace, the New
We are of the dispensation of grace, and whatever God
did for any one person in the Old Testament, He will do for
us of the New Testament. According to Romans 4:2-6, if
Abraham was justified (righteous, Holy, to be like God) by
works (anything he could do to earn something from God),
then he could glory (boast). Abraham believed God, and
this was the grounds that it was counted unto him for
righteousness (to be like God). Those that worketh (earn by
their deeds) to receive righteousness (if it would be
possible, but it isnt), their righteousness would be by debt
and not by grace. But to those that worketh not (they love
God, and have love deeds) their deeds are not a meriting
system to earn something from God, but instead they
simply believe on Jesus and all His words of grace, that
justifieth the ungodly, their faith is counted for
righteousness. God imputeth (causes it to be a reality)
righteousness without the deeds (legalism) of the law.
If you think that the things you have, and the holiness you
live are based upon your own actions, you have a
counterfeit, and have been cheated and deceived. Romans
3:28 says that a person is justified (made just like God) by
faith without the deeds of the law. Anything and everything
we receive from God is based upon what He has done, and
not upon what we have done or could ever do.



chapter will show that a person can have greater

results ministering Signs and Wonders, if they are Spiritfilled. A person can minister miracles and healings without
being Spirit-filled and have results, but greater results come
if one is Spirit-filled. A Spirit-filled person is one who
speaks with tongues on a daily basis and walks in Gods
love. According to Galatians 5:22-23, the fruits of the Holy
Spirit (character) are established in that persons life
because of Gods unconditional love.
The Spirit-filled person exhibits joy when circumstances
say that they shouldnt have joy. They walk in peace in the
midst of storms. They are long-suffering when wrongs
have been committed towards them over and over again.
They are patient and kind to their offenders. The Spiritfilled-person is gentle, when harshness is deliberated


Releasing Gods Anointing

towards them. They exhibit goodness, when dishonesty

would give them an advantage, and faithfulness, when it
seems there isnt a reward in the world for it. They are
meek, when they have been rudely imposed upon, and
exhibit temperance just like Jesus, Who is the same
yesterday, today and forever.


I Corinthians 12:4 says that there are many different gifts,
but they all come through the same Holy Spirit. Therefore,
all gifts belong to Him. If the Holy Spirit abides in me, I
have all of His gifts abiding in me. The closer relationship
I have with the Holy Spirit, the closer experience I will
have with the gifts of the Spirit.
I Corinthians 14:14-15 (Amplified Version) teaches that
when we pray in tongues, we pray by the Holy Spirit with
our spirit. In Ezekiel 36:26-27, a prophesy is given in detail
concerning this same truth. A new heart (soul or mind)
also will I (God) give you, and a new spirit (a God-like
spirit) will I put within you, and I will take away the stony
heart (the dead spirit that must be born again)And I will
put My Spirit within you, then you will be able to walk in
Gods statutes, and you will be able to keep and do all of
Gods Words.
This passage is about the New Testament dispensation, in
which a person can be born again with a Christ-like spirit
and have the ability to have a new mind, that is the mind of
Christ. Philippians 2:5 says, Let this mind be in you

Greater Results When One Is Spirit-Filled

which was in Christ. After this, you will have the ability
to have the very Spirit of God abide in your spirit. One
must be born again before the Holy Spirit can abide in their
spirit, and that is a different experience than that of the new
Ezekiel 36 shows that the Holy Spirit can and should
abide in our spirits after we are born again. This is also
confirmed in John 7:37-39. As Gods Spirit abides in our
spirit, we will see the gifts of the Holy Spirit in our lives,
because wherever the Spirit of God goes, His gifts follow.


In John 16:12-15, Jesus said, I have many things to say
unto you, but you cannot bear them now. Howbeit when
He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all
truth. Jesus was saying that He had and has many things
to say to us and to teach us. He has information that will
progress us in every area of our lives.
This information cannot be transmitted by articulate or
audible speech.
This information cannot even be
understood with the natural mind. The Holy Spirit teaches
this information to those whose spirits have been born
again, and who have become partakers of Gods divine
This information is spiritual and divine. Verse 14 says
that it will glorify Christ, and will be nothing more than the

Releasing Gods Anointing

pure Word of God. However, it can only be taught and

understood spiritually, or it becomes the letter of the law.
Many have tried to teach the Word of God without the Holy
Spirits influence, and that always brings death.
Simply teaching the Word does not give grace, joy,
happiness or life to its hearers. It is nothing more than
teaching, that is uninspired by God. Ephesians 4:29-30
identifies this as corrupt communication that grieves, stops
or hinders the Holy Spirit. It is evil speaking. We must
have an experience with the Holy Spirit, if we want to
know the things that the natural world and our minds
cannot teach us. It is the Holy Spirit that will take us to the
greater, deeper things of God, that we may become an
instrument of Gods anointing. The greater the experience
you have with the Holy Spirit, the more effective you will
I Corinthians 2:9-14 says, As it is written, eye hath not
seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of
mankind, the things which God hath prepared for them that
love Him.
There are some things that God has for us, individually,
that are beyond the human capacity to understand; God has
revealed them unto us by His Spirit. Can you see that the
Holy Spirit will reveal things to us, that man with all of his
sensibilities cannot even understand? For the Holy Spirit
searches all things, yes, even the deep things of God.
and if we receive the Spirit of God we then will know
the things that God has already freely given us. Which
things also we speak, not in the words which mans wisdom


Greater Results When One Is Spirit-Filled

teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing

spiritual things with spiritual (verses 12-13).
The Holy Spirit will tell you something, and then give
you many confirmations that prove it, by comparing
spiritual with spiritual.
Verse 14 continues, The natural man receiveth not the
things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto
him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually
discerned (understood and received).
Many times I have had the experience of trying to teach
someone something that I clearly understand, while giving
many Scriptures to support what Im teaching, but the other
person is unable to relate to or understand what I was trying
to teach. It is difficult to teach Scripture to someone who is
not born again. If a person is not born again, they can
understand very little of the Holy Scriptures. Everyone has
been given a measure of faith to help them know that there
is a Superior Being, Who wants to be their Savior, but you
need to be born again to progress in God.
A second great hindrance is found in attempting to teach
Scripture to someone who is not yet filled with the Holy
Spirit, in accordance with what has been mentioned in this
book. One example of this is people who do not believe in
speaking in tongues and walking in the Spirit; neither do
they believe in miracles or healings. They feel that these
things have passed away.
There is a great difference of belief between people who
speak in tongues and those who do not. The first group has
a closer relationship with the Lord than does the second


Releasing Gods Anointing

Therefore, they have a deeper insight or
understanding of the mind, intent and will of the Lord. I
believe we ought to be filled with the Holy Spirit in the
same way the Apostles were, because we are both of the
same dispensation. We can do what they did and have
right-standing with God the way they did.


In John 16:12-15, Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would
guide us after He was gone from the earth. Jesus left a
Scriptural pattern, which is the dispensation we will be in
until the rapture of the Church. 2 Corinthians 5:1-4 gives
an explanation of an experience that was not possible in the
Old Testament. In the last 100 years, the full-gospel people
have referred to this experienced as praying through. It is
an experience that is, now, almost obsolete among
Charismatic and Pentecostal people. I only mention this
group of people, because no other group would consider
such an experience. Even the groups that have considered
it, have come to the place that they, as a whole, know very
little or almost nothing about the experience. I cannot do
justice concerning this subject in this small portion of the
book, as this subject is a book within itself. However, I do
want to make this statement about praying through. 2
Corinthians 5:1-4 is a good Scriptural description of the
experience of praying through. You can pray with such
determination and hunger for the deeper things of God,
until you are unaware of this natural world. In doing this,
you will experience the great richness of Gods goodness,

Greater Results When One Is Spirit-Filled

and you will be in the complete fullness of the presence of

the Holy Spirits realm.
I have listened to and read about many people who have
had near-death experiences. They entered the presence of
the Lord and came back. They all come back changed.
Often they change from being bad people to being good,
Godly people filled with loving-kindness and mercy. This
experience is similar to that of praying through as
described in 2 Corinthians 5. In fact, it could be the same
experience reached in a different way. A person praying in
tongues with their whole heart, until they have prayed
through the flesh in to the realm of the Spirit, initiates this
Some have reached this place through a near-death
experience, in which the flesh was cancelled out to the
degree that they were only aware of the realm of the Spirit.
Some people actually die and have this experience, and
supernaturally return to tell about it.
2 Corinthians 5:1-2 says, We know that if our earthly
house (our natural, physical bodies) were dissolved, we
have a building of God, a house not made with hands,
eternal in the heavens. You must have an eternal building
of God, before you can have this experience. You must be
born again and a partaker of Gods divine nature before you
can have this experience. Verse 2 says, For we groan
earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which
is from heaven.
After a person is born again, there must be this groaning.
In the Greek, the word groan is defined as praying
inaudibly and earnestly to be clothed. In other words, to be

