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oe { Vy . lo 5 : 7 7 s 292 AWEALTH OF IDEAS FOR IELTS SPEAKING & WRITING «© 2 AWEALTH OF IDE} _POINTS FOR SOME SPEAKING AND ADVANTAGES G WRITING TOPICS 1. The stu may alg 1, Telecommuting : Save "e — Mest ait Definition : Working from home with the help of telephone lines 4. A well © ADVANTAGES TO EMPLOYEES employer 4. Save time ~ no time wastea going to and coming back from office DISADVANTAGES 2. Save money — no spending’on private or public transport 1. You m& 3, Can look after family commitments like dropping the child to school etcetera, 2 may Sea 4. Flexible working hours : ee a 5, Can do some side business side by side because of the time saved. | sole ADVANTAGES TO EMPLOYERS ‘ 1. Less office space needed, Less money spent on maintenance of office, Land prices | 3G. M. FG are exorbitant. . 2. Less sick leave and other leaves by employees ADVANTAGES (¢ ADVANTAGES TO ENVIRONMENT | 1. Have bg 2. Need Ie 4. Less pollution because lesser vehicles on road | 5 tow pk ow DISADVANTAGES TO EMPLOYEES ' pete +L. to motivation ~ soca iteration ofan office environment is missing ' taster § NO TEAMWORK OR CREATIVE WORK { ‘% awe et 2. ‘The employees don't fel a sense of loyally for the company “pewerts 3. You have torreserve @ comer in your home for office work GM (genetically ¢ DISADVANTAGES TO EMPLOYERS i. anata 1. Supervising tele-workers is difficult i 2. can bf 2. if network fails then the whole work comes fo a standstil i aleray, 3. Rich oc tees — Gap year : one Introduction : A gap year is a year afer high schoo! when a student (18 years old) tak genetiq ume to explore his or her interests, which usually entails some type of travelling or some JOP. hers ‘After the gap year is over, the student begins his or her career: 8 WRITING > pland prices « ts old) takes or some job. { AWEALTH OF IDEAS FOR IELTS SPEAKING & WRITING 293 ADVANTAGES 4, The student can explore his / her interests before deciding on a major. A student ‘may also find something he has never considered studying before. 2. Save money to finance education (eases burden on parents ) 3. Meetcifferent people and experience cultures. — personality develops. 4. A.well planned gap year is attractive to some admissions tutors and to future ‘employers DISADVANTAGES " 1. You may find it difficult to get back to study. if you start earning enough, education may seem unimportant. 2. Lack of motivation and progress later on, 3. Ifyou don't plan it propery, it may end up as a wasted year. ooee 3. G. M. FOODS - (Genetic modification, genetically modified) ADVANTAGES. 1. Have been in existence for 30 years and no side effects noted so far 2. Need less pesticides - Some GM crops are more resistant to disease or insects 3. Low prices as the crop yield is higher ~ this is very beneficial to meet the demands of the burgeoning population. - Farmers can produce crops that grow bigger and faster - Faster growing cereals, fruit and vegetables will mean more profit 4. More choices to people -.;GM foods can be modified to look perfect - They may be more attractive to customers DEMERITS - GM (genetically modified) food have their own disadvantages 1 2, Unnatural — man should not play God Can be dangerous ~ For e.g. addition of nut protein to soya, Those who had nut allergy developed atiergy after eating soya Rich counties can spend on this technology end further exploit poor countries Dangerous to environment — contamination of neighbouring crops by.the altere¢ gene pool - GM crops might change whole ecosystems Unpredictability of the behaviour of the altered gene. For e.g. a crop of corn which is, genetically modified to make it less susceptible to an insect may take other unwanted characters. It may become more susceptible to another disease or it may decrease the crops ability to produce vitamin E. eee 204 AWEALTH OF IDEAS FOR IELTS SPEAKING & WRITING 4, GENETIC ENGINEERING - Genetic engineering is the practice of manipulating the genes of an organism ADVANTAGES OF GENETIC ENGINEERING itis used to produce crops that are more resistant to insects and diseases ‘Some genetically modified crops grow more quickly Some drugs‘and vaccines are produced by genetic engineering it may become possible to change human's genetic characteristics. Sciéntists may use genetic engineering to cure diseases Inherited illnesses would né longer exist Genes could be changed before a baby is born It could also be possible to clone human organs ‘We could all have replacement body parts Humans could live longer, healthier lives DISADVANTAGES OF GENETIC ENGINEERING There are ethical concems about human genetic engineering Parents might want to choose their children’s characteristics - This would be unnatural = Itwould be unacceptable in most religions Soldiers could be cloned from the genes of the strongest people Clones might be used lke robots to do certain jobs Clones might even be developed just for organ replacements Society and human evolution would change completely Cumently, human genetic engineering is prohibited oeee 5, JOB HOPPING - REASONS ADVANTAGES / DISADVANTAGES AND SOLUTIONS Intro : Because of fierce competition, job-hopping is looked upon to move upward quickly, to keep skill fresh and up to date and to acctimatize oneself to the rapidly changing sociely THE BENEFITS OF STAYING IN THE SAME JOB FOR LIFE 1 2 3 Employees have a stable career with one employer ‘They have a good pension and health insurance Their salaries gradually increase AWEALTH OF: 4. They, 5. They Theye, THE BENERE: 1 Peon offer a 2. Peothe can tone Char Fame for thé SOLUTION G 1. rate Chron His fa Goveg; to pure the & 5. Empl: shout ¢ 6. Advan€ ¢ ADVANTAGES! 4, seh your ¢ 2. Nowa ence 3. The If you any ¢ ‘ > & 2 Tg & WAITING > rac = practice of ? 2 eases. wuuevys vu 2 2e unnatur J tural NTAGES ? fiove upward 'o the rapidly AWEALTH OF IDEAS FOR IELTS SPEAKING & WRITING 295 4. They may be promisted within the organization. 5. They demonstrate loyalty. Experienced staff can be trusted with more responsibilty. They become part of a team THE BENEFITS OF CHANGING JOBS OFTEN // JOB-HOPPING 1. People often change jobs in order to improve their career. Another company may offer a promotion or a higher satary 2. People who change jobs can gain experience. They can learn different sk", °cople can retrain in a different occupation. In a fast-changing world workers need to be flexible. People need to develop a range of experience and skills 3. Changing jobs is interesting and: challenging. Family reasons - a change of residence or if spouse has to go elsewhere to “ort: or for the sake of children’s schooling, SOLUTION 1. A rational view, in general, stability equals success 2. Chronic job-hopper will not be considered reliable 3. His integrity and loyalty will be questioned. 4. ‘Government and the mass media should encourage people to take 100! i to pursue their careers in a stable manner. They should maximize welfai the urban and community environment and retain qualified personnel 5. Employers should raise wages of the employee to create a good working to ensure that their profits also provide personal development of employ should give more training and expand the knowledge of employees. oes 6, Advantages and disadvantages of self-employment ADVANTAGES OF SELF-EMPLOYMENT 1. Self-employment offers greater freedom than working for a company, You scx your pay check, 2. Nowadays, it is easy to set up a company. Young entrepreneurs are | encouraged by loans from the government. The Internet provides a global marketplace If you do well, you get all the credit, but if you work for someone you are not given any credit if they do well 296 AWEALTH OF IDEAS FOR IELTS SPEAKING & WRITING. DISADVANTAGES OF ‘SELF-EMPLOYMENT 4. However, there are risks to starting a new business. Self-employed people may face financial difficulties. 2. Many businesses fall to make a profit. There is less stability in self-employment 3. Thare are no benefits like pensions, sick pay and holiday pay. 4. Self-employment involves hard work, long hours and total responsibility 7. Unemployment Unemployment is a big problem for individuals, communities and society Unemployment causes frustration and stress. They may'find themselves homeless Jobless, people may become involved in crime 2s a means to get money. This can ‘also affect the society. It can play havoc. Young people have a lot of energy. It has to be channelized in the right direction by giving jobs. EFFECTS ON INDIVIDUAL - Economic loss ~ Péace of mind and feeling of security is lost - Self worth is lost - Social status and status within the family is Jost = Mental health is affected EFFECTS ON SOCIETY - Increased poverty = Crime - Political instability - Diminished health standards SOLUTION - Education system reform ~ many people are without jobs and many jobs are without AWEALTH OF 8. The imgd tis i EMF, 1. Too mue 2. 