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Physical Product System Guided Notes

Physical Product System Guided Notes

Create Your Store


Niche Selection


Product Selection


Target Selection


Getting Started


MVP Model




PL Traffic Overview


New Custom Audience Pixel






Market Testing




Click to Website Ads


Growth Stage








Scaling Up


Scaling Out


Forecasting and Fulfillment




Physical Product System Guided Notes

Video Ads


Video Ad Scaling


Adjusting Your Pricing








Value Add


Scaling Down


New Lead Item


Physical Product System Guided Notes


- Fundamentals (Beginners or Mid Level)

Niche Selection
Product Selection
Target Selection by Market Segmentation (Al Tool and Google)
- Building your store
MVP model
Objection overcoming
- Store Optimization
Products Advanced
- Product Positioning
- Marketing Mix
Critical Store Pages
- Product Life Cycle
Understanding the 4 Stages
- Introduction
- Growth
- Maturity
- Decline
- Customer and Potential Customer Support
- Sote Scaling

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- Systemizing and Outsourcing

Create Your Store

- Use the link provided to get a 14 day free trial for your store
- Enter in your information and create the important docs
- Install your apps (See Apps video)
- Structure your store (MVP video)
- First go to to start your trial as shown below

- You will select Online Store and then enter your info in the address form that comes up
- You will be asked a bit more info that you can fill in or skip
- Then you will be brought to your store, next you will want to go to Settings and then
General as shown below, here you will want to update your legal business name if you
have a business, your timezone, your default weight which will be used your shipping, and
whatever else you think is necessary to fill out on this page:

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- Next you will want to go to the Payments section and choose your payment source:

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- Next go to the Checkout section and make sure Accounts are Disabled is checked, name
isnt so important so you can choose First and Last name or Last name only, but you want
to make sure that email is required. Then scroll down and check automatically archive
order under after an order has been paid and fulfilled. The additional code and scripts is
where your checkout and conversion pixels will go. Once you scroll all the way down you
will see the refund policy, privacy policy, and terms of service boxes, you will want to click
Generate Sample for all of these, if you are using your home address as your business
address you might want to remove the address from these generated sample:

- Next you will want to copy the text from each of these boxes and make a separate page
for each as shown in the steps below. Copy the text from one box and go to Online Store
and then Pages, click Add New Page in the top right corner, name the page and then
paste the text and save the page (save in top right corner) Repeat this process for the other
two sections and then link to these pages in your footer:

Physical Product System Guided Notes

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- Next go back to settings and go to Shipping

- Then scroll down to shipping zones and click on Heavy Goods Shipping, what we like to do
here is make shipping cost a certain amount per weight, so what you would do is change
the name of the shipping zone, and change the weight, the example below is for
something like a necklace, so what you would have to do is set up a lot of different
shipping rates here :

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- Next you will want to unlock your store. Do this by going back to Settings and then
Online Store and at the bottom click choose a plan:

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- Next you will want to set up a theme. To do this go to Online Store and then Themes
and then Visit Theme Store in the top right corner:

- You dont need to spend a bunch of money on a theme up front, just choose something
that you like and that looks nice. Once you are bringing in some money, you can get a
better theme.

- Next you will go into Domains and this is where you can buy a new domain or you can
add an existing domain if you have it. Follow Shopifys instructions on how to set up your

Physical Product System Guided Notes

Niche Selection

- Finding Your Niche

- Gauging Your Niches Presence on Facebook
- Dont over think this!
- 1. To search interests on Facebook, go to the Facebook home page and type interests in
the top search bar and click on interests as shown below:

- 2. Either click on Pages tab or See more as shown below:

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- 3. This will show you the interests or niches available to you on Facebook. We will use
Firefighting as an example in this course. Some interests such as Jewelry are more of a
category than an interest. If you were to target the interest jewelry with a jewelry item,
you would not be using Facebook to your advantage. You would want to target a more
specific niche such as ukulele with a ukulele necklace or jewelry item.

- 4. Using Firefighting as an example as we go forward you will want to go to your Facebook

Ads Manager and at the top of the page you will see a tab that says tools as shown with
the cursor below:

- 5. You will want to click this and then click Audience Insights as shown with the cursor

- 6. When prompted, click on Everyone on Facebook as shown with the cursor below:

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- 7. On the main page of Audience Insights in the left column you will see different options
for the audience you want to create. The location (eg. USA), the age (eg. 18+), and the
gender (eg. All). Under Interests you can type in your interest (eg. Firefighter) as shown

- 8. Once you enter your interest the middle section that shows the demographics will
change. As seen below, for the interest firefighter the audience is 59% Women and 41%
Men but if you do a simple google search, you will find that the majority of firefighters are

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- 9. If you remove women from the search by clicking men under the gender in the left
column you will see the audience size change under (New Audience) -above cursor
shown below- 2.5-3m monthly active users. Later you will learn how to refine this and who
to go after.

- 10. Next go to the Page Likes tab as shown with cursor below:

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- 11. Here you can look for pages that say I support -niche- or I love -niche- or -nichemoms you can also go to the main Facebook search and type these in as shown below:

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- 12. As you go through these pages you will be able to see which ones are being used to sell
physical products this helps you to see how much competition you have, and you want to
see a handful of pages so you know there is a market for what you want to sell

Product Selection

- Search Popular Sites

Let other marketers do the homework for you. If there are other marketers actively
promoting things, there is money there

- Focus on being unique

- Not sold in stores
Go for impulse buys
- Free plus shipping
- Limited time offer
- Review the competition pricing
Dont want to be much higher than competition

Physical Product System Guided Notes


- WatchCount - Searches eBay for items that have a lot of people watching them, showing
intent for buying. So search whatever it is you intend on selling - eg. Firefighter Shirt
shown below:

- You will be brought to a page of items related to what you searched and you can see how
many watchers an item has (highlighted in yellow) and to the right of that, how many
past sales this item has had.