Releasing Gods Anointing

totally covered, enveloped by the house that is not natural,

but is only supernatural and spiritual from God.
Also, after a person is born again, they must realize that
the new birth is only the beginning of a supernatural,
spiritual life. God has more for us than we can think or
imagine, if we just read the Scriptures and believe the
simplicity and earnestness found in them.
2 Corinthians 5:3 tells us that once we learn to be clothed
by this experience, we will find that life without it is void
and empty, like being naked. If that is so, we shall not be
found naked, if we are clothed. If we live in and with this
experience, we will not be found naked. Our lives will
have heavenly purpose.
2 Corinthians 5:4 says, For we that are in this tabernacle
do groan, being burdened: not for that we would be
unclothed, but clothed upon, that mortality might be
swallowed up of life. We, who earnestly desire this deeper
experience, know that it is an experience in which mortality
is swallowed up by a great life. In the Greek, the word
zoe is used in this passage for the word life. It means
life in its most absolute. This is life the way God, Himself,
has it.
Romans 8:22-26 also gives a description of the Holy
Spirit progressing beyond what can be experienced in the
natural. It is a description of praying beyond the natural
into the supernatural with the help of the Holy Spirit.
Verses 22-23 say, the whole of creation groans and
travails (expecting relief from suffering)We groan within


Greater Results When One Is Spirit-Filled

Our spirits continuously long, desire and need deeper

experiences from the realm of the Spirit of God. As in the
natural, we need food or we will die. Also, in the natural,
we cannot live on baby food, or we will become weak and
die, prematurely. In the natural, a healthy person cannot
live on the same kind of food year after year, because they
wouldnt receive the proper nutrition, and would become
very discontent. Just as this is true for our physical bodies,
it is also that God has made this true in our spiritual lives.
We must progress spiritually or we will die. Our spirit
groans to have a supernaturally continuous progression
from the natural into the spiritual, as well as, from an
unsatisfying lifestyle to one that is supernaturally
satisfying. This is a lifestyle the way our Father has it.
Romans 8:24-25 tells us that this is a deeper salvation
than that which can be related to with the senses or in the
natural realm. This hope of salvation is not seen with the
natural eye, because it is not of the natural. Only the Holy
Spirit can progress you to this place of fuller salvation.
Romans 8:26-27 teaches the details of how this
experience comes into manifestation.
Verse 26 says,
Likewise, the (Holy) Spirit also helpeth our infirmities
(weaknesses): for we know not what we should pray for as
we ought: but the (Holy) Spirit maketh intercession
(intercepts pains, sorrows, problems) for us with groanings
which cannot be uttered (with articulator or natural
Since we do not have the capability to know how to speak
or pray to a Creator, Who is more holy, pure and perfect
than we could ever imagine with our natural minds, the

Releasing Gods Anointing

Holy Spirit provides a way. That way is when He prays

through us in a heavenly language, speaking in a deeper
tongue, that is not the initial tongue you receive when you
first receive the Holy Spirit into your spirit.
The most intelligent person who has ever lived couldnt
begin to know how to pray to such a Creator. This speaking
or praying is done in the fashion of groanings or sighs from
deep down within ones spirit. Many times you will hear
these sounds from people at a funeral, because of a deep
loss. We have a deeper loss if we are not clothed with the
life God has for us. When a person has been filled with the
Holy Spirit, they will often articulate these groans or sighs
with tongues, which are a deeper speech, initiated by the
Holy Spirit.
Not only do we not know how to pray to such a Supreme
Creator, but we do not know what to pray for. Our
Heavenly Father has blessings beyond our understanding.
Ephesians 3:19 says that God has a love for us that passes
all knowledge. If God has things to bless us beyond our
ability to understand, then we need some supernatural help
to know what to pray or ask for. The Holy Spirit does this
for us when we submit to this type of deeper experience,
that only the He can take (progress) us into.
Romans 8:27 teaches us that no one could know the mind
of another anymore than ones own spirit. In like manner,
no one knows the mind of God better than His own Holy
Spirit, and it is through Gods Spirit that this type of
praying is done. God prays His perfect will through us.


Greater Results When One Is Spirit-Filled

If you submit to Romans 8:22-27, then verse 28 belongs

to you, as well. All things work together for our good when
we love God (also, yield to His calling in your life), if we
have gone into this deeper progression by the Holy Spirit.
I Samuel 10:6 talks about this deeper experience. If you
experience this deeper progression, you will be changed
into another person, and begin to have knowledge and
power to do whatever needs to be done. You will know that
God is with you.
If you see a need that calls for
supernatural Signs and Wonders to be manifested, you will
know you can yield to that call. Samuel was of the Old
Testament, and whoever is least in the New Testament is
greater than the greatest of the Old Testament. So, if this
experience happened to Saul, who wasnt near the greatest
of the Old Testament, then how much more for us of the
New Testament. Even Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would
progress us beyond what even He (Jesus) could do in the



In this chapter, I will share what Jesus said to me in the
vision I had on September 28, 1984. I will also break down
into simple details, how to release Gods anointing into
peoples lives, so that their needs may be met (even to the
degree of people who are missing body parts, being made
instantly whole).
When you have a vision, an appearance of a spirit, there
are volumes of information that are transmitted in the realm
of the spirit. As you meditate on the experience, the
information is transmitted into the realm of the soul or
intellect. The more you meditate and think about what has
been transmitted into the realm of the intellect, the more it
becomes manifested in your very natural presence.


Learning How To Release Gods Anointing


After Jesus told me to pray with my whole heart, I studied
the Bible from Genesis to Revelation to find Scripture to
support what He had said, as well as, to give me greater
understanding of what it means to pray with your whole
heart. The more I studied the doctrine, the further I seemed
to get away from the truth.
We can turn the Spirit into law, and it makes the life and
grace of Gods Word ineffective. I believe that is what I
was doing. I was so over-zealous, that instead of simply
doing what Jesus had told me to do, I was looking for
something more complicated. Since then, I have learned
that there are two major factors in understanding the Holy
Scriptures and the realm of God. First, if it isnt good, God
isnt in it. Second, if it isnt simple, God isnt in it. Often
times, we preachers make things so difficult, that it takes
the simplicity of a grade school student to get us back on
After several months of getting further away from the
reality of what Jesus had told me, I grew somewhat
discouraged, and decided to forget the subject for a while.
A short time after that decision, the Holy Spirit told me to
turn to Matthew 6:22. Using that verse, the Holy Spirit
explained to me what Jesus meant when He said for me to
pray with my whole heart.


Releasing Gods Anointing

Since that moment, when I lay hands on people, I can and

do release Gods anointing, and about 90 percent of the
time, I see instant manifestations. Up until that time, I did
not see as many results. I believe that the more I grow, the
more proficient I will become.
This teaching or revelation that the Lord gave me is
simply the Divine Scriptures, that are equally available to
all of us. It will work for anyone, as God is no respecter of
persons. This chapter is designed to simplify this doctrine,
so that the whole Body of Christ can do the work of the
ministry of Christ, as spelled out in Ephesians 4:11-13.

