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The Art of Pubic Hair Shaving

Anyone who doesn’t think that shaving pubic hair is truly a fine art has most likely
never even shaved part of their body. Ask anyone who does shave down there and
they will let you know immediately that learning the art of pubic hair shaving does
take a bit of finesse and skill, which is often achieved through painful trial and error.

Shaving the pubic area is nothing new. For centuries, women have been shaving
this area of their bodies for both sexual appeal and for hygienic reasons as well.
History indicates though that shaving pubic hair, like many other social and health-
related trends, has experienced periods of popularity and also periods in which it
hasn’t been practiced to much extent. However, the practice has become
increasingly prevalent since the 1940’s and is practically the norm for most women
in many societies today, especially in the U.S.

Some may question what’s so difficult about pubic hair shaving, but it’s really about
how to do it properly that’s the question that begs an answer. Achieving the art of
pubic hair shaving requires much more than grabbing a razor and a can of shaving
cream, and going to work down there.

When it comes to shaving pubic hair, there are several concerns. What kind of razor
do you use? How do you soften up coarse pubic hair? How do you see to shave
after you lather up? How do you prevent nicks and cuts? What do you do about
ingrown hairs? How do you stop itching and irritation? Are you supposed to shave
the entire pubic area or just certain parts?

First, forget everything negative you’ve heard about shaving your pubic hair.
Today’s personal grooming market offers extensive lines of innovative skin products
and shaving tools to help you turn the process into an easy to accomplish and even
pleasurable experience. Some couples even make a romantic evening of helping
one another shave "down under".

If you want to master the art of pubic hair shaving choose quality shaving products
made for public hair. Start with a modern, quality-made stainless steel razor,
designed for women. But, don’t start shaving yet! Before the blade ever touches
your oh-so-sensitive region, make sure you’re armed with personal care products
made specifically for use in shaving the pubic area. Opt for product lines featuring
natural ingredients for a smooth shave, and pamper yourself with products and
lotions designed to prevent ingrown hairs, irritation and itching.

You’ll be amazed at the female shaving products available both online and in spas.
Select custom shaving kits that feature a number of products and tools. You’ll have
everything you need to master the art of pubic hair shaving all in one convenient
easy-to-use collection. Some of the better quality collections even include bonuses
such as free stencils and styling guides to help you create true works of art!

© 2008, Davis Virtual Assistance. Reprints welcomed so long as article and by-line
are published intact and all links made live.
Bonnie Jo Davis is a writer on assignment for Hair Care Down There. She
recommends the affordable, sexy pubic hair shaving solution "The Ultimate Shaving
Kit" that includes everything you need for a close, sexy shave now available at

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