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Task 6

By Albie Baker

ASA stands for Advertising Standards Authority. ASA is the United
Kingdom independent regulation for advertising across all media.
They take a look at all the complaints that people have regarding
certain products and judge to see if the complaint is right or not.
They have many reasons why people complain about certain thing.
They complain if something is not suitable for children. If someone
complain about an advert that is not suitable for children because of
the language they use or even the violence or blood so the ASA will
look in to it and see if it suitable for children to see. People complain
to the ASA if they think that an advert is sexist. Adverts could be
sexiest toward women and even towards men. People complain to
the ASA id they think that an advert uses animal cruelty.

Advertisers have to follow these rules

Inappropriate for children
Sexually inappropriate
Offensive to people with disabilities

3 adverts hat has been banned by the ASA


advert that has been banned by h ASA is a paddy

power advert. This advert has been banned by
the ASA because it got 5,525 complaints from the
public. The public complained about this advert
because the advert was making light of a murder
trial and the death of a woman. So this advert is
inappropriate for children and it is also sexiest. I
thing that the ASA are right to ban this advert
because it is not for a kid to see and also I think
that it is very offensive. The impact that this had
on this audience that the murder is not serious because they are
treating it like a football match.
This email got banned by the ASA. This email got
1,711 complaints. This email sent to subscribers
of the Suns Dream Team fantasy football
competition featured a prize draw to win a date
with a Page 3 model. So as you can tell that this
email is offense towards women so this email is
sexist. I think that that the ASA was right to ban
the email because it is offensive towards women.
The impact of this email to the audience is that I
may think that it is alright to be sexiest towards women.

Task 6
By Albie Baker
This TV advert has been banned by the ASA. That advert got
199 complaints. This advert got banned because they are trying to
promote electric cigarettes but the lady in the advert is holding the
cigarettes like it is a real fag. This advert got banned because it is
misleading to the audience and it is also sexiest. I do think that the
ASA are right banning this advert because I do not think that it is
bad because they are promoting something that is better for you.
The impact that this advert has on the audience is that people think
that it was offensive towards women.

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