Matthew 6:22 says, The light of the body is the eye: if
therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full
of light. I will explain this passage in the way the Holy
Spirit simplified it for me. The light is Gods glory, power
and anointing for the body, which includes the spirit, mind
and physical body. Gods glory comes through the eye
(ones spiritual and mental eye).
Both the spiritual eye and the mental eye can work so
closely together that they become one. The mental eye
must make the first step of yielding to Gods anointing.
Gods anointing (His power) comes into manifestation
beginning with the mental eye. If your mental eye will be
single-focused upon only receiving Gods anointing for
whatever it is that youre needing or desiring, then your


Learning How To Release Gods Anointing

whole person, spirit, mind and flesh shall be full of Gods

light, which is His anointing or power.
With God it is just as simple for His anointing to cause a
missing arm to be manifested, as it is to remove a headache.
Not all humans have a tendency to think that way.
Let me give you an example of how simple it is for a
beginner to start releasing Gods anointing. Lets say a
person has a headache. Ask them about the pain, in as
much detail as you can think of. If they havent been to the
doctor, which is usually the case with a headache, ask them
to describe the pain. You need to be specific, so that you
can be more single-minded.
Ask them to close their eyes, so they can be more singleminded, as well. (When our eyes are open, it is easier to be
double-minded.) Lay your hand on the area where the pain
is located. There may be times you may not want to lay
your hand on them, because the physical contact alone may
hinder them being able to remain single-minded. This is
perfectly Scriptural, as the power of God is in His Word.
We can just speak to the situation in accordance with Gods
Word and be very successful.
Ask them to not speak or think about anything else. Light
and darkness cannot occupy the same space. Tell them to
force their minds to focus only upon receiving. Command
the pain that they described to leave. You will notice that
Jesus always eliminated what He didnt want before He
built what He did want. Luke 13:11-13 illustrated this
point. Jesus first dealt with the spirit of infirmity before He
laid His hands on the lady for healing. You must eliminate
the root of the problem before you can minister the cure or

Releasing Gods Anointing

regeneration. Its as if someone has given you a piece of

land to build your dream home, but a shack sits in the exact
location of where you wish to build. You must first
eliminate the shack, before you can build the new home. I
believe where a problem exists, a demon is involved. So,
get rid of the demon first, and then cure what he has
Command that portion of their body to relax. As one
relaxes, they are yielding. In this case, they are yielding to
the anointing that is always available. As you speak, see a
stream of light (which is Gods anointing) leaving your
hand and going into the portion of their body that needs
Be careful, because it can be very easy for you to become
double-minded while ministering the anointing.
demons of hell will be there to intimidate you, and try to get
you to be double-minded. A double-minded person will
not receive anything from the Lord (James 1:7-8).
You must refuse any kind of distracting thought while
ministering the anointing, while teaching them to do the
same. Insignificant thoughts will come, such as, Are you
sure youre praying or ministering, correctly? or What are
you going to do or look like if this person isnt healed?
The not-so-obvious, yet real and powerful demons are
there to hinder you. Understand that they are there to keep
you and the person for whom you are ministering, from
being single-minded. If they can defeat you in this smallest
area, you will never progress to a natural manifestation.
There are different operations of the Spirit of God and
different ways to minister to people, but while ministering

Learning How To Release Gods Anointing

in this way, make sure the person remains quiet. You

cannot talk and hear at the same time. Make sure that no
one else is talking or touching them, either, hindering them
from being single-minded.


There are ways that the fullness of Gods power, His
anointing, is made real to us, based upon how we allow
Gods Word into our minds, and how we keep it there. Our
minds determine what kind of a spirit we will have, and our
spirits determine what kind of a life we will have in the
Romans 8:6 says, "For to be carnally-minded is death; but
to be spiritually-minded is life and peace." In John 6:63,
Jesus said that Gods Word is Spirit. To have Gods Word
in our minds is to be spiritually-minded. When I say
Gods Word, I am referring to any train of thought that is
in agreement with Gods Word, not just verbatim verses
from the Bible. Being spiritually-minded gives life. The
word life here refers to life that comes from God in the
highest order. The word peace refers to all things that
come from that life, such as divine health, healing,
deliverance, protection, preservation and prosperity.
Philippians 3:15 says, Let us therefore, as many as be
perfect, be thus minded The word let clearly indicates
that the decision is ours. God loves humanity so much.
Above all, He wants to fill our lives with His goodness,

Releasing Gods Anointing

kindness and peace. He wants to give us a life that is

superior in fulfillment beyond our imagination.
This kind of life is divine, supernatural and spiritual, and
comes to us from God, Himself. God is a gentleman in the
highest order of the word, and He will not force His love on
us. He has to have our desiring permission. If we will
initiate Gods Word in our mind, He will show up to discuss
the matter with us. He will then be there to show you how
it will enhance your life, and how to cause perfection or
maturity in every area of life. However, you must initiate
the process. If you want perfection and maturity in your
life, be thus minded. This starts with and through our
Proverbs 23:7 says, For as one thinketh in his heart, so is
he First you think, and then you become what youve
been thinking. If we are not pleased with what we have,
what we can do, and who we are, we must change our
thinking patterns. We are, today, because of how we have
thought in the past. Since Gods Word will not return void,
this doctrine works for a non-Christian, as well.
God allowed His anointing to be manifested through
many non-Christians in the Old Testament, as there were no
Christians until the New Testament. If the occasion is
Scripturally right, Gods power will be activated. How
much more ought we as Christians use this doctrine to be
blessed and to be a blessing? The power of God has its
birthplace in the available human mind.
In Psalm 119:88, the Scriptures say that a quickening
(giving of life, a nourishing up, a preservation, a
recovering, a replacing) takes place after the discovery of

Learning How To Release Gods Anointing

Gods loving-kindness. God is the same yesterday, today

and forever, and He has and always will be full of lovingkindness, goodness and mercy. Since God is that way, the
after has to be up to humanity.
We first discover Gods loving-kindness though a process
of mentally finding it out, and then meditating and thinking
upon the discovery. We, then, accept this truth deep down
into our spirits, by talking and acting like it is true.
As a result, a quickening will take place. I have never
been able to get anyone healed who did not believe in
healing. Neither could Jesus. Believing begins in the mind.
Quickening begins in the mind. That is why the Scriptures
say not to be conformed to this world, but to be transformed
by reading and thinking in line with the Holy Scriptures and
Scriptural principles (see Romans 12:1-2, James 1:21). If
we will do this, we can know the good will, the acceptable
will and the perfect will of God. If we do not read His will
and accept it as true, we will not know it.
In Romans 12, the word transformed is the exact root
word for transfigured in Mark 9:2-3.3 This is where Jesus
went up to the mountain to pray, and upon returning, He
was transfigured before His disciples very eyes. When this
happened, His clothing, as well as, His countenance
glistened exceedingly white. According to Gods Word,
this same thing happens to us as we renew our minds with
the Word of God. When we start thinking like this, we start
believing that we can release Gods anointing, just like
Jesus did.

Strong, James. Strongs Exhaustive Concordance. Massachusetts: Hendrickson Publishers, pg. 1072.


Releasing Gods Anointing

Start believing that as He is, so are you in this world (see

I John 4:17). Start believing that the Word of God is true,
and that you will accomplish the works of Jesus and even
greater works according to John 14:12-14. Start believing
that Habakkuk 3:4 refers to you, For as He is, so are we in
this world.and His (or your) brightness (brilliant, clear,
shining light) is the light (illumination of lighting, bright
and clear, as the morning sun); He (or the ones that know
they are as He is) has horns coming out of his hands: (rays
of sunlight splendor that streamed or stream from them) and
there is the hiding place of His (your) power. Keep in
mind, that in the midst of that sunlight splendor is the
hiding place of Gods power and reputation.
In Matthew 18:3, Jesus said that we have to become as
little children, before we can enter the kingdom of God.
The kingdom of God is part of what Jesus paid for with His
life. Study verses that refer to the kingdom of God and the
kingdom of Heaven, and you will find that God wants us to
have life just the way He has it. This is typical of a good
father. That is the reason Jesus said to pray that His
kingdom would come and be on this earth just like it is in
Heaven (see Matthew 6:7-13). According to Scripture, we
must accept these things as a child would accept them, or
we will not enter into this type of a lifestyle.


Learning How To Release Gods Anointing


If we are close-minded, there is no instrument for Gods
power to work through, since our minds are the doorway to
our spirits and to our physical lives.
In 1993, I held a Signs and Wonders crusade in Monterey,
Mexico, in which I plainly saw this truth. There were
several miracles taking place. Each day, I would preach 2-3
times in different settings, as well as, in different locations.
Each evening, I would preach and minister Signs and
Wonders in a centralized location under a tent that would
accommodate 1,000 people. Everyday, there were many
healings, miracles and even a few Signs and Wonders. It
was very evident that Gods power was present to do great
things, and that I was proficient in releasing Gods
There was one lady, who was extremely deformed from
birth, with one leg more than four inches shorter than the
other. Instantly, Gods anointing caused her body to be
straightened, and her short leg grew perfectly straight in
front of approximately 1,000 people.
There were 15
Americans who went with us and can also testify to these
I had an interpreter with me during the crusade, and I
would have him to instruct the people on how to receive the
anointing. When the interpreter was able to explain this to


Releasing Gods Anointing

the people, they received some degree of instant

manifestation, even to the degree of blinded eyes opening
and paralyzed children walking. Their faces streamed with
tears of thankfulness for Gods goodness.
There were times, however, that the interpreter was also
busy ministering to people, so I was left to try to
communicate with the people, myself. I would try to
understand their need through the language barrier. I would
also try to explain to them how to receive. Almost every
time there was no sign of relief or outward manifestation.
Many times, I would try again and again to no avail. They
could not understand English, as I could not understand
The Holy Spirit began to talk to me and tell me what I
already knew, but the message was now stronger in
confirmation. Quickening comes after they receive the
anointing in their minds. When I would get an interpreter,
it was amazing how they would receive the anointing with
manifestation. Several phenomenal miracles took place
when I had interpreters. I have said all of this to say, when
I could not communicate with the minds of the people in
need of a miracle, there was little or no anointing received,
even though I knew I was releasing the anointing to the
same degree and many times even to a stronger degree.
With that said, I still believe that God is a good and fair
God, and that there is much Scripture to support the fact
that if a person is in a situation in which there is a
communication problem, God can come to the level that is
needed, and there will be an absolute blessing.


