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333 Appendix 1: Wedge failure analy: Introduction A problem frequently encountered in rock slope engineering Ts that involving the stiding of a wedge an two intersecting discontinuity planes. The problen studied hereunder includes en Inclined upper slope surface, 2 tension crack running behind the slope crest. and the influence of water Pressure in the tension crack and along the sliding surfaces. The stabilisation of the slope by means of cable anchors or rockbolts is also Investigated, In part 1, the problem [5 analysed by an engineering graphics method, Ia part 11 using spherical projections and, in part 11, an anaiytical solution Is presented. The following assumptions are made: 2. The wedge renains in contact with both discontinuity surfaces during sliding. b. The influence of ronments is neglected, i.e. it is assumed that neither toppling nor rotational sVip c. It is assumed that the shear strength of the sliding surfaces is defined by a linear relationship T= e+ oTang, where c Is the cohesive strength and 4 is the angle of Friction of the surface. 4, Sliding of the wedge Is kinematically possible, i.e. the line of intersection of the two planes on which sliding occurs eaylights in the face of the slove. Problem The face of @ slope has a dip of 65° and a dip direction of 1858.” The upper surface of the slope has a dip of 12° and a dip direction of 1950. This slope Is intersected by tho planes A and 8 and by a tension crack having the dips, dip directions and properties listed in Table Al. The line Of intersection of planes A and B daylights in the slope at 2 point 100 feet vertically below the point of intersection ‘of plane A with the crest Hine of the slope. The tension crack Intersects the trace of plane A on the upper slope surface at 2 distance of 40 feet (measures along the trace) behind the point of intersection of plane A with the crest Vine of the slope. It is required to determine the factor of safety of the slope for the following conditions a. Assuring that the is dry. b. A dry slope with the tension crack present. €. With the slope surface Flooded with water whieh ‘can enter the top of the tension crack Ts no tension crack and the slope 4, With an external force dye to cable anchors or Fackbolts with dip at 30° in a dip direction of 355°. The total tension T is that requived to ensure that the factor of safety of the slope is 1.5 with the slope surface Flooded and it is required to determine the ragnitude of T. 34 Part I~ Engineering Graphics Solution The nasie contruction required for the engineering graphics Solution to this probien ia that when Ty neceasery to roduce a true plan slaw of the wedge, Fran this plon view, the direction of sliding and the foreas Seeing on the wedge fan be determined, Table AT - Geometry and properties of planes Plane A BTS | ST tocation and properties Plane A 45/105 | 15 | Cohesion cy = 500 1b/Ft? Friction angle 9, = 20° Plane 8 70 | 235 145 | Cohesion cy = 1000 1b/Ft2 Friction afgle op = 30° Stope face | 65/185 | 95 | intersection of plane A and slope crest 100 Feet vert~ ever stone [12] 195 105 | TTT, Tove toe of wedge, External fored 30/355 | 265 | Magnitude T to be determined| Tension crack | 70165 | 75 | 40" along trace of plane A. There are many ways in which © true plan view of the wedge can be constructed but the method presented hereunder has been chosen to reduce errors and to ensure that the miniman number of steps has to be carried out in arriving at 2 complete solution to the problem. This method Is to construct @ set of contours along each of the surfaces being considered and, fron the intersection of contours of the same elevation, to determine the traces of these planes fon each other. tn’ constructing these contours, it Ts. convenient to express their elevations relative to the lowest point of the wedge which Is generally the polnt at which the line of Tntersection of planes A and B daylights in the slope face, The scale chosen for the construction depends upon the overall size of the drawing board available and several attempts my be required before a satisfactory seale is achieved. It is therefore reconmended that # preliminary construction be carried out on a piece of rough paper in ‘order to determine how much room is required for’ the ‘complete construction. The scale used for the original drawings from which the figures in this appendix were prepared was 1 inch to 25 foot and it Is suggested that this is the minimum scale which should be used for acceptable accuracy. Wote that this construction may be carried out directly on @ contoured topographic map. 335 Details of plan view amtruetion Step 1. Views along the strike: of planes A and 8 ere constructed as shown in Figure Al. The point of intersection Of the 100 foot contours ( marked « in the construction ) is Fixed near the centre of the paper and the Tine of inter section 20 Is determined fron the contour intersections. Note that the points & and B are not known at this stage fn the construction but because 1€ 3s known that the inter= section of plane A with the crest ine of the slope 1s 100 feet vertically above the toe of the wedge, the position of this toe is determined by the Intersection of the zero elevation contours. Step 2. zero elevation contour line 1s drawn through point 0, along the strike of the sloze face, and the dip of the slope face is set off on this line. The 25, 50, 75 and 100 foot contours on the slope face are now constructed and the points A and & are fixed at the Intersections of the 100 foot contours on planes A and E and the slope Face. Step 3. The point A has heen specified as a point on the crest line of the slope and hence a 100 Foot contour along the strike of the upper slope surface can be drawn through Eis point a8 shown. 112.5 foot contour (choson te suit the geometry of this particular drawing) 1 dram along the strike of the upper slope and the Intersection of this, woatour with the 112.5 foot contours on planes A and & warked 2 and d on the drawing) are points on the traces of these planes on the upper slope surface Step 4. The line Ao Is drawn until it intersects the tine Of Intersection of planes A and Wat point € and the line AC is the visible trace of plane A on the upper surface of the slope. The trace af plane 8 Is constructed by joining points C and d and projecting this line towards the sloze crest. (as yet undetermined) « Step 5. Fron the intersect fons of the contours on plane 8 and the slope Face, the crace Ob Ts established and this trace is projected to meet the trace of plane B on the upper surface. The Intersection of these traces defines the point B on the crest of the slope and the true plan view of the wedge ASC can now be completed. Step 6. At this stage it is worth determining the elevations of points € and B since these elevations wil! be required at a later stage Ia the analysis. These elevations are found in the views along the strike of plane A and along the strike of the slope face as shown and are 130.0" and 104.5! respect ively. Step 7, The tension crack is located by # point T which is 40 Feet from point A, measured along the trace AC. In order fo establish the polit Ton the plan view, the hortzoncal distance between A and T mist be cetermined and this requires 2 construction to find the Inclination of trace AC to the horizontal. From the construction carried out in Step 3 it fs known that the elevation of point ¢ on this trace is 112.5 feet and hence, by setting off a distence oF 12.5 feet at Fight angles to A2 fron point 2, the inclination af Vine AC can he established. The horizantal distance between points A and T ts determined as shown in Figure Al. The elevation of point T above the horizonta? plane is also 337 found from this construction and a 108.8 foot contour line 1's drawn through T along the strike of the tension crack. Step 8. In the view along the strike of the tension crack, the 50.75 and 100 foot contours are constructed and the intersection of these contours with the equivalent contcurs fon the planes A and B define the traces TW and W. The elevations of the points V and W are determined in the view along the strike of the tension crack as 117.3! and 56.5". Determination of bass areas ond volume of wedge Having completed the plan view of the wedge in Figure Al, the next stage in the analysis Is to obtain the bese areas of planes A and 8, the area of the tension crack surface ‘and the volune of the wedge which will slide. The simplest solution to this part of the analysis is obtained by determining the true lengths of all the Tines of Intersect ion from the lengths of their horizontal project ions (given in the plan view) and the difference tn elevation between their end points. Step 1. On a tracing of the plan view given in Figure Al, the lines of intersection of the different surfaces are nunberad as shown in Figure A2. The sequence of nunbering is not important provided that the sane sequence is used throughout the analysis. In order to avold confusion in Figure AZ, the two wedges ADBC and THC are dealt with in tho Separate drawings although, in solving the problem these steps were carried out on the sane plan view. Step 2. Starting with line 1, the difference In elevation between point A and the toe of the wedge, pofnt D, has bech given as 100 feet. Setting off 2 perpendicular line from point A, the length corresponding to 100 feet is scaled off and the'line 1" constructed. The length of the Tine 1! in igure AZ gives the true length of the line AC In spac Step 3. In the case of ine 2, the elevation of point B hhas been Found to be 104.5 feet (see Figure Al). Setting Off a perpendicular line fron 8 with # length corresponding to 104.5 feet gives the line 2". A similac process Is carried out for all the lines of Intersection which define the wedge AQSC. Steph. In the case of the wedge CTWY behind the tension crack, an identical process to that described abave carried out and the true lengths of the lines of intersection 7, 8 ond 9 and the lines CT, CW and CV are found as illustrated in the lower drawing of Figure A2. Step §. Having determined the true Yengths of all the lines Of Intersection as shown in Figure AZ, the next step is to construct developed views of the two wedges ASC and CTHV. Starting with the length of one of these lines, say 3', the developed view of triangle A0C Is found by setting off the Tengths of the adjacent Iines 5" and 1' as shown in Figure A3. A similar process is carried out for triangles ABC and COB and for the triangles CVT, CTW, and CW. The face af the tension crack TWW Is also "developed in Figure A3 since its area will be required in considering the force due to water the tension crack. 338 Figure A3: Developed views of wedge surfaces. 