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- For another example you could search something like Firefighter necklace, find one with a
lot of past sales and watchers, click on that item and in the description you can see how
many have been sold and how many are still available as shown below (see cursor):

- You can also see that the price is cheap so there is room for a markup. Next you would take
the name of the product (eg. Bronze Fire Fighter Pocket Watch and search it in Amazon:

- You can scroll through and see similar items and what they are selling for. As long as the
quality of your item is good, you have an opportunity to sell it at a mark up.

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- Go back to your item on WatchCount and make sure to take note of the Delivery (yellow
text) and where the item would be shipping from. Be sure to let your customers know if
there will be a long shipping time:

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- Once you decide to pursue and item, you can double check the item on Google Shopping
by putting in the same search:

- Here you will find a bunch of items that are similar to what youre selling. A lot of deal sites
will come up here, and your potential customers will search here too, so you have to
position your item correctly in order to make the sale (will be discussed later on)

- Next go to and search the same item:

- Once you find your item on AliExpress, it will most likely be cheaper here and you can
contact the sellers and see what price breaks they offer for bulk sales, do they have price
breaks for 50 items, 100 items, 150 items? You can also see the suppliers feedback, how
many sales they have had, you can also see the feedback on the product itself. The
pictures used on AliExpress you can use in your Shopify store, if the images are
watermarked you can search the item on Google to see if you can find them without the
watermark or you can ask the seller for pictures without the watermark

- Lastly, eventually what you can do is double check anything that you buy ONCE youre
doing HIGH VOLUME, go to Alibaba and see if there are any suppliers here that were not
listed on AliExpress. AliExpress is made for smaller orders, Alibaba is made for bulk orders.

Physical Product System Guided Notes

Target Selection

- Target using Market Segmentation

- Focus on the Audience Insights Tool, however move to outside sources if needed
- Narrow to you core audience for testing, scale out as you sell
- We are looking to market test our product first!
- Market Segmentation Targeting
Traditional Consume Segmentation
- Location
- Demographics (Age, Gender, Ethnicity, Occupation, etc)
- Psychographics (Values, Lifestyle)
- Behavioral (Patterns, Price Sensitivity, Brand Loyalty)
Facebook User Segmentation
- Location
- Demographics (Age, Gender, Platform, Interest)
- Behavioral (Interest Build)
Price Sensitivity is a concern for us but we can not adjust our targeting for this. It is most
important that we justify the price of the product as discussed in the last video.

- Go to your Ads Manager in Facebook and click the button that says Audience Insights in
your navigation bar and as seen below for the example Firefighter we have the interest
firefighter (see cursor) and the gender selected as men because the majority of
firefighters are men, even though the audience was skewed towards females

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- If you find an item that works, you can target women later, but for now we are just market
testing. Really refine your audience for core testing. In this instance, you can see that only
8% of the audience is age 65+, as a rule of thumb, eliminate anything that doesnt make up
at least 10% of your audience. So for this example we would segment out anyone older
than 64, see cursor below:

- That will reshape your audience as shown below

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- Next go to the Page Likes tab see cursor below:

- Scroll down and you will want to focus on the Page Likes as shown below

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- You can see the Affinity scores for each page and you are looking for something around
20x. The Affinity is how likely someone is who likes **page name(( in page likes list to like
firefighting or whatever your inputted interest is. The page likes list is automatically
sorted by Relevance which is a mixture of the audience size and the affinity.

- You want to find pages that have presences outside of Facebook. These interests were
formed outside of Facebook and then someone was like hey, you should make a fan page.
These pages wont necessarily be updated a lot. Some pages are built like marketers like us.

- For this example, the first page that comes up is This is a website that
created a Facebook fan page. This is an example of Brand Loyalty

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- This page has 365,000 people that like it. However if you scroll down and see some of the
posts you will see that they about under 100 likes, so the engagement on this page.. isnt
the best.

- So what were going to do is rely on the fact that someone who is in the firefighting
community has liked this page. Maybe it was suggested by Facebook. A page such as I
support firefighters is a page run by a marketer and people most likely saw this page
through an ad that was run by the owner of the page. A page such as was
built through loyalty.

- Now we are going to dive deeper into the niche, by using as an interest as
shown below:

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- Then remove the original interest Firefighter by clicking the x to the right as shown by
the cursor below

- Now all of the affinity will be much higher as seen below:

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- This process removes noise, what is left are the core interests you want to go after. You will
use these interests when you start using ads. Either keep this window open, write these
down, or remember the process because we will be using these pages in later training.

Getting Started
MVP Model

- Home Page
- Product Page
- About Us Page
- Order Lookup (App)
- Shipping Policy Page
- ToS
- Contact Us (Can be in About Me)
- Privacy Policy
- No Catalog Page Needed (K.I.S.S.)
Until you have 3-4 items to put in a catalog
An empty catalog looks sketchy, less clicks - easier
Critical Points for Customers
- Money Back Guarantee
- Safe and Secure Checkout
- Return Policy
- Contact Information
Can they trust you?
Make it as clear as you can how long it takes to ship an item - so if people claim they
havent received the item, you can explain to them that its on the shipping policy page,
and wherever else you have it listed (eg. receipt, item description)

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- Store Positioning
Who are you( About Us + Homepage)
- Small Business Located in Small Town USA
What are you selling
- Firefighter gear
Why are you selling it
- Important (eg. small farmer, been farmer for generations - now selling his own fruits
and vegetables - resonates with customers)

- eg. Im a recently retired firefighter who dreamed of opening a business to provide the
best gear possible for other firefighters

This helps explain why your store is small and you only have one item.
If you only have one product, you need to have a reason there is only one product
- We just opened our doors to celebrate, we are offering out Firefighter widget for
FREE- just pay S&H while supplies last

- We just opened our doors and to celebrate, for a limited time, offering a 2 for 1
special on our Firefighter widget!

- Make sure they have a good experience!

