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I am writing this letter to inform you that I am requesting your good office for
an extension of my previous request as a flextime worker in this company. I
am requesting your good office on this matter since my application and
request has been already approved as a volunteer teacher at School
effective tomorrow (June 16, 2016). With this request, the credentials that I
will be obtaining from my volunteer teaching will help me on the next
submission of application for hiring teachers. For this years qualification, I
wasnt able to make it due to short of points on my teaching experience.
Im truly sorry for this inevitable scenario for I have come up to this decision.
I hope for your benevolent understanding and consideration for I have loved
and somewhat established my-self to this company and I cant just leave this
company that God has used in helping a common person as I in giving bread
and butter for my family.
And with this matter, below is my proposed work schedule to follow effective
June 16, 2016 (Thursday):
Every Tuesdays - Fridays: 06:00 PM 11:00 PM
Saturdays: 09:00 AM 06:00PM
Mondays: DAY OFF
Sundays: DAY OFF
I appeal to your kind consideration on my request and await your kind

Yours truly,

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