340 Step 6. The areas of the triangles AGC and BOC and of CTW and CW are found from the relationship : area = one half the product of the lengths of two adjacent sides tines. the Sine of the included angle, Wence, Ares AQ = 3 x AC x OC x Sin ACD. The calculated areas are tabulated in Table All. Step 7. The volume of the tetrahedrons AOBE and THC is obtained from the relationships 1 1 Vol. AOBC = $.80-AC.0C.K, Vol THC = g.UC.TC.WC.K where K = (1 Costeca - cos2AC0 - Cos20CB + 2. CosBCA.Cosacd. Cosoce)? Note that, at this stage in the analysis, it is worth constructing a cardboard model of the wedge 98 illustrated in Figure Al, The developed views of the surfaces given In Figure A} are traced onto a piece of card or stiff paper ané the flgures are cut cut and folded along the lines of intersection. The authors Aave Found those models to be very useful as aids to understanding the physical slonifi~ cance of steps In the analysis. Rater presaue Gletnibution and uoit fe Jonece In order to analyse the influence of water on the stablTity of a rock slope containing a wedge such a3 that defined in Figure Al, the distribution of water pressure on the planes Kand 8 and on the face of the tension crack must be decided upon, Because the type of analysis presented here would apply mainly to ard rock slopes, It Is reasonable to ascure that the permeability of the rock Itself will be very lov land hence most of the water In the slope will be transmitted along the discontinuities such as the planes A and 8 and the faces of the tension crack. The distribution of water pressure along these discontinuities will depend upon the Source of the water and Tts level at varsous points in the slope. Experlence 1 slope engineering suggests that one of the west critical conditions can arise when the upper surface of the slope 1s Mooded during very Reavy rain and when the later 15 permitted to enter the open tension crack top. This cage will he analysed hereunder but it mist be enphasised that other water pressure distributions are possible, Each particular slose mist be exenined in ters Of possiole water bearing Fissures and the water pressures lihich are Tikely to arise asa rosult of the water flow pattern In these fissures. The analysis presented here can be used to obtain a reasonable estimate of the maxiun Influence of water pressure in the slope. Assuming that the water enters the tap of the tension crack ‘long trace TV and that the water pressure increases, linearly with depch, the water pressure at the base of the tension crack [point W) will be @ product of the average elevation of line TV above point W and the density of mater. fence p= 62.523 ((I17.3 ~ $6.5) + (108.8 ~ 96.59] = 353hi brit? Tha total water force acting at right engles to the face of the tenston erack is given by the volune of the pyramid Formed oy the triangie TV and the water pressure p scting at point W. Since the aces of the version crack face Is 1532 1? (from table All), the total acer Force acting on this face ts V = dx 1932 x 3534 = 2.28 © 10°1b, : 3m Table AL = Areas and volumes Plane A: Area ACO = 4 x 149 x 252 x 0.5 = 9387 Fre Area TOW = 4 x 109 x 102 x 0.5 = 3870 #42 Area ATWO = 9387 - 3870 = 5517 Fe Plane B: Area BCO = 2 x 252 x 180 x 0.4067 = 9224 fe? Area VOW = 4 x 1h2 x 103 x 0.4067 « 2974 Fe? Area BVWO = 9224 - 2974 = 6250 Ft? Tension crack : Area 7M = $ x 63 x Th x 0.8290 = 1932 Fr? Volume AOBC = Th (180 x 149 x 252 x 0.206) = 232 O46 Fe? Yorume THe = 1% (103 x 109 x 182 x 0.206} = 5h 735 Fe? Volume ATVBOW = 232 046 - 54 735 = V7 aut Fe? Figure a Cardboard model of wedge constructed From the developed views In Figure A3. ake If it fs assumed that the water pressure distribution along the traces TW and Wi Is the sone’ for the tension crack as for pianes A and B (Ic. there Is unrestricted hydraul fe connection between the base of the tension crack and the Planes A and 8), then the water pressure eistribution on Planes A and B is given by the pressure p acting at point ¥ witha linear decrease of pressure alone the Tine 4.” The otal vplife force Up acting at right angles to plane A is given by the volume Of the Figure forred by the srea ATWO and-a distance proportions} io the pressure p acting at W. Hence, Ug = hx 5517 x 3534 = 6.50 x 10", Suamary of foroee aoting on wedge Assuming a rock density of 160 Ib/ft?, the total weight of the wedge AOBC Is W= 160 x 232,46 - 37.13 x 10%1b. The weight Wi of the wedge ATUBOW which will slide anay fron the tension ereck is given by W" = 160 x 177,311 = 28.37 x 1081 A summary of 411 the forces acting on the slope Is given In Table AUN. Table AIL Forces acting on wedge W = weight of wedge ABC 37.12 x 10816. W! = welght of wedge ATVBOW 28.37 x 10815. V_- water force on tension crack face 2.28 x 10°1b. Uy = UpLiFE force on plane A 6.50 x 10%b. Ug - Uplirt force on plane 8 7.36 Feoctutton off forces acting en wedge In order to resolve the Forces acting on the wedge it is necessary to construct views perpendicular and parallel to -al plane through OC, as shown In Figure AS. These Views are obtained by projecting the points A, 8, ¢ etc. In a direction perpendicuiar to OC ené parallel to OC and then establishing the elevation of each of these points atang the projected Vines. Starting with the view perpendicular te the line OC, the elevations of the points A, B,C, T, Vand W are obtained from Figure Al, In the view along the line 0G, the yerpendicular distances between points A and 8 and the Tine O¢ are determined from the view perzendicular to the line 0C us shown. These distances are 42.5 fect and 70 feet respectively. Tals last step is particularly Important because it defines the angle between planes A and 8 which 1s ost important in the force resolution. The construction of the view along the line OC is frequent source of error in this analysis and a common mistake is to assune that the Vine AB in this view is horizontal or that the elevations of points A and B rather than their normal distance fron line OC define their position. Having constructed the views given In Figure AS, the force resolution can now be carried our. Because of the large differences In the magnitudes of the forces acting on the 3th wedge, construction ef force diagrans using 2 Fixed scale could give Fise to large errors. In order to overcome this difficulty, the analysts nas been carried out by represent jing the forces W,¥ and T as unit lengths (10 inches in che original eonstructien) and expressing al? components of these forces ws ratios of this unit length. The force diagrams included in Figure A6 have been drawn with a unit length of 1 inch and should aot be used for measurement since they are intended to Illustrate the method Step 1: In a view along the strike of the tension crack, the uniz length corresponding co the water force V is set Off at right angles to the face of the crack. Note that this Is the only view in which che true Yength of V will be ¥ 18 naw resolved into its vertical and horizontal components ¥y and Vj and these components are transferred fonta the plan view.” Only the component Vj will Se sean in this view but it is important that the vertical component Wy is not forgotten in the next step. The harizontal component Vy 1s new resolved into its corponents Vyt and Vy! parallel to and normal to the Tine OC. The horizontal compotiant Vj! and the vertical component Wy are transferred onto the view perpendicular to the Tine 0G while the horizontal component Vj" is transferred onto the view along the tine OC. In the view perpendicular to the line OC, the comonents Yy and YW are sumed to give the total water force Ve in this plane and this totel force is then resolved into its wo components Voc and Vs which ere perpendicular and parallel te the line OC. These corponents are found to ne related to the coal water force Vas follows Voc = 0-770 ané Vs = 0.62y Step 2: The external force T Hs treated In much the save way as the water force YJ. Starting off with a view perpen= dicular to the trend of the oxternal feree, the unit length Tis set off at a dip of 30° as shown. This Ts resolved through the sane stages as outlined in Scop 1 giving the Final relationship as! Toe = 0.857 Ts = 0.4bT Ta = 0.15T ond Tp + 0.217 Step 3: In ordar to Find the normal end shear components Of the weight W of the wadge which slides, the resolution shown in the view perpendicular to the Vine OC is carried out giving Moc ~ 0.85W and S = 0.S5tH Step 4: The normal reactions Ng ond Ng are found by resolving the sum of the Forces which act perpendicularly to 36 0 the Tine OCtMge) Tae and Vac) Into components nora! to Planes A and 5 in°the'view along the line OC. In order to Earry out this step, Ht fs convenient to éraw Woe * Toe = V fas a unit length and to express Nq and Ng as ratios of his Unit. "(ote that Voe acts, in an opposite direction to Woe and Toc and hence it’must be subtracted). This construction sives"! 0.94 (Woe + Toe = Yoe) and 0.56 (Moe + Toe ~ Yoo) « Ba Na Finolly, the uplift Forces Up and Up act at right angles to planes’ A and B In the view along the Ine OC as shown. Factor of Sofsty AIL the Information for the calculation of the factor of safety of the wedge under various cond?sions is row dvellabie. The factar of safety ts given by + epedy t epee + My = Up t My = Tah Tandy + Uy ~ Uy Vy t Ty) Tan ty s+ Ts where ¢, ‘A 18 the cohestve strength of plane A = 500 Ib/ft? cg [8 the cohesive strength of plane B= 1000 1b/re? land fig and Ag are the areas of planes A and B upon which siding takes place. Note that the signs of the various components in the factor of safety equation are most important and mist be established by examination of the direction of these forces Jn Figure a6. Substituting from the previous section and expressing the reas Aq are Ag in ft2 and all forces In millions of pounds 9.00058, + 0.001, + 0.566 W - 0.364 Uy 0.577 Uy + 0.632 T ~ 9.554 ¥ 0.52 W+ 0.62 V > 0.44 T The factor of safety can now be determined for each of the cases considered in the original problem. Gane a: Slope with no tension crack, no water pressure and no external force. in this case V= 0, T= 0, Ua = 0 and Ups 0 Ag = 9387 F2, hy = 9224 102, Wa 37-13 x 10% 9.0005 x 9387 + 0.001 9224 + 0.566 x 37.13 . 0-58 x 37.13 Ve 347 Cate be Slope with tension crack but with no wacer end no external force: fn this case, V= 0, T= 0, Uy = 0 and up = 0 Aas S517 FU, Ag = 6250 42, W= WI = 28.37 x 10F0. = 2:0005 + $517 + 9-001 x 6250 + 0.566» 28.37 Fe RT Sag SiO + 0886 2 28.97 6 ay Case @: Slope with water Fllted tension crack but no external force. T= 0, = 2.28 x 101, Un = 6,50 x 1081, Ug = 7.36 x 1O%Ib., aq = 5517 #2, Ap = 6250 #82, We = 28.37 x 10%b, S:Q005KS517 + 0.00)x6250 4 0.566x28.37 ~ 0. 3646.5 - 0.577 36 - 0.554728 Fe 1.06 Gave 4: The force T required to restore the factor of safety to 1.5 incase ¢ fe = 718 + 0,632 7 PONS = ese Sone Note that this external fores af 2800 short tons could not be achieved with @ single eable but could be applied by 20 x 140 ton cables placed in s pattern on the face of the wedge. giving T= 5.46 x 1081, This calculation of the cable tensfon T assumes thet the Gables are crotenaioned and that T reduces the dteturbing force tending to induce sliding. There are guod thearer cal reasons for using alternative methods of caleulation to geteraine T and, in order to avoid confusing the present discussion these nethods are discussed fully In Aspesdys 3. Part 11 - Solution Using Spherical Projections The basic principles of the use of spherical projections in stability analysis have been discussed fn chapter 3, The discussion given im this appendix is coneerned lth the application of the friction cone concepe to stability analysis. Before the solution itself can be discussed, the wrethods of resolving forces and the baste principle of the friction cone concept rust be considered. Resolution of Forces Consider three foree vectors having the following dips, dip directions and magnitudes: Fore dip Sip direction ragnitude (arbitrary unis) a 5He 240° 3 8 490 14¢0 4 c 50° 02 5 3h8 This three-dinensional force systen is resolved by splicing it into two twordinensional stages in whien A and 3 are combined into Rab ard then Rap and Care combined into Rapce Step 1: The plane containing Force vectors A and 8 is represented by the great circle passing through & and B and the angle between the vectors was found to be 6iP(see page 46) ‘The resultant Rab Is found by constructing the force dicgran fas shown. Rab 18 found to have @ magnitude of 6 units and to be inclined ot 37° to the force vector A. Since Rap Wes in the sane plane as A and By It will be Tepreseated on the stereonet by @ point on the grest circle possing through Aang B, Its position on the great circle Ts defines by measuring off 37° froa A ay shown, the tracing having been rotates into the position indicated. Step 2: The tracing is now rotated untiT points Rab and © ‘on the tracing lie on the sene great circle on the stereonet. The angle between Rah aad C is measured as 51° and this Information, together with the magnitudes of Rah and C, 1s used for the construction of the second Force diagran: Step 3: The magnt tude of Rabe 1s Found, from the force diagram, to be 10 