Learning How To Release Gods Anointing


Ephesians 3:20 says, Now unto Him (God) that is able to
do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask and think
according to the power (Gods anointing) that worketh in
I Thessalonians 2:13 tells us that it is the Word of God
that effectually works in those who believe. What you
believe is what you think.
According to Romans 1:16, Gods Word is His power,
and His power is His anointing. So, God can only do
according to His Word that is working in our thoughts.
Words work primarily through our thinking process. If we
are not thinking Gods Words, then His words are not
working in us. It is easy to understand that there will be no
working of Gods Word in us, if It is not in our minds.
Gods Word is working in us, if we are doing the Word with
natural actions. However, before a human can do anything
naturally, they must think about it. We will never ask or
even speak, until the thinking process has been active in our
minds. If we do not think in agreement with Gods Word,
we shut the door to the anointing of God working in and
through us. God is limited and has no liberty for His power
to work in and for us.
Proverbs 29:18 says, Where there is no vision, the
people perish: but he that keeps Gods Words, happy is he.
The word vision in this passage is the Hebrew word for
khaw zaw, which means to mentally perceive, contemplate


Releasing Gods Anointing

with pleasure, especially to have a vision of, to provide a

dream, to dream mentally, to have a dream habit, mentally
dream a revelation or an oracle, or to bind firmly.4
The people who keep (attend and take) the Word of God
are happy. There are two categories of people referred to in
that verse. The first category of people are those who do
not have visions as described, and they perish. The second
category of people are those who mentally see Gods Word
as truth, to the point that it gives them pleasure. They quite
often decide to have a vision; it is something they do on
purpose, as a habit. With their minds, they provide a
mental dream as seeing Gods Word. To them it is a thrill,
much like a child who daydreams about the impossible
being possible.
Jesus said that whatever you bind on this earth, God
would bind in heaven (see Matthew 18:18). People who
have visions, never have the anointing and the power of
God perish from them. In like manner, health, healing,
happiness, prosperity and any other good thing never perish
from them. They see the sunlight splendor of Gods power
leaving their hands, going into bodies and causing cures,
recreations and Signs and Wonders, as they refuse to
believe any other source.
I Corinthians 15:2 tells us that if we keep in memory
(which is the mental realm), then we are saved. As we
choose to think on Gods Word, salvation (healing, health,
prosperity, deliverance, wholeness) becomes a reality to us.
Those who refuse to yield, experience continual loss of the

Strong, James. Strongs Exhaustive Concordance. Massachusetts: Hendrickson Publishers, pg. 1099.


Learning How To Release Gods Anointing

blessings of salvation that God has freely given to all of

It is like a person who has a very wealthy relative who
passes away, leaving a will, which provides them with great
sums of wealth. As they read the will and follow the
directions for making the withdrawals, they are financially
blessed. And if one day, they forget where the will is
located and forget how to use it, they will experience a
great loss. In like manner, what an even greater loss, when
humanity does not activate all God has freely given them.
Philippians 4:8 ends with, think on these things. Let
us look at what we are to think on, and why we are to think
on these things. In verse 8, the Bible gives us a long list of
things that we are to think on, .things that are true,
honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, if there be any
virtue (spiritual strength), if there be any praise
There is no knowledge upon the face of the earth that is
more positive than Gods Word.
When we think on
Scriptures or trains of thought that are in agreement with
what Philippians 4 tells us, we become very positiveminded people.
Verse 7 gives us the reason why we should only allow
things that are in agreement with verse 8 to be in our minds,
The peace of God which passeth all understanding shall
keep your hearts (your spirits) and minds.
If we keep the doorway of our minds open only to trains
of thought that have been filtered through Christ Jesus and
the Word of God, we will have peace that comes from God,


Releasing Gods Anointing

that passes all understanding.

anointing is the mind.

The doorway for Gods

Not long ago, a television show came on in which

professionals were analyzing a particular group of people
throughout the United States. The group being analyzed
was referred to as the centenarians.
According to
historical findings, the centenarians were a growing number
of people who were living beyond 100 years of age. The
study sought to find out the factors that attributed to their
The medical group who analyzed these centenarians was
amazed to find that proper nutrition and exercise were not
the leading attributing factors. Instead, positivity was the
common factor. They refused to become depressed, even
when a loved one passed away. They refused to allow
discouragement remain in their minds. Upon asking a 115year-old woman about her health, she replied that she had
had severe heart problems about 50 years ago, but refused
to let the problems overcome her. These centenarians were
not invalids, instead, they were very active. One of the
ladies even drove a race car! There really wasnt any
mention about God being their source, but Gods principles
work for anyone. Very clearly, the truth that God is no
respecter of persons was prevalent.
The greatest natural blessing and principle that God has
put into operation for the livelihood of humanity is air. We
need air to stay alive; therefore, it is the most important
thing that the natural person needs. Yet, God allows the
blessings of air to be available to both saints and sinners. In
fact, if a saint chooses to live in conditions where the air is

Learning How To Release Gods Anointing

very poor, and the sinner chooses to live where the air is the
best available, the sinner will enjoy Gods greatest natural
resource more than the saint.
Principles and laws that are in agreement with Gods
Word are really Gods laws.
Although, there arent
verbatim verses to establish them by the user, Gods laws
will work, because His Word will not return void. If there
are laws of God that will work for a sinner or an atheist,
they will surely work for a Christian.


Our minds act as the doorway whereby Gods anointing
can go into our spirits and regulate goodness in our natural
lives. Keep the door shut to the devil and all that he has to
offer. If it isnt good in every respect, then it is the devils
invitation to bring torment into your mind, spirit and life.
Ephesians 4:23 says, And be renewed (regenerated) in
the spirit of or by your mind. We are renewed and
regenerated in our spirits by our minds. If we want
supernatural regeneration, it has to start in our minds.
Regeneration first takes place in the mind, and then in the
Ephesians 4:22 says, put away corrupt, deceitful, lustfilled conversation. Verse 25 says, put away lying and
speak only the truth. Verse 29 says, let no corrupt
communication proceed out of our mouths, but instead
speak words that are good and edify and minister grace to
the hearers. Verse 31 says, keep bitter speaking, wrath,

Releasing Gods Anointing

anger, clamor, and evil speaking away from us. Verse 32

says, be kind, tender-hearted and forgiving toward one
A persons spirit is regenerated and renewed by speaking
only Godly words. It is important to be cautious with our
words, because they are a product or proof of what we
think. Matthew 12:34 says, out of the abundance of the
heart or spirit the mouth speaks (and we will have and be
whatever we speak).
Knowing that our minds feed our spirits, we should not
think ungodly thoughts, so we will not speak ungodly
words, and thus not have ungodly things in our life. We are
regenerated and renewed first, in our minds, second, in our
spirits, and third, in our flesh. If we are not pleased with
what we have in our flesh or the realm of the natural, we
must make sure our spirits are fed the Word of God. If we
have a discontented spirit, it is because we have allowed
our minds to think on things that are ungodly. Shut the
door of your mind to the devil, and he will not and cannot
get into the rest of your life.
Proverbs 18:14 says, The spirit of man (or woman) will
sustain (make provision for, feed, provide substance for) his
(or her) infirmity (sickness, disease, grief, sorrow,
supplication, or prayer request). If we need sickness and
disease depleted and health produced, our spirits must be
strong. Jesus said in Matthew 4:4, Mankind cannot live by
bread alone, but shall live by every word that proceeds out
of the mouth of God. God only speaks His Word, and He
is always speaking His Word to humanity. If we will allow
His Word to be in our minds, it will cause us to have life the

Learning How To Release Gods Anointing

way God intended for us to have it, even to the degree of

regenerating and renewing.
The most spiritual thing in existence is God, Who is a
Spirit. God and His Word are interchangeable terms. Our
spirits must have food to stay healthy, strong and alive.
There is no better spiritual food than the Word of God. If
we want those things that the Scriptures teach us are ours,
then we must keep our spirits strong, and remember that our
minds feed our spirits.
Hebrews 10:16-17 says, This is the covenant that I will
make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put
My laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write
them. And their sins and iniquities will I remember no
more. Sin, wrongdoing, faults, failures, weaknesses and
inadequacies are erased from our lives when Gods Word is
in our minds. The torments and sin of satan and his
kingdom are destroyed by the power of God in our minds.
No wonder the devil wants to occupy our minds with
anything that keeps us from victory. Light and darkness
cannot occupy the same space; good and evil cannot occupy
the same space. This is quite possibly the major area in
which satan is defeating the Church, today. (I discuss this
in greater detail in my book entitled, Understanding Your
Worst Enemy.)

