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Tig sah porn tom Ar TC Fda CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. AND A HIGHER MORALITY "Tiusoecnour ‘history ‘moral deteriora in society has not only concerned thought ful and spiritually-minded individuals buc\ also brought great suffering to nations and peoples alike. “The fall of imperial Rome is often ascribed to the replacement of the city's earlier morality, probing an frogalty by the | nsuality, greed, cruél@y 7d ‘religiousness of Sod a gree Set, D Ina like manner, the children of Israel ap- later Centuries. parently early turned from the strict moral code of conduct given them by Moses, for the Bible uts these words into che mouth of that great Dabo lol lnlGns- rmedhentey ” eader: “Jeshurun waxed fat, and kicked: thou a jou_art_grown thick, thou art forsook God and lightly esteemed the Rock, IT Babi 7 a feet MZ See fm 4 Curistian ScienCe-anp-a-Hierer Mora it Today, as surely as in the early days of P Biblical history or in the latter days of great |S Rome, the inevitable and inescapable weak- nesses’ which come with moral deterioration & threaten the safety, happiness, and welfare of men and nations. /Agueheuwise simian seeps I Ie would seem that where there is much $ human progress, there is also, by the supposed Jaw of opposites, an increase in those tempta- tions which lead to a deterioration of the moral $ « — standards of society. Today mankind is making giant strides toward the solution of many of the problems which have afflicted humanity down through the ages. As mankind rejects the mental limitations of che past and opens its thought to broader and higher concepts, it re- ceives more of that inspiration which has its source in divine Truth and Mi Mrs. ew Ey Haxpune Anmat Macyerism jumanity comes to enjoy the Frunso freater intelligence, as ir begins t0 prove in wuman affairs that man has dominion over all the earth, evil would seek to rob mankind of the good which has come and is coming to it. Mortal mind, in its continual effort to mislead humanity, is determined that men shall not give God the praise, but seeks instead to convince mankind that it lives, progresses, and enjoys in can befgeen inthe laekcof ‘which so widely characterizes | creasing violence on the streets, the refusal to| recognize the evils of alcohol, lowered barriers Cuistian Science aNp A Higuer Morautry a far cry today from those times and those moral conditions when an individual's status in the community was customarily measured by his religious devotion and when community respect was won through probity and worth. Although these qualities are not ig- nored today, they are no longer honored 25 widely and as sincerely as was once the case. Yet, widespread and pervasive as seem to be the evidences of moral deterioration, we know through Christian Science not only’ that these conditions can and will be healed but that they have come to the fore for exactly that reason, Indeed, humanity in its heart of hearts longs to be rid of the moral inharmonies which bring so much suffering and grief to the world. Hanpiine Antmat Magnetism the worldwide problem of moral deterioration in society in its true perspective. Mrs. Eddy de- voted het life to liberating mankind from the bondage into which mankind's own beliefs had plunged it. She knew that to the extent that humanity recognizes that carnal beliefs are in- deed slavery and that Christ, Trath, sets men free, humanity's fetters fall and man’s divinely pure sonshi a J. is made ress as mankind ha S fre Such prog: J proves that men have a divinely inspired yearn- ing for freedom from the sorrows and limita~ F tions of mortal exixence. ‘Thin yearning is a part of mankind’s propulsion toward the spit E Batana away from the material, same facts reaffirmed in Christian Science can do today. If anything, the task before is easier than that before Flijah, Wed Hanpune Aximar Macnetism, in anything which seeks to_lure_us from this divinely directed activity. We must constantly affirm that maw by his very nature and origin as the child of God cannot be subject to the down- ward tendencies of animal influence, nor can ‘heBélieve that he is, Ui} E Paul reminds us that God has not given us weakness but strength and that one of the ways in which this strength shows itself is in “a ‘Aaital agers can hae as 1p nthe on “Sto light mankind's God-given capacity Rand ace Fight and oo br aius_and to bring forth hose ev de :s of higher morality which reflect man’s _Akdivine perfection. F 1Deut. 32:15; 2Prov. 6: 3Science and Health, SG Pe UE Aon, AIM, Ses He FSi hd % sx tidy lel A ob

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