3. hold Wortge Agood more SOLUTION Compar Nowe Tech: Many,cx work 4 Beco voun§ sceng nave lives Hace Goot BENEFITS FC suitable people tet = Government subsidies to those firms that take on unemployed people of mai | Cond of bith fe tenerchgiten toronto xe fond i ae - Set up industries based on agriculture in the = Set up cottage industries — carpets — mats ~ soeps i - t aoee ‘ ¢ € —— + - c ‘ WRITING may face ) loyment. ; ) j homeless y. This can 4y. Ithas to ) re without 1 eg 1 RRR OTRO freeman AWEALTH OF IDEAS.FOR IELTS SPEAKING & WRITING 297 8. The importance of work/life balance Itis important to achieve a balance between work time and lefsure or family time 4. Too much work can result in stress and poor health. People need to take regular holidays. 2. ‘Workaholics" may neglect their families and friends 3. A good work life balance can raise job satisfaction. Happy, healthy véo.(s more productive SOLUTION y Companies should riot expect employees to work over Nowadays, many people work part-time or have flexible working hours Technology allows people to work from home Many companies provide childcare facilities to enable workers with s work with a free mind. are ooee 9. Advantages of young adults doing mandatory commu” BENEFIT TO THE YOUNG ADULTS 1, Becoine both physically & mentally tough; benefits them in future 2. Young people develop a bonding with the community. It is very ess scenario. As it is young people are having litle face to face communication have a good friends circle through the internet but are leading practically isolated lives. Community work gives them a chance to interact with the communi 3. Htdships create opportunities for them to reveal potential; strengths & qualities 4. Good resume (CV) BENEFITS FOR COMMUNITY Effective way of improving the community. Young people will realize the importance of maintaining what they have done for the community. To reduce crime rate among young people. The energy of the youth i in the right direction. They oeee 298 AWEALTH OF IDEAS FOR IELTS SPEAKING & WAITING 10. Drug abuse among Youth CAUSES: 1. Availability - Anybody can buy drug from chemist even without a prescription at times. Drugs are beneficial generally. Harmful if taken for intoxication, Unemployment Friendship ~ started for pleasure or social formalities, Parental negligence Parental influence — parents ‘drink Media — Heroes drink eg. Devdas — the hero is drinking like a fish Advertisement — Bagpiper club soda ~ everyone knows it is a whisky Antisocial elements They want to make hush money( easily got money ). One: bottle costs 5/-Rs but sell it for 200-300 9, Teachers’ negligence 10. Legal negligence 41. Broken homes 42. Failure of love affairs 13, Stress of examinations SUGGESTIONS exnoannenp 1. Strict laws and regulations, 2. Parents must be role models. Instill positive values in children 3. Strict vigilance and scanning about friends. Censor the friends eoee il, Should teenagers do jobs while they are still students AGREE 1. Teenagers who work early are more mature and independent than those who do not work They have experience in work, which is useful for their future jobs They have responsibilty with money and they realise the dignity of labour When they know how hard to eam money, they utilize money more effectively AWEALTH: 5. Tht ow 6. Thy DISAGREE a ous the 3. Artis 4 oh a upot y some, 1 AG 21 befc ak OWN VIEV, Bolt a& off alt annnnnhanan ig WRITING 2 2 oeription at wuuuvud yy). One nis 10 do not ely AWEALTH OF IDEAS FOR IELTS SPEAKING & WRITING 299 5. They can earn money to buy books, games, or even though spend for school fee, which help their parents to raise them 6. They can nurture their skills and social knowledge. DISAGREE 1. Negative impact on their learning, and eventually on their grades. 2. Distupt a teenager's home life. If they work, they will lack time for playino or sleeping, which results in negative effect on their health. 3. They, miss out on the fun of being young. He has a whole lifetime in wii to eatn a living 12. Funding Arts and Artists ‘Thave WHY GOVERNMENT SHOULD FUND ART AND ARTISTS 1, Artis a basic human need and so the goverment has a duty to satisfy this need as any other need, 2. The contributions of artists to the society are very essential. Artists preserve our culture and tradition, For example, we lear about our history, traditions ari¢ culture through movies, songs and paintings made by artists. 3. Artists also entertain us Government should fund artists because eaming a livelihood from art is difficult especially in the budding stages. If they are not supported then these ar!'sis ti Ino! upon other means of livelihood and we will be the ullimate sufferers. WHY SOME PEOPLE OPPOSE GOVERNMENT SPENDING ON ART 1. A nation’s health and wellbeing should be paramount. 2. There are also more deserving social causes for the money that should be considered before the arts. Homelessness, unemployment, literacy - all of hese deserve fo be addressed before money is spent on what is essentially litle more than entertainment OWN ViEW Both sides have strong arguments; it depends on the condition of the country. | developed countries where even the poorest of the poor have all the basic amenities Of life, government should spend on art and artists but in countries where people are dying of starvation and diseases, other matters should be givon pr ooo 300 AWEALTH OF IDEAS FOR IELTS SPEAKING & WRITING 13. Nuclear Power 2S NUCLEAR POWER: POSITIVES There are several benefits to build more nuclear power stations 4. Fossil fuel like oil and gas ere running out. Nuclear power is a sustainable energy source. It can be used to produce electricity without wasting natural resources. It ‘could replace the use of natural resources like coal, oll or gas 2. Nuclear power stations are cleaner than fossil fuel power stations. They could help to reduce carbon emissions that cause global warming 3. The risks of accidents are being reduced. 4, Huge amotint of energy can be produced. NUCLEAR POWER: NEGATIVES Le AWEALTH some 1. 7H of : - he, a a g d 3 15. Cogs Opponents of nuclear power worry about the safety of power stations For 2. The building of new nuclear power stations is unpopular - Nobody wants to live near 1 fe one a 3. Nuclear waste disposal is a significant problem - There is currently no way to expe decontaminate radioactive material 2 Sec People worry that terrorists could steal radioactive materials 3 5. Itis safer to produce energy from solar, wind or water power. cate teee 4, & inst 14, Animal testi ‘or / Against Against : 1. Se ARGUMENTS FOR ANIMAL TESTING Lo 2. The 4. Ibis necessary’to do medical tests on new drugs before giving them to humans. ae Example: Thalidomide, a drug for vomiting of pregnancy was given in 1952. All babies iw were born with seal-ike limbs. Had proper testing been done, so much suffering of human life could have been prevented, « 2. Animal testing helps to advance medical and scientific knowledge. Many important medical discoveries involved experimentation on animals. aes 3. Animal experimentation is also important if the effect of any drug has to be seen aati over generations. The life span of guinea pig is 3-4 years. Effect of drugs over Det generations cannot be seen over generations in humans because by then the & generations of scientists would also change. ADVANTAG 4. Researchers aim to minimize the suffering that animals experience Testing for the 1 & éosmetics industry is now banned in many countries c Cc = - ~ ve SC = c NOnan aa laa as D> + AWEALTH OF IDEAS FOR IELTS SPEAKING & WAITING 301 ARGUMENTS AGAINST ANIMAL TESTING 2 1. The benefits of research using animals do not justify the suffering caused. Animals are also sentient beings. They may not be able to speak but they feel pleasure and ? pain. The lives of animals should be respected. Humans have no moral right to do” j experiments on animals. ble