Isaiah 26:3 teaches that we are kept in perfect peace as
our minds are stayed on the goodness of the Father. This

Releasing Gods Anointing

means we live in a place where not even the worst evil

force can defeat us. We are kept in a supernatural level that
is full of happiness, favor, rest, financial prosperity, safety
and health as our minds are stayed on the Word. However,
this can only happen, when we keep our thoughts on God,
and keep from thinking thoughts of doubt, defeat,
foolishness, idleness, uselessness, vulgarity or ungodliness.
Walking in this peace is knowing that everything that
pertains to this life or the eternal life is entrusted to Him.


Many people do not enjoy all that God has for them,
because they do not know how to receive. In fact, many
enjoy very little, because they do not know how to receive
from God. Jesus said in Mark 11:24, Whatsoever things
you desire (desires are not needs, but things that are
excess) when you pray, believe you receive and then you
shall have them. When you learn to believe that you
receive, then you shall have. If you can learn to have in
the mental and the spiritual realm, you will have in the
physical realm.


Scripture teaches that it is easier to yield to Gods power,
holiness and anointing, than it is to yield to sin. Romans 6
talks about yielding. Keep in mind that the word yield

Learning How To Release Gods Anointing

in these passages in the Greek means to be still and to

reflect or relax. Websters dictionary says that it means to
give up to a superior power, to surrender or to submit. This
full meaning of the word yield will help you to
understand how to truly yield to Gods awesome miracleworking power.
Learning to receive from God is about totally
surrendering mind, body and spirit. As humans, we often
understand things better if there is a natural illustration.
This is how Jesus taught. In John 3, Jesus said that just as a
person is born in the natural, so must they be born again or
born of the spiritual.
When I minister the anointing of God to people, I teach
them to receive it the same way that I received it from God.
Jesus said in Matthew 10:7-8 that we have freely received
the power to heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead
and cast out devils. If you cannot freely (in the Greek
means gratuitously or totally unmerited) give, you did not
completely receive it.
When I minister the anointing to people, I tell them to
surrender, relax and yield their minds to only what I am
telling them. I always speak things that are the verbatim
words of God or in direct correlation with the Word of God.
Many times peoples minds are so busy, that they cannot
receive from God.
God has put the law of sleep or rest in operation to bless
the human race, and it will work for the saint and the sinner,
alike, as God has no favorites. He loves all of humanity.
He proved that He loved all, when He gave the greatest gift,
His Son. With the blessing of rest, we all must obey the

Releasing Gods Anointing

simple law of yielding, surrendering and relaxing our

minds. If we do not, we will not enjoy the blessings of rest
or sleep.
There have been many times that I have been unable to
rest or sleep, because my mind was doing everything but
In like manner, people often miss the
blessings of God, because they have not learned to relax
their minds.
As mentioned before, everything God has for us starts in
the mind. Romans 10:14 says, How shall they call on Him
in Whom they have not believed? And how shall they
believe in Him of Whom they have not heard? And how
shall they hear without a preacher?
Believing is a process that starts in ones mind. Hearing
is the manifestation of knowledge coming forth by reading
or hearing someone speak. The information presented to
the mind can come through a preacher or a speaker. A
preacher is someone who gives information that is
supernaturally spiritual. That information enters the minds
of people.
The greatest miracle a person can ever receive is eternal
life, which is a part of salvation. It comes from a mind that
has heard and accepted the Word of God. Remember the
full meaning of salvation, and you will be able to receive
everything else it stands for, in the same way you receive
the greatest part of salvation. The lesser parts of salvation,
such as healing, wholeness and prosperity, are received in
the same way the greater, eternal part is received.


Learning How To Release Gods Anointing

Romans 6:12 tells us not to let sin reign in our mortal

bodies. The decision is ours. Verse 13 says, Neither yield
your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin:
but yield yourselves unto God. It says to yield our
members to righteousness. This is the second step to
receiving Gods anointing.
When you understand how to yield your physical
members to Gods holiness, you have taken a giant step
towards yielding your person to Gods power. If a person is
in the middle of a lake and they cannot swim, they are in a
situation in which all of their physical capabilities are
limited. They will soon die. However, if someone who is
an expert swimmer comes to their rescue, they must totally
yield, relax, surrender and submit to the saving power.
When a person flexes their muscles to receive aid for
something they need or want, the degree of their physical
strength will determine the degree of the aid. If there is a
weight beyond their physical strength, the best thing to do
is to get out of the way, yield, relax, be still, surrender,
submit and give up to a superior power. In fact, you could
be greatly hindered by even trying to help out. If it is easier
to yield to a natural source of help than it is to yield to
Gods strength, then human strength is greater than Gods,
and it isnt.
I Corinthians 1:25 says that the weakness of God is
stronger than mans strength. 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 says,
Gods strength is made perfect in our weakness. When
we totally surrender our strength, God can manifest His
Paul went on to say, Glory comes from my
infirmities (weaknesses), that the power of Christ might rest

Releasing Gods Anointing

upon me. I take pleasure in my infirmities (weaknesses) for

when I am weak then He is strong.
When Paul yielded to God, a supernatural ability (Gods
power) was manifested through Him. He simply received
Gods miracle-working power, by being still and relaxing in
his mind and flesh.
When you minister Gods supernatural anointing and
cause your mind to be totally surrendered, giving Gods
Word or principles prominence, His anointing will begin in
your mind. This is the first step towards the manifestation
of a miracle. Then tell the person to whom you are
ministering to do the same with their mind. Next, do the
same with your body.
Literally, relax your muscles,
especially in those areas that need the manifestation of a
miracle. Tell the person to whom you are ministering to do
the same. Then command those areas to surrender and
relax to the saving, superior power, which is Gods
The gifts of the Word of knowledge and discerning of
spirits will often come into operation while ministering in
this fashion, because you have opened up and yielded to the
realm of the Spirit. You may begin to feel, see, smell, taste
and hear things that the person you are ministering to is
In Romans 6, the Scripture plainly tells us that instead of
yielding to sin, we can just as easily yield to righteousness
(Gods holiness, or to be like God and have His very
reputation). We can yield to being like God just as easily as
we can yield to sin. In fact, we can yield to having Gods
reputation, His anointing, His righteousness, and His

Learning How To Release Gods Anointing

holiness easier than yielding to sin. If that werent true,

then satan would be greater than God, and he isnt. If one
yields or gives in to sin, they have yielded or given in to
satan, as sin and satan are synonymous terms.
Romans 6:19, for as you have yielded your members
servants to uncleanness and to iniquity; even so now yield
your members servants to righteousness unto holiness.
Just as simply as we have yielded to sin, by the same
simplicity, now, yield to holiness and righteousness (having
the reputation of God).
The devil has fed the Church such lies that the Church has
remained defeated when it comes to the ministry of Signs
and Wonders. The devil will tell you that you cannot do the
very works of Jesus, because you havent been to Bible
school, or you do not know the Scriptures well enough, or
you do not pray enough, or you arent holy enough, etc.
The Scriptures say that just as we yielded to sin, with the
same simplicity, now, yield to Gods holiness. You will
notice that there are no sin schools or sin colleges, yet
we have professional sinners. We do not need to go to
Bible college to obtain the riches of Gods holiness for
ourselves. All we need to do is to yield to it, act like it and
talk like it is true, because it is the highest truth in
Hebrews 3 talks in clarity about Gods people not being
blessed, because they wouldnt yield to Gods goodness.
Verse 9 says that they tempted Him. Verse 10 says that they
grieved Him. Verse 12 says that they had an evil heart of
unbelief. Because of that, they departed themselves from