- First Product Positioning - Product Page
Reason for Sale/Promo
Product Testimonials (one available)
Product Features
Timeframe for shipping (if needed)
Call to action (If free + shipping, they are not buying! so dont position it that was, get,
claim, take advantage - rather than buy)

Physical Product System Guided Notes


- For your customers:

Zopim (live chat)
- Once you outsource customer service have them always have the window open
Order Lookup App
- Explain what certain things mean (eg. processed, fulfilled, etc)
- Professional receipt, can have upsets & feedback
- For you:
MinMaxify (limit orders)
Abandonment Protector
Autoresponder (
- Bring people back for higher priced item
Trackify (a must have)
Allows you to build EVENT based emails for customers
Very powerful for communication with your customers as they move through your

- If customer bought A then send them X

- If customer bout A and B then send them Y
You get a free consult with a rep there to help you through set up
- Trackify:
Allows you to track conversions at multiple stages of you customers visit with your site.
- Add to Cart

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- Checkout
Incredibly powerful for Niche sites - leverage your Master Pixel while building your niche
pixels out

PL Traffic Overview

- PLTM: Introduction Stage

Market Test our Product with Seed Traffic
to Test Buyer Intent

- To minimize cost and gauge if the

product will sell or not

Buy Yeses before we Buy Sales

- Great step to get feedback and make
modifications that the niche requested
(I would get this if it was gold, I would
get this if it was black)

- Take this feedback and adjust product before you start pushing website conversion
ads to it. Cheap to do- $5-$10 ads

Analyze the Seed Traffic

- Make decisions based off data
Create PPE ads using the same targeting as before (with Link)
- PL Traffic Model
- Segmentation by Optimization

Physical Product System Guided Notes

If you have a million people and you run a website conversion ad, you know your
frequency is going to go up long before you ever reach a million people. Why is that?
Facebook takes the million people in your niche and segments them by different kinds
of optimization (conversions, clicks, engagement). Facebook takes that million person
audience and segments it like the circles shown below:

Understanding this will lead to eventually scaling up by different types of ad sets. Which
we will go over later. But you will also understand that you can hit a lot of people who
will eventually buy by hitting the people in the engager audience because there is some
overlap. When youre doing a PPE ad, you want to hit as many people as possible in the
engager category because your ad will perform better. You will still hit the people that
overlap, but you want to maximize the amount of people in the engager side so that
your ad will perform better and your cost per engagement will be lower - reaching more
people for lower cost.

New Custom Audience Pixel

- FB has announced the phase out of the old pixels in late 2016

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- Right now, old pixels are still very powerful for you to be using
- The opportunity now is to leverage the old pixels to build your new Custom Audience pixel
- First you will need to go to and setup a new account as shown

- You will want to name your account, enter your domain name, and click Web, and Create:

- Agree to the terms of service and then copy the code that is given:

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- Next go into Shopfy and go to Online Store in the left column, Click Themes and scroll
down to the Snippets section and click Add new snippet name the snippet googletag and click Create:

- Paste the code and Save.

- Next go into theme.liquid

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- Where the code says <body> towards the bottom, your going to type {% include
google-tag %} as shown below then click save:

- Next go back to Google Tag Manager and go to Tags and click New

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- Click on Custom HTML and name your tag

- Next you will go into your Facebook and get the pixel code

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- Next paste this code in Google Tag Manager:

- Then click advanced settings and put the tag firing priority as 9 - Dont click continue yet:

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- Next you will add some more script to the box that you pasted the FB code in:

window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
fbpixel : loaded,
event : fbLoaded

- This is very important because this will help you to fire the right event. So now you can
click continue, then click all pages and save the tag.

- Next you will go to Triggers and click New

- Next you will name the trigger and choose Custom Event and then type fbLoaded into
the event name:

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- Then click Add Filters and enter /cart in the last box and Create Trigger:

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- Create a trigger for the product page using the same steps:

- Next you will got to Tags and create a new tag:

- Name your tag, choose Custom HTML and paste the snippet inside:
fbq(track, AddToCart);

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- Click Continue and then More:

- Choose the Add to Cart page Save and Create Tag:

- Follow the same steps for the Product page:

fbq( track, ViewContent);

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- Next click Publish

- Finally you will go back to Shopify and go to Settings - Checkout and paste the code in the
additional content and scripts box:

Physical Product System Guided Notes

Make sure you insert the script highlighted below:

fbq(track, Purchase, {value: {{subtotal_price|money_without_currency}},

currency :{{shop.currency}}}};

- Then click save

Physical Product System Guided Notes


- Market Test our Product with Seed Traffic to Test Buyer Intent
- Buy Yeses before we Buy Sales
- Analyze the Seed Traffic
- Create PPE ads using the same targeting as before (with Link)
- We are in the Introduction stage of the Product Life Cycle, so we are at the bottom of the
curve in the graph:

Market Testing

- Establishing that our product is worth pursuing based off of potential customer reaction
Buy likes before buying sales
Use Comment YES if you would buy this!
- The better the CPE and the Comments - the greater the potential
Cost Per Engagement < .10 (lower the better)
Comments like Where can I buy and YES
- Spending $5 here can help

Physical Product System Guided Notes

Determine if this product is worth our time

Save us more money if the product tanks
Determine the level initial segmentation to scale on the front end
- Find an interest based on a community, cause, or created by a marketer (Something that
was created inside FB)

Anything created inside Facebook that has no brand loyalty, no website, has no traffic to
this brand or cause anywhere else other than Facebook. Were focusing on things that
are growing purely based off the traffic received in Facebook. This will lower your cost
per engagement because these people fit more into the engager category.

- Use an established fan page and post to your wall (boost post)
- Analyze your data after $5 spend
- Create a Page Post Engagement ad with a link back to the same audience who responded
to your test

Take out comment YES-esque text and insert a Buy Now! link
- In the next video we will begin scaling out our PPE ads to ramp and prepare for our growth

- So our motive here is to get social interest to have our page post engagement ad hit
because these people will fall into the engager category more

For this purpose we dont want something that is more in the buying interest or the
brand loyal interest (such as a website or a physical brand that people are buying) We
will want those interests later for the website conversion ads.

