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15% contribution to final mark
Deadline: 11:00 Thursday 28 July 2016
Submission: School Office 16G24
2A (30%). Study the example of tables [orders/item/orderline/customer] in the slide
and write
a report with maximum of 2 pages for the following tasks:
1. Choose one of the following use cases:
a. Euro2016: How will you design tables to store
players/countries/coaches/points/groups information in a database;
b. Library system: How will you design tables to record users borrowing history
2. Include ER diagram in the report (check );
3. Consider and justify primary key and foreign key;
4. Write Create Tablescript to create tables in
and provide
(Website to be announced)
your scripts in this report;
5. Include a screenshot of the designed Relational Model View in your report (as shown on
Page 13 in the Week_10.2_MySQL.pdf )
2B (70%). Create an html file of 2_b.html to include the tasks 1-7 on the page (shown in Fig 2.).
Based on the tables that you have defined in 2A, implement Task 1-7 and make sqlXX.php
available via links on 2_b.html:

1. SQL Query example against one table for all records in the table (link to sql1.php);
2. TWO SQL Query examples with summary information (e.g, max,min, count, sum, or avg)
(link to sql2.php)
3. Two Query Examples with GROUP BY (link to sql3.php)
4. Two Query Examples with JOIN ON at least 2 tables (link to sql4.php)
5. Design an UPDATE example to allow making changes to records (link to sql5_1.php) and
then return the changed record on another page (link to sql5_2.php)
6. Design an INSERT example to add a new record into a table (link to sql6.php)
7. Design a DELETE example to delete one or more records from a table (link to sql7.php)
Fig. 2 2_b.html

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