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STABILITY CALCULATIONS FOR JACK-UPS AND SEMI-SUBMERSIBLES BY J AVAN SANTEN Marine Structure Consultants MSC Paper presented at: Conference on Computer aided Design, Manufacture and Operation in the Marine and Offshore industries, Washington DC, USA, September 1986. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE CADMO 86 519 Stability Calculations for Jack-Ups and Semi Submersibles J.-A. van Santen ‘Marine Structure Consultants (MSC) B.V. 1. INTRODUCTION A particular feature of sem{-submersibles and jack-ups Is their box-type shape. It is this feature that makes it unattractive to determine the hydrostatic characteristics in the way It Is done for ships, i.e. by summing up of the properties of the cross-sections of a snoothly varying slender shape, Instead, an approach whereby the box-type shape is considered as consisting of large flat panels is more appropriate. This paper focuses on such a method, Another feature necessary when analyzing mobile offshore structures for hydrostatic properties is the freedom in selecting the heeling axis direction. Whilst for ships, heel around a longitudinal axis is autonatically assumed, regulatory bodies require that for offshore structures any axis can be considered, Depending on the outcome, the critical axis is defined. In chapter 6, it is shown that the selection of the critical axis is presently rather arbitrarily when following strictly the written requirements, Depending on the method, relatively large difference may occur which cannot be justified considering the strictness of the requirements. The purpose of the program presented here, is of calculation of the hydrostatic properties, This not only implies displacement and GM value, but also righting arms for a range of heel angles, tank contents, waterline area etc, This is not only to be done for the intact structure but also for the damaged structure. The name of the progran DAMAged STabil ity reflects this feature, The program is developed as a tool ina designer's environment. The set up is such that it produces the hydrostatic data, i.e. it does not give any advice or whatsoever. 520 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENGE GADMO 86 But, by using it interactively, the user has control over the shape considered and over the calculation process. A lot of attention has been paid to efficiency in using the program and preventing the user from mistakes, The program treats the safety against overturning in a static way by consicering the hydrostatic properties in still water only. Nowadays, the offshore industry is aware of the limitations of such an analysis and a lot of effort is spent on obtaining insight in the actual capsizing mechanism. Though these efforts are certainly to be pursued, it is questionable whether in the near future the static analysis can be replaced by a consistent and accurate dynamic approach. 2. METHOD The method used in evaluating the hydrostatic data of mobile offshore structures relates directly to their box-like appearance. In DAMAST, the shape, storing the geometrical data and evaluating the hydrostatics are closely related, The total structure is considered as a collection of compartments. Each compartment contributes to the hydrostatics of the structure. The compartment is split up in panels describing its outer surface. By summation of the hydrostatic forces and moments acting on all panels» the hydrostatic data of each compartment can be determined (see figure 1), In most cases, the compartment level is the level at which the user defines the geometry of the unit. Mostly a quick mode is used for defining the compartments, but the possibility exists to feed in each panel. To the program, the panel and its corner points constitutes the lowest level of geometry definition. This method is made feasible due to the availability of fast number crunching computers. In that respect, the presence of these machines and the method used are highly related. 2.1. Determination of hydrostatic forces and moments Recent years have seen a number of publications in which a direct pressure evaluation method has been presented (Witz and Patel 1985, McIver, Taggart, Starsmore and Lillywhite 1983 and Radwan 1963), The method used here 1s a direct analytical evaluation for a multi corner flat panel. There are no restrictions on the size of the individual panels, In view of the vteration procedure used in the determination of tho equilibrium position, not only the contribution of each panel to the forces and moments is calculated, but also their contribution to waterline area, inertia etc. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE CADMO 85521 The calculetion of these data is performed by an integration around the perimeter of the flat panel (see J.A. van Santen 1985 and figure 2). For this purpose an arbitrary starting point is selected (P, in figure 2). An horizontal line, lying in the plane, is the reference axis (VY). Considering the path from Py to Pz, it is possible to determine the force contrigution®from thts path. For this purposes the following coordinates are used (see figure 3): ~ x= along steepest slope of the plane, starting at P. - y= parallel to Vs starting at Py; y is perpendicular to x - z= depth below water surface. Ya Xa Bang i pgz dx dy mm The depth z can be given schematically as a function of x: Zo tC, . Xx cq is a constant; c).x is projection of x on the vertical axis. this results in: Ya Fepg f (zo. x1 +4 c1 xi) dy 2 At this stago, it is convenient to use the variable s instead of x and y dy = cy . ds Si : (3) F-og f (zo Xa + 4 C1 Xf) . ce . ds x, 18 a linear function of ys given by: Xi = Xo + Cs § (4) 522 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE CADMO 86 So: F = pg cafze (xo 5, + 3 cs st) + (5) 2 Cr (X8 Sa + Cs Xo 8% + 4c s3)} By consistently going around the contour, the summation of the force contribution from each Teg (Po-P3, etc.) yields the exact hydrostatic force on each panel. Ih the samo way, hydrostatic moments and waterplane characteristics can be obtained as well. The calculation method allows for complicated contours as shown by Figure 3 where a cortain part is excluded. In programming the above given method, extensive use has been made of vector manipulations. Care is to be exercised in defining the steepest slope direction for (near) horizontal planes. The data obtained in this way are: rx Forces in %» ys z direction, axis system defined in yy Figure 4. z My Moments around x; y» z axises, origin at w centre of gravity AiL “waterline area Sy ] State moments watert ine around to 5 x y axises fex | Inertia of waterline around x, y axises ry Inertia coupl ing tern. oP” centre of buoyancy above centre of gravity. Note that in principle, it suffices to calculate only the first six items. The last 7 items are used in the Newton-typo of iteration towards the proper position of the unit. 2.2, Iteration procedure Hydrostatic analysis will generally involve iteration, For instance when looking at the draft at which displacement equals weight, iteration towards this correct draft is to be performed. Amore complex iteration procedure is needed when alsp trim end/or heel moments have to be zero. In the present program, a Newton iteration is used for obtaining the proper position of the unit, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE CADMO 86 323 Consider for instance the case in which the heel is fixed (#), but the proper draft (z) and direction of the heeling axis are to be determined. The direction of the heeling axis is def ined by a rotation around the initial vertical z-axis through the centre of gravity (see figure 4). Note that the twist axis is fixed to the unit and heels with the unit. When seeking the position at which the displacement equals the weight of the unit and where the moment around the transverse trim axis (perpendicular to the heeling axis) is zeros the following equations are used: Cy dz + cpp dw= FL (6) ay Get Cy2 3) dz + Cp dw = We mm These two equations contain the variables dz (draft decrease) and ¢@ (change in heeling axis direction), On the right hand side are the deviations in displacement and trim-monent (idselly nil). Note that for the moment, the moment around the y-axis is taken. The coefficients are given by: oF Cy) = 5 =~ AW] (8) 2 The: } dy: draft decrease! a 2 (9) (ao) = aN 29 = Feg= Clyy + GFV) ang + Yeop-V-cos o an In S22 terms appear due to: yo d waterline inertia ay + contribution of the upward buoyancy force being shifted in x-direction due to a rotation around the horizontal axis Yeob:V? contribution of the buoyancy force shifted side ways due to a rotation around the vertical axis. Solving these equations result in the changes to be applied in order to approach equilibrium in draft and twist. This iteration process is progranmed to end when: - difference in weight,and displacement less than 0.018 (about 1m) - trimming arm less then 0,001 m. Experience hes proven that when approaching the final position, the system is highly linear. So, generally the last step results in differences much smaller than the criteria mentioned above. 524 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE GADMO 86 When using this iterative scheme, one has to be aware that the derivatives are only correct for small variations. This necessitates limiting the size of the steps taken, Empirically, these limits were set to 2.5 m and 15 degrees. The above given example for free twist can easily be general ized into searching for the position whereby both the trim moment and heel moment are zero, Instead of two unknowns, three unknowns appear. Though using the derivatives (ey. etc.) requires additional calculations (1iko Awl, Iyy etce) it is considered to be more efficient than using the Regula Falsi method. 3. INTERNAL GRGANIZATION 3.1. Storage of geometry As mentioned tn the Introduction, the object itself and the storage of its geometry are highly related. This is shown schematically in figure 5. Each compartment is defined by the panels describing its outer surface (sco figure 1), For each compartment, its first and last panel number are stored (in CMPPAN, no, 10 and 19 in tho example). For each panel, the normal vector is stored in the array PANDAT. Also, for each panel (i.e, 10), the successive points describing its perimeter are stored by a first (i.e, 8) and last (i.e, 13) index. This index refers to the array IPNSTO, This array, on its turn, points towards the array POINT in which the x. y and z values of each point are stored. The arrays are filled by adding the new data when the compartment is inputted. For this purpose, grid point data, as stored in the array PINPUT, are copied to array POINT. This specific way of storing the geometry gives flexibility in defining the compartments, Neither their number nor the amount of panels are fixed in advance, By using the IPNSTO array, dup] ication’ of points in array POINT is avoided, Presently this is only the case at compartment level. By using the "pointer array" IPNSTO the storage requirements are reduced from say 4000 x 3 real to 4000 integer and 1500 x 3 real positions. This reduction is not that large. Hovever, when determining the hydrostatic data for a heeled unit, al] the points in array POINT are transformed to a new axis system. Thus, it will pay off to reduce POINT from 12000 to 4500 locations. