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Formulate functions, design requirements, and evaluation criteria for the given case: a softrink or

beer can crusher.

Beer Can Crusher

1. To basically crush the beer metal cans in plain and flat manner.
2. To deliver enough power to achieve sufficient pressure (normal stress) to the metal cans.
3. To keep the metal cans in place by securing it into a frame or receptacle depending on
number of metal cans to be crushed simultaneously.

Design Requirements:
1. Maximum compression that cans can withstand are around 90 psi (0.62 Mpa).
2. Container or receptacle must be able to fit common size of cans ranging from 200 mL to
500 mL
3. Container must accommodate a typical can diameter of 2.6 - 3.25 inches from 8 oz to 24
oz cans
4. Container must be able to hold at least 0.48 ounce (around 13.6 grams, which is
minimum metal cans weight)
5. Pneumatic air supply of 80-120 psi around 0.5516-0.83 Mpa
6. Can crush a beer can to at least about 1 inch
7. Cans placement must be normal to piston, in line with the connecting rod.
8. Mechanism must be placed in a housing above the piston.
9. Operation must be in standard atmospheric condition considering room temperature and
humidity condition.
10. Industry standards most especially safety must be achieved.

Evaluation Criteria:
1. Safety and performance
2. User-friendly
3. Ease to build/manufacture
4. Use of readily available materials/components
5. Easy maintenance and low costs
6. Easy to replace with readily available components
7. Small size and less weight
8. Uncompromised aesthetics (good appearance, attractive to users)
9. Steady and smooth operation

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