crouse 2. There are alternative methods of research. Computer simulated ¢ vr san help scientists know the effects of drugs. Pould help 3. Animals are different from humans. So any effect on animals may; 4.3 0n humans.» > aoe 2 > 15. Co-education For: Site ee 1. Ithelps each sex to know and accept the viewpoints of others. This in their > later life when both sexes have to live slongside each other in the socioty. So, the fo way fo experience of the opposite sex right from school is beneficial 2. Studying together helps in full development of personality, 2 3. People learn from each other. Females learn braveness from boys and inaies learn > carefulness from gils, 4. Co-educalion is economically more viable. Instructing the two sexes sepaiciely would > mean doubling the infrastructure. > Against : Arguments against co-education are weak in today’s time of sexual equatiy 1. Some say that a person is inhibited in front of the opposite sex. So, his fil potential 2 - iS not developed, 2 2. They also feel that it is against our tradition humans 3. The future roles of men and women are different. So they should be taught according >Allbabies : ven to that Suffering of zz eee important 16, Globalisation 2 be seen tugs over Definition — Different cultures and different economies of the world are coming cles This is then the because of the IT revolution and faster means of travel ) ADVANTAGES fing for the 4. More jobs because of MNCs WEALTH OF IDEAS FOR IELTS SPEAKING & WRITING. 302 2. More efficient trade between different countries thereby improving the economies of developing countries 3. More opportunities to travel 4. More choices of products 1. Stud, 5. Awareness of other cultures a 6. Shared knowledge in a variety of fields including medicine thereby reducing disease roe and mortality in developing countries 2 ae DISADVANTAGES me 1. Loss of local traditions in the form of a wed a. globally uniform clothing ft Prot b. globally similar eating pattems oe ©. globally similar music tate individual national identities are being diluted by these factors eof 2. Local businesses can't compete ii 3. Big MNCs have a lot of power © 4. They exploit local people by paying much less © 5. Generally speaking, the poor are still poor with litle or no access to basics suchas | 19. Televi = electricity = clean drinking water - essential medical help ‘And the wealthy countries seem to be maintaining or increasing their wealth quite 2. Sone efficiently - 2p as ‘ er ~ 17. Extra-curricular activities in schools ne For : 3. Spay 1. Personality is made up of several abilities and therefore non academic activities are 4. Watel also essential for the holistic development of personality DISADVANTS 2. Children can bring out their hidden abitties 4. 1Ve 3. Through these activities, children mingle with students of other classes. So if gives etc. students an opportunity to meve out of their formal group. 2. Pe 4. Such ectivlies also help students to interact with students of other institutions by 3. Unt way of inter-school and inter-college meets and competitions. | 2, ANG 5. Paticipating in such activities also helps you in college and job applications, | & ‘Admissions officers and employers give preference to such students, It shows you | ¢ are well rounded and responsible. | 6. Such activities break the monotony of tough and boring academic studies: | S c 6 £ 6 S ¢ ‘ ¢ n Swarming Dromies of 2 2 rh disease 2 2 > > > ? Saal ? > Ath quite > 2 >, Dit gives gions by ations, 938 you d AWEALTH OF IDEAS FOR IELTS SPEAKING & WRITING 308 18. Sex education in schools For: 1, Students should be given lessons in sex education just like any other field of study. ‘They should not be protected from the subject. Its one of the most important matters » in everyday life. Take the e. g. of AIDS: Sex education would go a long way in preventing the spread of HIV virus and consequently AIDS, 2. Sex education could prevent unwanted pregnancies. It is better to know about this Subject than to take help when itis too late. 3. We all know tRat young people are especially vulnerable to stress as regiss's sex. Proper education would help to prevent frustration in some cases. 4. Sex education could prevent the development of superstition, It should not be considered a taboo subject People should not be reticent to talk about it. oeee 19. Televised sport ADVANTAGES 1. Entertainment in the comfort of the home ~ rain ~ cold 2. Some sports are better seen on TV — golf ~ team sports ~ Zoom = Close-up = Replay 3. Sponsorship funds are in proportion to TV coverage 4. Watching sports on TV encourages people to go out and play DISADVANTAGES 1. TV encourages professionalism — players start demanding money. Take part in ads etc, People are becoming sports watchers rather than sports players: Unglamorous matches and events have suffered 4. ‘Win at all costs’ altitude is encouraged. — drugs ete. soos 308 AWGALTH OF IDEAS FOR IELTS SPEAKING & WRITING 20. School Uniforms 41. Uniform provides identity to the school. Espegially helpful during schoo! trips. Also when some miscreants come in the school they can be easily spotted. 2. Uniform is a social leveller. It erases any social differences that are there between rich and poor students, 3. Uniform also improves the discipline of the school and creates a sense of belonging in the mind of students for the school. 4, Moreover, students don't waste time thinking what to wear. They have less pressure on them to be the best dressed and so they devote more time to studies. 5. Uniform prepares the student for the world of work which has a dress code. AGAINST: 4. We have a right to express ourselves and this includes the right to wear whatever we please. Uniform is not always practical or pleasant to wear. Expensive and so unnecessary burden on parents Can be very boring and monotonous. tooo 21. Media POSITIVE EFFECTS 1. Educate and inform 2. Entertain 3, Shapes our opinion Link between the government and the people 5. Helps in providing justice NEGATIVE EFFECTS 1, Invade privacy of famous pé paparazzi 2. Violence and vulgarity 3 Shape opinion in negative ways riots oot pluaristig Shouide 5. Versati business 6. Alert -& ¢< © 23. Benefi é 1. Develog! childrens 2. Inculca& 3. Childreg children’s and wri 4. Childrepy Their obs lOPPONENTS WS 1. Parents ontheit Relute are watefi Pronunde They m& bes Alterna& Convene Alternat al trips, Also ~ oF between ei belonging ~ 28s pressure 2 ge @ whatever ° VUE OUHNYULYUUUYUYULEUYES FSRVUL “ AWEALTH OF IDEAS FOR IELTS SPEAKING & WRITING 305 22. Qualities of a journalist 1. Bold and brave 2. Truthful ~ ‘should give only those news which have some proof ( authenticity) and not spread rumours 3. Unbiased ~ should not favour any political or religious group — very importa iia Plutaristic (multi-cultural and multi-eligious society like india) 4. Should have goog commuiniéation skills 5. Versatile ~ multifaceted — he has to present ail sorts of news like sports news, business news, political news and so on ) 6. Alert ~ you never kriow viheri the sky is going to fall eee 23. Benefits of Reading Bedtime Sto: s to Children 1. Develop bonding between parents and children. Parents spend quality-time wit! children. Children feel wanted and loved. 2. Inculcates the habit of reading in children. Children learn language skills such as pronunciation ahd vocabulary. It develoins children's ability to express themselves more confidently, easily, and clearly in spoke: and written language. ‘4. Children develop patience and listening skills. Their attention span is increa ‘Their concentration increases. [OPPONENTS VIEW 1. Parents are busy and have become workaholics. So children should learn by read con their own and by watching TV. Refute it ~ it would be detrimentat for children. Who would monitor what the enildren are watching or reading, Pronunciations could be wrong if children read on their own, They may refrain from reading altogether tooe 4. Alternative Medicine Conventional ~ allopathy, modern medicine Allernative - Homeopathy, ay eda, reiki, acupuncture, acupressure, nature-therapy AWEALTH OF IDEAS FORIELTS SPEAKING &whiming WEALTH Oo; 306 ADVANTAGE 4. SoG, 4. Yoge —minor cold, spinal cord problems like spondylitis, joint problems, hypertension} iis heart diseases. Ayurveda, homeopathy — gout, some cancers, chronic diseases 5. Ads 2. Long lasting effects 6. sn& 3. Available everywhere 7 Ino 4. Cheaper prog 5. Noinegligible side effects 8. Adst 6. Helps improve overall body structure - yoga Kiog DISADVANTAGE > 8. Soge 1. Ineffective in acute problems! emergencies ! wes 2. Side effects are not well researched 10. An 3. If taken without supervision can be dangerous ~ yoga ao sees | abe , : | ing | 25. Advertisements - Industry worth million of dollars across the world S 26. shop: ADVANTAGES OF ADVERTISEMENTS ‘There are many advantages of advertisements, Firsily ads toll us about new products. Ads also tell us how to use these products. |) 4. Wh; there fe no electronie and print advertising many new products would not be bought Ane. on So, in this way ads help the manufacturers and consumers both | * < Secondly, ads also educate people about non commercial issues like AIDS, a deforestation, and family planning, Advertising is a powerful medium and can react, cut fo the remote comers of the county. Finally, the advertising industry provide} 2. Can jobs to thousands of people. Ans. M& DISADVANTAGES OF ADVERTISEMENTS 3. Ake 1. level of ad too much- ubiquitous 61) streets GE) Buses wt the’ 2. ‘Tyranny of choice or choice overload. 