units and iis inclination to Rab 1s 23°. On the sterconet, Rabe 15 represented by a point on the great circle passing through Rab and C and its position on the great cirele is found by measuring off 23° as shown. Steo 4: In order te find the dip of Rapes the tracing is rotated until the Tine joining the point ® to the centre of the net Ties along the WE axis. The dip of Rec 'S measured as 63° The dip direction of Rabe Is found to be 1289 by rotating the tracing unit until the north ark on the tracing is coincident with the north point of the stereonet. Surmary: The resultant Rape of the three force A, B and ¢ has a nagnitude of 10 units, « dip of 3° and a dip direction of 1280. ‘The friation some soncept Consider a block of weight W resting on a plane which is inclined at an angle yp to the horizontal. The disturbing Force § acting down the plane is given by $= W.Sin Yp and the noreal force N acting across the plane 1s N= W.COs vp. If the shear strength of the surface between the block ané the plone is purely frictional, t,o. the cohesive strength is zero, then the farce Rp which resists sliding is given by Ap NeTang=W. Cos gp.Tang, where ¢ is the angle of Friction of the surfaces. Sliding of the block wil) oceur If the disturbing force $ ts grester than the resisting foree Re or if W. Sin Up > HW. Cos VpeTang- This Inequality simplifies to vp > the condition for sliding, Since the resisting force Rr acts uniformly on the surface between the block and the plane (assuaing that the Friction al strength af the surfaces is the same In all cirections tn 3h ab 2 ‘ A 7 4 3 seep 1 510 ‘ CE a * fee, Step 2 Faby 6 seep 3 Resolution of forces ‘abe 350 the plane), one can imagine a "Friction cone" surrounding the normal force Nae Tifurtrated in Plaure ATs. This cone has a Saze cizele radius Rey e vertical herght WN and’ semi apical angleg. As seen in Figure AY, the condi clon for siding (op S 4) fe satisfied FF the weight vector W Falls futsige the frtetion ones The graphical representation of this case is illustrated In igure AG in which the projection of the base circle of a cone defined by } * 30° Is shown surrounding the pole N which nes the norma) to the plane. In this exanple, the plane 1s at 40° and it will be seen that the weight vector, Ws Fepresented by the centre of the stereonet (dip 90°), falls outside the Friction cone and hence the block will slide, ‘The method of constructing the projection of the friction cone on the stereonet is ilTustrated in Figure ALO. lt Is required to construct the projection of the friction cone surrounding 2 pole to a plane which dips at 70° In a dip direction of 90°. The Friction angle ¢ = 30°, Referring to Figure A1O, the great circle and the pole representing the plane are marked In as shown on diagram =) ‘and angles of 300 are marked off on either side of the pole along the great circle passing through it. Hence 4 two: dimensional section through the cone has been constructed and Is represented by the two pofnts on the great circle. Tho tracing is now rotated unti? the pole Hes on another great circle and 30° angles are measured off along this great circle. A seconé two-dimensional section has now been constructed This process 1s continued with the pole being placed on successive great circles and 30° angles being marked off until a sufficiently large nunber of points has been marked for the projection to be draun in with the aid of a template. Note that in diagras d) the position of the pole is such thot a 30° angle measured to the north falls ouside the boundary of the stereonet. This means that one edge of the Friction cone has risen above the equatorial olane on which the stereonet Is constructed and, In order to retatn the Information which would otherwise be lost, it Is necessary to consider the projection of the cone which surrounds. the normal which projects upwards from the plane. This situation Is illustrated pietoriatly In the margin sketch and it will be seen that the cone surrounding che upper normal will appear on the opposite side of the sterco- net from that surrounding the normal which intersects the Tower reference heni sphere In diageem d) on the next page, the point corresponding to this upper cone Is shown arrowed and, in diagram f), the section of the elliptical Figure appearing on the opposite side of the stereonet 1s shown, ‘The complete projection of the cone is given In diagram f) fin which the tracing has been rotated unt! the north mark is coincident with the north point on the stereonet and the plane and its pole are in their correct positions 351 Figure A? + lock sliding down plane under its onn weight. Sliding of the block oceurs when yp 94 oF when the weight vector falls outside the friction cone. Figuce AB : Piczortal representation of the Friceton core concept on the loner reference hemisphere. Sy Ah > YY Ah) Figure A9 + Representation of the friction cone coneept on a sterconet. Figure A 10 : Construction ef Friction cone projection. 353 Extension of Jeiotion aone sonoept to tnalude coheaton In most practical slope stability analyses, cohesion is assumed to be zero since it Is avery difficult quantity to evaluate and since to ignore it Is to err on the side oF safety. However, in order to provide a complete solution to the problem studied in this analysis, it is useful to deat with the graphical method for Including cohesion in ‘the stability analysis. ‘The cohesive force resisting sliding of a block or a wedge fon a plane Is given by Rc" c-A, where c is the cohesive strength of the surface and Ais the base area of the block fer wedge. This force Ae acts uniformly in the plane of sliding (assuming the cohesive strength to be uniform in all directions in the plane), and It can therefore be deat with by adding ft directly to’ the friction force Rr as shou In Figure AI, This results In a cone with a base circle radius of Ry + Rc, 8 vertical height N and a semi-apical angie of tq. Tals apparent Friction angle q can be determined’ trom the following relationshia, Tan og = SEGRE a tan 9 + pe Once the apparent Friction angle $a has been determined, the graphical representation of the apparent friction cone 1s constructed In exact ly the same way as the friction cone discussed above. From Figure All It can be scen that sliding will occur IFS exceeds RF + Re oF Tf vp > dae This nears that sliding will occur if the weight vector, Wy Fepresented by the centre of the stereonet, falls outside the projection of the friction cone, tn the case illustrated io Figure Atl, Tt will be seen that the weight vactor falls inside the Friction cone and hence this particular slope 1s stable. Note that the apparent friction angle ga depends upon the base area A and che weight W of the block and, since both these quantities depend uson the physical dimensions of the block, the solution will only be valid for one particular ‘slope’ in which the dimensions are specified. This Is a significant Timitation as conpared with the friction only case In which the condition for instability was simoly, Yip > 4 where both vp and 4 are Independent of the physical Ginensions of the slope. Influence of an eternal force IF, in addition to the self weight W of the block considered in'Figures A7 and All, the block is acted ugon by an external force T as shown in Figure Al2 the condition for instability discussed above wil! no loncer apply. This external force may be due to water pressure or t 9 force exerted by 2 cable anchor or 2 rockbolt system. One of the most convenient ways of dealing with this Problem is to consider the resultant of the block weight W ‘and the exteraal Fore T as an effective weight vector Me ‘5 shown In Figure AI2. The magnitude, dip and dip direction of this resultant can be determined From a stereo net, with the eid of a supplementary force diagram, as described in the section dealing with the resoTution of Figure 013 + Gnoghs representation and sup plenentary force diagram for solutton of external Povee probler. 35h forces. The dip and dip direction of this effective weight vector We, which is no longer vertical, will determine nether it fatls outside the friction cone and hence whether the block is unstable. Note that the sheer and norma! forces Se and Ng are components of the effective tieight vector We and that the apparent friction angle a, is Caleulated on the basis of We and not Was in the previous, example. Consider the example in which a block of weight W rests on a plane dipping at 600 In a dip direction of 1209. This block is scted upon by an external force T which has a ragnitude of 4 and which dips at -20° (i.e. it acts upwards Bs shown In Figure A13) In a dip direction of 120. the fesultant of Wand 7 1s found fron the supplerentary force Siagram in Figure Al3 and, as shown, dips at 80° ine dip direction of 120° The apparent friction angle ¢g, calculated as described above on the basis of Wg, c, A and 4, Is found to be 40% and the projection of the apparent friction cone Ts constructed around the normal Xq as shown. The effective weight vector We falls well outside the apparent Ffricton cone and hence: the block will slide. ‘The exenple given shove was specifically chosen to iT1us~ trate the treatment of an uplift force due to water pressure acting on the under-surface of the block hence, T could hove been replaced by U in this example. However, the Techatque used Is not restricted to dealing with uplift and the external force T could have been chosen to act in any Other direction in space- A nore detal ied example wil! be Sealt with later when the prablen being analysed in this Study 15 considered and the effective weight vector will be Cbtelnes by resolving 3 number of forces. Note that the technique above can be extended to deal with the case af the slope being subjected to an acceleration duc to 2 large blast or to on earthquake by calculating the equivalent external force fron the relationship T = W.a, where a Is the applied acceleration. In sone cases It 13 convenient zo treat the cohesive force Ro as an external Force rather than to troat it by neans of the apparent friction cone concept described earlier. This tan be done by reducing the force S in Figure A7 by the ‘amount Re and determining the position of the resulting eight vector as described above. If this is done, the Frletion cone is defined by the angle ¢ as shown in Figure A7 and by 4g as in Figure AIT. Gnaphiond dabermination of the Fastor of Safety Consider the example dealt with In Figures AYZ and A13. The factor of safety of the block on the inclined place ts obtained as fol lows? pe R= Me Con: fanée . Tants 3. “Sey 7 Tarn Note that, since the angles ¢g and n are calculated from relationships wnich Incorporate Friction, cohesion, the Self weight of the block ané the Influence of external 356 forces including water pressure, this relationship 1s va for the nost general case of slope stability. Determination of the angles Js and q, in the direction of potential sliding, is cacried out graphically by rotating the tracing untIi the points Ne and We lie along the WE axis of the stereonet as ITlustrated opposite. The angies fare reasured by counting the nuaber of great circles between No and the edge of the friction cone projection and Ne and the effective weight vector We. lo the example illustrated, gy ~ 40° and n = 70° and hence Extension of friction cone conaep? to tha case of two intereeoting planae Planes A and B intersect es shoun in the pictorial view in Figure Ath. A wedge of rock resting on the two planes must slide along the line of intersection If it is to renain in contact with both planes during sifding and henee, in order to assess its stability, It is necessary to determine the apparent friction angle g] which acts In a vertical plane parallel to the line of Intersection. The resisting force in plane A can be represented by the force vector Qa, the resultant of the normal force Ng and the resisting force Ra which acts parallel to the line of Intersection of the two