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE CADMO 86 525 3 Description of program sections The progran can be split in five major parts namely: ~ input - determination of specific data of the structure (stability etc.) - determination of the properties of each compartment + utilities = plotting. ‘The input part can be split in two sections namely "geometry definition" and "control commands", The geometry definition section transforms the shape as defined by the user into the proper filling of the arrays mentioned above. In chapter 4, the possible options will be discussed. The command section deals with control commands as fed in by the user in an interactive session. For instance, at any time the user can specify the (new) weight. This part of the program contains a Jot of checks for consistency of the input. The second part deals with the calculation of the hydrostatic data of the structure, Examples are righting arms, hydrostatic data for a range of drafts, tank data etc, The third part is a pure calculating part as it calculates the hydrostatic data of a compartment given its attitude, For this purposed, a set of interrelated subroutines is made, as shown in figure 6, For each panel, the subroutines are used in: ~ determination of the actual wetted part of the panel (and modifying its perimeter used in the integration) - determination of the contribution to the hydrostatic data of a line segnent between two successive points. As shown in figure 6, for large structures, these routines consume a. large part of the total computing time. The utilities section performs smal] dedicated tasks 1ike solving the equations mentioned in chapter 2, error messages, storing the new weight and its position etc. The plotting part provides a visual check on the shape. This can either be generated on a pen-plotter or on the screen. Also a plot of the tilted structure, showing the intersection with the waterline, can be mado, Figure 7 gives an example of such a plot. Especially when looking at openings and best position of life-boats, such a plot can be very helpful. 525 INTERNATIONAL CONFERE! ADMO 86 Core size and computing time ‘The progran in its present version consist of about 6000 lines of FORTRAN instructions, declarations etc. which requires about 200 k bytes. OF this amount about 70% is needed for data storage of which a large part is used by the arrays indicated in figure 5 (maximum 150-200 compartments) . The computing time is highly related to the number of compartments. In a typical stability calculation (with free twist or free trim), the following approximate values apply: Univac 1100/82 0.003 sec./compartment HP 3000/4000 0.025 Apollo Domain 330 : 0.02 On the Univac (36 bit machine), these values give a satisfactory response when used in demand mode. For the Apollo (32 bit machine), the resulting response is relatively slow, especially for large structures with over 100 compartments. Whilst for the Univac version it did not pay off to improve further on computing speed, the Apollo vorsion might benefit from such an effort. 4. USER INTERFACE The progran is developed for use in an interactive environment. For simple objects with at maximum 5-10 compartments, only a small amount of preparation is needed before the program can be run, The user controls the program by single line conmands. This is best illustrated by the commands needed to define the grid points, viz.: GRIDpoint 7, (3.0, -1.7, (5.0) SB+FRONT, if Ttext (optional) z value (optional) y value x value number — command Generally, each input line starts with a command, telling the program the type of action that fs required. In the above example, grid point 7 (as stored in PINPUT; see figure 5) is defined by its x, y and (optional) z-coordinate, For readability of the input set, text can be added at the end of ‘the input line, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE GADMO 86 527 In some cases, when the command of the next line equals the previous one, it can be deleted. A special subroutine interpretes the input line into: ~ command number of data items data items given as reals data items given as integers text part. Experience has learned that this input method is user friendly and friendly for programmers. Checks on consistency (number of cata items) and range validity are easily performed. Sonetines the text part is used as a sub-conmand. For instance "GRID ?" prints all the grid points inputted so far. The following is a list of the major commands available to the user. Function Command Self Number of times repeating used per run Review of conmands HELP - * Stop execution END - ee Input a text Tine TEXT - wancexece Plot PLOT - we Change permeability PEEM - * Select heel ing exisos AXIS 2 a Select heel angles HEEL - xxv Set required trim angles TRIM - - Sot weight paraneters WEIG - waa] Nake conpartments damaged DAMA - wee Repair damaged conpartnents REPA - wer Select initial position INIT - ae Suppress echo of input suPP - nese Print cpu-time cru - ” Input of coordinates RID yes hee ponereenee Inpvt prismatic conp. COMP yes prope s se e008 880 Input bracings BRAC yes Input comp. by panels FACE yes Turn comp. inside-out INE yos Make copy of compartment COPY yes Translate compartments TRAN yes Rotate compartments ROTA yes * Make an image IMAG yes rer Restore purged comps. REST - Purge a compartment. PURG - Comdine compartments coms yes Hydrostatic tables CARE - Obtain sounding table ‘SOUND yes Determine equilibrium EQUI - Tank contents CONT yes Calovlate righting arms STAB - oe once per run Table 1.2 Review of main conmands and number of times usod in a ‘typical run 528 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE CADMO 86 Feeding in compartment data can be done in 3 ways namely: - COMPartment ~ BRACing ~ FACEt. COMPartment is used when