Releasing Gods Anointing

the living God. Verse 17 says that God called their action
In looking at Hebrews 3 and 4, the problem becomes
clear. They would not surrender or relax in their ability that
was in their minds and flesh. Verse 11 says that they did
not enter into Gods rest. If God made them surrender,
yield or relax, then He would be a tyrant, yet He is a
gentleman. He will not force Himself or His power upon
Keep in mind that the word rest in the Greek has a
fuller meaning, which is to pause, to stop, come to an end,
refrain, as a type of heaven or a saturation of rest. This
means the same as relax, yield and surrender. Hebrews 4:1
says, Let us have reverence that not a promise would be
left out that would keep us from trusting the superior power
of God. The decision is ours. Hebrews 4:3 says, If you
believe you will enter this rest Hebrews 4:6-7 says that
God is limited if people will not first believe and receive
into their minds. Hebrews 4:9 says that there is a rest for
the people of God, and verse 10 says that in order to enter
into this rest, we must cease (stop from your efforts,
mentally and physically).
Hebrews 4:11 deals with the mental realm. To fall away
from this rest is to become involved with unbelief.
According to this passage, a person falls into unbelief
because they did not learn to labor. The word labor in
this passage means to be prompt, earnest or diligent in
study. Being single-minded is a type of labor. You will
often find that there is labor in studying, meditating or
thinking on Gods Word. It becomes an actual battle or

Learning How To Release Gods Anointing

fight. The devil (or one of his imps) will be there to try to
get you to be double-minded, and it will be a fight to stay
single-minded on the purposes of God and His Word. Once
you learn that the Word defeats satans greatest onslaught,
the fight is good. You will win every time with a victory.
Learn to enter into Gods rest and His anointing.

We are either surrendering (yielding to Gods anointing)
or we are resisting Gods anointing. In Matthew 12:30,
Jesus said, You are either for me or you are against me.
Romans 13:1-2 says, Let every soul be subject
(submitted, surrendered or yielded) to the higher power.
For there is no power, but of God: the powers that be are
ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power,
resisteth the ordinance of God
If we are not subject to surrendering and yielding, then
we are resisting. Verse 1 says, Let every soul (our souls
are our minds) be subject (or submitted) to the higher
power (of God). The last phrase of verse 2 says, They
that resist (the power of God) shall receive to themselves
damnation. We will receive either the power of God or the
damnation of the devil. Receiving is a simple principle that
is in operation, one way or another.


Releasing Gods Anointing


Psalm 19:14 says, Let the words of my mouth, and the
meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord,
my Strength, and my Redeemer. First, it is understood
from a sound Scriptural standpoint that God is every place
all of the time. Second, the word acceptable means
enjoyment, pleasure and delight. God has no greater
pleasure than to know that we are blessed (see John 2:4 and
Psalm 35:27).
God watches over His Words to perform them. God is
with us at all times. He will only activate His Words, and
He only wants good for us. This makes it easy, as well as,
desirable to speak the Word of God from morning to night.
Gods greatest pleasure is for humanity to be blessed, and
this happens through and by His Word spoken continually
from our mouths.


Having Gods anointing working for and through you is
very simple, but at the same time it is only for those who
are serious. God will become as serious with you as you
are with Him. The following Scriptures teach that being
serious with God and receiving that seriousness back from
Him, happens in a supernatural way. Jeremiah 29:13-14


Learning How To Release Gods Anointing

says that you will find the Lord when you search with your
whole heart. He will then work supernaturally for you.
Jeremiah 33:3 says, Call (have a deep-rooted concern) to
me (Him), and I will answer you and show you great and
mighty things that you know not.
Matthew 5:6 says, Blessed are they which do hunger and
thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. When
we hunger and thirst after God and His goodness (His
anointing) as we hunger for air, water and food, we will be
Hebrews 10:21-22 says to draw near to God with a true
2 Chronicles 16:9 says, For the eyes of the Lord run to
and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew Himself strong
in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward Him.
Isaiah 38:16 tells the story of Hezekiah praying with his
whole heart. God heard him and answered his prayer
within a matter of moments. It does not take long to make
our hearts right or for God to answer.
In James 4:8 God says, Draw nigh unto Me and I will
draw nigh unto you. According to 2 Peter 1:3-4, God has
already given us everything we could possibly need or
desire. I will end this chapter with the following Scriptural
statement: God has given all that He is going to give us,
now it is our turn.


Releasing Gods Anointing


If you truly want God to be magnified in this world and
through your life, you will have to die to the flesh and
intellect. You will have to eliminate selfishness, which
desires only to please self. You must be willing to go where
God calls, and be willing to eat, sleep, live and even clothe
yourself with what that area has to offer. You will have to
be humble in order to be exalted by God. Jesus said that
you would have to take up your cross and follow Him. You
will find that the cross we are to bear is to love the
unlovable. This includes unlovable situations, conditions
and people. You will experience untold satanic opposition
and persecution from people you will have to learn to love.
In the early 1980s, John G. Lakes daughter and son-inlaw, Wilfred and Gertrude Wright, came to the church that
Donna and I pastor in order to work with us in a camp
meeting. I asked if they would accept our invitation to stay
in our home, as I had read everything I could get my hands


Dying, So Jesus Can Live

on concerning John G. Lake for many years, and I wanted

to know more information first-hand. I asked Gertrude to
tell me the greatest remembrance she had of her father. I
was not expecting her answer to be that he was a man
acquainted with great tribulation.
God must be the ultimate contentment of your whole
being. All desires, concerns of the flesh and mind must
give in to the paramount concern, which is Christ being
magnified in us by life or by death. If you want Jesus to
live in your life, you will have to die to self. A dead man
doesnt care what people say to him. He doesnt care what
people think or do to him. A dead man has no fear, no pride
and no lust.
Jesus says in Matthew 11:12, the kingdom of heaven
suffereth violence and the violent take it by force. He is
talking about a child of God getting violent with the
kingdom of darkness, the first heaven. This is where
satans kingdom is found.
In a natural war, the greatest threat is an opponent who is
not afraid to die. That person has died to all self-ambitions
and has a superior motive to give his life for a cause. In
that persons mind, they are as good as dead, so there isnt
anything the enemy can do to change his or her mind. They
will accomplish the task at any cost, because they have
nothing to lose.
There are several ways a person can die to self. In
looking at several of these ways, keep in mind that there are
God-ordained ways to die to self. Often people do not
choose Gods ways to die to self, because of selfishness.
Subsequently, the person who knows Gods way of dying to

Releasing Gods Anointing

self and avoids it, comes to a place of great opposition from

satan, because they possess knowledge, which threatens
satan. This puts him on the attack, attempting to convince
that person to forsake this knowledge.

One way to die to self is to become angry with satan. A
person in warfare becomes extremely violent and dead to
self, when they see the vile destruction that has taken place
to someone they dearly love. Just one visit to your local
childrens hospital will be sure to get you angry at the devil,
as you are forced to witness the vile destruction that he
causes in these innocent little ones. We need to know that
he is our enemy. When you see those precious children in
pain and torment, your heart will be touched. When you
understand it is satan who is the author of such horrible
torment, a rage will arise in your heart and life. This rage
can cause a person to die out to self to such a degree that
they will storm the kingdom of darkness with great
If we, as believers, do nothing, satan will
continue his hideous efforts.
There was a time in which I was so hurt and so angry at
what satan had done to people whom I loved dearly, that I
began to die to self. When this took place, I did experience
a portion of Gods glory. Since then, I continue to give my
life for the destruction of satans purposes and his kingdom.
To a great degree, I no longer care what the circumstances
are. I do not care what people say about me. When there is

Dying, So Jesus Can Live

a desperate, overwhelming desire to avenge the people you

dearly love, no price is too large to pay. When satans
destruction comes to your household, you will become very
serious with God. You wont care what anyone else thinks
or says.
If we would live seriously with God, we wouldnt see the
vile destruction in our households. In Luke 12:48, Jesus
said, To whom much is given, much is required. We
must understand, that as never before, we are at war with
If there isnt anyone else to do it, I will promote the most
powerful settings of Gods power for the destruction of
satans kingdom, and God will be magnified in my body,
whether it be by life or death (see Philippians 1:20). My
greatest prayer is that the Lord forsake me not until I have
shown His strength, goodness, kindness, mercy,
compassion and love unto this generation and His divine
supernatural, spiritual, miracle-working power and Signs
and Wonders to everyone who is to come, so that the world
will have to say that there is a God with Whom no other
god or religious teaching can compete. He has never
forsaken me and never will.