- So back to the Firefighter example with firefighters typed in the interest section of your
audience insights. The page National Fallen Firefighters Foundation will come up, has a
high infinity and you can tell by the name that this page is for a cause.

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- If you open this page you can see that it has over 300k likes, more than enough people to
target in an ad. And you can tell that this isnt the most engaging page, but thats because
theyre not great markets, but the cause and the community is strong.

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- Example page showing how to market test your product:


- Leveraging the Market Test Data

At this stage we have run our $5 ad and now need to determine next steps
Use the FB Reports to quickly determine what to do next
Create Ads using the same targeting get the feedback
Create a wide open ad on a successful $5 test
- Cut back any demos that tanked
If your CPE on the $5 test is .01 or below - consider an upfront segmentation based of
the report winners

Make sure to attach a conversion pixel to track sales and build you pixel
- If on Shopify - make sure to watch the Trackify videos and set up your niche pixels

The goal is to get initial sales and refine our ads

Physical Product System Guided Notes

Use single interests for each PPE ad, since we are not using a pixel to optimize
- The less pixel data you have - the more control you need
Scale out with more ads using community/cause/marketer pages
Repeat the process
- So if you go to your ads manager, you can do a breakdown of the ad and here we will
breakdown by age as shown below

- So what you can see in this example is that pretty much every age group did well, but the
majority of the traffic came from ages 25-34. However, every age demographic had a very
low cost since they are all under .01 you can run a PPE ad to all of them. See below:

- So in our example we picked the interest National Fallen Firefighter Foundation to run
our $5 ad to, so that is what we are going to use for our ad with a link in it. So we are going
to go to our ads manager and create a new campaign and boost a post as shown below:

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- To create a post, click on the plus sign to the right of the bottom drop down box, in this
example the box says Timeline Photos - Would you wear t

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- Then you would post a photo and your text and click Publish Now as shown below

- Then click continue:

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- Next you will scroll down and refine your audience. Refine your age group based on how
the 5$ ad did and insert your interest as shown below:

- Adjust your daily budget to $10 as shown below:

- If you scroll down again you will have to option to ad URL Tags so you can track this, and
then you will remove the Desktop Right Column and then click Place Order

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- If you want to repeat this process for the winners, just get the ad ups and keep getting
more traffic and more eyes on your offer. Then eventually you will have to get more
interest to target. So you will go back through the interests and look for community style
pages. You can also go into your graph search (Top search bar in Facebook) and type
Communities named x here x= firefighters

Physical Product System Guided Notes

Click to Website Ads

- If your product is profitable from a PPE ad you can start to send traffic using CTW
- CTW is also great for retargeting
(which you need to set up from day 1)
- Since CTW does not optimize on a pixel, you need to split interests as well to give yourself

- Websites/Blogs that dont have direct sales are good targets

Create a 1200x628 picture of your item
CTA needs to push people to click the link (Not necessarily buy)
- This helps lower costs and gets people into the retargeting ads
The conversion rate on this will be lower than PPE ads, since some will simply be
window shoppers

This can help us get sales to mature our pixel and prime for WC
- Important!: Run a wide open test ad first then split it out
- The audience who responded by engaging is not necessarily the audience who will
respond by clicking

- Split out into winning demographics by viewing the reports

- If you go back to your audience insights with your original interest put in, you should
immediately see some websites come up. eg. below: is a website, its not a
Facebook page with a website, but a website that a Facebook page was built for

- So those are the ones you want to go to. In this example we use Go to the
Facebook page and the website and check them out. In this example is a
great one for us to use.

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- Here is an example of a CTW campaign and what to look for in terms of good metrics and

- So this ad is Wide Open and has reached 794 people, is costing $0.19 per click and has
cost $4.84

- So as you did before, do an age breakdown as shown below:

- In this example you can see the cost varies greatly through the age groups with a very
strong presence in the 55-64 age group, also have some good clicks in the 25-34 and then
45-54. You would want to keep an eye on the 35-44 group, but Facebook will optimize
and steer traffic away from that age group but when you get into more advance typed ads
and split these out, you would not want to create one for the 35-44 age group.

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- If you want to check your conversions to decide whether or not to keep a certain
demographic included in your audience based on the cost, you would go to the drop down
box that says Columns - Customize Columns as shown below:

- And then type Checkouts in the search bar, and choose Checkouts (Conversion Pixel)
and then click Apply in bottom right corner as shown below:

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- The new column with the Checkouts will pop up on the right side - if you havent had any
sales - there will be no data in the column

- So, initially the Reach and Cost columns will be where you are gathering most of your
data, but eventually once you have some Checkouts or conversions its really important
to see where the conversions are coming from, not just the clicks.

- Recap
- Cost per WEBSITE CLICK below $1
- ROI is king - look for the ones converting - kill off what is not converting regardless of
how many clicks you are getting - eg. if youre making $20 per item, then if you arent
converting within $20, kill it unless you are will to push beyond that to gather more

- Make sure to have the same conversion pixel added as you have with the PPE ads

Growth Stage

- Rapidly expand the sales on our product

- Introduce Website Conversion ads
- Group interests and leverage our matured pixel
- Growth - where you are
Proven product
Time to scale
- Maybe have gotten 50-100 (preferably
over 100) sales off of the CTW and the
PPE ads that have matured your pixel

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- Converters
Brand Loyal
We already have the
engagers and clickers being
targeted (PPE & CTW ads)
now we are bringing in the


- PLTM Growth Stage

- Audience Insights Tool - Find brand loyal interests
If no Brand Loyal type targets, move to businesses in the clicker optimization type
category (blogs, websites, associations)

Start wide open again and scale to winning ages

Scale a WC ad into other optimization type interests
- Wide Open Modified
Test with Profit so far
If in profit of $100 for the campaign - you can test with $100 and know you will break

- Now go into audience insights and start at a top level, so for the example here we have as the interest, and men in the ages of 25-54 this is interest we found
earlier on and the demographics we narrowed down to.