planes. Sinflarly, the resisting force on plane 8 can be represunted by Qh. If the force vectors Gq and Qp are sumed to Find thir resultant In @ plane parallel £0 the line of Intersection, this resultant Qj mist ie in the some plane as dy and Qy. The plane Ooib hich contains Q3, Qj and Qbis (lustrated in the pictorial View in Figure &14 and 13 represented on a stereopiot by 3 great circle which passes through points a and b. To Find the point a, the tracing is rotated until the pole of plane A, marked Ng, Iles on the sane great circle as the point I which defines the line of intersection of planes A and B. The great circle passing through Na and 1, shown dotted in Figure ATh, defines 8 plane which Is parallel to the Tine of intecsection and the polnt a is given by the intersection of this great circle and the Friction cone surrounding the normal Na. The pont b is found by the Sare process ~ rotating the tracing until points Np and T Te on the same great circle. The tracteg is now rotated untT] the points = and b Tie on the sane great cirele which, in this case, defines the plane Gaib which contolns the three force vectors Qg, Qj and Op. The intersection of this great efrcle with the Tine OF Intersection defines the point I. A great circle passing through Ny and Ny defines the position of Wj on the Vine of intersection. The apparent friction angle 1, resulting from the combined resistance of planes A and 8 is measured between Ni and 1. The angle nj between the resultant normal force Ni and the weight vector (represented by the centre point of the Steraonet) Ts measured 95 shaun - the tracing having been 357 WY sentation of 2 fe applied to sliding on two Inter: 3 3 scting plan 358 rotated until the line NiI is colncident with the WE axis of the stereonet. The factor of safety for the case iilustrated In Figure ATH In which the resistance to sliding is offered by two planes, is given by the same relationship as was established for ng on a single plane: fe Ber As will be seen from Figure A 1%, this particular slope is stable since the weight vector falls inside the friction “cone”. If the slope is acted upon by an external force due to water pressure or an anchor load, the position of the effective weight vector Is no longer defined by the centre point of the stereonet and the safety of the slope must be assessed ia terms of the possible direction of movenent. AIS, the graphical presentation of the example Aid has been redrawn to show the lure which are defined by the location OF the effective welght vector on tho stereonet. Sotution of general wadge problem All the geaphical techniques required for the solution of the general wedge problem considered in this study have now been discussed and the analysis is carried out as follows: ‘Step t: The various planes which bound the wedge, iI lus~ trated plctorially in Figure Al6, are plotted as great circles on the stereonet. The resulting tracing Is repro~ duced in Figure AI7. It Is strongly recommended that the reader plot this inforeation for himself in order to ensure that the technique has been fully understood and that the subsequent steps in the anelysis can be fol lowed. Step 2: The next step in the analysis Involves the determination of the areas and volunes of the wedge and this requires the construction of the developed views in Figure A18. The most convenient procedure to follow in constructing this development 15 to measure angles off the Steraonet as they are required. The detailed steps are as Fol lows: 1a] The length of line 1 is established from the fact thet the vertical height Ha of point A above the toe of the wedge, point 0, has beon specified as 100 feet. The dip of line 1 is measured from Figure 19 as yy = AN? and hence the length of Tine 1 is found to be 145 feet. b) Line 1 1s drawn to an appropriate scale and then the angle 613 1s measured from Figure A17 (measure along the ‘great circle passing through 1 and 3). This angle Is Found to be #9 = 62° and this is set off From point A fon Hine tas shown. 1c) The angle 835 between lines 1 and 5 is found, from the stereonet, to be 31° and this is set off From point 0 fon line 1. The Intersection of lines 3 and 5 defines the point C on the developed view. The lengths of lines 3 and 5 are measured as 147 feet and 250 feet respect ively. 359 " Sliding up line of intersection Sliding an plane & S1di9g down Vine of intersection Figure & 15 : Graphical representation of various failure modes depending wpon the location of the effective welaht vector lane A, dip direction 105°, dip 45° Plane 8, dip direction 235°, dip 70° Tension crack, dip élrection 165°, éip 70° Upper stope surface, dip direction 195°, dip 129 8 Slope face, dip direction 1859, dip 65° toot. \ % Figure A 16 : Pictorial view of wedge problen to be 9 ane lysed shoxing numbering of Intersection liaes. 360 Figure A 17 : Great circte traces representing planes defined in Figure A 16. Intersection points of great Circles represent lines of iatersection of planes. 361 4d) the angles 825 and.Syg are measured as 400 and 25° and those are set off from the ends of Tine 3. check that the length af line 4 is 176 feet. eh The angles O36 and 83, are measured as 88° and 350 and these are set off from the ends of line 3. ‘check thet the Tength of Tine 4 Is 176 feet. #) The distonce &T which locates the tension crack has been specified es 40 feet and hence the length of the Portion CT is h7 = 40 = 107 feet. The ansies 897 and 219, 80° and 689 respectively, are set off fran point Ton line 3 a5 shown. The lengths oF CV and cH are 102 feet and 135 feet respectively. 9) The angle Oca = 43° and this is set off From point Won Vine S. Check chat the length CV is t determined in step f. The lengths of Found to be 72.5 and 64 feet respec h) The developed view of the face of the tension crack, the Eviangle TW, is constructed from the lengths of lines 7 and 8 and the included angle ye which Is measured From the sterconee is 549. Caleutation of the force due to water pressure in the tension crack necessitates the determination of the average vertical elevation of line 9 above the point M. The dips 7 and Ug of lines 7 and 8 are 44° and’ 85° respectively and the corresponding vertical elevations Up and Hy are 50 feet and 58.5 Feat repcctively, Hence, the vortleal elevation of points T and V Is 54-3 fect The required areas ore calculated From the relationship: Area of trfangle ~ one half product of adjacent sides. x Sin of the Inciuded angle. ‘The volumes of the totrahedral wedges AOBC and TWE are calculated fron the relationship: Volune = one sixth of the product of the three adjacent sides x Ky where K = (1-€052 54=C0s285-Cos74 #2. Cost ,.Costgs.C0S0,5-)! Substitution gives K = 0.214 Volume ATVBOW = 320,692 - 54,108 = 176,584 Fe Table AIV = Areas and volunes of wedges Plane Ai Area AGOMS x TAT x 250 x 0.5150 = 9463 Fe? Area TeWeh x 107 x 139 x 0.5150 © 3829 fe? Area ATWOm 9463 - 3029. = 5634 Ft? Plane 8: Area BCO=} x 250 x 176 x 0.4226 = 9297 Fee Area VeWel x 133 x 102» 0.4226 = 2996 Fz Area - 6301 Fe? Tension crack area TWH = 4 x 64 x 72.5 x 0.809 = 1877 Fe? Votune AOBC > $x 147 x 250 x 176 x 0.21h = 230,652 #42 Volume TC = Ex 102 x 139 x 107 x 0.214 = 54,108 Ft? Comparing the values given in Table AIV Kith the correspond ing values in Table All shows thar the results obtained from 362 Figure & 18 : Construction of developed views of faces ef the wedge in order to determine the lengths of the lines of Inter- Section for the calculation of areas and volures. Figure A 19: Stereonet tracing and supplenentary force olagram for the determination of the normal Forces Mand N,. 363 the engineering graphics and the stereogrephic methods within approximately 38 of each other. Ho attempt has been de to correct the values in either case and the resules arc typical of those which should be obtained if reasonable care is taken tn the construct ion. Experience shows that the most serious error In cither of the graphical nethods arises from inaccurate angle measurenent ard every effort should be made to work to an accuracy of better that 1°, Step 3:_ The next step in the analysis is the calculation of the forces which act on the wedge. The weight of the wedge AOBC, assuming 2 rock density of 160 18/#e5, is 160 x 230,692» 36.91 x 10P%b. The weight of wedge ATUBOW = 160 x 176,584 = 28.25 x 105Ib. The force V duo to water pressure in the tension crack, assuning a linear increase in water pressure over the average vertical elevation of 58.5 fact, Tz bx 62:5 x Sh} N87 = 2.12% 10846. . The uplitt force Uq due to water pressure on area ATMO is Ue Ex 65.5 x 5h3 563 = 867 KIO Ib, The uplift force Up due to water pressure on area BVO is, Us = x 63.5 x 54:3 x 6301 = 7.13 x 10°Ib. Step 4: The forces acting on the wedge, derived in step 3 above, must now be resolved to determine the apparent friction angles and the dip and dip direction of the effective weight vector for the various cases set cut In the original question. . The firse step is the determination of the normat forces Na ‘and Ny. Since these forces are normal to the planes, Ne land Ny will be coptanar with Ny (see Figure AIK) which is the component, normal to the line of Intersection, of the Weight vector. The angles between W and Nj and between My, Nj and Np are determined from the stereonet by drawing the great cirele passing through Na, Nj and Ny as shown in Figure Atg. Figure A19 also shows the two supplementary force diagrams which are required to resolve W into Nj and Ny into My and Np. The relationship between the force vectors 1s as°fol lows: Nj = 0.860 Ny = 0.93 Ni = 0.80¥ Ny = 0.56 Np = 0.48W Step 5: The apparent friction angles can now be calcutated from the following relationships: Ton tan = Tan ta + BAA tan gy Se Tan dap = Tan p+ SBME o tan og a Two cases aust be considered i | | t 364 Cese a. The stability of wedge AOBC without the cension crack case b, The stabitity of wedge ATVEOW which lies of the tension crack Fromt Substitution of the friction angles and cohesive strength (Fron Table A) ané the areas and volumes (mult iptied by the unit weights to give weights) from Table AIV give the apparent friction angles listed in Table AV. Table Av - Apparent friction angles . 500 Sil coe me? Ton ban = Ton 200 + SOQ EBS aan ayy 1900 x 9287 an gap = Tan 307 + 20008 9257s ayy = 47.0 case b + Stope with tenston crack Tam tan = Tan 209+ RES age 5 dans 26.00 an tgp © Tan 300 + OIE BO ag ae? Figure A20 shows the graphical representation of the friction cones surrounding the normals Ng and Np. Great circles passing through point 5, which defines the | Section of the plenes, and poines Ng and My friction circles ot points 2 end » leonsare Figure Als) Great circles through points and d define the apparent feietion angle along the line of intersection. ote that the upper great circles through a! and b! must be determined fron the Intersection of the nirror image cone sith the Fefecien cone surrounding No. ase @ for the slope without the tension crack is represented by the cuter dotted Friction cones while case b, for the slope with the tension crack, Is represented by the inner sollé lines. Step &: Tbe factors of safety for cases a and b can now be determined trom Figure A20. The angle m measured along the Vines of intersection, is 319. The apparent friction angles, also measured along the lines of Intersection are 4B and K6° for cases @ and b respectively. The factors of safety are: cose as Fe HEME = 1.85 Tr 460 Case b: Bus = un Step 73 The third case considered in this study Is the slope with a water filled tension crack and with the associated upliFE forces acting on the base of the wedge. The water in the tension crack results Ina force ¥ 2.12 x 108th which acts in a dip direction of 165%and has a dip of = 200, i.e. it acts upwards as shown in Figure AZ? 365 Figure A 20 : Graphical represontatien of friction cones fon planes & and 8. 366 Figure A 21 + Resotution of forces for evaluation of water pressure influence and for determination of cable tension. 