Another way to die to self is to become hungry. In
Matthew 5:6, Jesus said, Blessed are they which do hunger
and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. If a


Releasing Gods Anointing

person is very hungry in the natural, they can become quite

violent in order to fulfill that need.
This reminds me of a story I once heard, in which a young
man wanted to be a successful minister, so he went to the
pastor of his church, who he felt was wise and successful.
The young man shared his ambition with the pastor, and his
pastor told him that if he wanted to pursue a successful life
in the ministry, there were things that he would need to do.
The pastor asked the young man if they could meet the
following morning at the lake, in order for him to teach
these things. As requested, the next morning the young
man showed up and was full of questions, but the older
minister said, Only be observant of this day and the things
that I do and say. The pastor proceeded to walk out into
the water until it was up to his chest, and then asked the
young man to come join him. When the young man came
out to him, the pastor put his hands on the young mans
head, and proceeded to push his head under the water. The
young man figured this must be a baptism and went along
with it, until the pastor continued to hold his head under the
water for quite some time beyond your typical baptism.
The young man fought to try to get his head above water,
yet the pastor persistently held his head under the water.
He feared the pastor must be trying to kill him, so he began
violently kicking and fighting, knowing that in just
moments he could die if he didnt get air. Finally, after
quite an intense struggle, the young man overcame the
pastor and shot up out of the water, gasping for a muchneeded breath of air. He yelled at the pastor, Are you
crazy? Were you trying to kill me? The pastor looked at
him intently and said, When you want to be a successful

Dying, So Jesus Can Live

minister as much as you wanted that air, nothing can stop

We need to be that hungry, if we want to see God be God.
The reason we do not see God be God, as He was to Jesus,
is simple. There are not many people as hungry for God
and His Word as that young man was for the air. This is
because peoples lives are too full of other things.
If my wife and I would have allowed our children, when
they were young, to eat junk food all day long, they would
not have been hungry for dinner. In like manner, when it
comes to spiritual food, adults have their lives full of carnal
things, and there is no room for Godly things.
If a meal was set before them that would give them
strength and cause them to be free from sickness and
disease, it wouldnt make any difference. They are full, and
there is no room for anything else.
People, today, are so full of television, recreation,
excessive living, the cares of this world, or maybe some
religious teaching that has been handed down through the
years that there isnt any room for the things of God.
If we will starve out those things that are taking priority
over the things of God, then we will hunger for the things
of God. God will draw near to us, because we are drawing
near to Him. Then, we will see God be God.
During the days of the Great Depression in the United
States, people didnt worry about their car payment or
house payment, because many of them lost those
belongings. They didnt worry about watching television,
because there was no television. They were not concerned

Releasing Gods Anointing

about the many things that fill peoples lives, today, because
most of them had lost everything. This caused some to
become desperate enough to need Gods power to work for
them. They studied the Word of God, and put it into
practice for hours everyday. They had prayer meetings that
lasted for weeks. One particular prayer meeting lasted
almost three months. They saw God be God.

Another way to die to self is to be so zealous for God that
you lose all fear. I Kings 18 tells of a man by the name of
Elijah who truly dies to himself, so that God would be
magnified in his life, whether by life or by death.
God hearkened to the voice of Elijah and proved He was
the only true God. In I Kings 18:21-24, Elijah said to the
people, How long are you going to have two opinions?
(How long are you going to say that there are two Gods?)
If the Lord be God let us follow Him, but if Baal be God let
us worship and follow him. I am the only prophet of the
Lord and there are 450 prophets of Baal. Let us take two
bullocks; and let the prophets of Baal take one and cut it
into pieces and lay it upon wood with no fire underneath it:
and I will take the other and do the same. And let them call
upon the name of their gods and I will call upon the name
of my God and the God who answereth by fire, let Him be
God. And all the people agreed.
Elijah was challenging the teachings that were contrary to
the Scriptures. However, one thing was different during

Dying, So Jesus Can Live

those days than in our world, today. In that day and time
such a challenge would mean that the defeated opponent
would be destroyed at the discretion of the winning party.
If Elijahs God would have not shown up for him, the 450
men that he verbally challenged would have tortured him to
In verse 25, Elijah told them to choose the bullock that
they wanted, and to put it upon their altar with no trickery
of fire under the altar.
Just as false ministries today have to use deception for
influence and self-gain, that same evil spirit from satan was
also present in those times. Verse 26 says that they took the
bullock, dressed it and started calling upon the name of
Baal from morning until noon, saying, O Baal, hear us.
But there was no voice, no answer.
That makes me think of the times we are living in. There
are some religious people, today, who have services in
which the people cry out, Oh God, hear us! and nothing
ever happens. Their prayers are not answered. Some have
a god who answers sometimes, but not often. They say,
Its probably not the Lords will. There are so many,
today, proclaiming that they have the right way, and that
everyone else is wrong. I believe we should all get together
and serve the God Who will answer supernaturally beyond
all the other gods, as the One true God.
In the latter part of this verse, the prophets of Baal leaped
upon the altar with hopes that their greater sincerity would
finally bring an answer from their god.


Releasing Gods Anointing

There are many people who are very sincere, but they are
sincerely wrong if they are out of contact with Scripture.
Verse 27 says that at about noon, Elijah began to mock
them saying, Cry aloud, a little louder because your god is
talking or maybe running around with business, or maybe
he is on a journey, or maybe he is asleep and you need to
awaken him.
You better believe that anger was kindling in the hearts
and minds of those 450 men. You can imagine their wishful
thoughts of torturing Elijah, as soon as this was over.
Verse 28 tells that after Elijah antagonized them, they
cried out louder and started cutting themselves with knives
and lancets until the blood from their bodies gushed out
upon them. No matter how we torment and sacrifice,
personally, if it isnt in line with Gods Word, there wont
be an answer. If our prayers are not answered in an
undeniable supernatural way, you are either praying to the
wrong god, or you are out of context with Scripture.
According to Jeremiah 1:12, God cannot watch over
anything but His Word. Isaiah 55:11 says that His Word
will not return void.
Verse 29 tells that there was still no answer for the false
prophets. Elijah then announced that it was his turn. He
was seriously unafraid. Either God is God, or life isnt
worth living. Elijah proved he had already died to self. As
I said earlier, a person who isnt afraid of death is the
greatest threat to his enemy. This was evident with Elijah
as he spoke out to the crowd saying, It is my turn, now!


Dying, So Jesus Can Live

In verses 30-33, Elijah prepared the altar and the

sacrifice, going to great extremes to make certain there
wouldnt be any doubt of deception. He wanted everyone
to know that his God was the only true God, and that He is
the God of no competition.
As never before, we need Elijahs, today, who will not be
remotely associated with the spirits of deception and fear,
and who will die out to self. If we totally die out to
ourselves, stop caring what people are going to think, and
forget about our reputations and believe Gods Word for
Signs and Wonders, then the world will know that there is
only one true God.
Boldly, proclaim that you are doing what Jesus did. You
are manifesting arms and legs with the power of Gods love
that the Father be glorified. Understand that if it does not
happen, you are dead to self in many respects. You are
dead in reputation, pride and maybe your flesh. You cannot
kill a dead man or woman. If you die first, you will not
have to die a second time.
You might go through 100 services in which you
announce instant manifestations of arms and legs with no
results to make sure you are dead to self, so that God can
truly get all of the glory. Your reputation will have to die.
You might have to go for quite some time with what seems
to be a destroyed ministry, where others may not want to be
associated with you, because you are too extreme.
Someday (depending on how quickly you can truly die to
self), someone in need of a missing limb will look you up,
and there will be a manifestation.


Releasing Gods Anointing

Verses 34-35 tell that Elijah wanted to make sure the

sacrifice was saturated with water, so it was done three
times until both the sacrifice and the trench around the altar
were filled with water. Just as in the times of Elijah, there
needs to be a vast difference between the true miracleworkers of God and the deceivers. There needs to be such
an extreme difference that the world can plainly see the
difference. The extreme needs to be so severe that the
deceiver will plainly know that our God is a God of no
In verses 36-38, Elijah called upon God and fire came
down from heaven and consumed the burnt sacrifice, the
wood, the stones, the dust, and licked up the water in the
trench! Verse 39 says, And when all the people saw it,
they fell on their faces and said, The Lord He is the God;
the Lord He is the God.
I am so angry at the devil and his lies that find their way
out of even the mouths of Christians. Lies such as, Dont
seek for Signs and Wonders, because you know that the
Bible says in the last days people will be seeking Signs and
Wonders. The true Church of the Lord Jesus Christ never
needs any type of a Sign or a Wonder. We do not need any
type of a supernatural manifestation. We have the greatest
supernatural manifestation in all of existence we will live
We have been born again and are the children of a
divinely supernatural God. We are partakers of His divine
nature. The world is confused. They dont know which
god is God. So, when they start looking for Signs and


Dying, So Jesus Can Live

Wonders, we can give them Signs that will direct them to

the true God, just as Elijah did.
When I am saturated with Gods Word, I am not afraid of
getting into error. I am not the least bit afraid of satan or
hell, instead its quite the contrary. The Scriptures teach
that the devil runs to and fro over the whole earth. The
reason he runs is because many, including myself, are
chasing him. Each time we catch him, there is a good fight
and we win.

