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Subject: EFL Essentials

Sheet: Reading comprehension

My name is Tigra. I am a tiger. I am the biggest cat in

the world. I have an orange coat and black stripes
all over my body. I have a long tail and sharp claws.
I live in a forest and like to climb trees. If I get too hot
I swim in the water to cool off. I am a good swimmer.
At night I like to hunt. I can see very well in the dark.
I eat a lot of meat. I eat deer and wild pigs. I have large
paws and sharp teeth. My roar is very loud.

Answer the questions below by putting a circle around the correct letter.
1. What is Tigra?
a A bear
b A tiger
c A lion
d A mouse

2. What colour is Tigra's coat?

a Blue
b Green
c Orange
d Red

3. Where does Tigra live?

a In the sea
b In a field
c In a pond
d In a forest

4. What does Tigra eat a lot of?

a Fruit
b Meat
c Insects
d Vegetables

5. When does Tigra like to hunt?

a At night
b During the day

6. Is Tigra's roar loud or quiet?

a Loud
b Quiet

Primary Leap Ltd. 2016 - Primary Resources

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