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- So now look through the interests that come up here and look for those above 20x affinity
and look for the converter type interests - such as stores - make a list of these interests

- Now go to your power editor which is in your ads manager - you will see download to
power editor and then in the top left click create campaign

- Once you are here name your campaign eg. Firefighter - WC Photo- change the
objective to Website Conversions then Create New ad set called Wide Open then click
Use Existing Pixel and choose your pixel. (in example below the pixel is red because it is
just a text pixel used for this purpose. Your pixel should be green meaning that your pixel
has fired). Then Name Ad Ad and click Create

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- Click on View ad Set as shown with cursor below:

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- Change the daily ad spend to $10 and scroll down and click Edit Audience the window
below will pop up and you will change the demographics to what has been working (eg.
men 25-54) and then start putting in the converter interests that you just looked for (eg.
stores) - if it doesnt show up when you search it, remove it from your list- click save

- Depending on your audience size (shown in right column - says Potential Audience)
(<1million) change the Placement (scroll down) to only mobile and desktop newsfeed

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- If you have about a million people in your audience, then you can do the wide open
modified and do a lot of segmentation. You do the segmentation, just as Facebook does it.
On the first wide open modified you will segment by age - just as Facebook does it 25-34,
35-44, 45-54 - dont go too specific - dont split the mobile and desktop newsfeed unless
you already have a 25-34 segment and in that segment you have above 500,000 people
- if below that, keep them together.

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- Click on the Ad section on the left side as shown below:

- Choose the Facebook Page (eg. I Support Our Firefighters) and then click Use Existing
Post as shown below:

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- So before this point you need to Post another 1200x1200 image similar to what you used
for your PPE ad but without the Tag Friends text, we dont want people tagging people,
we want people buying. Only call to action you should be using is Buy - Once you have
that posted come back to the page shown above and click Use Existing Post and select
what you just posted - example post below

- Add pixels to your Tracking section the ones shown below are red but yours should be
green - then upload

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- Now if you were going to go into the modified wide open go back to the Ad Sets section
on the left side as shown below:

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- Once you are here, click the duplicate button as shown with the cursor below:

- Keep Same Campaign and then Create:

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- Do this a few times - you want an audience of about 200-250k for each ad:
- Change the names of the Ad Sets to your segments (eg. ages groups)

- If these audiences are still big (bigger than 250k) you can then split them into platform
(this example is already split by gender- only men - but you can also split by gender) so
you would duplicate these three ads and then have either desktop or mobile for each one

- PLTM: Growth Stage Recap

- Wide Open (0-250k people in your audience)
Male/Female combined (or 1 gender if product is specific)
Core age group combined (anything over 10% in the AI tool)
Platform combined (Mobile/Desktop)
- Run wide open on audiences that are 250 and below
- Wide Open - Modified
Split at age first (25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64+) 250k - 500k
Male/Female next (or 1 gender if product is specific) 500k - 750k
Platform (Mobile/Desktop) 750k - 1mil+

Physical Product System Guided Notes


- PLTM Growth Stage

- Reporting and Monitoring
- Wide Open Ad (Back End) vs Wide Open - Modified (Front End)
- Know Your Numbers!!!
- Sale Price - Delivered Price (your cost + shopping) = Initial Margin
- Initial Margin - Ad Cost = Profit
- Our Cost Per Conversion aims to be 1/2 or under the Initial Margin After we are done
Buying data

- **This gives us room to scale**

Eg. Selling a necklace for $10
My Cost is $2 to deliver the item to the customer
Initial Margin is $8
We want to convert eventually for $4 or less
When buying data we can convert for max $8
- For the next example use this image as a reference:

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- This is an example of a Wide Open ad for age groups 45-54 on mobile platform and as
you can see there was about $1500 spent on the campaign, the conversions are high but
its because everything was being tracked, so there are 2300 add to carts and 532 bought/
checkout (about 1/4) This item was $9.95 s/h which makes that about $5300 in revenue.
On face value that looks like a fantastic ad, but it cost about $2 to get that item to the
customer, so its really $7 x 532= $3724 is the initial margin.. So you take that initial margin
$3724 - (ad spend) 1537.84 = (profit) $2186.16. So it goes from $5300 in revenue down to
$2187 in profit

- Next we will look at performance and clicks as shown below:

- If you scroll to the right you will see a column named link clicks and here you can see
how many times your link has been clicked. But you can usually tell from your conversions.

- Next you can customize your columns as shown below:

Physical Product System Guided Notes

Choose Checkouts (Conversion Pixel) & Cost per Checkout (Conversion Pixel) & click Apply

- If you scroll to the right, you will be able to see the actual cost per conversion ($2.89 in
example below):

- So to break this down into the certain ages, you would go to the breakdown tab as shown
below, and choose Age and Gender:

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- Here you would look at the demographics that are winning. So if this is done on a wide
open ad, you would have every age demographic and gender combination, and you would
create an ad within the same campaign in a new ad set targeting the winning combination.
You want to do it in the same campaign because a lot of information is stored in the
campaign as well as the pixel. So remain in the same campaign as much as possible. You
could also do this for placement.

- Focus on finding winning demographics, if you can hit them on a deeper level such as their
ages, do it.