Another way to die to ones self is to not compromise.
Daniel 3 tells the great story of three men who were dead to
self. They would not compromise the Word of God even to
the degree that they were thrown into a fiery furnace heated
seven times hotter than ever before. That is where they saw
Gods grace is sufficient. It is in the great trials of life
that you literally see Jesus. If youve never seen Him, dont
get mad at others, because they have and do. Just start
declaring Gods Word as truth to the degree that your life
depends upon it, and the devil will show up, and thats right
where you want him. Now, chase him with words and
actions that say you believe Gods Word is true to the extent
that you will die if His Word isnt true.
You will feel the heat of great persecution, and that will
be fine, because your feelings have nothing to do with it.
The devil is a god who works and maneuvers in the senses

Releasing Gods Anointing

realm. He wants you to focus your attention upon your

feelings, to the degree that you will stop considering Gods
Word as the highest order of truth. If you give in to his lies,
you wont see Jesus or experience the Signs and Wonders
mentioned in the Scriptures.
In Daniel 3:27-29, not only did the three men literally see
Jesus, but they were not harmed. There was not even the
smell of smoke on their clothing. The best part was when
the heathen king blessed the God of the three men and
decreed that every people, nation and language must not
speak a single word against God, which is and always will
be the One and only Almighty.
In essence, God is the God of no competition. The world
needs Signs, because they do not know which way to go.
They are lost. Lost people need good, clear, positive signs
for direction. Curse that lying devil who says you are
seeking Signs.
Signs follow you, because you are a
believer. Jesus said, These signs shall follow them that
believe (Mark 16:17-18).
We need to come to the
understanding as never before about what Signs and
Wonders are, so that we can surrender to them. We need to
know what the signs of a Christ-like person are, so that we
can start behaving like one.
Joshua 10:11-14 tells the story about a man by the name
of Joshua, who stood up in the literal sight of his
countrymen and commanded the sun and the moon to stand
still, so that Gods people would be blessed. The sun and
the moon stood still as God hearkened to the voice of a man
who was dead to self.


Dying, So Jesus Can Live

We need to die to self to the degree that we will boldly

stand before our nation and our communities, and declare
that we are everything that Gods Word says we are, and
that we can do everything that Gods Word says we can do.
I could give you many Scriptural examples of men and
women who died to self, because they believed that they
served a God that no other god could compete with, and
Signs followed them. I want to challenge you to read the
Scriptures, again, and find many of these examples.

Another way to die to ones self is to humble yourself.
I Corinthians 6:19-20 says, You are not your own. For
you are bought with a price: therefore, glorify (have the
same reputation that God, Himself, has) God in your body,
and in your spirit, which are Gods. Forget what you want,
and start wanting what Gods Word wants for you.
Remember that a dead person has no wants of his or her
Do what you have to do in order to act and talk like Gods
Word is true. Go where you have to go, and eat what the
people there eat. Sleep in the same conditions that they
sleep in, and live like they live. Humble yourselves in the
sight of God, and He will lift you up. Keep in mind that
God is everywhere, but if you cannot die to self where you
are, go and do what you have to do, so that you may die to


Releasing Gods Anointing

In Isaiah 53:7, the Scripture tells that the worst
accusations possible were blamed on Jesus, and yet, He did
not open His mouth and attempt to justify Himself. A dead
man will not try to justify himself, even when he is in the
In Titus 1:7, the Bible teaches that if we want to be used
of God, we must be blameless, instead of self-willed. We
must not be quickly angered, not given to wine, not to
strike, and not given to filthy lucre (greedy gain). The
Scriptures teach that if we are not self-willed, then we are
blameless and unrebukable. If we are unrebukable, we are
perfect, and according to Colossians 1:22-23, that is how
God sees us.
In order for Gods holy, pure anointing to flow through
us, we have to be at least as holy and pure as the anointing,
or we could not contain it. The only way to be as holy and
pure as God, is to get our own abilities totally out of the
way, and allow Gods ability to work in us. Gods ability is
His grace, and Gods grace can only work in a life that has
no working or meriting actions. A dead-to-self person is the
perfect criteria.


Dying, So Jesus Can Live


Another way to die to self is to renew your mind.
Romans 12:1, I beseech you therefore, brethren
(Christians), by the mercies of God, that you present your
bodies a living sacrifice, holy acceptable unto God, which
is your reasonable service. If we will die to self, making
us holy and acceptable to God for a divine work, we can go
on to the next step of being transformed (which is the same
word transfigured in Mark 9:2, where Jesus raiment and
person became exceeding white as snow) by the renewing
of our minds.
The renewing of the mind in this text is in agreement with
the rest of the Scriptures, concerning this doctrine of
renewing the mind with Gods Word. The latter part of the
verse says, That you might prove or know what is the
good, the acceptable and the perfect will of God. The
highest order of Gods will in existence is His Word. If we
do not read it, we will not know the good, acceptable or
perfect will of God. If we do not know the Word of God
and He speaks to us, we wont know if it was God, the devil
or our minds speaking. Hosea 4:6 says, Gods people are
destroyed for a lack of knowledge.
If we will first die to self and then renew our minds, we
will know how we are supposed to think, talk and act. We
will become holy, as God is holy, and do the works of
Jesus. In I Corinthians 15:31, the Apostle Paul said, I
die daily.

Releasing Gods Anointing


In 2 Corinthians 12:9,10, God says, My grace is
sufficient for thee, for my strength is made perfect in
weakness. When we allow all of our abilities to die to self,
the self is rendered totally useless or weak. We get out of
the way, so that Gods grace and power can be perfected.
I glory in my infirmities or weaknesses that the power of
God may rest upon me. I take pleasure in infirmities or
weaknesses, for when I am weak, I am strong. Weak
means helpless, because I have died to my ambitions,
desires and abilities. When you can die out to self in this
fashion, you will have the strength of God perfected in and
for you, that the Father may be glorified in His Son.
In Luke 9:62, Jesus said, No man, having put their hand
to the plough (start out wanting to have the supernatural
lifestyle and ministry) and looks back, is not fit for the
Kingdom of God. This type of person will not fit into this
lifestyle. Just as the author of a jigsaw puzzle has an image
that he wants to project, every piece must fit exactly for this
image to be present. In like manner, Jesus was saying that
our Heavenly Father has an image of a lifestyle and
ministry that He wants presented to this world. We cannot
consider anything that would distract us from following the
Word of God. If we do, we will not fit into the image that
God has for us.
In Luke 9, Jesus taught the people not to consider
anything else but His Word. In verses 1-3, Jesus told His

Dying, So Jesus Can Live

disciples to take the very miracle-working power of God

and have everything on this earth just as it is in Heaven. He
told them to go out and take nothing for their journey.
Instead, they were to go and act as if God would take care
of them, as much as He cares for the birds of the air. They
did just that and experienced the Kingdom of Heavens
principles. They did not consider anything else.
In verse 13, Jesus told the disciples to feed the multitude
with just a little boys lunch. He told them that if they
wanted to fit into the Kingdom of God, they would have to
act like the Word of God is true, even in the most
impossible situations.
If you can figure it out, work it out or accomplish it on
your own efforts, then God would probably never even ask
you to do it. In the Scriptures, God always asked people to
do the thing that they could not do on their own.
In verses 23-24, Jesus told them to take up their cross and
follow Him. The cross symbolizes dying to self. In verses
57-62, Jesus heard many excuses, such as, Let me go bury
my father first, and then tell everyone good-bye, and then
Ill follow the Word of God. It does not matter what the
issue is, we cannot let anything distract us from following
the Word of God.
In Philippians 3:10, Paul said that he wanted to know
Christ and the power of His resurrection. In verses 13-14,
he tells how this can be accomplished. We cannot count
self. We must forget all of the past and focus all of our
energies on the prize. As many as are perfect or mature
spiritually, live this way. If you want to be perfect or
spiritually mature, be thus minded.

Releasing Gods Anointing

I pray that this book helps to mature the Body of Christ to
the point in which the works of Christ are manifested to the
fullest, as spelled out in the Scriptures, and that the full
work of Christ be completed, so that multitudes will be
eternally changed, that we might go home.

For information on other books or teaching tapes, write to:

Mel Bond
Agape Church
140 N. Point Prairie
Wentzville, MO 63385


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