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Thinking Globally is a book about a content base and global approach to write
a curriculum. With its composition and disciplines to meet, and this book
would give me the opportunity to read and write about significant challenging
essays. I believe this book would give me the ability to improve my essays
while Im studying.
Some things I noticed this book is giving me while I read it is that shows me
an amazing collection of reading selected for academic reasons! Kind off Im
going myself to college stuff here!
Also some nice annotations in every page of what Ive read of the book so far
which bring comments from academic experts to help me understand the
reading without affecting my prior knowledge I had before reading this since I
was not ready to read this kind of book.
I learned that this book also helps me improve my grammar, organization,
writing progress and when I do research and a ton of other writing processes
through a text.
In general what Ive read so far about the book I noticed if I continue reading
it I will improve my writing skills a lot, and even though this is a university
book I thought it could still help me for future essays I make in my life, and I
founded interesting this 40 pages Ive read so I hope the rest keep entertaining

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