4 wet | 5 we Research has shown that people are less happy now than 30 years ago with les choice. Disappointments after buying things as some ads make false claims. Shoppett 6, Avot guilty of not choosing wisely. x 3, Ads can’t be ignored because they use underhand methods fike attention grabbint € aoe nd orenucatvepctres. Some eds ere hidon in what seems te pices 4 at or public information, | ‘ | cS | ‘ L 6 S § ¢ E ¢ n Se a wamn » 3, hypertension} onic diseases we uuuUVUY ? dollars 5 yese products. | ues tke AID and can reach {dustry provides E-mail} | Ds ago with lest aims. Shoppert > sention grabbin As lke pieces > AWEALTH OF IDEAS FOR IELTS SPEAKING & WRITING 307 4. Some ads make people feel inferior ( a feeling of inadequacy) if they don't have the product e.g. Amitabh Bachan in the ad of parker pen. 5. Ads don't have the good of society in mind only profit e.g. fast food ads. ‘Small companies can't compete with big ads and so lose business. 7. Increase the cost of product as all the money spent on hiring celebs to endorse products goes into the cost of the product. 8. Ads target vulnerable children who pester their parents into buying th>-- p--tucts. Kids can be easily attracted by the false claims made by the ad compuins. 9. Some ads show stunts which may be followed by children and cause injuiy. For e.g., the ad of Thumbs-Up. 10. Another disadvantage is that ads are unwanted intruders. Just when a TV izocranime is going on, there is a commercial break. Telemarketing is another example. itis very disturbing. Just when you are doing some important work, you get a ps otal about a product or insurance plan, some surveys also claim that there is cx iasreaso in consumption of alcohol and cigarettes after viewing such ads soso Shopaholism 4. What is shopaholism? ‘Ans. Shopaholism is uncontrolied shopping in order to feel better about onesell ‘Shopahotics usually come back with bags and bags of items most of which vil never be used 2. “Can anything be done to solve the problem of shopaholism? ‘Ans. Many things could be done 3. Always pay in cash. Never take your credit card. The best thing would be to destroy the credit card altogether. 4. Make @ shopping list before you go and stick to il 2 monthly budget. 6. Avoid ordering goods from catalogues and don't watch shopping channels on TV. 5. Work o1 oeee ee 308 WEALTH OF IDEAS FOR IELTS SPEAKING & WRITING 2 AWEALTH OF 1 27. Consumerism 27, Consumerism DISADVANTSE ADVANTAGES OF CONSUMERISM 1. ad Se 1. There is a greater level of employment as a result of consumerism, since industry 2. You depends on a strong labour force, made up of workers who produce a wide range of 3. Photo goods. Mass production = mass employment A oe It provides consumers with greater choice, which can only be beneficial it €. 3, Mass production means the prices of things come down which benefits the consumer. 5. Becgys ‘Another benefit is that consumerism increases spending and boosts a country’s mole economy. Moreover it can increase its status in the world & DISADVANTAGES. OF CONSUMERISM 41. Itcan create a throw away sotiely. This has a negative impact because it can spoil « the environment. For instance, it can create huge amount of waste which has tobe | MAGAZTE™ disposed off through the use if landiil sites. — 2° Other problems include issues such as air and water pollution. This occurs as a ADVANTAGEG... result of bye products of consumerism being released and absorbed 41. Hight 3. Consumerism also makes people spendthrits. They waste their energy and money 2. Paperc in buying trivial things. 3. As tie) 4. Furthermore, such attitudé of higher spending generates vigour in people to eam =| DISADVANTAG* more money, They become workaholics. Cant strike a balance between work and 4 spaeR leisure or family and so it leads to stress. 2 Yue : 5. This leads to an adoption of unethical practices. People want to buy things and they -— can't afford them the right way they may do petty crime — chain snatching, pick- pocketing, shop-iifting ete. ¢ oeee RADIO ¢ . ADVANTAGES, 28. MEDIA AND ADS - Advantages and disadvantages of vari- 4. Radio is ous media for ads day, 2. Duringy NEWSPAPERS: They are one of the traditional medium DISADVANTAGt ADVANTAGES 4. Beco +. Newspapers allow you to reach a huge number of people in one area sienuler < 2. You can decide on the size and placement of ad according to budget. 2. Radio! 3. Readers can read and re-read thé ad. Bian 4, Quick: today you decide-.and in 2-3 days the ad is in the hand of customers. ‘ ce S S S Ss e cS S n AWAITING 2 2 Dee industry ‘ide range of 2 2 le consumer. country's > Pk can spai {3 as tobe Bours as a > ‘and money 2 ale to eam A work and a ys and they Ching, pick- “of vari- AWEALTH OF IDEAS FOR IELTS SPEAKING & WRITING soa DISADVANTAGES. 1. Ad space can be expensive. 2. Your ad has to compete against the olutter of other ads. 3. Photo reprodisction in a newspaper can be poor. 4. Your ad will have a shorter shelf life as most people read the paper on: it 5. Because of the increasing popularity of the intemet, newspapers suv. Popularity. Many readers prefer the online version of a newspaper. toe MAGAZINES ADVANTAGES 1. Highly targeted audiences. 2. Paper quality is better and so photographs look better. 3. As the page is smaller, so even smaller ads stand out. DISADVANTAGES. 1. Space and ad layout costs are higher. 2. You have to plan weeks in advance. ooee RADIO ADVANTAGES 1. Radio is a universal medium enjoyed by peopie at one time or the other during 1! day, at home, at work or even in the car. 2. During the past 10 years, radio ad rates have se DISADVANTAGES less inflation, 1. Because radio listeners are spread on various stations, you may have to advertise simultaneously on several stations to reach your target audience. 2. Radio is a background medium. Most listeners are doing sometiting olse +. listening, So, your ad has to work hard to get their attention, ooee 310 AWEALTH OF IDEAS FOR IELTS SPEAKING & WRITING ‘TELEVISION ADVANTAGES You can reach a lar span‘of time. J Independent stations and cable offer new opportunities to pinpoint local audiences. ‘TV can convey messages with sight, sound and motion. DISADVANTAGES Relatively expensive i Preferred ad times are often Sold out far in advance. Multiple exposures are needed for the ad to rise above ‘the clutter. ge number of people on a national or regional level in 2 short terms of creation, production and air time costs. oor DIRECT MAIL OR DIRECT MARKETING OR DIRECT RE- SPONSE. MARKETING Seller sends marketing message directly to the buyer + catalogues - sales letters ~ brochures ADVANTAGES Direct to target audience. Can be as long as you want. ‘Ad campaigns.are hidden from yout competitors. DISADVANTAGES ‘Some people throw the inail without even opening it, Resources need to be allocated to maintain lists. Can be expensive Depends on tist size Quality of campaign: so0% ‘ e AWEACTHOF u€, « TELEMAR) ADVANTAGES @ 4. You cant 2. You oft have. ¢ DISADVANTAGEt 1. Many 2. Magy & 3. You mge c 29. Graffitt Grain t many & desis which & On thes neyeg Grainy allowing provides ati cra ¢ 30. Capital 1. suppch siops the viet 2 The of 3, Thecy 4. The off ¢ e : WEALTH OF IDEAS FOR IELTS SPEAKING & WRITING att X WAITING > > -LEMARKETING &) TELEPHONE SALES > VANTAGES ansa epork * 4. You ean call global, national and local prospect. ? 