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Vann Hassell

C&T 491
Dr. Gonzalez-Bueno
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy has been developed over the course of a six-week
TESOL practicum and is just in the beginning stages of its development. The perspectives
reflected in this statement are based on the personal experiences I had teaching in an EFL
As an EFL teacher, I would ensure that content knowledge was contextualized in
order to encourage the students communicability. Their knowledge should encourage
communication for both practical and personal reasons with the overarching goal that
they would be able to use the language for human interaction and connection.
Additionally, cultural awareness would be presented in an explicit context with the same
goal of promoting human connection that would encourage the students affective
While I tend to see the purpose of language learning as a way to connect with
other human beings, I align more closely with the cognitive approach to language
instruction at the beginning levels and the communicative approach at the upper levels.
When the students first begin their language learning, I intend to provide more explicit
instruction that can create a framework or a foundation that the students can begin to
build on as they continue learning. This would be accomplished by providing a variety of
activities for different learning styles. Once a certain level of proficiency was reached,
my approach would become more student-centered and result in more communication
practice that would give the students new material with which they could build upon their
foundation. At this stage, I would also begin to move out of a teacher-centered approach
and into a more student-centered approach that allows the students freedom to choose

Vann Hassell
C&T 491
Dr. Gonzalez-Bueno
how they pursue their language learning. Again, communication is highly based on the
individual and I intend to allow this individuality to be explored by the students.
As I stated above, I intend to engage the students at the beginning level in a more
teacher-centered classroom as it not only allows me to guide their learning in specific
directions, but also enables me to help create a comfortable classroom for all. While I
never intend to force a student to do something they do not wish to do, I do intend to
encourage participation by all. Once it is clear that the class is comfortable with me and
with each other I would move to a more student-centered classroom where they are more
in charge of their own interaction and learning. Also, as a teacher I will always be
available for my students. I am a strong supporter of teachers as role models and I intend
to take my role as a teacher very seriously in this area and will make myself available to
the students not only for practice, but also for support as they seek to navigate the
complicated world that we live in.
Finally, while I do see English as a valuable tool for students to learn, I do not see
it as the end-all, be-all of the world and I intend to teach it as such. Korea specifically is
so desperate for English teachers and they are willing to accept anyone. I intend to hold
myself to high standards as a teacher and seek to provide quality instruction while also
maintaining that the students own language and culture is just as valuable.

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