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Here is a breakdown of the course:

2 year foundation degree, with 3rd year optional for full BA Hons. It is
work based.
The modules go like this
Level4 (first Year)
Concept Art
Look at relevant artists and styles, come up with ideas produce a
final design.
Sequential Imaging
Create double page spread, like in a graphic novel. Introduces them
to storyboarding and visual communication.
Digital Skills
Get them to model a game object, of their own idea. Model in Max,
texture in Photoshop and place in UDK. We look at normal, specular
and diffuse maps.
Animation for games
Using Mudbox they sculpt a character, retopologise in Max/Maya,
the using CAT animation they use a basic rig to animate an attack
and a defend cycle.
Personal Professional development
They use a blog to write up any research, gallery visits etc they do
outside college
Work Based Learnig
A current competition or something that a local company could set
for them with a relevant outcome
Practice Enrichmnet
Different stuff like 2d animation, illustration. Something that can be
used to enrich the practice of the student. We do Life drawing for 1
Contextual studies
Art history
Level 5 (2nd year)
Character Design
2d ideas for a game character
Environment design
2d ideas for a game level

Games simulation
Using UDK, Gamesalad or Flash develop a mock up of a game idea
of their creation. Can be either 2d or 3d
Work based learning 2
Personal Professional development 2
Alternative Techniques
Vey much like Practice enrichment where we get them to try
something different, maybe not directly related to games, but art in
Digital Skills Application
This is like a final project. Using what they have learnt over the
course they come up with a concept delivered in a digital outcome.
Contextual Studies 2

Basically the role of the course advisor would be to consult on the

subject that they work in and understand, so like you would make
sure I was telling them the right stuff about game dev. In industry,
not personal development or art history!
You could have as much or as little to do with the course as you like.

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