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I am Apriansyah Eka Saputra form class 6 LB.

I want to tell you about the

problems that I face for my final project
During completing my final project, there are some problems that I face,
because I make miniature props. The problems that I face are:

The components that I need are not available in Palembang, so I had to

order from other city and need long time to wait it delivered.
I have limited funds in building the miniature props.
Some components are damaged before the trial.

While writing my final report, problems that I face are:

I should prepare the guidelines method on writing the final report, but
Polytechnic State of Sriwijaya not provide the complete reference on
writing the final report. So, now we just followed the final report of our

I do not have enough reference books.
I think that's all my problems that I face in making my final project. I hope

my miniature props working well. Thank you mam for reading my email.

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