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Going Through Ellis Island ) a Hello, My name is Alex Evans and today i'm going to go through Ellis Island. I'm coming from Italy, Rome to go to the U.S. | am going to the U.S. to escape from poverty, religious and intolerance. Me, Alex has traveled on foothorse and train, To get to Ellis Island you have to get on a ferry boat. The boat was very packed but, we had room for dancing. When me and the other people saw the Statue of Liberty, we knew we were close to the U.S. Me and the others would wait, wait and wait forever on Ellis Island. | was traveling with my mom and my dad. Children under 16 would have to travel with an adult. Then, we got off the boat and there was a doctor that would stand on the stairs and he watch us as we went up. | saw a lot of people get sent to the medical room for more tests to see if you were really sick. If you made it through Stop 6 you go through Stop 7. Stop 7 was were you asked a lot of questions about yourself, like “Are you married”? , “Do you have children"? and more stuff about yourself. Some of my family and friends were rejected. Me and the others that made it called Ellis Island “ The Isle of Hope’. If you didn’t make it you called Ellis Island “The Isle of Tears”. At the Sth Stop people that made through the other 8 steps went on the stairs of separation. No matter where you went you had to get new money for the U.S. Now we're at the 10th stop the last stop on Ellis Island The Kissing Post. Its called the kissing post because we would kiss our loved ones over and over. Thank you for reading my immigrant story,

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