367 ve2.12 140° wuet9.3 ° () 10° 4,730 wet0.3 15.7 fe) a) Figure & 22 : Resolution of forces. Noto = all forces In ailiTons of gounds, €ifferent scales have been used in constructing ei fferent diagrans. 368, The point V representing this force Is located on the stereonet as shown in tho tracing reproduced in Figure A21. The uplift Forces Uy * 6.37 x 106 and Uy = 7.13 x 10% act In the opposice'dirsction to the nofnals Np ond Np and are reoresented by points U, and Uy on the tracing In Figure A21. The upli#e forges Uy snd Uy are resoived into thelr vector sum,in the foree diagran given In Floure A?7a The angie of 101° between these farces Is ebtained tron Figure A21 by measuring alone the great circle passing through points Ua and Up. The resultant Ugh fs found to have m mgnitude of 8.6°x 1061 and to be inchined at 55° to Ug. "It is located on the great circle pessing through Us and Uy by measuring off 550 From Up. A great circle passing through Usp and ¥ gives the angle between these two forees of HO? and the force diageam in Figure A22 gives the magnitude of their resultant Uv as 10.3% 10%lp. This resultant is inclined at 8° to Uy and this angle, measured along the great circle passing through Usp and V, locates it on the stereonet Finally, W and W are resolved In the force diagram given in Figure A22c, the angle of *1 between then having been ‘neasured along the great circle passing through thea. The effective weight We Iz found to have a magnitude of 30 x 10Plb and to be Inclined at 12° to W. The angles n= 41° and $ ~ 43°, measured along the great Circle passing through Nj and Wo, define the factor of safety for this case as: re Te. Lor Step 8: The final case studied in this analysis is that of an external force T dipping at 30° in a dip direction of 355°. It Is roquired to Find cho magnitude of this force, applied by cable anchors or rockbolts, which will be needed te restore the factor of safety of the slope to 1.5. The resultant of Wo and T lies along the great circle passing through these tho points on the stereonet (Figure 421). The Tocation of the point Wy which represents this resultant is determined by the intersection of the Tocus of F= 1.5 with the great circle. The construction of the F= 1,5 locus is carried out by rotating the tracing so that successive great circles pass through the point Ny and measuring the angle 3, between Nj and the friction “cone boundary. One such great elecle Is shown dotted In Figure A21 and bq In this case is 56°. Since Fm 1.5 > Tan $6°/ Tan n, 1 = 4§°. Successive determination of the angles defines the F = 1.5 locus. The angle between We and We 1s Found to be 10° (Hote that point We lies Just fnside snd not on the friction "eore"). The force dlagrat reproduced in Figure A22 gives the inagni tude oF T a5 5.7 x 10" tb, Sunmary of results: Case a: Fe 1.85 Case bi F = 1.72 Case ci Fe 1.07 Case di T= 5.7 x 108 Ib. 368 Part [11 - Analytical solution Host analytical solutions of the problem of the stability of 9 tetrahedral wedge are presented in terms of vector methods. While these methods are certainly the wost convenient means of dealing with the problem, the applicability of these solutions to practical rock engineering problens ts serfously hanpered by the Fact chat many engineers and geologists are not fani liar with vector analysis. In order to provide 9 solution which Is more generally understood, the analysis presented on the following pages has been fornulated In non vector terms. The derivation of all equations has been included so thet the reader can modify the analysis tos his own particular needs Before discussing the wedge solution, 9 few basic operations vuhich will be required In the subsequent anzlysis are considered. Revolution of a force ov a unit length It is required to resolve a force oF 2 unit length Py into 5 normal prajection in a different direction in space. Suppose that the force Pa dips at an angle Ja ina dip direction az and that its projection Py in a direction defined by a dip ty and a dip direction ay is required: Consider two vertical planes A and 8 Tn which the Forces Pa and PE lie. Resolve Pa inte its tortzontal and vereical corponents in plane A: Pah” Par COs Ys an Pay = Pa. Sin ve Projecting the torizonte) component Pah onto stane 8 Fab = Pans C05 (oq = a) ee (m2) = Pa. Cos tn. Cos (2g ~ anh The required projection Fy, dioing at vp in olane By is alven by the sun of the catponents of Pay and Pay inthis Sireet ion. Ph = Pap: COS vy + Pay. Sim oe Pe = mabe Pa ap = Cos vq.Cos vy.Cos (8q - ap) * Sin va.Sin vy | (43) Note that, if the resolution Is carried out in the reverse iesetion (resolving Py into Pa), the coefficient 1, which sa direction cosine, Is the sane, ob Mn (au) From the élagran it will be seen that Ph = Pg.C05 Gag where gp #8 the angle between Py and Pp. Hence Gos Bap = COs va. COs Yb. Co¥|og Fup) + Sin Vy-Si9 Ww (a5) 370 Determination of the line of intereeotion of tuo planca Two planes, A and B, intersect along a line OC and It Is required to detennine the dip 1 and the dip éirection at oF this Vine. Consider the normals My and My to these planes. These normals hove dips vna = (bq ~ 90). gp = lm ~ 90) repectively while their Jip directions are the sane as those of the planes, Te. oy and ab. The coefficient Mpg,1 required to resolve fron the direction of the normal tly tothe direction of the line of Intersection OC is obtained From equation (43) ya. = Cos Yg.Cos 97.608 (aq = ai) + Sin Gng-Sin ¥p giving Ma. = Sin vg.Cos 4-608 (ag ~ aj) + fos ¥y-Sin Hy cas) z = Sin Up.Cos ¥1-Cos (ub ~ a1) + Ces Wy-Sin vs war) The nornal to a plane is, by definition, perpendicular to every Tine Im that plane and, since the line of intersection OC is cormon to bath planes, the normals Na and tly are both Perpendicular to It. "Since the line has ne component at Tight angles to Itself, the coefficients riya. i and imp. are both equal to zero, Putting equations (a6) and (A7) equal to zero gives: Tan oj = Tan Ga.Cos(ag ~ aj) = Tan vy. Cos(an = o1)] (M8) Expanding equation (A#) and sol for a gives Tan Ug.08 Sq = Tan b.008 wb Tan ei = (as) Ten Up-Sin ob ~ Tan Ya. Sin ag Detemination of areas and voles In order to decerntne the forces acting on the wadge, che areas of the surfaces upon which the wedge rests and che Volune of the wedge must be calculated. Having established the dips, dip directions and angles beiween the lines of Intersection of the various planes which bound the wedge, From equations (AB), (A9) and (45), the cequired areas and volumes can be calculated provided that the length ef one of these lines of intersection is knew, Any one of the lines can be used as a basis for the calculation but Tt Is obviously advantageous to choose one which can be measured in the field. The traces AC and BC of planes & and B on the upper slope surface are likely to the most accessible in an actual slope problem and hence, the Fength AC will be used 'as the basis for the following calculations. The length CT will be used for the calculation of the volume of wedge cw. }f the lengths AC and cT have not been measured or speci fled, their lengths will have to be determined or estimated from whatever information is available as will Se demonstrated in the example to be considered later. 37 The required areas and volures are calculated a5 follows: Pimme BS grea AED = $.N6.00.5in 835 canny Area TEW © J.TC,CK.SiA &55, an) Area ATWO = H{AC.C0 ~ TE.CK) Sin og (ara) Plane B: Arco BCO = $.80,00.Sin bey 3) Area VOW = $.VC.CH.Si9 O45 tardy Area BYMO = 4(BC.CO ~ VC.C¥}Sin 6,5, (ais) Tension rach ‘rea TM = B.1V.TW.Sin 675 tas) Volume Acbo = 2.A€.00.8C. « «ain Volume Tow =, K (as) where K is 2 function of the angles ®34s035 and 845 which MITT be defined later. Application of the sine rule gives: cos ac, Seg (arg) wet Seg (920) = co, SIN825 2 ge Sin 0y5.Sin 8, BC CO. Sin ey” A: Stree Sire (aan) s 6 Vom cu. SERIE = Te. apes (azz) Were, Hoge (423) Wwe te (124) Substitution in equations (A12), (AS), (A16), (AI7) and (a18) gives ‘Area ATWO on plane A: Sin 83 Sin ©. = 2. - 2, Sintar } gin Aya {«« Sines T* Singay } Sin Gas} TA25} ‘Area BAVO on plane Br ma ‘ic Sin?0,4-Sindoe | gz, Sin?0ay+Sini, bein tus Sino g-SIae ae Sne57 "Slabs Tay ‘Aree TW of tension crack: 2, Sin 834" Sta & " Oris Sin yg" Sin S7 (aan) 32 Weight of wedge = 7+ volume AOBVTW, where y Is unit weight. v Ge ‘SigfozarSingss . Eetarsiate} laze) BaP ozgrSIGay, K = (1 ~ Cos?0g4-C0s2a5 ~ Coston s+2+ Cost sy=Cosing"Costy 5)”) where ta2s} Bowen due to ater pressure In this analysis ft has been assured that water_is free to enter the open top of the tension crack (trace TV) and that the water pressure Increases \inearty with éepth to a raximim of p at the point Which defines the Intersection Of the tension crack with the lines of Intersection OC. The magnitude of p is a product of the density of water Ww and the average vertical elevation of points T and ¥ above We These elevations are determined From the lengths end dips of linas 7 and 8. Sin by We te 330) Tray (aso) Ww = tee SER SaseSin #7; ust Ti asy St Ba5 vy = o> Sit 5 Sie by 32) hy =e $id gussin tase Side ays) Hence, the pressure p is given by: Te, Sin Saslery gy + SILE78. sin pe rw > seal Berit 7 * sinegy * ST B (aay Wote that water pressure distributions other than that assumed in deriving equation (834) are possible and It may be necessary to modify this equation in accordance with the geometry and source of groundwater flow in the particular Problem being studied. While no general rules can be given because of the wide range of ceonotrical combinations possible In actual rock stope oroblems, it can be stated that the sane process as that used In deriving equation {A34) can be applied to rast of these problens, The water pressure P given by equation (A34) can be regarded as a realistic oximm value wnieh could oceur under conditions of exceptionally heavy rainfall and the factor of safety of the Slope calculated on the basis of this value of p can therefora be regarded as the finimum value for that slope. ‘The force V due to water pressure In the tension crack 15 given by the volune of the pyramid forned by the pressure 9 Scting at point W (the pressure being zero at T and V) on the area AT of the tension crack face. Hence 373 ft is assumed thet the weter pressure is transmitted fully between the tension crack ané the faces A and B on which the wedge rests. Hence, the uplift forces Un and Up are obtained from the volunes of the Figures given by the pressure p acting at point Won the areas Ay and Ag. The Bressures along oll free faces, i.e, along traces AT, By AO and 05, are zero. tebe pe ml 436) Ueda - he (037) Recolution of foroce The forces acting on the wedge are illustrated in the pictorial view in the margin. These forces are Wo = the welght of the wesge Nae + the effective norma! reaction on plane A Nye = the effective normal reactton on plane @ Uy = the uptirt Force an plane A Up. ~ the uplift Force on plane & Vo = the force due to weter in the tensien crack T= the external force applied by cable anchors or roekbol ts S = the force acting down the line of potential stiding From a consideration of the geonetry of the wedge, the dips and dip directions of these forces are os listed in Table AVI. Table AVI = dips ond dip erections of Forces Force dip Gio direction v 30° indeterminate Moe (va ~ 90°) o9 Nee (> ~ 909) oy y (oe ~ 909) ae Yr 7 s v5 “5 1» order to calcutate the forces which resist sliding of the wedge, the effective normal reactions Nag and Nye are required and these are obtained by resolving’ in the directions of these normal reactians, 374 (Mge * Ua) + ona nb (Nee + Up) + oynae¥ * Myona¥ tT maT = 0 (A38) (Nbe + Ua) + mo.nb(Nge + Ua) + Hy,qb-# + OY.nb-Y + Teh = 0 (439) Solving for Nae and Nye We ev ost Up (40) Wt y.V +27 Up (a) where 4 > (Opa.nb-Py.nb = P¥snal/ (1 ~ Ra. nb) (ate) = (Ma.abe¥.nb ~ (1 * Tha .nb! (A83) 8 > lmq.nb-MT nb ~ na)! (1 Ma. nb) (aba) (amb Mana ~ Ment)! (1 ~ Mant) (ans) ¥ = fpa.nb-¥.na ~ Mv.nb)/ (1 ~ haat) (Ane) 2 ma.nd-Pr na ~ Mt.ob)/ (1 ~ Ma.nb) (aay) The disturbing force $ acting down the line of Tntersection OC Is given by resolving along OC (nunbered 5 in this analysis). V+ ms (ave) The coefficients required for the solution of equations (wie) to (RNB) are listed in Table AVI!. These coefficients are obtained by substituting the dips and dip directions Usted In Table AV) into equetion (43). Factor of safety The Tactor of safety of the slope Ts given by the ratio of the resisting force due to friction and cohesion to the disturbing force 8. Hence + Ug. Wer. UST = Ua)Tontg + (.W 4 y.