2. You tan interact with the prospect, answering any questions or cones: aucionces have. DISADVANTAGES. > 1. Many people are adverse to these calls. 3 2. Many people use technology to screen out unwanted callers. > 3. You may have to hire professionals. 2 ooee > vege oy RE. (29:Graffiti * Graffiti began in 1960s when someone started writing his signature or tag on as > many surfaces as he could. Other young people copied him and soon there wore 5 designs and paintings on walls everywhere. Graffiti also takes the form of slog ? Which put across the artists opinions about certain social and politcal issues. Greil , is something you or hate. Some people feel that Grafili makes cily ug'y. On the other hand some people feel that its a form of artistic expression and Grat y may even be found on display in famous art galleries. ‘ Graffiti is actually illegal and some countries try to deal with the problem by not allowing people under age of 18 to buy spray paints. In other countries the authovit > provide special walls on which people can practice graffi, Whichever way atite > Graffiti is a popular form of expression. > oaee allocated > 30. Capital Punishment For Capital Punishment 1. Supporters say that capital punishment deters crime. Feat of the death peneliy > stops people from committing offences. It is @ form of revenge which gives solace fo the victims family The death penalty shows that crime ) 3. The cost of imprisonment is avoided The offender cannot pose a threat to others Joe eRRpUEg REIT oe 312 AWEALTH OF IOEAS FOR JEITS SPEAKING & WRITING AGAINST CAPITAL PUNISHMENT 1. Innocent people could be wrongly convicted and executed. Capital punishment is irrevocable. < 2. Crime rates are not necessarily reduced because many criminals do not think they will be caught, So capital punishments not a good deterrent. 3. Executing prisoners creates a violent culture’and encourages revenge. + 4, We have no right to teke another human fife ooee 31. Reasons for Urbanization People moye to cities in search of job opportunities Cities offer greater employment possibilities and a higher standard of living People migrate to cities from the countryside Traditional activities like farming need fewer workers nowadays. aeons soe 32. Negatives of City Life 1. The cost of living is higher than in rural areas. Housing is usually much more expensive 2. Some people do not manage to find work. Homelessness and poverty are common on cities. There is a gap between rich and poor. Life in cities can be extremely stressful 3. There are problems like traffic congestion and crime Cities lack a sense of community. People do not even know their neighbor Cities are sometimes described as “concrete jungles’. - pollution eoee 33. Importance of banning cars from city centres 1. Pedestrian Zones in city centre can improve the local environment - less noise and air pottution 2. Banning cars encourages peopl bicycle lanes. 3. Dependence on cars is linked to health problems like obesity. People who walk or cycle regularly are generally healthier 4. Pedestrian areas are safer and more attractive for both residents and tourists walk or cycle. Many European ‘ities have built +oee 34. Mog, ADVANTAS, L}e 3. 4 DISADVs we 2. & € 35. Moe ADVANTAG Ve 2. Mo 3. ae 5. Tf pisapvaki 1S ale ¢ 36. Hist APNARITAR 1.7 2c 3. ADVANTAG x nnnnnnbanne re ~ AWAITING » “gishment is oi think they ‘expensive = common 2 extremely Shoise and ave built ho walk or prrists AWEALTH OF IDEAS FOR IELTS SPEAKING & WRITING. 34, Modernization of Buildings ADVANTAGES OF MODERNIZING 1. To meet the needs of the growing population. 2. Some old buiings:may be a threat to life. 3. Modem materials are more practical. 4. Energy efficient houses. DISADVANTAGES OF MODERNIZING 1. Loss of architectural diversity. 2. Loss of tourism, ooee 35. Modernization of Cities - Advantages and Dis ADVANTAGES OF MODERNIZING ‘To meet the needs. of the growing population. Modern material are more practical. Energy efficient houses. Expanding road system. 5. To expand trade. DISADVANTAGES OF MODERNIZATION 1. Loss of architectural diversity. 2. Loss of tourism, toee 36. Historic Buildings - Should be destroyed or not ADVANTAGES OF, DESTROYING HISTORIC BUILDINGS 1. To meet the needs of the growing population, 2. Will not be a threat to life. 3. Road systems are being expanded. ADVANTAGES OF NOT DESTROYING 1, Serves @ very good purpose. 2. Attract tourists and good revenue. ooee 313, 314 AWEALTH OF IDEAS FOR JELTS SPEAKING & WRITING 37. Prisons pecans NEGATIVES OF PRISONS 1 3. Prisons act as universities of crime, Criminals are put together. They make friends with other offenders. Petty crirninals lear felony and other serious crime. Many prisoners re-offend when they are released. A criminal record makes finding a job more difficult Maintaining prisons is a burden on government. FUNCTIONS OF PRISONS » 1 2. Punishment Another aim of prisons i rehabilitation. Prisoners receive education of vocational ‘raining. Prisoners should leam personal skills and specific job skills Punishment could make prisoners’ behavior worse Rehabilitation aims to make them better citizens Rehabiltated prisoners are less likely to re-offend ooo 38. Community Service ~ VS - Imprisonment FOR COMMUNITY SERVICE 4 2. dy 5, 6 Community service is a way to reform offenders { could be a solution fo prison overcrowding It avoids the cost of imprisonment It makes offenders useful in their local communities, They are required to clean streets or talk to school groups. Offénders repay their community. ‘They avoid the negative influence that prison can have AGAINST COMMUNITY SERVICE Community service is not a sufficient punishment Criminals should be locked up, away from their victims aoe € Aven of} © prati 3. AVG forge ARGUMENTS 1. Vege in 2. Meg natur S 40. Posi £ POSITIVES ¢ 1. Zoot eng 2. Zags 3, Zoot ab 4. 208 5. Zoo: vecarives 1 ling 209 ae nnnnnhee n AWEALTH OF IDEAS FOR IELTS SPEAKING & WAITING 318 39. Vegetarianism ARGUMENTS FOR VEGETARIANISM Vegetarians do not eat foods that are produced by killing animals 1, Many people choose a vegetarian diet for moral reasons. It is unneges. 22) {Lili animal for food. Many people question the treatment of animals in factory forms 2. A healthy diet ig possible without eating meat. Some foods like soya-bea: protein content that is equivalent to non-vegetarian diet. 3. A vegetarian diet may reduce the risk of disease like cancer. Vegetarian diet contains fibre which reduces the risk of cancer of the large intestine or colon. ARGUMENTS AGAINST VEGETARIANISM ve 1. Vegetarians do not eat a balanced diet. In many cultures, meat is the in traditional meals 2. Meat-eaters argue that animals are below humans in the food chain, It is $4) natural for us to kill them for food. oeee 40. Positives and Negatives of Zoos POSITIVES OF ZOOS 1. Zéos play an important role in wildlife conservation. They can help to protect endangered species Zoos allow scientists to study animals and their behavior Zoos are educational, interesting and fun. Children, in particular, enjoy learning about animals 4, Zoos provide job opportunities. 