defining prismatic compartments with a vertical axis. Both the z-value of the bottom and top are to be given as well as the grid Points of which the x and y coordinates are to be used for the perimeter of the bottom and top panel. The top panel is by definition horizontal. The bottom panel can be made inclining (see figure 8.1.). The BRACing command is used when slender compartments are to be generated, The axis is defined by a starting and end point. The user feods in the cross-sectional area and optionally the number of corners to be used in the compartment generation (sce figure 8.2.). The COMP and BRAC command are a quick way of defining the panels of a compartment, However, these two commanda have a restricted application to certain types of compartments. For defining complex shapes, not suitable to either COMP or BRACy the command FACEt 1s available, With this command, the user can feed in each panel separately (figure 8.3.). Once a compartment is defined, it can be manipulated by using ‘the commands : ~ NOVE ~ ROTATE - COPY (generates a copy) ~ IMAGE (generates an imaged copy) - INVERT (turns the compartment inside-out) - COMBINE (combines into a new compartment) ~ PURGE (purges/deletes a compartment) ~ RESTORE, By combining compartments, complex shapes can first be build up by simple blocks. After grouping them, they are treated as a single compartment. This is also where INVERT comes in as it allows for notches and hollows to be modelled easily. The PURGE and RESTORE command are of use when investigating the influence of modifications, Compartments can be added or deleted at the users! request. It is to be noted that there is no fixed sequence in the commangs. For instance, it is always possible to change the geometry after a righting arm curve has been calculated. Also» at Intermediate stages, specific data on grid points or compartments can be asked upon, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE CADMO 86 529 Once the shape is defined, it 1s up to the user what type of calculation he wants to be performed, Mostly, this implies: - CAREne : hydrostatic data for a range of drafts = EQUI ibrium: static equilibrium - STABIT ity: righting arms. In obtaining the equilibrium position, the iteration procedure as givon in chapter 2 has been employed. When just asking for the equilibrium position, a near horizontal position will generally be found, However, also other equilibrium positions can be found. Ey setting the unit to an initial draft, twist and heel (INIT) quite different positions can be searched for. $n this way, it is possible to obtain the position at which the righting arm returns to be zero (at say 30-40 dogroos heel). For complicated structures (mostly jack-ups) this option is very useful. ‘The righting arm curve can be obtained in several ways. When using the fixed mode, only iteration towards the correct craft will be performed, However, generally a reactive trim moment will be present. As discussed in detail in chapter 6, this moment can be made zero by either free trim or free twist. Figure 9 shows a typical output. Apart from print of the standard data like righting arm, GM values etc., also information on the stability of the solution is given. Experience has shown that quite often, unstable (in twist or trim) positions are obtained. As this implies that there is another position with less build up of potential energy, such a position cannot be considered as representative for the "most critical" condition (though not recognized as such by tho regulatory bodies). Stability characteristics for the damaged condition are obtained in the same way as for the intact condition, But nowy the user has to DAMAge specific compartments. When damaged, ‘the contribution is reduced to small values, depending on the permeability. 5. EXPERIENCE The program has been operational since 1983. Initially, it was implemented on an Univac 1100/82 machine, but recently, 1t has been installed on an Apollo Domain system. From 1983 onwards, continuous development has taken place in all aspects of the program. 530 INTERNATIONAL GONFERENG Sel. Consistency From the beginning on, it was essential that the program was "foolproof". This puts high demands on the consistency and error messages of the program, For instance, it was found necessary to check that when excluding a certain part (see figure 3) this was done correctly. This check was implemented by looking at the rotation one experiences when walking the perimeter, The total rotation should equal 360 degrees, Also a sophisticated check on the flatness of the panels was found to be of utmost importance. The result of the "foolproof" approach is that only a minimum anount of assistance is needed. This is partly due to the command structure of the input. The user has only to be familiar with a restricted number of commands which he can use at any moment. Checking for proper format and consistency is done in the program. 5.2. Geometry Compared to the initial set up, the options 1 ike COMBine, FACET, PURGe, RESTore and INVErt are added. Using these, most of the common offshore structures designed in the office can be handled. It is only very seldom that the 11mits as indicated in figure 5 are reached. If so, this could be solved by reducing the amount of subdivision in compartments to the real amount needed for a damage stability analysis. In this respect, it is noted that the user prefers to copy @ complex colunn 3 times instead of generating each column separately, each with a different evel of subdivision. Generally, the 3 ways of inputting compartments is satisfactory. In some cases, where ship-like shapes had to be modelled, there was a need to have available the classical way of inputting cross-sections. 