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Father, You have poured out Your abundance on us

from the heavenly realms in all manner of blessings.
You forgave our sins and broke the chains that once
enslaved. You brought fulfillment in our lives as You
gave us a sense of purpose. You provided for us a
roadmap through the Holy Scriptures that leads
ultimately to heaven. Youve promised us eternal life.
We experience peace that surpasses human
understanding and the list is unending. For this and
so much more we are eternally grateful. We deserve
none of Your blessings and yet we receive them all,
not only in this life but we lay hold of future
blessings in the life to come. Prompt us to focus on
our blessings since they far outweigh our troubles.
Even when shadows darken the view of our blessings
may they visibly surface as the indwelling Holy Spirit
brings them to our remembrance. May it be our
hearts desire to refresh others whom we meet from
day to day in lifes journey as we walk in the power of
Your Holy Spirit. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

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