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Dear Family, I'm very excited about you visiting Flint,MI. Since you are visiting us I thought you would want to hear about some things that we have here in Flint. First off | think that you should go to BlueBell beach. It is a very nice beach in Flint that | think you would like, At Bluebell i's not just a beach itis also a nice BBQ spot that is also nice to try. My favorite thing about the beach is that it has a water park! At the water park i's nice to just splash around and run throw but also | think that spot is better for us kids (Are cousins + me and my brother) the adults would probably like to sit on the beach. The second thing | think you would like is Crossroad's village. Crossroads village is awesome. | think so because it's not your ordinary visting site it's called (*Crossroads"vilage) get it. Well if not then | meant it has a train, YOU CAN RIDE!!! Most of the time when holidays come around they have special Train rides. For example: Christmas, Halloween, even summer! During Halloween they even have a spot where you go all around Crossroad and trick-or-treat. It sounds fun doesn't it. The third thing | think you'll lke is the FFM (Flint Farmers Market). The FFM is an amazing place. There is a lot of stands there where you can buy stuff (I suggest a chocolate chip almond muffin with pink lemonade) .But there not just bakeries they also have clothing stores, meat shops, ice cream parlor, furnichure, phone case stores etc. Their are lots more places you could ever think of. And you don't really even have to buy anything you can just browse. In conclusion | think you guys should come to Flint,MI as you can see there are lots of places and thing to do in Flint. | hope you can visit BlueBell, Crossroads, The flint farmers market, and all of the other amazing places in Fiint. Flint has a lot of amazing things | really hope you can make it to Flint.

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