5.3, Plotting In order to check the input, a plot can be made of a selected number of compartments. Also, the structure in its actual position when heeled can be plotted, This feature is helpful when the position of watertight openings and lifeboats is to be determined (see figure 7). As plotting on a flat bed plotter is rather time consuming compared to a screen plot, the screen is used for try-outs whilst the final plot is made on the flat bed plotter. When using a graphic terminal like the Apollo 330, the righting am results are plotted on the screen the moment they are available. So, instant decisions on using a particular Modification can be made. Also, al] the righting arms are available on file for separate plotting. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE CADMO86 531 5.4. Stability calculations Most of the problems so far went into a rather unexpected area namely stability calculations, It turned out that for offshore structures, the determination of the righting arm curve is not that simple. This applied especially to the free trim case where backward sloping curves have been found. The next chapter gives a detailed discussion, Method itself The method itself proved to be very exact, which is inherent with the analytical expressions used. The advantage is that one is not left in doubt regarding the accuracy, especially when snall steps (in draft etc.) are made. Another advantage is found in the iteration process being very stable, not disturbed by noise due to calculation errors. 6. STABILITY WITH FREE TWIST OR FREE TRIM To designers of offshore structures, the stability requirements set forth by DNV and ND are well known. Experience with these stability requirements by this office has led to the opinion that the wording of the stability requirements put forward is open for different interpretations. Depending on the interpretation followed, a particular unit does or does not comply with the requirements, Not complying can results in substantial efforts (money wise) in order to obtain approval. This chapter focusses on the discussion about "critical axis" or wordings of the same nature, It is felt that a wording like "critical axis" is vague and does not comply with the preciseness of the criteria. Also, the phrase “free from restraint" (or alike) invites discussion. Mostly, this is translated as free trim (which sometimes even is stipulated) whilst free twist is equally possible within this context. It is shown that, depending on the interpretation, differences of 5-8 degrees in stability range may result. When considering heel only, it is a matter of selecting a horizontal heeling axis and rotating the unit around this axis. The amount of rotation is called heel; the restoring moment vector alongside the heeling axis gives the righting arm. Note that the heel angle equals the steepest slope of an initially horizontal plane, Also, the intersection of the waterline with an initially horizontal plane is parallel to the heeling axis. 532 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE CADMO 86 Generally, heeling in the above outlined way, will also result in aa trimming moment. According to our knowledges there are two commonly used ways to avoid the unwanted trimming moment. These are: - apply such an amount of trim that the trinming moment is zero ("free tr im!) ~ change the direction of the heeling axis such that zero trimming moment results ("free twist"), The difference between the two is that in the first method, rotation around the initial horizontal axis 1s employed whilst im the second method, rotation around an initially vertical axis is employed. Figure 10 shows the methods. Note that the end positions relative to the waterline are the same. It is noteworthy that in the free twist method the heel angle remains identical to the steepest slope. In the free trim method, the heel angle will always be less than the steepest slope, This chapter gives application examples of the two methods. 6.2, Model of the unit considered For the denonstration we chose the stability model of the MSC designed CI54. The CI54 is a throo logged cantilever jack-up with an almost triangular shape. At the three corners of the unit openings are provided for the legs and leg footings. A plot of the simplified model is shown in figure 11. 6.3, Stability with free trim When determining the righting arm curve by using free trim, one is faced with the selection of the heeling axis direction. In order to restrict the number of curves to be calculated, only a limited number of axis directions have been considered namely 90, 115, 180, 220 and 2/0 degrees. Duo to symmotry, only axis directions between 90 and 270 degrees have to be considered. The 90 and 270 heel axis directions do not result in any trim. However, for 90 degress direction, the unit becomes unstable in trim for heel angles exceeding 37.5 degree direction (see figure 12). INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE CADMO 86 533 ‘The other axis directions proved to be much more difficult to gonerate. Only the 180 and 220 degree directions yielded Satisfactory righting arm curves for heel up to the second zero crossing. However, the 220 degree direction already showed a rather peculiar jump in trim angle for heel around 37.5 degree (see next table INITIAL MATERLINE ABOVE COC: sain FROM: 0.00 10: 0,00 STEPssasesss OER. FECL FRot, 25:00 10: 29.00 STEP 0.50 TEGH. CORTENTATION HEEL AKIe 220.00 DECR segsstou 2 ANCTRA HEEL PEGE: cere 500 gre SSSSSSR88 gegseaga Beeusses Figure 13 gives an explanation of this phenomenon, Between 36 to 37 degrees heel, the trim angle varies fram about +0.5 to +2.0 degrees in order to satisfy the free trim requirement. However, when increasing