¥ 42.7 ~ Up)Tandy (ana) m5 # tv Yt Og T Method of oatostation Because the solution of this problem involves solving a large number of equations, 3 areat deal of tine can be wasted and serious errors in caleulation can arise If the problea is tackled in a haphazard manner. The authors recommend the use of a calculation tasle such as that set out on the following pages, modifled as required to suit the user's particular needs. T 375 Table AUII = Coefficients for resolution of Forces Faasnb = S80 Uy Sin Vp .CO5(ag- a) + Cos Yq C08 Hy na = 7 605 tg Ayn =~ 605% Mysnm 7 SiN Gy Sin by Coleg” ag) + C08 fy C05 be ys ~ Simp SIM 4 2005 (aye 008 ve Mana * C0847 Sin Ya Cosa £05 ¥y pany + 608 07 Sin Uy Cos (ay fos iy mys = Sinvs, Fy.5 = C0545 -Sinue .Cosfag- a4) ~ Sin ds .Cos Brg = C0885 C08 ey -SoBlas~ op) + Sings «Sin vy Determination of the minimum cable Toad for a given factor of safety Rearranging the factor of safety equation (AK) in terns of the cable load T Caha * Cahy + (GW + eV = Un)Tandy * GW + ¥W Up)Tanty - Floy,5 *my,5V) Tanby = Famp,5 = (sTangq + 2Taneg) PTS * tasor To Find the inclination vy at which the cable should be installed in order to give the minima cable tension, dif forentiate for T in terms of vy and equate to zero XTands = Yitotig ~ Z.Cotyy ness X.castes ~ oy) + ¥.€osloy = ag) + Z.Cos (ay ~ ap) The differential of this expression, with respect to oy, is equated co zero to give the optimum direction of the cable = xs 5 + Y.Sing, + 2.Singy Tamy * «ase K.losas + Y.Cosay + Z.Cosa, where X= (1 = Wa qplF.cosvg Y= (Taney = Mga.nd-Tangg)SIa Z = (Tantg ~ ta, nbs Tang) Sint Solving equations AS! and AS2 will give several possible values for yy and ay. The correct values have to be chosen By Taspection and are those yalves nich are closest to the Following: vr = Gig + 1800 = #¢q + 94) ane op = ag 2 1800, 5 * 316 CALOULATION TABLE YOR WEDGE ANALYSTS ~ SHERT 2 RESULTS Step 1 Calculation of dip directions of Linea of intersection (equetion A9) Taper data: a> dip of plane A 45° aq ~ dip direction of plane & 105° vy ~ Alp of plane B 70" ay - dip direction of plane B 235" ¥p ~ dip of slope face és° og ip direction of slope face 1es* 5 ~ dip of upper slope surface fe* ag ~ dip direction of upper slope surface 128" ay arccen (i 0804 - rena col ner ante. Sinay = Tand,, 8ias,| ap = arcesn — - Zui em 125-2" Tanvp Slang = Tanke, Simp oy = eran tte = sete) 103-0" Tandy Sing > Tatiog Si| os srcan {ete - Tastee 146.0" Fay. Sing ~ Tandy Sina ac acceang T8harCotag ~ Tanip-Cos9y] SIT" y= aetan{ OH = rates 279" we «Sings | wo sxe eta - sec) eer Tran, Sinay 7 Tandy Stas, ng = ccc Ttteseey ~ tense} 200.0" Fany_. Sina, > Tac, Sina, a: secean {Teas - Tenet 259-6" Tangy Sine, > Tang STiag| See caneon ads topue date from step Ds calculation: Wy = arctan (Tan ¥y-Cos (0, ~ 91)? 8 2 arctan (fan ¥p.Cos (ay - az)? 647" = arctan (Tan UgsCos (ag ~ a3)) Se Ye = arctan (Fan uyeCee (ap ~ 90)) B22 Ys = arctan (Can ¥g.Cos (aq ~ a5)) 31-2" 7 CALGHLATON Table FOR WEDGE AWIYSTS ~ SW D mesons Step 2 eomsizoed? Ys = aretan (Tan 045008 lop ~ 24)? zat ¥p e arctan (Tan ¥q-Co8 (aq ~ a7)) 4 -or ¥e = arctan (Tan y,.Gos day ~ a9) £6007 6S* Yo = arctan (Pan YgsCos (ay = 95)) Stop 3: Cateulation of angles between lines of intersection. Stop Eeuation as) Input dater from seeps 1 and 2. Caleutatation + B15 + atecos (Cosy -Comtg.Cos (ay ~ a3) + Sin: Sindy B15 > arccos (Cosy; Cosig.Cos (a, ~ a) + Sint, Sings Bey # arecos (Cory, Cooyy.os az ~ a4) + Siig Sindy Gy5 = avecos (Cosyz.Cosys.Cos (az ~ as) + Simdy-Sinds Gg, = areces (Cosy;.Gosyy.Co (a3 ~ a.) + Sinds-Sindy Og5 = atecos (Comyy.Coys.Cos (az ~ as) © Sinds.Singy B57 = arceos (Cos}3.Cosyy.Cos (ay ~ a) + Sindy.Sinvy Bug = arecos (Cospy.Cosys.Cos (a, ~ ag) + Sinin, Sings Suge arcens (Cosy,.Cospg.Coe (ay ~ 23) + Simpy Sinve, Sug * arecos (Cosp,,.Cosyg.Cos (ay = ay) + SinjysS4miy 857 7 AFecos (Comts.CoBy7.Cos (as ~ ay) + Sings.Sinvy Gsg = aces (Cosds.Cosg.Cos (as ~ ag) + Sinbs-Sinds fyq = arceos (Cost7.Coay,Cot (a7 ~ a4) + Sinhy.Singy 899 > arccos (Cosg.Costg.Cos (ap ~ ag) + Sinky.Sinvs Step 4; Calculation of areas of planes (equations A25, A26 and A27) Input data: from step 3 and from measured Lengths AC and TC, Supplementary calculation of lengths AC and TC e Uerténs elembcn of A above 0 = oof. and yy» 438", hence Gas AD = 100 / sin 43:8" = 144-8 fe. A 5 ACs Ao, Sin, + Ao. 8. roofe 1 ‘c Sin Sas 0 Te AC~ doe MEZf. loe-2f. 378 ‘CALCULATION TABLE FOR WEDGE ANALYSIS ~ SHEET 3 HESULTS caleutacion: Age fee Singia ~ 72, Sind?) sin oye S672 fe? Tas Sins for 040 929/ RE te fer | Sin?61y + Siab25 gpa, Sin?8a, “ita a 6407 AF Sim's > Saba Biri, Sie Tee o [28a A be Sindy, « Sings. Sintye 1022 ft Bindug » Sind yy Step 5: Caloulacion of woighe of wedge (equations 429 and A28) Input data: Angles from step 3 plus Lenstts AC and 70, Density of rack 1? 160 he/fes catewiatioat K ~ (1-Cos?83y - 6037835 = Cos’ys + 2608034 Coad ysConeys >t o 208 wn dyn fact, Si8282Sintes _ 43, Sin20y7 Sinise 26-80% 10% 2 FinBy 5 Sintay, BiwtWep Sings frTe=0 | 36Bx1o%m Step 6: Caleiation of forces due to water pressure, Japut data: From ateps 2, 3 and 4, Density of wacer Wye 62-5 &/fe? Caleulasiont sy TE S8895 [sine + Se. stony 3360 b/e* 7 Sats) Sindee , =l 2.04 x 10%k., ve bpay | 2.04% 10°k. a 6-55 « 10%. 7:26 x 10%, 379 CALCULATION TABLE FOR WEDGE ANALYSIS - SHEET 4 RESULTS Step 71 Calculation of coefficients for resolution of forces (Table avIT) Input data: original date on planes ané step 2. celestetio Saanb = Siady.Sinby.cos(?g ~4) + coal, coal Suna = 7 Combe 9.707 PRenb 7 Cont, = 2. 342 myna = Sin¥g.Sinvy.Con(ag ~ay) + Cosi Cony O57 Binh * Stoby.SinesGo5(Gy, ~ay) + CoshyaConty pe-4o | Srna + Costy.SinPg.Cos(oq ~0,) ~ Stnbyconys Ho. 568 SE.nb 6 Coat'p.Sinby.Cos (ty =) ~ Sinhy cosy, 70: 578. m5 = Sins oe 1,5 = Comvs.Sinvg Colas =m) ~ Stops. Coste BT 5 © Coa¥g.Costg.Com(os ~op) + Sinbe Simi =O. 446 Step 8: Calculation of coefficients for determination of effective noraal reactions Nye and Nye (auations aé2 co 487) Input date: from atep 7 Calculation: 9 Gipa. nb Miva 7 Bina) fC ~ we) 2-80 f= (ga.sbeBy nb ~ Ayana) JC ~ Mack) ne. 67 * = Gna.nb-rvnb - Teas) / (1 - 0-62 X= @uasnb-Wena ~ nb) JC ~ aha,eb) 0: 49 95 @oasnb-Hna = Wend) / Cl ~ Sha ap) frese | (@qa-ab-™ #T.nb) / (1 ~ aha nb) on Step 9: Calculation of Factor of Safety (Equation Ads) pe AMA Soran + GW + IV 4 at - UgrTen dy + GM + V+ at - U_)TaNGy Se By ev + pe Fn 2.0005 Ak 0.001 Aa + 0.57 W ~ 0.56 Vo O66T~ 0-36 ta - 0-58 Ua O52W + 0.62V— O45 T 380 CRLEULATION EARLE OW WRG LYSIS = SHEETS eS Cateclation of Factor of Safety: Input date cy * 500 B/R* oy = love Bi/fe? tend, 0.364 tanh y= 0-577 Case @: Dry slope wth no fension erack Vw Te n= Mero We 36/8 x10%6, Aar 929/ ft, Aas 2344 fe? Fre 20005% 929) + 0.00/K 9344 4 O57 BONE 0-52 x 36/8 Case &: Dry slote wih teusion crack be T= a+ Ua=0 He 28-30% (0%, hy» S672 2, Aw C497 A? Fa 20005" S672 + 0-00rK 6497 + O5T4 28-3 0-52 = 26-3 (asec: Slepe wit tension crack and mater pressvre. Te O, Ws 28.30 (0° R, Aye SE7ZAF, Ag: 6497 fe?, Ve 208410%b, the 634x108 Ups J27% 10%R. tg 284 + 6:50 +1613 - O.56%2-08 ~ 036x634 — 0586727 72 + 62x B08 Gased: External force T required to restore factor of safely for anse c fo bE. (E92 » 0-66T Fees “eo = 0-48T T (24-1762) [lose + o67s) = 184 VT hilo 464 210% 381 Appendix 2: Wedge solution for rapid computation Introduction The solution of the wedge problem presented in Appendix 1 was designed for veaching purposes rather than for conve- ience of calculation. In this appendix, iwo solutions Sesigned for maximum speed and efficiency of caleulation® are given. These solutions are: 1. A short solution for a wedge with a horizontal slope crest and with no tension crack. Fach plane may have adifferent friction angle and cohesive Strength and the Influence af water pressure on each plane is Included In the solution. The influence of an external force is not included in this solu- tion. 2. A comprehensive solution which included che effects Of a superinposed load, a tension crack and an external Force such as’ that applied by a tensioned cable The short solution Is suitable for programming on # pocket calevlator such as a Hewlett-Packard 67 Of 2 Texas. Instrus ments SRB2. It can also de used with a non-progranmable calculator such as a Hewlett-Packerd 21 and typical problem would reeuire about 30 minutes of calculation on Such a machine. The comprchensive solution is 4 to 5 times longer than the short solution and would normally be programmed on a desk top calculator or in» computer. SHORT SoLUTON Scope of solutton The solution presented 15 for the computation of the factor of safety for translational slip of a tetrahedral wedge forned in a rock slope by two intersecting discontinuities, the slope face and the upper ground surface. It does not take account of rotational stip or toppling, nor does it include 2 consideration of those cases in which more than two intersecting discontinuities Teolate tetrahedral or tapered wedges of rock. In other words, the influence of @ Tension crack is not consideree in this solution, The solution allows for different strength paraneters and water pressures on the two planes of weakness. Tt Is assured that the slope crest Is horizontal, ie the upper ground surface 5 elther horizontal or dips in the sane direction as the slope foce or at 180° to this direction. When @ pair of discontinuities are selected at random from a set of field dota, not known whether 2) the planes could form # wedge ( the line of intersec- tion may plunge too steeply to daylight In the slope face or it may be too flat to intersect the upper ground surface }- eT * These solutions are based uson the work of one of the authors (J.W.8) with assistance From Or F.T-Brown ot imperiat College, London. —————— Plans I overttea plane & 382 b) one of the planes overlies the other (this affects the calculation of the normal reactions on the planes) fc} one of the planes Ties to the right or the left of the other plane when viewed From the bottom of the slese. In order to resolve these uncertainties, the solution has been derived in such a way that either of the planes nay be Tabelled 1 (or 2) and allowance has been made for one plane overlying the other. In addition, 2 check on whether the two planes do form a wedce Is included in the solution at an early stage. Depending upon the geometry of the tiedge and the magnitude of the water pressure acting on cach plane, certact may be lest on cither plane and this contingency [s provided for in the solution. Notation ‘The geonetry of the problem is iMustrated in the margin sketch. The discontinuities are denoted by 1 and 2, the upper ground surface by 3 and the slope face by 4. ‘The data required for the solution of the aroblem are the unit lueight of the rock y, the height # of the crest of the Slope atove the intersection 0, the dip p end dip direction a oF each plane , the cohesion’c and the Friction angle ¢ for planes 1 and’? and the average water pressure yon each of the planes | and 2k, | the slope face overhangs the toe of the Slope, the Index n fs essigned the value of nih If the slope does not overhang, 9 = He Other terms used in che solution are : F = factor of safety against wedge sliding cateulated as the ratio of the resisting to the actuating shear forces A= area of a face of the wedge Ws weight of the wedge N= effective normal reaction on a plane 5 = actuating shear force on a plane xurie = co-ordinate axes with origin at 0. The = axis is ected vertically upwards, the y axis 1s in the dip cirection of plane 2 B= unte vector in ere dicection of the normal to plane t with components) (0x,0,,0,) B= unit veetor in the direction of the normal to plane 2 With components. (by)by,be) } = unit vector in the direction of the normal to plane 4 with components (Fy. Fyfe) 3+ vector in the direction of the Line of Intersection of planes I'and 4 with conporents teq.5j0,) = vector in the direction of the line of intersection Of planes I and 2 with components (xsdyetp) If it is assumed that the discontinuities are complecely fitted with water and thot the water pressure varies from zero at the free faces at a maximum at some point on the Vine of intersection, then uy = uz = yly/6 whore Hy is the overall height oF the wedge. 