8. Zoos altract tourists ~ economy is boosted NEGATIVES OF ZOOS 1. Zoo animals are kept in artificial environments. They are kept in cages or have limited space 2. Zoo animals rely on humans. They lose the freedom to hunt for food 3. They best way to save endangered species is by protecting natural habitats. ‘Some people believe that zoos are unethical. Zoos exhibits animals with the aim of making money. We have no right to use animals for entertainment and profit, 316 AWEALTH OF IDEAS FOR IELTS SPEAKING & WRITING The Advantages and Disadvantages of Zoos — (This is just to teach simple paragraph writing) Animals have been kept in captivity for many years and there are many advantages ‘of 2008. Firstly, in modem zoos animals are placed in enclosures which try to simulate theit. natural habitats, In these enclosures they are protected from their natural predators and well looked after. The animals are provided with shelter, food and medical attention. Secondly,,zeas provide the public with educational Information about animals. They increase the public's knowledge of the dangers many animals face and the kind of habitats they live in. Lastly, zoos often rescue animals which would have otherwise been killed or animals in captivity which have been treated cruelly by humans, : On the other hand, there are:also some disadvantages of zoos, Campaigners argue that zoos are cruel for animals and that the enclosures where they are kept are far too small. They also argue that some animals ere taken out of their natural environments. Problems have arisen for animals that are faced with different climates, especially those ffom hot countries that then have to survive cold winters somewhere in Europe for example. Finally, not all z00s provide their animals with the care and attention they require. In some zoos animals are kept in dirty cages, are undernourished and not given any medical treatment see 41. Benefits of education Education gives people knowledge and skills People with qualification are more likely to find work They can eam.a higher salary They can contribute positively to society. Schools presiare children to be members of a society ‘Schools aim to teach young people moral values such as tolerance and shari ng otee 42. Overseas study - Advantages and disadvantages ADVANTAGES More advanced education systems in developed countries Univérsity courses in these countries are more job oriented, more responsive to labour market, more integrated in socio-economic development trends, university in most developing countries by contrast are still refer to as “ivory fawers”, focusing more on providing academic knowledge and skills needed by the labour market, ah Awealt, DISADVE, 44, E solutid PROBLEI nn wr? 209! n nan 2 wana Psimple 2 syentages ‘o simulate. 2 natural food and rermation animals we when D treated os argue a are far natural plimates, Tewhere pare and ges, are 2 > a we Tembers ring 4g U using “ket, AWEALTH OF IDEAS FOR IELTS SPEAKING & WRITING 2. Oversea students can access modern technologies, and be involved in research project; gain practical skis, 3. More independent and mature 4. Exposure to different culture DISADVANTAGES 317 ‘even state-of-the-art ones, 1. Culture shock : New climate; New natural & social environment; Homesicimess and loneliness Financial difficulties facing private students High cost of livingfiving cost 4. Brain-drain toes 43. Technology in Education : Advantages, and opinion TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATION: OPINION 1 Institutions should supplement traditional teaching with the use of { Technology is part of everyday life, It can entiance a teacher's lessons Students can use online resources to help with homework Students must stil earn to write by hand, They should stil use traditional sources of infor lation such’ as books tee 44, Education in Devel. loping countries: Problows solutions PROBLEMS Children often have to work from an early age There are no schools in many areas Families do not have access to books or computers Literacy rates are often low People in developing countries need knowledge and skills Education is the key fo improving the economy of these countries 318. WEALTH OF IDEAS FOR IELTS SPEAKING & WRITING SOLUTIONS 4. Developed countries could help developing nations by providing money. They could invest in schools and technology. They could supply the funds to build schools and pay for teachers. Children need to have access to free schooling. Computer equipment could be donated. The Internet can expose stuidents to a world of knowledge and information. 2. Governments should make education compulsory for all children. They should encourage parents to send their children to school. 3. Governments of developed and developing countries must work together ooee 45, Higher Education : Advantages and Disadvantages HIGHER EDUCATION: ADVANTAGES ‘There are many benefits to going to university. 1. A degree can open the door to better employment prospects. 2. Economies are becoming inereasingly knowledge-based. 3. Most jobs require specific knowledge and skills. Skilled workers are needed for sectors, such as information technology and engineering. f 4. Repetitive manual jobs are-now done by machine. 5. Many factories have moved to developing countries HIGHER EDUCATION: DISADVANTAGES 1. Ahealthy economy needs a wide range of workers. Some manual workers will always be needed. 2. Auniversity degree is not necessary for many service professions. Practical training is more impoftant in some industries, In the UK, for example, there is currently @ shortage of plumbers. Their services are therefore becoming more and more expensive see 46, Advantage and. Disadvantages of Homeschooling ADVANTAGE OF HOME-SCHOOLING ‘Some parents decide to educate their children at home 1. Some families live in isolated areas with, poor transport 2,Other parents are not satisfied with local schools j sik AL # DI! z 3 NNHON ON ef on a ° En nnan ey nannnnnann WAITING ) hey could jhools and Somputer ) world of by should , r , te for sectors {ail aways al training surrently a and more AWEALTH OF IDEAS FOR IELTS SPEAKING & WRITING 319 3. 5. Parents can respond to what their children need and how they learn best ‘One-to-one lessons allow much faster progress. The child can work at his or her ‘own pace Discipline problems are avoided by home-schooling DISADVANTAGES OF HOME-SCHOOLING Most parents do not have the time to educate their children at home 1 2 3. 47. Bad behavior in Schools : ne parent would need to give up work. ‘School subjects are normally taught by up to ten different teachers. Most parents do not have the necessary knowledge or resources. Private tutors are expensive. Children will miss out on the social experience that school offers. \t school, children leam how-to get on with each other. Home-schooled children m=. "=" social skills. Schools offer a better overall educational experience eee Causes and Solutions CAUSES 3 Bad behavior is due to a lack of structure and discipline, There are tos many children in some classes. Large classes are difficult to manage. 2, Many disruptive students come from an unstable family back! stu 3, Other parents are too lenient and spoil their children. Some chiliiyen are used to getting whatever they want. Schools can do very litle if they are not supported by parents. 4. When intelligent students are taught with other students who are weak at studies, they become disruptive because they follow and grasp thing quickly and then disturb the ‘others SOLUTIONS 1. Schools need a clear code of conduct. Schools need a clear se! behavior 2. They need to create a positive working atmosphere. Teachers must have the power to punish disruptive students. 3. Schools need to work closely with parents. Discipline could be at bome. Parents must support the school rules. They should take responsibility for thei children’s behavior 4. A separate section could be mave for the disruptive student 320 AWEALTH OF IDEAS FOR IELTS SPEAKING & WRITING ava 48. Corporal Punishment : Opinion 2 € Cofporal Punishment is not a good idea £ Physi¢al punishment is a way of controlling children using fear . € This does ‘not promote trust between adults and children : c Chikiren who are punished physically may become shy or resentful Corporal punishment creates an atmosphere of fear and anger 51.5& seer AGAINS: 49, Advantages and Disadvantages of Grouping Children ° According to ability ¢ ADVANTAGES OF GROUPING CHILDREN ACCORDING TO ABILITY 26 1. Teachers can work at the right speed for their students ; 2. Teachers can plan more suitable lessons 3. High-level groups may progress faster. Lower level groups can benefits from a slower ¢ pace | 3¢ Some teachers and parents support streaming for these reasons | DISADVANTAGES OF GROUPING CHILDREN ACCORDING TO ABILITY | © Grouping by ability may have a negative impact on students, Children do not want to FoR © be Seen as less intelligent than others. Streaming could damage students’ self ig esteem. They may lose motivation, 1 2. Students from wealthier famiies tend to be betler prepared. Children from poorer 26 families may receive less support from parents | 36 Mixed ability classes encourage everyone to achieve their potential People shoul” read those books that are about real event, real people, and 52. Mi established facts. Agree or disagree =< eeee FoR My 1 50. People should read those books that are about real event, 20 real people, and established facts. Agree or disagree < DISAGREE : 1. The real world is too complicated for children; innocent and inexperienced to know 4G the real facts and understand what is a real life about ¢ 2. Comic books will disappear as well as animated films and fiction movies. There will é WRITING weuuvuve ddren Yslower > “want to ts! self 5 poorer 3 know xe will 52. Multinationals - MNCs ee ationals - MNCs ‘AWEALTH OF IDEAS FOR IELTS SPEAKING & WRITING —— sat pe nothing to excite the mind and spirt. Real events, real people and established facts are not enough to stimulate thought. 