heel above 37 degrees, the previous zero point -yielding the trim angle- vanishes and the unit flips over to -3 degree trim, Figure 14 shows the righting arm curve, It is not possible to extend the righting arm curve as obtained for 180° heel ing axis direction for heel angles above 37.5. Nevertheless, the curve can be continued, but only by reducing the heel angle. At the same time, the trim angle increases to Jarge values (see figure 15). The same behaviour, but even more pronounced, is found for 115 degree heel axis direction (figure 16). The large trim angle phenomenon as shown above is even more pronounced in the example of a typical barge, When considering a near transverse axis (85 degrees), large trim angles occur whilst heel remain small. Figure 17 shows this behaviour. Clearly, for this critical axis, the barge does not comply with ‘the poquirement of positive stability over at least 35 degrees. Strictly applying the rules would means that most offshore transports cannot be certified. 534 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE CADMO 86 6.4. Stability with free twist Due to the symmetry, only axis directions between 90 and 270 degrees have to be considered. When following the free twist procedure, an indifforent position can be present for the starting position with near zero heel, For the intact vessel in an upright position, both ‘the heel ing and trimming moment are always zero which means that any direction of the heeling axis will satisfy. So, when starting with zero heel, one can loose control over the heel ing axis direction. For these cases the solution is to go backwards i.e. start with a large heel and a well defined heeling axis direction. The iteration towards the proper axis direction wi11 now go smoothly. In order to attain the correct position, one has to put the unit in the near correct draft by using INIT. A good starting point is the second zero crossing of the righting am curve, In order to find these second zero crossings, one has to find the position of the unit (heel and twist) for which the trim moment is zero, For this purpose, a plot is made of the dependence of the trim-moment on heeling axis direction (twist angle). Figure 18 iS an example of such a plot. It is seen that the zero trim-moments are obtained for various twist angles. By using this figure, all positions can be found for which both the trimmoment and righting moment (2nd intercept) are zero, viz: Twist Heel VCB Stable Stable from (deg) (deg) -~—(to Coa) zero heel onwards 90 38.3 -2.2B no IL. 37.6 27.03 yes yes 1713 38.2 =Z7.15 no 188.9 37.9 27.14 yes; } net eststing and 38.1 0-27.18 no no 270.0 37.7 -27.1 yes no The VOB value (vertical centre of buoyancy) is a measure for the energy input. From this, it is seen that the 151 degrees direction has the smallest build up of energy, hence the lowest area below the righting arm curve. Also, this happens to be the single orientation with a stable behaviour from 0 to 90 degrees heel. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE CADMO 86 535 Further inspection of figure 16 reveals that for high hoel ing angles, two additional axis directions are valid solutions, namely: approximately 230° approximately 245°, The points given above are used as the starting points of tho GZ calculation with the free twist. Figure 19 shows the relationship between heel angle and axis direction for which the trinming moment is nil. From this figure, it is seen that the 177.3 and 188.9 degree heel axis directions (branches 3 and 4) are not realistic as they are not present for small heel. In contrast with expectations, several branches are found: up to 31 degrees heel: 4 branches from 31-40 degrees heel: 6 branches from 40-90 degrees heel: 6 branches. ' Each branch represents a possible righting arm curve, But» some of these are stable, some partly stable and some are unstable. Also it 1s seen that for low heel angles sometimes a rapid transition in axis direction takes place. Figure 20 shows tho righting arm curves for the 4 branches present for heel angles between 0 and 40 degrees. It is seen ‘that not much difference in shape and hence in range is present. However, as shown in figure 19, only 1 stable situation 1s found from zero to 40 degrees heel, namely 150-180 degrees heel ing axis direction, Interestingly, this is also the direction resulting in the lowest gain in potential energy (see V03 in the table on the previous page). 6.5. Discussion of the results The free trim procedure is followed for a selection out of the numerous axis directions. The peculiar behaviour of a backward curved GZ-curve was found for an axis ortentation of 115 degrees. For this special caso, the maximum heel angle that could be reached reduces from 37.6 (as obtained from free twist) to 32 degrees, Figure 21 shows also that the heel angle at which the righting arm becomes zero again reduced from 37.6 (free twist) to 29.5 (free trim. In several cases, large trim angles are noted for large heel angles (noar GZ = 0). The reason is that near the second intercept with the x-axis» one of the final equilibrium positions is to be reached. When the orientation of the heel axis with Tree twist end with free trim do not coincide, largo ‘trim angles are to occur in order to reach the same end position of the unit, In other words, the unit is trimming ‘instead of heeling. 