383 + component of § in the direction of 8 omponent of 3 in the direction of B Bie = ape ape te = Wh, = Aiko aa sg" No/Ap Assuming contact on both planes tele = 8A m= My/Ay enoninacor ot f= sy/a,} SORE on plone 1 onty mye No/Ag denominator of F = Se/Ay } contact on plane 2 only Sequence of calculations The factor of safety of a tetrahedral wedge against stiding slong # line of intersection may be calculated as follows 1s Gaqoay 8g) * (Simvy -Sinlay 92), Sinys-Cos aye ag)s Cos) 2. CgeFyate) + (Simin Sinlay az), Sinyy.Coe (area), Cosby) 3. by = Stiga A. by = cose se aby 6 ap * ety = fy y (Fate = Fas) + bad 8. UF na/t > 0, oF it Tangs > T= EPIC, za na/t} and gene no wedge is formed and the calculation should be terminated. 9. r= a,b, + arb, 1 kaa? 1. t= Gig) (33Q) 12. “8 fx/92 13m (AO la, = 0%,) = pay) p/lel Ve ng = (C0/k) (og ~ rag) = uy? 1S. m = (2az - cu - 2y,).p/]a| 16. mg = (2b, = epuy = ve) 17. 8) If ny » 0 and ny > 0, there Is contact an both planes oe be (mtn nacTonts 6 [okx teadA/I2EL b) IF ng <0 and m > 0, there is contact on plane 1 "” 38h only and my-Tan ey + [ele Fs (21-2) + we + Riray ~ bul? ©) If my <0 and my > 0, there ts contact on plane 2 only are my-Tands +e Fe Tb? + kpPuy? + 2rby aj botu)? ©) If m, <0 and my < 0, contact 1s lost on soth panes and the wedge floats’es a result of water pressure eeting on planes I and 2. In this case, the Factor of safety falls to zero. example Cetculate the factor of safety against wedge failure of 2 slope for which the following data applies = Plane 1 2 3 4 e "7 1% Ww 6 ° 052 oe as, 945 Y= 25 kW/a? = 20m, cy = 25 KWo? , cy 1 = 30, 2 9 358, ue uy = 30 Kime, n= oF Te Geayea,) (0.40897, 0.60632, 0.68200) 2. (Fysfyeta) = (OATING, 0.80753, 0.42262) 3. by ~ 0.93969 Ay by = 0.34202 5. € = 0.3831 6. ag = -0,08078 7. a = 0.12981 B. na/i <0, Tandy = 0.17633; AT= FRY (F, - nai) © 1.19558, A wedge 1s formed, continue calculation sequence: 9. + = 0.80301 Wo. k = 0.35517 1. 1 = 265.969 12. p= 8.78639 1B. m1 61.456 183.988 the ng = 15. my = 13.7085 16. mp © 54.3389 385 17. ng < 0 and m > 0, hence there ie contact on plane 1 only 5 €) gives F = 0.626 and hence the stope is unstable. Note that water pressure acting on the planes hos Ficant Influence upon the solution to this problem. uy = up = 0, Fe 1.158, COMPREHENSIVE SOLUTION ‘Scope of sotution As Im the previous solution, this solution 1 for computer tion of the factor of safety for translational slip of © tetrahedral wedge formed ina rack siope by two inter secting discontinuities, the slope face and the upper ground surface. In this case, the Influence of a tension crack is included in the solution. The solution does not take account of rotational slip or toppl ing. The solution allows for different strength paraneters and woter pressures on the two planes of weakness and for water pressure in the tension crack. There Is no restriction fon the inclination of the crest of the slope, The Influence Of an externa] Joad € and @ cable tension Tare included in the analysis and suppienentary sections are provided for the examination af the minimum factor of safety For = external load (eg a blast acceleration acting in a known direction ) and for minimising the cable force required for a given factor of safety. Part of the Input data is concerned with the average values Of the water pressure on the failure planes (uy and us) and on the tension crack (ug). These may be estinated from fieid data or by using sore forn of analysis. In the absence of precise information on the water bearing fissures, ‘one cannot hope to make accurate predictfons but two simple nnethods tor obtaining aporoxirate estinates were suggested in Appendix 1 of this book. In both methods it. Is assumed that extrore conditions of very heavy ralnfatl oceur, and that _in consequence the Fissures are conpletely full of water. Again. In both methods, it is aeswred that the Pressure varies from zero at the free faces to a aaximum value at sone point on the line of Intersection of the to Fallure planes. The first method treats the case where ro tension crack exists and gives the resule us us * yf /6, where H, 13 the total height of the wesge. The secofe rethoo Slows for the presence of 9 tension crack and gives Mey 7 up = be = YWHsu/3.« where Hgy is the depth of the Bottom vertex of the tanston crack below the’ upper ground surface. As in the short solution, allowance Is made for the follow ing a) Interchange of planes 1 and 2 b} the possibility of one of the planes overlying the ether ©) the situation where the crest overhangs the base of the slope ("in which case — =1) 4) the possibility of contact being lost on either plane 386 n to detecting whether or not a wedge can form, the solution also examines how the tension crack intersects the other planes and only accepts those cases where the tensfon crack truncates the wedge in the manner shown in ‘the margin sketch. Hiotation The geometry of the problem is illustrated in the margin sketeh, The Failure surfaces are denoted by j and 2, the upper ground surface by 3, the slope Face by and the tension crack by 5. The following input data are required for the solution = & = ip and dip direction of plane or plunge and rrend of Force Hy = slope height referred to phane 1 = distance of tension crack fron crest, measured along the trace oF plane T = average water pressure on face of wedge. = cohesive strength of each failure plane = angle of friction of each failure plane unit weight of roek = unit weight of water cable or bolt tension = external lead =I if slope is overhanging and 41 iF slope does not overhang Other terms used in the solution are F = factor of safety against sliding along the Tine of intersection or on plane 1 of plane 2 A = ares of face of wedge W = wetaht of wedge Vs water thrust on tension rack Face 0 = total normal force on plane t lihen contact Is 5, = Shear force on plane 1 when contact 0, = shear resistance on plane +} plane I andy F, = factor of safety Ny = totel normal force on plane 2 lihen contact is Sy = shear force on plane 2 when contact = shear resistance on plane 2. # plane 2 only F, = factor of safety Ny.Ny 7 effective normal reactions when contact is raintained on @ = total shear resistence on 1,2 p both planes 1 Fy = Factor of safety and 2 S = totel shear force on 1,2 387 = values of Mh, No, S ete when T= 0 = values of Ny, Noy $ ete when = 0 unit normal vector for plane 1 normal vector for plane 2 normal vector for plane 3 = unit normal vector for plane 4 = unit normal vector for plane 5 = vector in direction of intersection line of 1,4 = vector in direction of intersection Hine of 1,5 = vector ia direction of intersection Vine of 1,2 eof 3 intersection Vine of 3,5 = vector in plane 2 normal to Z = vector in direction of intersection | = vector in direction of = vector in plane 1 normal ted + magnitude of vector 2 = square of magnitude of vector § = square of magnitude of vector 9, o 3, Note 1: The computed value of ¥ is negative when the tension crack dips away fron the toe oF the slope but this does not Indicate a tensile Force. The expressions for Ges dary gps Tet dels ae7 Ea hich occur later in fhe Seiutlan afe normally valuated by ATAN2 Of Fortean, or by "Rectangutar to Polar" operation on desk top calculators. For this reason, -v should pot be cancelled out Im scuation 47 for az. Sequence of calculations 1. Cateulation of factor of safety when the fomees T and E are either zero on completely speeified in magnitude amd dixeotion. 2. Components of unit vectors in directions of normals, to planes ! to 5, and of forees T and &. ( = (SinvySinay, Siny€0s0,, Cosy) 1 Kbysbysbe) © (SinvgStnne, SinysCoses, cosy) (éeidystz) = (SinvgSinng, SinvsCasag, Cosvs) (estyefad © SimSinay, StniyCosay, Cosy) (fsx sfsysfog)*(SingsSinas, SinpsCosag, Costs) Atgtystz) 7 (Coss, Sinag, Cony_Cosay, -Sind,) leqstyste) = (CosdgSinag, CosvgCordg, ~Sing) 388 Components of vectors in the direction of the tines of Intersection of various planes laqedyede) = yap Feayls Fag Fetes (Gay Fyad (esx ed5yeGa2) = (Fayag"fszdyhs (FazaunFox2) + (fsxaynfeyay) 9 CarkyrEe) = (byap = Beayl (029, = 5582) (b4ay ~byagh 1 Ginelyeda) = (ya = Fay) (fata ~ Fated (Fxty = Fyex) 11 Ci seeloyrdse) * (sya Fsady) (Foz Faybe) » Fedy" yd 12 es yrksd + (fybe~ Egbyl (EaBe~ gba) (Endy ~ fyby) 13 (etystg) (ayeg~ agty) (Opty >and) xdy ~ aye) 1H Nunbers proportional to cosines of various angles monte + Sydy + 8,8, 6 Hs Gene + Gsydy * Sszte 6 = Buin t Bydy + bale 7 ns 7 balan * byisy + Baise 8 AP = Spd + tydy + Eyl 9 5 + bea + byay + bs, 20 85 = DBs + byasy + Be8s2 a © = aby + ayy + andy 2 5 = atx + ayty + ate 2 W = byt + byty + bate 2h Mom kak + tty + ot 25 ant + ayey + 06 26 byt + byey + bee 27 Me * yey + yey + yee 28 $5 = antag + Oyfoy + agfse 23 Vo # betsy + Byfey + baFsy 30 M5 * tafiag + ify # Safes n A= byt + tyay + feo x ds toon # Tyasy + Ease 33 fm Eaton + yfsy + fetee 3B 4. Miscellaneous Factors a Ate 6 1. 03 6 e Taq 3 1, a0 wm ae Tag 37 1 ve deg 8 Bom 92 * ay? + gy? 38 Gs - 954? + usy? + 954? 40 (Go? = 2impla + m?R2)* a 38 fs = (5p? ~ 2lnsplas + ms?a%)? 2 n= tdlagl 43 hs = Oh = Tolta/g B = (Tan2y + Tan?4q = 2(ar/o}Tand;Tangs)/R2 45 ‘¢. Plunge and trend of tine of intersection of planes 162 2 = Aresintut,) 46 a4 © Aretan(-vig/-viy) 4” £. Check on wedge geometry Wo vedoe Is formed, ff ply <0. or 8 terminate comucation. | ip ot eg 3 F angsige 0, oF so thp 20, oF 51 Tension crack Inve 8s terminate computation. if FS ‘s =| >1yor 52 vst Fearn | > 3 5. Areas of faces and welsht of wedse Ay = (|mafh? = |msq5|hs2)/2/ 91 5h Aa = (la/nlnen? ~ Jas/nstins?hs?)/2(9] 35 As = Ims95]hs7/2/n5/ 56 Wom ylg?ntn§/fn] - 95%m5%h53/[n5/3/6 [P| 57 bh. Water pressures 1) Mith no tension crack ay = us = yyhlmég|/6) | 38 11) With tension cenck by = up = os = Yuh Ins | Ip 39 = ustsne/Le| 6 | Effective normal resctfons.on planes 1 and 2 assuming contact on both planes My pllky + Thrv=s) + E(ryg 5) + Ves a5)} uray 61 Na = Will, + T(rs=v) + Elrsg vg) + Vieag- vg)! ~uphy 62 J. Factor of safety when thy <0 and Np <0 (contact Is lost on both planes) Feo 6 Hm > 0 and Ny < 0, contact is waintained on ptane 1 only and the factor of safety i5 calculated 95 follows: Ny = Wag = Ts = 5g = Vise ~ water 6 Sy 7 (Te + Bayt lgay + Uh + abet) 6 Sp = =(Tty + bey + yay + VFsy + ushaby) 66 5, = 7(Tty + Ee, +Ngay + Visz + Ushaby) + or Sym (3 ty? + 8,777 8 Og = Uy = upAyTand, + exh; 69 Fl = Q/sy 70 1, 16 My <0 and Ny > 0, contact is maintatned on plane 2 only and the faétor of safety is caleutated as follows: Ny = Mog = TV + ve = We = hie 1 Sho (Tg + Fey + Nyba + Max + mA) 2 8) = [Tey + bey 4 Mgby + Us + waaay) B Sy = (tty + fey 4 Mgby + UFsy + wsAlag) + * Sp = (52 + 8/2 + 5,2) 6 Ay = (My ~ ake) Tangy + coke 76 fe = b/s, ” mm. If Ny > 0 and Np > 0, contact is maintained on both plands and the Factor of safety i celculsted as. fol lows vlWig TW > Eg = Ws) * = NyTand; + hsTenbs + c1A; + caAo 13 Fr - ys 80 Minimo faoton of aafaty produsad whan toad € of given 390 mmgnitude t¢ agptied in the voret dineetion. ») NM, 5%, QM, Eyl by use of equations 61, 62, 78, 79 and 80 with E = © IF Ny" < 0 and No" < 0, even before E Is applied, then F = 0, terminate computation. <0) 2+ (yee + 2S ayengricy a i, = Avesin( EB) -maMag * 2) -he"b2)} 2 2 onytayg 12) May’ ag = Arcton ee 8 Bore, oem, the direction If E> D, and E Is applied or within a certain range encompassing this direction, then contact 1s lost on both planes and F = 0. Terminate computation. 