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CS401- Computer Architecture and Assembly Language Programming

Assignment # 3
Spring 2010
Total Marks: 20
Due Date
Your assignment must be uploaded before or on 24th May 2010.
Upload Instructions
Please view the document related to assignment submission process provided to yo
u by the Virtual University to upload the assignment.
Rules for Marking
Kindly note that your assignment will NOT be graded if:
It is submitted after due date
The file you uploaded does not open
The file you uploaded is copied from someone else
It is in the format other than .doc
This assignment has been designed to enable you:
To know about how to analyze the Stack.
To know about the comparisons and conditions


Write a program named “count letters” that counts the occurrences of all small a
nd capital letters in given below string and then prints the result in the forma
t (Caps, count:: Small, count).Strings is “bcAdBDeCEad” and it should print this
result (Caps, 5:: Small, 5).The program should take address of the source strin
g as a parameter via stack and also provide proper comments against each instruc

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