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have the Freudian defense mechanisms is that animals and autistic people don’t seem to have repression, or if they do its only to a weak degree. Defense mechanisms haven’t been tested in animals, but animals act like they don’t have them. ‘This book goes into many different areas of focus and is written in a way that is fairly easy to understand. Topies also covered were animal aggression, how animals thimfpain and suffering anf fhere was a whole section on the way humans see versus the way animals see. This book is ineredible and so is Temple Grandin. Her dedication, perseverance, and the relationship she felt with animals have allowed her to accomplish so much. It is amazing what an autistic individual can do given the opportunity and support. ‘Animals are so much more complex than people give them credit for. Between this course, Animals in Translation, and the Temple Grandin movie I watched, I have a different perspective of animals. I’ve always been an animal lover and sometimes feel 1 pay more attention o animals and care more about them than other people do. Now I feel &ve more interested in what an animal could be thinkin, \d feeling at any time, I wonder this about my cat all the time. This book repfly tives gh insight into g6 many behaviors of animals as well as problems that people are causing in their lives without even realizing it, ) ee ge he

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