936 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE CADMO 86 Note that conventional calculation of the righting arm curve by increasing the heel angle stepwise, will not result ina proper solution for heel angles above, say, 33 degrees (for 115 degree axis direction). In some cases, we obtained solutions for Jarger heel angles, but these belonged to other branches (jump in potential energy). Only by using the special features built in the program, we were able to extend the righting arm curve, From the analysis with free twist, it is seen that in practice four different paths are possible. Of these four, only one (150-180 degrees axis direction) is the only fully stable one. This branche has the lovest gain in potential energy. From the analysis, it was found that quick changes in the axis direction may occur when increasing the heeling angle. When comparing the results for the same end position of the unit, it appears that generally, when going from zero to large heel angles, the righting arms in the free twist approach are smaller than in the free trim approach, The reason for this 1s that: - in the free twist procedure always the steepest slope and hence largest heel is taken - the areas under the curves need to be the same, which (together with a larger heel for free twist), reduces the GZ values for freo twist. In the free twist model, the position of the unit is fixed by the least possible amount of variables, namely: = heel angle ~ twist angle. In the free trim option, one additional superfluous parameter namely trim is added. This means that one can translate the mith trim" situation into the "without trim" situation. These relations are: from trin tri ‘om trim im 34 trim = heel = acos (cos 6, * cos $.) heel e678 axis direction =u, vo = direction = aty (gq) + 3) INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE CADMO 86 By using these formulae,the free trim positions of the jack-up have been translated in axis direction and heel only (figure 22). The backyard curved path translates as a near constant heel, but an increase in axis direction, Experience til] now, indicates a number of problems which will face the user of the free trim approach. ‘These problems ere: 1. As one parameter is superfluous, the amount of axis directions to be studied becomes infinite, resulting in a large number of different GZ-curves that can be produced 2. When using the free trim method, the peculiar behaviour of a backward curved GZ~curve can be found; an example is given in figure ll. 3, In general, the regulating authorities require the most critical axis to be considered. As several criteria are to be fulfilled, several critical axises can be formulated. A clear example is the stability of a rectangular barge, as shown in figure 17. When» for such a barge heel (with free trim) around a near transverse axis fs considered, the range of positive GZ reduces sharply to unacceptable values. Hence, for the most critical axis a criterion of 35 degrees rango would never be met. Yet, the analysis method complies with the "any axis" phrase. The free twist method solves part of the problems mentioned ‘above, In the example of the jack-up presented here, only 4 curves out of an infinite number remained. for the barges a near longitudinal heoling axis will result when using free twist. Out of these 4, only one is found to be stable throughout, It is to be noted that when considering free twist conbined with overturning monent due to wind, the wind direction must be adapted to the heel axis direction. Energy considerations When considering the potential energy contained in a unit, it can be shown that generally free twist results in a lower potential energy than free trim. For this purpose, we consider a situation with trim and convert it toa without trim situation, 538. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE CADMO 86 When, for equal displacement, the unit is trimmed, the monent to be exerted on the unit is given by: M, = 6 (Ma, cos¢ - Yeap sing) along y-axis (15) So, the energy input ts given by: Ey = 26. Ni . cosd . ae) E, = 3. 6 cos (MG, cosd - Yooh sing) When, for zero trim and starting from the free twist position, the unit is twisted over a small angle, the following relation applies between the external moment andi: Ma = o(MG, sind + Yooh cos) along y-axis a7) The energy inputted by this twist, is given by: E,=+ aut . (MG, sing + Yoo, cosq) sind A For equal value of the trim moment (M, = My): (MG, cost - Y.., sino) w=@ pe ag) LL sind + Veoh: cosp So, the snergy input from twist is given by: “ ino)? (MG, cosd - Y_4, sind) sine = 30 a Ss (20) If the difference between the two, Ey-E,, is positive, then the free twist position contained less potential energy: Me) cosp - Yog, Sing E,- Ei: =- 307 Y (21) HOSP ewes cob MG Sinb + Yo, cose INTERNATIONAL GONFERENGE CADMO 86 539 Generally, the following applies: Yooh <0 for range of positive stability MiP 0 for stable situations ME] cos > Yoon Sin generally valid for weakest axis, So, when going fron free twist to free trim, the energy input js positive, indicating that a free twist position contains less potential energy than a free trim position. So generally, when let free to trim or free to twist, the unit will twist. CONCLUSIONS The theory and background has been presented of a computer program for the calculation of hydrostatic properties. The program uses a direct analytical evaluation of the pressure acting on flat panels. This method is particularly useful for box type structures like jack-ups and semits, A conmand structure has been presented vhich eases the ‘interaction between computer and desicner. In view of efficiency, without losing control, numerous options have beon ‘implemented. Experiences with different types of stability calculations have been prosented. The results indicate that a wide variety of righting arm curves can be obtained. The curves are more or Jess the same in appearance, however, stable and unstable curves are present, For free trim, an infinite number of curves can be produced due to the fact that the position of the unit is set by 4 paraneters whilst 3 would suffice. Using the free trim method, unexpected and unknown phenomena appeared like a backward curved righting arn curve. In view of this and of the difficulty in establishing formally the direction of the "critical" axis, it is suggested that the regulatory bodies put more detail in how the stabil ity calculations are to be performed. It is suggested that the free twist method, being a clear cut method, helps to remove most of the problems. 