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You can try the below mention step and try to resolve your issue...

1:- Disable the Storage Group copy (The Storage group which you are facing the issue)
by running the below command..

C:\>Disable-StorageGroupCopy -Identity
"SourceServerName\SourceStorageGroupName" -Standby Machine

Then after 10-15 Minutes you go on source server and open the Exchange Log folder for
this Storage Group and see that your sharing has been removed or still its showing the
Share by right click on the Folder and if it still showing then wait till the time it disappear
the share.

After that you delete the Database and Log file folder from target server because it has
been disabled the SG Copy.

2:- After disable the Share you try to rerun the Command for enable the
StorageGroupCopy by running the below command...

C:\ > Enable-StorageGroupCopy -Identity

"SourceServerName\SourceStorageGroupName" -StandbyMachine
TargetServerName -ReplayLagTime 0:5:0

3:- After 10-15 minutes you will see the folder name on target server as the name of same
SG Database and Log folder name on source server. And after 10-15 minutes you will see
on target server that your source server SG log files has been replicated on Target server.

4:- You run the below command for suspend the Storage Group copy because you need
to seed the database.

Suspend-StorageGroupCopy -Identity
"SourceServerName\SourceStorageGroupName" -StandbyMachine

5:- After running the above command you try the below command for seeding the
database from source server to target server...

Update-StorageGroupCopy -Identity
"SourceServerName\SourceStorageGroupName" -StandbyMachine

And if you will get some error while running above command that e00.chk file already
exist then add one more command on above command

Update-StorageGroupCopy -Identity
"SourceServerName\SourceStorageGroupName" -StandbyMachine
TargetServerName -DeleteExistingFiles

6:- After Seeding the Database you run the below command for resuming the log file
replay on target server...

Resume-StorageGroupCopy -Identity
"SourceServerName\SourceStorageGroupName" -StandbyMachine

7:- Then you run the below command to get status of replication...

Get-StorageGroupCopyStatus "SourceServerName\SourceStorageGroupName"
-StandbyMachine TargetServerName

If any issue while running the above command or still facing same issue please let me


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