5. Stories based on animal characters have been used since ages to teach about life. For e.g. Tales from Panchtantra written by Pandit Vishnu Sharma were written to ‘educate the sons ofa king about worldly wisdom. Their morals hold good even today. tooo 51. Exams - for and against — ee tor and against AGAINST FoR ‘Firstly, | think thatthe examination system is unfair because somictimes two students withthe same abil in a subject get very diferent exam results. This fs besauss one {is much better at taking exams than the other. 2. Apart from this, exam questions often test how much a student: iembered about the.things he or she has been taught in the classroom, As a result, students RIE offen encouraged to do rote learning, instead of how to use the inforrction ana how to think for themselves. % faslly. it seems to me that exams sometimes have a bad effect on te-ching, ax teachers are usually judged by the exam results of their students, Conisequenii iney are often more interested in preparing their students for the cans then by ‘making theic lessons lively and stimulating {Have been going on for ages and have withstood the test of time. 2. Students study because of the fear of exams, 3, Some criteria is needed to judge the progress of students toes FOR MULTINATIONALS 1. Offers employment to local workers 2 Promotes peace internationally. Creates sense of community crossing Dorders. Allows entire world to improve standard of living Gives access to quality products regardless of location 4 Promotes economic stability. Raises standard of living for regions involved in Production. Gives local economies new economic opportunities 922 AWEALTH OF IDEAS FOR IELTS SPEAKING & WRITING AGAINST MULTINATIONALS c 4. Ruin local economies 2. Deplete local woik forces by drawing to metro centres 3. Cultural diverstiy'is lost as it creates cultural homogenization ‘A. Provide litle help with problems which are jocal in nature. Gives political power to outside interests ‘ 5. Create economic instability by being subject to the whims of the global economy. Makes local economies subject to mass layofts fg . Replace traditional values with materilistic values “ aeee 53. Some people prefer to provide help and support directly to those in the local community who need it. Others, hhow- ever, prefer to give money to national and international charitable organisations. Discuss both views and give your opinion. ADVANTAGES OF DIRECT HELP 1. Aperson remains directly in touch with the needy 2. You can see how your money is being used - no mediators are there and so no ADVANTAGES A wear disap € Ae ON A NsM Pe on & a & For: TaN InwM HN chances of corruption AGAINS| 3. Moreover, charity begins at home an ADVANTAGES OF JOINING NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATION & 1. Can work on a larger platform — for globat issues — larger platform is @ must € 2. Help activities can be better spread through a larger network. You feel part of a é lobal village. ” a a ak c 4M & e 1. Most of the private schools offer smaller classroom size and so the child can receive Ade more individual attention from teachers ~ 2. Better academic and extracurricular programs 1 3. Lower drop-out rates 2. FI 4. Less-on-campus violence 3% @ 6 é Poower to 2eonany receive AWEALTH OF IDEAS FOR IELTS SPEAKING & WRITING | 328 | pisapvantaces 1. Less diversity in private schools as compared to public (government) schools Children will meet fewer peers from diverse backgrounds because of tke ition fee 2._ Private secondary schools don't conform stcty to educational requis... So you have to do a lot of effort to select the tight school for your child 3. Very expensive 4. Increase the gap between the rich and the poor ' » ooee 55, Euthanasii — aianasia For: 1. Many people die long and painful deaths from incurable illnesses. ¥/- Out of their misery rather than let them suffer terrible pain; why humans the. same release? 2. The patient him/herself is the best person to judge when life has become 4 bear. Suicide ceased to be a crime in the UK in 1961; there has been no increase in the suicide fate because of this, so it is unlikely that large numbers of pecs. choose euthanasia if it were legalized. 3. Many unfortunate people are born with severe physical and/or mental det. <1 mean they will never lead @ normal fife and will be a huge burden to their | = Reletives should have the right to opt for euthanasia in such cases. AGAINST 1. A cure may be found; for example, patients suffering from so-called incurable diseases sich as cancer and AIDS frequently may be cured and live long, prow lives. 2. "It nay: Bé“Overiised: A request for euthanasia might be the result of tempor ar depression; people in great pain are not always responsible for what they say 3. K'may be misused: Some relatives might even misuse their power (e.g. in onfer io inherit wealth) 4. Many religions teach that itis wrong to take away human life; we are rekictan! ‘a ‘even murderes ; we should be even more reluctant to kill innacent people a sees 56. Advantages of Producing food within the Coun) iéF-benefits 2, .PreseHveS!E\ItUre and tradition ‘patueee = 3. Nop 924 AWEALTH OF IDEAS FOR IELTS SPEAKING & WRITING Excessive packaging 4. Good for health i. Diseases can come with food ii. Preservatives ADVANTAGES OF IMPORTING 1. Variety - choices 2. Improves relations with other countries ooee 57. Advanta; of Learning Fore’ Languages ‘Advantges for children to leam languages ~ Why itis good to leam languages at younger age 4. When children learn multiple languages at a younger age, they develop a lifelong love of communicating with others. 2. itis much easier to learn foreign language when young. At a later age it becomes harder to become fluent 3. Leaming a foreign-language helps a child’s mind develop. Such children do better in other subjects. It helps their intellect to develop more 4, Leaming a foreign language helps children to expand their knowledge of the world They want to know about other people and other countries. They would want to understand them instead of being afraid of them. ‘Advantages for the adult learner of a foreign language 4. He has his own language to compare with the second language. So new terms or concepts are easily understood. 2. They have 2 sirong motivation to leain a new language especially if itis connected to an employment opportunity 3. Most adult learners have participated in study earlier, so they know what method of learning works best for them. eoee 58. Importance of Maths 4. No single day can be spent without encountering some form of mathematics From page numbers to prices to today’s date, maths puts things in order and enables us to compare quantitatively 2. To survive financially you must use maths to allocate your resources. For e.g., invest in business o stock. 3 Every discipline from archaeclogy to zoology benefits from the study of science. For instance, tracking the orbits of planets and stars in galaxy cannot be done without numerical comparisons. 7 vj ski vig. They be, They ark Some Game NEGATIVES 1 2 3, 4 TIPS FOR 1 Oe Agare Adio A uke oh regi ne 2NON HH becomes ) do better Hie world Jo want to w terms or 5 gonnected ‘method of ? y 2 ities. From mnables us 9., invest 1 ‘ence. For ne without | | AWE, "ALTH OF IDEAS FOR IELTS SPEAKING & WRITING 325 4. Finally there are esoteric reasons — some people are Just fascinated by the amazin, coincidences found in numbers. For e.g, in table of @, the sum of of muttiples is nine, (Esoteric — likely to be understood or enjoyed by few with specialist know)ledge. +ooe 59. Importance of Electronic Games Video game playing introduces children to computer technology Some games*provide practice in problem solving and logic. 