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Kamla Persad PM of Trinidad and Tobago

Nksagar: - May 26,2010 - A India origin Kamla Persad-Bissessar is elected the fi

rst woman prime minister of Trinidad and Tobago after her five-party coalition s
wept to victory in snap elections in the former Spanish colony.
Kamla Persad People's Partnership won 29 of the 41 parliamentary seats in Monday
's election thus an end to ruling party's 43 year in power."I am grateful for th
e immense support from women across the country,I celebrate this victory on thei
r behalf."
A subdued Prime Minister Patrick Manning conceded defeat some five hours after t
he close of polls late Monday night, as
TV counts showed almost the whole map of the larger island of Trinidad turn the
coalition color of yellow, as well as both seats in Tobago.The Elections and Bou
ndaries Commission was on Tuesday due to give official results of the 41 seats i
n the energy-rich nation off the coast of Venezuela.
Indian music and traditional Caribbean beats rang out at a victory party for Kam
la Persad-Bissessar in the nation famed for its carnival.Persad-Bissessar's camp
aign tapped into voters' worries about rising gang violence and corruption scand
als in Port of Spain.The 58-year-old also promised to increase pensions and crea
te a multi-million-dollar fund for sick children in a campaign focused on change
."I'm deeply humbled by the trust you have given to me," Persad-Bissessar said i
n a victory speech in which she emphasized unity for the nation's diverse races.
Politics have long been divided along lines of Indian or African descent, the tw
o majority ethnic groups.Manning's People's National Movement (PNM) draws most o
f its support from Afro-Trinidadians while the United National Congress (UNC) of
Persad-Bissessar largely relies on Indo-Trinidadian backing.
The new coalition includes the multi-racial Congress of the People, and the smal
ler National Joint Action Committee, the Tobago Organization of the People and t
he Movement for Social Justice.
Contact Information:
Sagar Media

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