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From: william calderon rodriguez (williamcalderonr@hotmail.

To: painting courses in tuscany
Subject: information about courses

Dear sir / Madam,

Im writting to ask for information about your
painting courses. Im specially interested in an
intensive course from april to october.
I have 22 years old. currently Im studying in
the university UNJBG of Tacna. I want to learn to
paint but I need to improve my technique.
I have looked at your website and Im
interested but I want more information about
dates and prices.
I would like that you read my letter.
William Calderon R.

My best friend wants to borrow some Money to help her buy a car. I have the
Money, and she says shell pay me back next year. But Im worried that its
not a good idea to lend money to friends. What should I do?

I think you should lend his money if honestly is your friend because they are

My friend Anna has gone away on vacation for two weeks, and Im taking
care of her cat. Yesterday I couldnt find the cat anywhere. My friend is
coming home in three days. Im desperate. Should I call her now and tell
her? What should I do?

I think you should call her and tell her what must not worry

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