Scaling Up

- Increasing Your Budgets and monitoring ROI

- Increasing Your Budget
200% ROI we will scale 100% on our ad ($10 to $20)
100% ROI we will scale 50% on our ad ($10 to $15)
50% ROI we will scale 10-25% on our ad ($10 to $12.50)

Physical Product System Guided Notes

Anything less than 50% remains at current levels

This goes for all ad types
- Monitoring Your ROI
- Track over a 3-4 day period
- Each time you increase your budget, FB has to re-optimize at that price point - give it time
to perform again

- If the ROI dips from your scale level, then consider moving back the budget to prior level
Scaling Out

- Wide Open => Wide Open Modified

- Lookalike Audiences
- Additional Interest Targeting
Using Same Optimization Category Interests
Using Other Optimization Category Interests
Going Broad (Needs Matured Pixel)
- Wide Open =>
Review the winning demographics/platform for your wide open ad
Create new ads for these winning demographics:
- Start with a small budget - (same as used for your wide open ad)
- Run for 3-4 days to let FB optimize
- Scale up using same process but be cautious as audience is smaller
- Lookalike Audiences:
The minimum is 100 people but that is not enough for most kinds
- Page (10,000 people)
- Custom Audience (1,000-2,000)

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- Checkouts (100-200)
- Add to cart (when there are enough checkouts)
- Key page view (when there are enough checkouts)
Pay attention to the size of you niche to determine the size of the lookalike audiences
you can create

- Also pay attention to general rule of the action you lookalike audience on
Engagement > Clickers > Adds to Cart > Converters
Example there are 8 million nurses in the U.S.
- Engagement (8mil) > Clickers (6mil) > Adds to Cart (4mil) > Converters (2mil-1%)
- You can also add interests to bring your audience down further needed. If you niche is
less than 1.9mil I would recommend it.

- So now go to your ads account and go to the Audiences tab as shown below:

- Next click Create Lookalike Audience as shown below:

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- Next choose the pixel you want to use as your Source (in example Master Checkout) You
want this pixel to have 100+ fires(preferably 200+) Change the size to what the size of
your niche is (eg. there are 8mil nurses, so drag the size to a little under 8mil, eg 7.7mil) you
would use this for a lookalike audience for a PPE ad. If you are looking for buyers with a
conversion ad, you would want to stay down towards the 1% (in example 1.9M)

- You can also change the Source or the pixel that you are using. Success has been shown
using a lookalike audience Page with a PPE(pay per engagement) ad, a lookalike audience
add to cart pixel with a CTW(clicks to website) ad, and a lookalike audience conversion pixel
with a WC(website conversion) ad.

- Next you would create the audience, it will take a little while but you will get a notification
when it is ready.

- Additional Interests Targeting

Physical Product System Guided Notes

Since we started with High Affinity Targets sorted by Relevance, going further down the
list likely wont bring too many more eyeballs to our ads

We will now want to target interests in the other 2 optimization categories that we are
not currently using (Engagement, Clicks, Conversions)

Currently our ads run to interests we deemed in the chosen optimization category. Now
we will cross-target to others to hit the remaining people in those interests.

These are big broad highly targeted interests and we want to hit the remaining people
who are otherwise left out.

- Broad Targeting:
Only use once you have a fully matured pixel
100s of sales
Think slightly outside the box when going broad and dont just go for (eg Nursing - high
chance of likes by association) so go for (eg. Bachelors in Nursing, or Nursing School still broad but a little more nuance)

Forecasting and Fulfillment

- Forecasting is a crucial part of advancing your product beyond the introduction stage
- Proper forecasting can save you a lot of time and money - as well as make your customers

- Fulfillment is a natural fit when you begin to forecast

- When do you begin to start forecasting?
Testing a product (one off purchases on eBay for fulfillment)
Building your pixel stage (small orders, drop shipped, off of Aliexpress)
A few days into Growth Stage (begin forecasting)
- Side note: Drop Shipping
Most suppliers on Aliexpress can drop ship, if not all, they just dont want to

Physical Product System Guided Notes

Ask the supplier if they drop ship because you have a large order that needs too be
placed and you have no other option

Ive even placed the order (not paid) but then in the notes requested a price discount for
a larger order and ePacket shipping to each person on a customer list. Where do I send
the .CSV?

- If they say no, threaten to cancel. Other suppliers drop ship.

- If they still dont budge, cancel the order and walk away. Most will come back.
- As long as your niche is large enough (500k+) you can start forecasting sales based off data
after a few days getting into the Growth Stage

- Begin running your WC ads, scaling out all ads, and let FB optimize
- Once you hit a relatively constant number per day, you can forecast out
- So lets say you have hit 100 sales per day on a single item consistently over a 4 day

- Selling into an audience of 1 million people, youve sold 700 total

- Youve only reached a small portion of the niche at this point in your product lifecycle,
which leaves less risk now for a bulk order

- Communicate with you Aliexpress supplier or find your product on Alibaba (or other sites)
- Important things to ask right away:
How much do you have on hand?
If not much, how long does it take to manufacture? (note this)
Can you improve the quality? If so, what is the added cost?
What are the price breaks for large orders?
- Sometimes your order size will more than cover the cost of a quality improvement
(win win)

What can they ship via?

- So now you need to factor in all the variables:
Their current quantity is 500

Physical Product System Guided Notes

Their manufacture time is 3 days for 500 more with improved quality (.05 more per
item - $25 upcharge)

Their price break is at 500 (.03 savings per) and 1000 (.06 saving per)
- Ordering 1000 gives me $60 in savings
EMS shipping will cost $20 (dont forget to remove the ePacket cost later)
- ePacket is typically $1.8 on small items ($1,800 savings)
I am selling 100 per day - which is only 5 more days of their inventory
I could order small batches and send via ePacket (10-15 days) OR
Order 1000 (only 10 days of demand)
Wait 3 days to have the others produced
EMS takes about 4 days to arrive to a single point (fulfill house)
Have my fulfill house turn around 1000 in short time and deliver in another 3-4 days
- Total time is under 15 for 1 buyer
- Total time is 4 days or under for 7-10 buyers
Reorder on day 5-6 gives my day 11 buyers the short turn around as well
- Using a fulfill house also has other perks:
Comes in nicer packaging (higher perceived value)
Fulfill house can use their address for returns
You have a direct line of control over your inventory
of course, faster shipping
- 10 days of inventory is very lean - you can push up from there which would give more
customers the shorter shipping times

- Ive been using Ship N Grow as my fulfillment house for months now
Run by Robert Nava and Rita ONeal
- They have handled small to midsize items for me

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- Their customer service is amazing and their understanding of the industry cant be

- They do have volume based requirements for your on boarding

- However once you are at this point, I have arranged for you to get the $125 activation fee

- Go to:
- Put Physical Product System in the company name section (below your company name)
so they know I sent you


