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answer, butyou have to do it in a very less time of 12 minutes. No thinking, just answering.1.

The last
month of the year isJanuaryMarchJulyDecemberOctober 2. CAPTURE is the opposite
of PlaceReleaseRiskVentureDegrade 3. Most of the items below resemble each other. Which one
is least likethe others?JanuaryAugustWednesdayOctoberDecember 4. Answer by printing YES or
NO - Does R.S.V.P. mean "replynot necessary"?5. In the following set of words which word is
different from the others?TroopLeagueParticipatePackGroup 6. USUAL is the opposite
of RareHabitualRegularStaunchAlways 7. Which figure can be made from the two figures in
brackets?8. Look at the row of numbers. What number should come next?8 4 2 1 1/2 1/4 ?.....9.
CLIENT CUSTOMER - Do these wordsHave similar meaningsHave contradictory meaningsMean
neither the same nor opposite? 10. Which word isrelated to nose as chew is to teeth?
SweetStinkOdorSmellClean 11. AUTUMN is the opposite of Vacation SummerSpringWinterFall 12. A
plane travels 300 feet in half second. At thissame speed, howmany feet will it travel in 10 seconds?
13. Assume the first 2 statements are true. Is the finalone:TrueFalseNot cer tain? These
boys are normal children. All normal children are active.Theseboys are active.14. REMOTE is
the opposite of SecludedNearFarHastyExact 15. Lemon candies sell at 3 fro 10 cents. How much
will half dozen cost?16. How many of the five pairs listed below are exact duplicates?84721
847219210651 921105611420120114210210961011019610116188884444 8888444417. Arrange the
following words so that they make a true statement. Print the last letter of the last word asthe
answer. Always A verb sentence a has.18. A boy is 5 years old and his sisters is twice as
old. When the boy is 8 years old, will his sister be?19. IT'S ITS - Do these wordsHave similar
meaningsHave contradictory meaningsMean neither the same nor opposite? 20. Assume thefirst 2
statements are true. Is the final one:True FalseNot certain? John is the same age as sally.Sally
is younger than bill.John is younger than bill.21. A dealer bought some barrels for $4,000. She sold
them for $5,000, making $50 on each barrel.Howmanybarrels wereinvolved?22. Arrange the following
words so that they make a complete sentence. If it is a true statement, put a (T) inthe brackets; if false,
put an (F) in the brackets.Eggs lay all chickens23. Two of the following proverbs have similar
meanings. Which ones are they?Many a good cow hath a bad calf.Like father, like son.A miss is as
good as a mile.A person is known by thecompany he keeps.They are seeds out of the same bowl. 24.
A watch lost 1 minute 18 seconds in 39 days.How many seconds did it lose per day?25. CANVASS
CANVAS - Do these wordsHave similar meaningsHave contradictory meaningsMean neither the
same nor opposite? 26. Assume thefirst 2 statements are true. Is the final one:True FalseNot
certain? All students take tests.Some of the people in this room are students.Some of the
people in this room take tests.27. In 30 days a boy saved $1.00. What was his average daily
savings?28. INGENIOUS INGENUOUS- Do these wordsHave similar meaningsHave contradictory
meaningsMean neither the same nor opposite? 29. Two mencaught 36 fish; X caught 5 times as
many as Y. How many fish did Y catch?30. A rectangular bin, completely filled, holds 800 cubic feet of
grain. If the bin is 8 feet wide and 10 feet long

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