9. Age of Empires Video games have proved to improve visual skils. They also improve motor and spatial skills. Children who Play video games have better reflexes. They make learning fun. The cost of failure is lower. This encourages risk-taking and exploration 5. Some games have therapeutic applications with patients, 7. Games are entertaining and fun. NEGATIVES OF VIDEO GAMES 1. Overdependence — social isolation ~ usually played alone 2. Aggressive behaviour ~ children practice violent acts 3. Games can make children confuse fantasy with reality 4. Addicting - children forget everything else - their studiés, eating ete, TIPS FOR PARENTS Limit the g \e playing hours. Check the age-game ratings Require that homework and chores be done before game playing Play and enjoy the game with your child tees 60. Advantages of hosti ing International Sporting Events 1 2, encourages tourism and the economy related to tourism ~ athletes, officials, spectators, sponsors, broadcasters come ~ money fom ticketing employment — JobS related to event advertising ~ construction projects such as hotels aid stadia Recognition — the country gets name aind fame 306 AWEALTHOF IDEAS FORIELTS SPEAKING & Waming | AMEALTH OF wDeae 3. Infrastructure develops at an accelerated pace and this promotes the cily to a} 4. Cars otter po world class city 5. Economic an: 4. Opportunity for culture exchange 6. The car indus Disadvantages of hosting International Sporting Events 7. Inmost pants 4. Development of that part of the country is al the expense of the other parts, the} Different makegc host country usually allocates resources from other parts of the country to that part. 9. The car industy 2. Olympic drain- this means tourism in the other areas is disrupted. All visitors are and boosting attracted to the host city 10. The development 3. Crime - Crime is an issue when places are crowded. So, the host city needs mare | DISADVANTAGES police officers. ¢ 4. Win-at-all-cost attitude encourages unethical means such as drugs etc. © Potion : the i i eee 2. Read ts ay 3 traffic is the 61, Rote learning =e coe Contributes to gf ADVANTAGES: 3. The motor car § 1. Very helpful when verbatim recall of definitions or numbers is required world's steel, 105 2. In-some situations it is the only method 4. The developers = learning irregular verbs! Sector consume g> | 20% of energy 5. Traffic Jams - ASen pubic transport tan 6. Road building wif associated inter = vocabulary of a foreign language = mathematical tables. 3. useful to pass exams DISADVANTAGES, 1. knowledge acquired is not retained longer food-producing land. 2. information leacned by rote inhibits subsequent learning of additional sfitar vegetation is strig> information & 7. In cities ciose to on 3. information tearnéd by rote cannot be applied in a wide variety of new pfoble 0 expressways, rou concepts whereas in meaningful learning the transferability of knowledge is e huge stretches oldge 4. Boring & +eee « 62. Cars - Advantages and disadvantages * Safety «© ADVANTAGES. 1. Car accidents are at 2. Large. numbers of wu Many people are very attached to their cars. They say that having a caf is an esti cannot or do not part of their fives. solve these people's 1 1. Quick and easy transportation ONCLUSIONS AND RECS™ 2. Cars offer flexibility and mobility to people's life and work. 1. Restrict the use of 3. Cars enable rapid and timely distribution/delivery of goods. # pedestrians and cy®is) & © = Se o rt ~ 2 Raine’ a WANG AWEALTH OF ,IDEAS FOR IELTS SPEAKING & WAITING 827, Mes the ciy into a] 4. Cars offer people ready access to a variety of services and leisure options. # 5. Economic and social benefits 6. industry is the, argest industry in the world economy. > 7. Inmost parts of the word the motorcar is seen as a sign of progress and devslopment Da other padi, a Q Different makes of cars with different colors run on the roads, creating beautiful sconery unity to that part, The car industry in India Is developing rapidly, creating milions of job opp. iunitios and boosting India's economy. led. All visitors are > 10. The development of car industry is accompanied by / has lead to city expencion, gpt city needs more | DISADVANTAGES 6 diugs ete 1. Pollution : The widespread use of cars has real environmental and econs:iv's costs 3 7 Vehicles are major sources of urban air pollution and greenhouse gases cinis sions > 2. Road traffic is the source of one third of all harmful air pollution in the sar! ee exhausts contain nitrogen oxide, which contributes to acid rain, carbon ¢ i > contributes to global warming, and lead, which damages human brain and kiuiey. 5 3. The motor car industry requires @ vast quantity of raw materials, It uses 20% of wi Ruired work's steel, 10% of aluminum, 7% of copper, 50% of lead and 60% of natura! rubiser ? 4, The development of motor vehicles has worsened world energy crisis. The transport seclor consumes about one half of the world's oil production, Car engines usu vnly 14 > to 20% of energy in the fuel. The rest is lost as noise, heat and pollution, 5. Traffic Jams - As more and more people drive to work rather than walk, oyela or ‘ake > Public transport to work, there are heavy traffic jams almost every day at rush hours, 5 6. Road building withdraws large areas of land from agricultural use. Moto:vreys sad associated interchanges, exits and entry ramps cover thousands of acres of prime ) food-producing land. In places where roads are built, the topsoil is pushed aside. ‘ditional: etter, vegetation is stripped away and animal habitats are destroyed. 5 7. nveties close to one third of ali land goes to accommodate the eat, parking ior 7 expressways, roundabouts, bridges, petrol stations and garages. Parking lats devo. new oF oie ean huge stretches of land and are empty 80 per cent of the time. > ooeoe Safet: ? 2 Sr is an essential 1. Car accidents are causing huge numbers of casualties every year, 2. Large numbers of women, all chiliren, most young people, the elderly and the re cannot or do not want to own of use a car. Building more cars and toch: ce ) solve these people's transport problems. ONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS , 1. Restrict the use of cars, improved public transport and created better facilities for ; j Pedestrians and eyctists. { 328 ”AWEAUTHOF IDEAS FOR IELTS SPEAKING & cm 2. Now car manufacturers are trying to make more environmentally friendly cars, wihy use fuel more efficiently and cause less pollution. 3. In the future cars may run on solar power, alcohol from plants or fuel cells bing methanol or hydrogen. They will be much lighter with advariced electronics, ooo 63, Pros and Cons of Tourism Pros i 1. Itis regarded as a pillar of key local:economic development. 2. The booming tourist industry as created more job openings. Many people have) said good-bye to poverty through involvement in tourist businesses. 3. The tourist industry has played a positive role in meeting the cultural needs of th public, carrying forward national culture and achieving the sustainable development of resources. 4. Tourism helps to better introduce tfie country to foreigners and showcase the brilliant history dnd culture to the outside world. i 5. Tourism helps to improve the investment environment so as to attract mbre foreign, investors. 6. Tourists can take pleasure in the magnificent natuiral landscape, appreciate th ‘superior workmanship of ancient artists and enjoy a variety of local deficacie (speciaities). Many tourist attractions offer a wealth of historical relics, fascinatin scenery and interesting local culture. 7. Tourism helps to promote the catering trade, 8. Tourismis the world’s targest and faster growing industry, According to recent statistics tourism provides 10 percent of the world’s income and employs almost one-tenth of world's workforce. By the year 2020, these numbers will treble. All considered, tourism! actual and potential economic impact is astounding. 9. Tourism encourages the preservation of identify, pride and value in our living condition and the cultural legacy of genérations in danger of extinction 40. Tourism contributes to the revival of customs and traditions. 414. Tourism brings new money into an area and génerates jobs, income and tax revenues cons: 1. Contact with and assimilation of other cultures will reduce the uniqueness of one’. own culture and make the world less colorful than before 2. Undermine local traditions and ways of life. 3. Tourism may cause serious environmental pollution. ransportation service sooo YPNNONNNHOHOANNAan non PRAWN a?

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