- This is the next stage in the product life cycle after the Growth stage - You will still see
some upward trends on newer ads, still lots of sales, but in this stage, your conversion rate
in your 3-4 day window will decline a little, this is because

- Your product has been running in the market for some time now
Amount of time will vary between products
You will notice a slight dip in your conversion rate and scaling should be slowed
Likely you have been noticed and people are now copying you
Your goal is to keep sales coming in the door at current market share (ad spend)
- Ads
Normally, people would being to scale back by reducing budgets and killing ads
We are going to adjust the biggest objection people have right now to boost our
conversion rate and increase revenue, without adjusting ad spend

If you put the right PRODUCT in front of the right PEOPLE - the majority of the time the
only objection left is PRICE

Physical Product System Guided Notes

By lowering our price at this stage we can pick up buyers who saw your product but
didnt buy before due to being expensive

We also pick up new buyers who may have bought at a higher price but havent seen the
ad yet. At this point it becomes cost effective to lower the price because the early
adopters have already purchased.

- Copy Cats
If we have done the steps leading up to this correctly, they will not have:
- Our social proof
- Our matured conversion pixel and optimized ads
- and now we are the better priced item
This is why we arent afraid of people that copy us
- Keep The Sales Coming
A lot of strategies tell you to scale back and kill ads at this stage when they become

Since we have control of the selling price, we can turn theses ads profitable again and
keep selling

Remember, 34% of your sales come in this stage and the decline stage. We still have
plenty of money to make!

Video Ads

- These have worked very well for proven products as a way of targeting BROAD interests.
- We use these in the Maturity Stage when starting in a new niche for a very specific reason
We use the Add to Cart pixel for our optimization
- We run video ads as:
Website Conversion objective
Optimized for Add to Cart pixel
Targeting broad interests

Physical Product System Guided Notes

Using a product use video - more on this late

- You are matching up the broader type pixel with a broad type interest using a very broad
type ad.

- Views really dont do anything for us when needing to see directly from the ad
They are great for a video ad for views is great for a branding type video
- Product use just means showing the product in the video exactly how your customer
would use it once its received

Wearing the t-shirt

Wearing the necklace
Using the widget
- Video can be 10-15 seconds in length
Note - there is a new type of cost for bidding on videos, at this point we havent tested it
- but we will update if this is more effective)

- Used iPhone 6 to film all videos

- Spent $20,000+ testing different types of video ads with different types of offers
- The most consistent winner is a WC video ad with broad targeting - optimized for the
niche add to cart pixel

- It doesnt have to be perfect

- It doesnt have to look professional
- It just has to catch the targets attention and be clear as to what is being sold
- Think of the local commercial guy during the Super Bowl.
- So to do this, go into your Power Editor and click Create Campaign in the top left:

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- You will then Create a new ad, give it a name, choose Website Conversions as the
objective, Check Choose an ad set and Create New Name your ad - here you will want
to have a wide open ad but with a selected interest (eg. Bachelor of Nursing) and then
choose your Add to Cart Pixel (Will show up green when you choose yours). Then check
Create new ad and name your ad and click Create All shown below:

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- On the next page you will want to click View ad set as shown below with cursor:

- Next you will change your budget to $10, change the scheduled start time to a time in the
morning as shown below:

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- Change the placement to Mobile and Desktop Newsfeeds only as shown below:

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- Now go into edit audience (right above the Placement section you just edited) and you
want to go broad here but with a little nuance. So, in the example below Women ages
25-54 that have the interest Bachelors in Science Nursing and as you can see (see cursor)
this is an audience of 1.4Mil people, so this is still a very broad audience but not so much as
just nursing would be (~7mil but a lot of them are likes by association) Its all about testing,
test what audiences work for you.

- Next you would create your ad, Fill in the URL to your website, what you want the link to
say, your headline, description, and then make sure video is checked as seen below:

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- Next click Select Video and upload your video from your hard drive. Once your video is
uploaded you will see a preview of your ad to the right, make sure everything looks how
you want it

- Scroll down and change the call to action to whatever applies, eg. shop now:

- Finally, at the bottom, add your pixels:

Physical Product System Guided Notes

Video Ad Scaling

- Additional Broad Interest Targeting

- Pixel Scaling
- Increasing budgets
- Scaling out with demographics
- Additional Broad Interest Targeting
Find other longer tailed keywords for you niche
- What describes you entire nice besides just the niche interest
Test the niche interest if your other videos are currently working
- Pixel Scaling
Pixel Scaling is using the same targeting but optimizing on other pixels

Physical Product System Guided Notes

This is a way of pushing your video to people who fit the profiles of the different
conversion event types (KPV, ATC, Checkout)

**Sometimes one of these will outperform the ATC conversion, its always important to

- Increasing budgets
Increasing your budgets is similar to the other ad types
However, we have noticed that video can be pushed higher, generally, than the other
while maintaining a lower Cost Per Conversion

Always look for the ceiling to maintain the highest ROI possible
- The example below is all the same item, just split up by demographics and a few interests.
What you can see is there are a handful of different budgets here. Youll also notice the
frequency, even after hitting all these people, is not that high. Almost half the audience has
been reached with only a frequency of 2.28 - not really worried about frequency but its
cool to see that the ad is hitting tons of people.

- Video Ads Scaling

Scaling with demographics can be done just as the other ad types
If you niche is big enough, you can scale down to the single age level
**Remember that you are still using a WC type so not everyone in your audience will fit
into that optimization type

Physical Product System Guided Notes

Adjusting Your Pricing

- Adjusting our Price to Boost Our Conversion Rate

This only becomes cost effective in the Maturity Stage because our early adopters have
already purchased.

Frequency is now used in our favor as our ads will be shown to people who have:
- Purchased and will comment social proof for us
- Havent purchased but are still interested (we want to turn these people into buyers

- Why havent clickers become buyers??

