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Everyday Life of a Monster

It was strange to talk to humans. It was strange for someone to not be afraid, to not see
fear in their eyes. As the car came to a halt, a coordinator stepped out. She was kind of tall, with
long black hair that almost matched her suit and shades. She gave off an aura of seriousness that
even grown men were uneasy around. This is where youll be staying from now on. she said in
a surprisingly pleasant tone.
As she started to walk towards the door of the house, a teenaged boy stepped out of the
car. This was no average boy, however. He was a Salamander; a lizardman with an affinity for
fire. As he began to follow the coordinator, his scaly red tail slowly swayed from side to side. As
he looked ahead at the coordinator, she turned to look at him. Welcome to your new home! she
said with the same pleasant tone.
This place is huge! The Salamander exclaimed. As he looked up at the two story house,
he could have sworn that he saw a figure behind one of the windows. Am I the only one living
here? he asked as his eyes focused on the window to see if the figure was still there. Oh, yeah.
We have someone else living here as well. Shes a ghost from Japan named Aiko. Dont worry,
shes not the kind of ghost thats scary. She just likes surprising people. As soon as the
coordinator finished, her phone went off and she quickly whipped it out and looked at the screen.
Crap I have to get going. Be sure to introduce yourself to Aiko, okay?
With that, she quickly got in the car and drove off, leaving the Salamander in front of the
door with what little belongings he had with him. Just as he was about to knock on the door, it
creaked open slowly. As he stepped inside, the door quickly shut behind him. He slowly crept
down the hallway, very fearful of this ghost being like the ones in horror films that the humans
enjoy so much. When he got to the end of the hallway, he heard footsteps behind him. He quickly
spun around to see what it was, but knocked a small mirror off of the table with his tail. He
looked back at the mirror, sighing in relief of it not being broken.
He picked it up, inspecting it for any damage. As he looked at his own reflection, he saw
a shadow with glowing white eyes directly behind him. He spun around again, even faster than
before, but the shadow was gone when he looked around. Assuming it was Aiko, he yelled
Hello? Ill be living here from now on! He heard more footsteps, this time going away from
him. He decided to follow them. As he began to get closer to the footsteps, a door swung open at
the end of a small hallway on the second floor.
He peered into the room, surprised at what he saw. All of his things were there. His books
were on the shelves, his computer was plugged in and on the startup screen, and even his PS4
was hooked up. He noticed one of the controllers began levitating. He grabbed it and logged into
his account, noticing that Mortal Kombat was already on. Assuming that Aiko wanted to play, he
said If I win, then you have to show yourself, okay? The other controller began levitating,
signaling that she was okay with those terms. Through the course of one hour, the Salamander
won ten times straight.

Looks like you have to show yourself now. he said. Only because you cheated! said a
girly voice that was a little higher than the voice of the coordinator. He looked in the direction of
the voice to see a teenaged girl materializing next to him. She was a little shorter than him and
had the same black hair that the coordinator did. She had silver eyes and, unlike the coordinator,
had an innocent, harmless aura that surrounded her. Anyway, as a bonus for beating me, I guess
Ill show you around. she said, walking towards the door to his room.
As she gave him the grand tour, she stopped for a second and asked The coordinator
already told you my name, right? So whats yours? I dont really have one he said
somewhat quietly. If you dont have one, then I guess Ill give you one. she said quickly.
Staring out the window, she started to think. Hmmm How about Natsu? Doesnt it sound
cool? She said with an energetic tone. Sure, I guess. Whered you get that name anyway? He
asked. Well, right now its summer. Summer in Japanese is Natsu. She explained. Anyway,
onward with the tour!
After half an hour of touring the house, Aiko had shown Natsu the entire house, except
one room. And, finally, here is my room. she said as she pointed at the door. The door had a
few drawings of cartoon ghosts on it along with a sign which said Aikos Room. Trespassers
will be cursed by the undead for all of eternity! Whats up with the sign? Im the only other
person here. Natsu asked, confused. Just this once, Im letting you in my room. If you try to
come in here without permission, Ill curse you! said Aiko with the most menacing face she
could make. Not knowing if Aiko actually could curse him or not, he quietly walked in.
Aikos room looked very similar to Natsus, except that the walls were outlined by
bookshelves full of manga, sketchbooks, and random cookbooks. Curiously, he picked up one of
Aikos sketchbooks and opened it. The drawing looked a lot like him, except with wings and
spikes coming out of its head. Its arms stuck out straight from the sides, in a position that was
familiar to Natsu. Before he could say anything about it, Aiko quickly snatched the book and
bolted to the other side of the room.
Why are you looking through my drawings?! she yelled, her face completely red from
blushing. Aiko, was that a character model? As in for a game? asked Natsu. Surprised that he
knew what her drawing was so quickly, she quietly replied with ...Yeah Were you going to
make a game with these characters? ...Yeah Do you know how to animate them?
...No Im no good with computers. The only reason I knew how to use your PS4 was because
it arrived here last week, so I had plenty of time to read the instructions. Just then, Natsu had an
Want me to help? I have some experience with animating and computer stuff. With a
look of complete surprise, she asked Why would you know anything about animating, or game
creating? Well, because it sounded fun to make my own game, so I taught myself about it
before I came here. Anyway, whats the game about? She looked at the drawing that he was
looking at and said You mean for these? These were characters I was working on for an RPG I
was thinking about making
Awesome! If you make the keyframes for me, Ill animate them whenever you want!
Natsu said, with excitement in his voice. Then I guess Ive found myself an animator!

exclaimed Aiko with the same excitement as Natsu. By the way, why do you want to help me?
We just met. asked Aiko. Because it would be a good way to get to know each other. As Natsu
grinned, Aiko started grinning as well. After a few weeks had passed, Natsu had completely
animated the character that Aiko drew for him.
Why is it taking so long!? Weve only finished one character! yelled Aiko, becoming
anxious. Even though it had taken weeks to complete one character out of many others, Aiko was
admittedly impressed by Natsus animations. After looking at all of the animations, she noticed
that he was asleep in his desk chair. Sighing, Aiko slowly moved him over to his bed and put a
blanket over him. Hes lighter than I thought, even with the tail she quietly said to herself.
The next morning, Natsu slowly awoke to the smell of bacon, eggs, and toast. He took a
quick shower, got dressed, and walked down into the kitchen. He quietly stood in the doorway,
taking note of Aiko humming a song from an anime that she had posters of in her room. Well,
that explains the cookbooks. he said, quietly sitting down at the table. Good morning!
Everything should be done shortly. This is a reward for all the hard work you put into those
animations. Aiko said happily. Over the course of breakfast, she explained where she wanted to
go with the plot of the game and the storyline. Well Natsu stood up after finishing his
breakfast ... Lets get started!

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