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THE UNIVERSAL PANACEA. IS CHRISTIAN SCIENCE "Tine coy of mankind for « mighty panacea to deliver men and nations from the aggres- sion of evil has been answered, Christ’s Chris- tianity, scientifically applied, or Christian Science, provides the solution for all the prob- Jems confronting humanity today. This Science destroys the fear, paramount in the consciousness of many individuals today, that a subversive enemy might mentally invade them, encroach upon their individual rights, and then take over their government and en- slave them. This evil assumption has created such distrust that many people, as well as na- tions, are prone to be suspicious of each other. Some people are organizing in groups in the endeavor to alarm and waken others to watch vigilancly against such an aggressive foe. The attitude of watel mendable, for Ch Hanpuine AwimaL Magnetism onsequently, sincere workers who have united into groups to alert others must recog- nize that when an attitude of fear, alarm, and suspicion regarding an awesome enemy is held in human consciousness MERGUEthe Feet Science allays fear by reaching men how through prayer to protect themselves from mental invasion and from the foe by gaining a clear understanding of the allness of God and the nothingness of evil. This Science is God's revelation of Himself to humanity. Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, reached the spiri- tual altitude of thought where she could receive His words and inscribe them in the textbook, “Science and Health with Key to the Scrip tures.” Here is given this enlightening instrac- tion: “Mankind must learn that evil is not power. Its so-called despotism is but a phase of 2 ‘Tue Usrversat Panacea Is Curisttan Science nothingness. Christian Science despoils the Kingdom of evil, and pre-eminently promotes affection and virtue in families and therefore in the community.” * Through the devout study of Science, men are learning how to strip evil of its seeming power and render it ineffective by refusing 10 be intimidated, brainwashed, or influenced by the aggressive manipulation of mortal mind, They are watching their thoughts so that they will not be confused, bewildered, or deadened by mesmeric illusion and blindly led into a mental state of apathy, forgetfulness, and in- difference to their own and their brothers’ welfare, ‘With the spirieual might of divine Mind, they are intelligently resisting, rejecting, and deny- lel clade cede dace itor ee Ed of God, good, and dethrone Deity. Thus they demonstrate their knowledge of God’s almighty actuality and supremacy in overcoming’ the ‘works of the devil, as the Master taught. Christians must never forget that God gave His Son, Christ Jesos, t0 the world to tench others the way out of materiality through spiritual ascension. ‘Therefore he is the per- petual Way-shower to all men everywhere. 3 Hanouine AxtMaL Mayeris, The Christ, Truth, which he exemplified, is continuously leading men out of the hypnotic thralldom of materialism into the abundant full- ness of life in God. Chirist’s Christianity will eventually rule all men harmoniously through the understanding of true brotherhood and of man’s at-one-ment with God. Jesus prophesied that the Comforter would come and fully teach the truth. Christian Sci- ence is the fulfillment of his prophecy. It is the second appearing of the Christ in the flesh. It is restoring to humanity the consciousness of the Kingdom of heaven — the consciousness of re- ality — already within them. Accordingly, Mrs. Eddy will remain the per- petual Leader of the Christian Science move- ment. Christianity’s lost element of spiritual healing has been restored through the Church she organized and named The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts, She established the government of this Church, not upon a person but upon a demonstrable divine Principle. Under God’s orders she wrote the Manual of The Mother Church, which per- petuates her Leadership under God's direc~ tion and establishes the laws that govern The 4 ‘Tue Untversat Panacea Is Curisttan Science Mother Church and its branches throughout the world, ‘The understanding of Christian Science as the law of God, divine Mind, brings to human recognition the great I amt, the all-knowing, all-informing divine 1 onl fig more nor less than animal mag- netism, the carnal mind’s resistance to Truth, Christian Science reveals that animal magne- tism, or supposititious mortal mind, is the exact Jit has no Principle, no Truth, no Mind, and no law to enforce it. It is absolutely impotent unless it has 3 Hanpune Antmat Magnetism, Ry as animal magnetism until it disappears from the con- sciousness of the mesmerized believer. The time will come when men everywhere will gain the conviction that, as in reality ideas of God, they are immovably fixed in divine Principle. ‘Tue Universat Panacea Is Curistian Science defines this © to spirituality thi ition to the divine Princi fines may seem to be abroad manifesting itself in every cunning, conniving way, the greater spirit of godliness, or the Christ, is always present to Counteract ungodliness, or the so-called activity of evil. “Lo, Fam with you alway” * is the per petual promise ofthe Christ conveyed to man- kind by Chrise Jesus. When one fully understands the indestrue- tible unity of Principle and its spiritual idea, he 7 F Feed! {20am or en h, ee ites Xv 3 $ Ag a 5 2 2 Te hun. Hanpute ANIMAL Macyerism, can readily see that no one can ever escape from the ‘divine Principle of his true being. The relationship between God and man_can never _be severed. fo accept this fact, the very indi- viduals who oppose Christianity’ will sometime and in some way awaken from their ignorance of God to find that they are at one with Him and that their only reason for existing is to ex- press Him. Lovingly and patiently our beloved Leader questions: “When will mankind awake to know their present ownership of all good, and praise and love the spot where God dwells most conspicuously in His reflection of love and lead- ership? “When will the world waken to, the privilege of knowing God, the liberty and glory of His presence, — where "He plants His footsteps in the sea ‘And rides upon the stozm."7 We may also ask, “When will mankind awake to the unselfed love and inspired Leadership 8 ‘Tue Universat Panacea Is Curisttan Scrence of Mrs, Eddy, who has revealed the universal panacea, Christian Science?” The alert, sincere stadent of Science who wishes to lessen evil and to aid in its ejection will find within the Christian Science move- ment everything he needs to refute the lying suggestions of evil’s claim that it can overthrow righteous my exper ences in Biblical times when enlightened men learned that it was wiser and more effective to maintain in consciousness the supremacy of God, to strengthen their conviction in His sov- ereignty, and then to let the salvation of God manifest itself. Considering this, mankind must refuse to enthrone animal magnetism by giving it seeming power to act hypnotically ‘throug! people, political systems, or evil manenvering. ‘There is but one way to cope with evil; itis the way of greater Christianity, the way Mrs. Eddy foresaw and revealed. Hanpuine ANtMAL Magnetism cea, th @_sovereign'| | power. Through ie the spirit of humanity is being Tifted. Christ's Christianity is again being manifested in the consciousness of men, and its ethics are being demonstrated and revitalized in obedience to the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount. This universal panacea is exhorting all men of every creed, race, and color to refuse to be influenced or intimidated by intentional, mali- cious, fraudulent, or ignorant animal magne- tism, falsely claiming power and activity. 1 Mark 13:37; ? Mate, 6:13; *Seience and Health, pp. 102, 103; 4 James 4:73, 8 Science and Health, p. 595, ® Ma 28:30; 7 The Fist Church of Christ, Scientist, and Mis. cellany, p. 356 10

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