540 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE GADMO 86 Mclver, D.B., Taggart, S., Starsmore, N. and Lillywhite, P.A. (1983), The Development of Stability Analysis of Semi-submersibles, Second SSPA Symposium on Ocean Engineering and Ship Handling, 1983. Radwan, A.M. (1983), A Different Nethod to Evaluate the Intact Stability of Floating Structures, Marine Technology, vol. 20, no. 1, January 1983. Santen, J.A. van in discussion of the paper by Witz, J.A. and Patel, M.H. (1985), RINA Supplementary Papers 1985, vol. 127, ‘1985. Witz, J.A, and Patel, N.H. (1985), A Pressure Integration Technique for Hydrostatic Analysis, RINA Supplementary Papers 1985, volume 127. ABBREVIATONS (UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED) PREA area below righting arm curve (figure 11) ANGAX heel ing axts direction (figure 11) ARIET righting arn (nogattvo) (Figure 11) ARML trimming arm (figure 11) aut waterline area ” Dvol difference in actual and target volune (figure 11) F force ¢ gravitational acceleration REEL heel angle (figure 11) lex inertia of vaterl ine around x-axis iy inertia of vaterline around y-axis w morent around transverse y-x1s, MB, metacentre het ght for rotation around the transverse yeaxis iG, metacentre hefght for rotation around heel ing axts (Figure 11) STERS hunber of iteration steps (figure 11) Sx static monent of waterline around x-axis y stetic monent of waterline around y-axis XY, Z axis system through origin of Input axts systen X» Ye Z axis system through centre of gravity (x-along heel ing axis) fey transvorse pesition of centre of buoyancy relative to centre of gravity vos position centre of bouyancy above centre of gravity (Figure 1) z draft decrease ZH position waterline above centre of gravity (Figure 11) water density trim angle heel engle ‘twist angle Gsplacement (mi), aks 08 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE CADMO 66 541 Figure 1.: Subdivision of the structure in compartments consisting of panels Figure 2. Figure 3.: Exclusion of a part of 2 panel 542 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE CADMO 86 TWIST AXIS TRIM AXIS CENTRE OF GRAVITY Figure 4,2 Axis systems Aber ot cation aa 4 [lek Sa wfstae ha) Tes ml sen soto PLL dl [e | on Se ie fe ir E (otra [a ai Figure 5.: Arrays used in storing compartments INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE CADMO 86 543 = nyiroptatle forest ant (ypical vanes) unr + eit of ne parts 3 Figure 6.: Subroutines used for hydrostatic pressure evaluation Figure 7.: Tilted semi-submersible showing intersection points with the waterline ( Generated by: conPartrent BRACIng FACED Figures 8.1, 8.2. 8.3. 544 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE CADMO 86 “cw, COMBED - ¢ leo wEING eFaCEr a oO «0 PURGE SreCIrIC MSI SATS THM feta seritea ars Faure 1, itey is es Se 7°80 bes sporgsuame ols 9 fos 27 as se Figure 9.: Example of computer output (see also list of abbreviations) INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE CADMO 86 545 Twist ATS Twist AMIS sm Ig eee ais FREE TWIST FREE TRIM Figure 10.: Free twist versus free trim 549 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE CADMO 86 Figure 11.: Shape of the analyzed jack-up RIGHTENG LEVER G2 CMETRESI as @ 6 @ S&S 2 S «© 4S SO ANGLES GF INCLINATION DEGREES) STABILITY CURVES) som oy ' zk BS umes ote een aan ann o 6 ime aie | Ros 28.28 aman Figure 12.: Righting arms for free trim (90/270°) Figure 13.: Figure 14.: Figure 15. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE CADMO 86547 For heel above 37°, the right most zero-crossing vanishes 10. wh et tie | vad ‘S m a i 2 3 4 SBC [IGLES OF INCLINATION (DEGREES? RIGHTING LEVER GZ DHETRES Righting arm curve for axis direction 220° REGITING ARM (m) TRIM ANGLE (do9) stable 2.2 fee -2, Lo o ia 2 39 4a sa 68 70 eD AUGLES OF INCLINATION COEGREES Righting arm curve for axis direction 180° 548 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE GADMO 86 TRH 10. ANGLE: f stable 2.3| me 2 OD so 60S REGHTING ARM (mn) TRIN ANGLE (DES) Figure 16.: Righting arm curve for axis direction 115° stable Figure 17.: Free trim of a barge for an axis direction of 85 degrees INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE CADMO 86 549 RMA hecrsoe) ” EB was onechy wedi Figure 18.: Relation trim-arm and heeling axis direction for different heel angles LI | | | | | ayy ZU atte c C aL + LE Figure 19.: Relation between heel angle and axis direction for free twist condition » _ rd Th 8 S iiine ie im 2s "te aes g STABILITY OF CJ54-Reo/RIIe ar g 21f ai AN Boe 2 | si a= _ 2 _ =a BS Anus © anna to cocoate) . Figure 20.: Righting arm curves obtained by free twist 580 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE CADMO 86 ae | E = 18 : Law Boe 2 ate direction Bi is 4 2 toh | Ee feel] rs a | Rd - a 3 Ty 15 a 3 38 35 48 4s 50 INELES OF INCLINATION toecrEs ‘STABILITY CURVECS) ve Figure 21.: Comparison between most critical righting arms obtained from free trim and free twist 29] 3 20 HEEL ANGLE (0% {FREE TRIN (220°) | FREE TRIM (115°) FREE TRIM (160°) ol v0 8 200 230 HEEL AMIS OECTION (0c0) Figure 22.: Relation between pure heel angle and axis direction only as obtained from transforming the free trim data

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