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Training these days is given much importance in corporations around the

world, big and small. In the retail sector specifically, entire budgets are
dedicated to the transformation and transference of information to front line
skills. Seminars are held, speakers are recruited, power point presentations
are piled one on top of the other all with the hope that the information being
presented will be executed on the job by the recipients. Unfortunately, and
to the dismay of top management, these skills being presented are rarely
adopted into the everyday actions of staff. One reason is that the information
being given is usually vague and difficult to execute with certainty. Tips such
as “make the client feel valued” or “the customer is our number one priority”
offer little guidance and no specific steps. But suppose we do offer clear and
precise actions, suppose that instead of saying “the customer is our number
one priority” we say “every customer that enters into our store should be
greeted or some shit,” how can we be sure that staff will retain and execute
that action each and every time they are face to face with a customer?

Getting specific

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