39 4) IF My" > O and We" < 0, assume contact on plane 1 only after application of &. Determine §,, 5)" 5, Sy Qi, Fy) From equations toro nith'ed 6 ant IF Fy! © 1, terminate computation. ler ons ‘ag = ELC)? + (C550)? = €2)Ten2—, HE nee a4 (sg)? = We) + Aresin(S3/55") = Areton(Tanps/Fy) % ey = Aretan(syZ5y") + 180° 6 ©) If Ni! < © and No" » 0, assume contact on plane 2 only after application of Fy Determine Sy", Sy", 82", 5 72 to TT with'€ £6. 1 Fz" © 1, terminate computation. +O," and Fy"! from equations Wet ots Syed = ECOG" + CESK"? - Ey Tan2ho]4 re 87 in? 7 Hea = Aresin(S,!'/54") ~ Arctan(Fanda/Fs) 88 diez = Aretan(Sy"/Sy") + 180° 8 #1 IF Ny! > 0 and ta" > 0, assume contact on both planes after sppticatlon of & 16 Fs" © 1, tomminate eenputat ion. leet ote sq 2 a arts? = eye . r= Cio? + Beis? - 2) %° . wy? = x Ore 31 ex = ~(Favtg = plenty ~ ub,Tamba)/x 3 by = ~(Favly = pkytany = nly Tantg)/x 3 eg = “(Fav ~ 0kjTand, ~ ulzTandg)/x 9s Yes = Aresin(-ez) 95 aes = Arctante,/ey) 96 Compute sq and’ve using equations 26 and 27 My = MY Ealtve 3) 7 Np = No! + Eulrse ~ ve) 38 Check that m2 0 and N,2 0 392 3. Minimum cable ov bolt tension Tin requined to naive the factor of safety to sane epseified value F. a). Evoluste My", Mp", St, Q* by means of equations 61,62, 78, 79 with T= 0 b) 1FN,' 0, contact is lost on plane 2 when T =O. Assume contact on plane I only, after application of T. Evaluate 54", Sy'y 5;'s Sq' and Qy! using equations, 65 to 69 with M'0.. Tym (FSq! = Qt Fe Tan 99 Yer = Arctan(Tangi/F) = Arcsin(S,"/Sq') 100 ary = Arctan(S,"/5,") 101 ©) HFM 0, contact i Tost on plane 1 when T = 0. fssune costact on plane 2 only, after application of T (eetnbee Sete sys Sens Spr and Qyr using esuatione Wot whth Po Te = (FSg! = Og.) FH Tay 02 deg + Aretan(Tandi/#) = Aresin(S,"/5p') 103 tg * Aretants!75y!) 104 d) All cases. No restriction on values oF My" and Ny! Assume contact on both planes after application of T. x= (ft +B)? 105 Ty (FS) = ON 106 yt (Fig = okyTands = ul,Tanbe) x 107 ty = (Fvty ~ pkyTangy = wtyTanéa)/x 108 tz (Fut, = ok, Tandy ~ utgTanta) fx 109 Yor Aresia(-e,) 10 aga Aretan(e,/ty) m Compute s and y using equations 23 and 24 Ny = Nyt + Tapiry = 5) uz Ny = Np! + TyHtrs = v) 3 If Wr< 0 oF No< 9, Ignore the results of this section If Wy! > O and Ny! > 8, Tain = Ta HF ty! > O and No! <0, Tin = smatlest of Tr, Ty Hf thy! <0 and No! > 0, Tain = smatlest of Ta, Ty HEN! <0 and Ra! <0, Tain = smallest of Ty, To, T nl nin ae Tes Ta Exarple Calculate the factor of safety for the following wedge Plane 1 2 Bs ¥ bs Jo ey ® 5235195185165 fy = 100', L = Ho! , ey = 500 18/fe2, > = 1000 IB/Fe? $1 = 20%, go = 30, y = 160 Io/Fe3, 393 Ja) T= 0, €= 0, uy =u; = us From equation 59. (agaysez) = (0.68301, = 0.18301, 0.70711) (besbysbz) > (+0.76875, -0.53859, 0.34202) (dyody.dg) = (0.05381, -0.20083, 0.97815) (faofyofg) = (0.07899, -0.90286, 0.42262) (fogs FaysFsy)> (0.24321, -0.90767, 0.34202) (Gr9y.dg) * (0.56107, 0.34451, 0.63112) (Ssesdsys052)™ (-0.57923, 0.061627, 0.57544) igetyst,) © (0.31853, 0.77790, 0.50901) Uxedysie) = (0.79826, 0.05452, -0.03272) GsyolsysJse)" (0.81915, -0.25630, -0.09765) (kgskyskg) (0.54041, -0.28287, 0.77007) (yetystg) = (-0.64325, -0.57289, 0.47302) n= 0.57833, m+ 0.58166 n= 0.57388 ns + 0.73527 p= 0.35880 4 = 0.46206 as = 0.60945 ros 0.18526 ss = 0.57407 vs = 0.41899 hs = -0.609%5 d= 0.76796 ds = 0.52535 © = 0.65574 #9 Ro = 0.98265 2 = 1.03554 w= 1.03554 y= Fore 6 = 0.83180 Bs = 0.67088 n= 0.33371 Ms = 0.44017 how 158.45 hy = 87.521 8 = 0.56299 wee, + 31.20? a, = 157.73° 394 vi, > 0 ica) oae ts formed enastz > 0 hs > 0 Imghg|/Inh| = 0.55554 <1 [nagmshs|/|ngarh| = 0.57191< 1 Ay = $565.0 Fe? Aq = 6428.1 Fe? Ac = 186.6 Fe? Wo = 2.8272 x 107 tb Oy ep = us = 1084.3 Th/Fe? 5 Tension crack valid 2,0023 x 108 ib Ny = 1.5171 x 107 18] Both positive therefore contact S = 1.5886 x 107 Th Q = 4.8075 x 107 1b Fo= 4.1378 = Factor of cafety. This value cen be compared with the value of 1,10 obtained in case caf Appendix 1 ~ note thet small differences in calculated areos and water pressures account for the difference in the factors of safety. th] T= 0, £= 0, dry slove,uy = vg = us = 0. ‘As In 1a) except as fo?tows: ° Ny = 2.2565 x 107 1b | Both positive therefore contact 1 1 Np = 1.3853 x 107 18 f on both planes 1 and 2 5 = 146M x 107 1 Q = 2.5422 x 107 Ib Fy = 1.7360 = Fasten of safety Conpare this value with the value of 1.73 obtained In case b of Appendix 1 2) As In 1b) except E = 8 x 108 Ib. Find the value OF Fin: Values of Wy", MoM, S", Q", Fy as given in 1b). My" > 0, My" > 0, Fs" > Ty continue calculation. B= 0.56299, Fy = 1.08 = Fain ( Minimmn fator of eafety) x= 1.2788 ee = 9.12128 ey = -0.99226 0.928283, 395 Yes = -1.620 + Plunge of fonce tupwande) gy = 173.039 = Dread of Foren Ny = 1.9517 « 107 Ib Both postive therefore contact Np = 9.6793 x 105 1b maintained on both planes. 3). As in 1a} except that the minimum cable tension Twin Fequired to increase the factor of sofety to 1.5 is to be deternined. Ny! Noy S! and Q! = as given in ta) x = 1.6772 Ta = 3.4307 x 108 1b = Tain (Minin achle tension) ty = -0.18205 ty = 0.97574 te = 0012188 Yes + “6.98 = Phange of aabie (upuands) apn 7 348.439 = Pearl of onble Note that the optinun plunge and crend of the cable are approxinately Bea + bg + 180% - $04 60) = 31.2 + 180-25 = = 6.29 (upwards) and ays = a, + 180°» 157.73 + 160 = 337.730 In other words, a practical rule of thunb for the best direction’ in which to instatl the cables to reinfores a wedge 15: The cable choutd be aligned with the line of intersection of the two planes, viaiad From the bottom of the slope, and ¢ choutd be tnetined at the average friction angle to the Tine of interaestion, Tenatoned oable Paverage Optimen eabie diveotion for reinfomsenant of a wedze. 396 Appendix 3: Factors of safety for reinforced rock slopes Throughout this book, the factor of safety of a reinforced rock stope (for both’ plane ané wedge failure) has Seen deFined as = p= Resisting force : Disturbing force ~ T.Sine here T is the force applied to the rock by the Feinforeing meaber. In other words, the force T is assumed to act in such 2 manner st to Leevence the dicdupbing force. Plerre Lonéet, in a personal communication to the authors, suggested chat 2 second definition 1s equally applicable p_ Misting force + 1 > Disturbing Force is definition, the force T inzreases the restating Which definition should be used 7 Lonée suggests that there is sone justification for using equation T when T Is an aotive force, ie the cable is tensionad Zofare any moventent of the rock block or wedge has taken place. On the other hand, If T 13 @ pasoive force, applied by un- tensioned bars ‘or cables, the resisting force can only be develoned after some movement has taken place. In this case, Londe suggests tnat equation 2 is rore appropriate. In fact, since one never knows the exact sequence of loading and movement in a rock slope, the choice beeaves arbitrary. However, in considering this problem, a second and more Signifl¢ant problem arises and this relates to the degree Of confidence attached to the values of the shear strengths fand water pressures used in the stability analysis. The mrothad of solution described below, based upon a suggestion by Londe, Is dasigned to overcome both of the problems raised here. If, for the monent, It Is assured that the frictional and cohesive strengzhs of 2 rack surface are known with a high Gegree of precision and the water pressures hav= been meacured by neans of plezoneters, one may be led to believe that a high degree of confidence can be attached to the calculated driving and resisting forces and hence the factor Of safety of the slope. While this confidence would be Justified In the case of an unreinforced slope, that same could nat be said of a reinforced slope. This Is because the response of the various elements to displacement in tho Slope is not the sane. The development of the full frictional Strength, due to , and the cohesive strength c require a Finite displacement on the sliding surface and this dis- placenent may be Inconpatible with that imposed by the application of the cable tension T. Similarly, water Pressures in the fissures arc sensitive to displacement and Inay increase of decrease, depending upon the manner Ip which the cables are installed: Consequently, if cannot be agsumed that the cable tension T, the frictional streagth due to ¢, the cohesive strength ¢ and the various water pressures are all fully mobilised at the same tine. Technical director, Coyne € Bellier, Paris, Franck 397 Londe suggests that, instead of using a single factor of safety to define the stability of the slope, difrerent factors of safety should be used, depending upon the deoree of confidence which the designer has in the particular parameter being considered, High factors of safety can be epplicd to ill-defined parameters ( such as water pressures ‘and cohesive strengths) while low factors of safety can be used for those quantities (such as the weight of 2 wedge) labich are knoun with 2 greater degree of precision. For 2 typlea) problea, Londe suggests fe= 1.5 for cohesive strengths (e) fy 24.2 for frictional strengths (4) 720 for water pressures fy * 1.0 for weights and forces. Using these values, the conditions of Limiting equl!ibeium expressed in equation 12 on page 27 . for 3 block sliding donna plane, can be expressed a5 Wsinw + av = T.cosp = AL + G.cosy - su + T.Sing) EE Note that the factors of safety (given Ia italics) for the Paraneters corresponding to the resisting forces {cand $) are decreasing factors while they are Increasing factors for the driving forees ( U and Vi 3 Solving equation 3 for T gives : 7 = HSiné = 9.63.¢os8.Tang) + 2u + 1.670Tang ~ 067A O.838ing.Tang + Coss This is the cable tension required to satisfy the Factors of safety assigned to each of the components of the driving and resisting force terms. Consider the practical example discussed in Case d) of Aopendix 1 of this book. It yas reauired to determine the cable tension T needed to increase the factor of satety of a rock wedge to 1.5. In this casey the factor of safety was applied uniformly to cq, eps Tant, and Tange vwhile'a factor of safety of 1 was applied to'Ug, Up and W." The required value of Twas Found to bs" HBh x 1001 Using the alternative method proposed by Londe and subst! tut- ling the factors of safety suggested by him, equation Ak of Appendix 1 can be rewritten as i 1 Tang, qiplenty + cpg) + (OM > 2ev + at - zug) TB08A Tone Hows aye aT = 20,)22E owe = anya = myst 5 Solving for T, using the same values as in case d) of Appendix 1, gives T= 9.8 x 10° 1b. This value Ts approximately twice that obtained by using a single vatue of F = 1.5 and Londe considers it to be nore Fealistic In view of the uncertainties associated with the woter pressures and the simultaneous mobilisation of T, © and ¢. The reader shoulé not be alarmed unduly by the Serepancy between the two calculated values of T since 398 these depend upon the values of the factors of safety which have been chosen for this illustrative exarple. On the other hand, the authors are in full agreement with Londe that the assignmont of different factors of safety for different paroneters, depending upon the degree of confidence in the value of the parameter in question, 1s 9 nore realsitic way of treating the problem of slope reinforcenent.. It is Feccmmended that, when a critical slope is to be reinforced, the method described in this appendix should be used to calculate the required bolt or cable tension, The reader Ts also referred to the detailed discussions on this proven which have been published by Londe and his comworkersi90-182

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