People are price sensitive in any market - think of big companies who create new brands
specifically for different price points

- Cars
- Beer
- Tvs
You can use this same pricing model with one product as other big retailers do
- Call this the CB2 theory
CB2 is the discount store that Crate and Barrel sends their slower moving inventory to.
They discount this inventory to a lower price to make sure it continues to sell and they
can eliminate their inventory

- We dont have inventory sometimes, but same theory applies

There is even a discount section inside the CB2 store, for an extra push to get
inventory moved (leabe this to the decline stage)

- How to reduce your price:

You currently should be priced competitively in your market
- Ex $24.99 for a shirt
What is your current cost at this point? For this example its $10

Physical Product System Guided Notes

So our current profit is $15

For this example our current cost per conversion is $7.50
We want to drop a pricing level (say to $23.99) and improve the cost per conversion
Its important that your conversion cost improves more that you price drop
So you lowered your price by $1 which means that your cost per conversion should
settle in around $6.50 to break even

What we have found is that the right price point will spike our CR and reduce our cost
per conversion below the break even point

If your CR doesnt improve enough to justify the price drop, return to the original price
You can show sale on the item, if appropriate (you didnt previously have a compared
to price)

This is handled on a product by product basis but works great for any LEAD offer


Reducing your budgets to maintain a good ROI
Adding value to your product (if possible)
Bringing in your next lead item(s)

- The graph below is from an item that was specifically used to prove this pricing theory. The
item was a necklace that started selling at $9.95, and it sold very well for about 20 days,
then there were a few days with a low conversion rate, so the price was dropped to $7.95,
and you can see the spike in the conversion rate, there were several days above the highest
peak at the $9.95 price point. Then once the conversion rate started to fall again the price
was dropped to $6.95 where it peaked again, and then fell back down. This item brought in
about 30k in profit.

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- The ad spend did not change until the $6.95 standpoint started getting lower and lower.
Right about where the average was the ad spend was reduced. Keep in mind the average
order value was about $8.50 and 64k revenue was made.

- Price dropping an additional time could help you in this stage, but if you arent able to
make it cost effective return to the Maturity Stage price point.

- Once the product is priced at the lowest cost beneficial price - we will begin adding value
to the product

- Make sure to remember your numbers here

Selling Price - Delivered Cost - Ad Spend = Profit
Value Add

- If you have a product with high margin, you can use types of value adds that boost
conversions during this stage

Physical Product System Guided Notes

Adding value will come at an additional cost to us

- This is also a way to help move inventory on an item that you may not be heavy on or no
longer wish to sell

- This works well with something like jewelry - has a high margin
- Important to note: Your pricing should be at its bottom
- This is why you need to only take these steps on items with high margins- as we will be
adding to the Delivered Cost of your item

- Types of Value adds

2 for 1 of current item
Bundle with another item (of high margin and less than profit margin)
Bundle with a new item (possibly your new lead - of high margin and less than profit

- How to do the Value Adds

Within the variant section of your product listing
- Just as you list sizes or colors for your product - you would list your value add on
Before you do this, figure out your cost:
- Selling Price - (cost of item 1 + cost of item 2 + delivery for both + fulfillment for both)
- current cost per conversion

Make sure you still have a profit there

If you do this based of your current cost per conversion and you dont have any
profit - then do not take these steps. Do not bet on the fact that you are going to
do better if the math shows you will be in the negative

- Double check that your supplies / fulfillment house can handle this new request
- Get creative with value add ons, as different niches and products could provide new

- Just make sure to know your numbers BEFORE doing this

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- Ideally this boosts your conversion rate again to overcome the added costs, so watch it

Scaling Down

- At this point in the process were on the way out with this product, but thats okay because
we are about to start the cycle again with a new lead product

- Scaling back
If you have taken all the prior steps and your conversion rate is now (still) falling, its time
to scale down your budgets

Reducing you budgets can improve your ads performance, as FB optimizes your ads at
the lower budget levels

Overall, your product will eventually begin to die off due to its exposure to everyone in
the market (or most)

Your ads will have different performance levels during the earlier 3 stages
- For example
WC ad running at 100% ROI
PPE ads running at 50% ROI
Video ads at 200% ROI
- I dont scale ads back that run at 50%+ over the course of our 3-4 day review window.
- If an ad was once getting 100% ROI and now gets 75% ROI - KEEP IT
- 50% ROI day to day is a solid return for what we do!
- ** Remember: Sale Price - Delivered Cost - Ad Spend = Profit
ROI = ((Total Revenue - Total Costs) / Total Costs) * 100
- Run your ads till they reach the 50% ROI level - then begin to scale down your ad budgets
- 25%-49% - scale back 25% on your budget (meaning $10 to $7.50)
- 1%-24% - scale back 50% on your budget (meaning $10 -$5)

Physical Product System Guided Notes

- If you are negative over 3-4 day period, you can drop to $1 for you ad. You may not get
much reach but an occasional sale can be made for not much risk

- Some ads could improve in terms of ROI when scaled back on budget
- Continue to run these until a 3-4 day window is negative - you shouldnt be spending
much at this point

- Kill off each ad as needed and prepare to cycle your next product!
New Lead Item

- We want to match the Decline of your current lead item with the introduction of your new
lead item - for constant traffic

- You current lead item will go into you catalog as your first item or another item
Set at full retail price
Keep positioning as a unique item, but no longer need to be on sale or limited, etc
- The graph below outlines the product life cycle. It shows who buys what and when they
buy it.

- New Lead Item

Physical Product System Guided Notes

Find a:
- Similar product
- Accessory to prior lead item (bracelet to match necklace)
- Improved version of previous product (alloy to stainless steel)
Dont worry about running ads for both current and new lead items at the same time
In the introduction and the decline stages, you overall arent spending much on ads
The goal is to have one product ready for growth stage while the other is about to be

Once your current product is killed off - move to your catalog

If you are following the MVP model - you will want to add your catalog page to the
navigation at this point

We are adding proven products to our store and building a profile on the people (pixels,
custom audiences, emails) who bought our products

- Now you should be ready to recycle though the stages

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