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Create Mikrotik EoIP Tunnel Print E-mail

Written by Administrator
Tuesday, 13 October 2009 16:59
This is how to set up EoIP to bridge two (or more) Mikrotik routers for central PPPoE

Using 2 routers called R1 and R2 that have an IP connection between them and R2 has 2 ethernet
ports, i.e. you can ping rB from R1 and R1 from R2 where the R1 facing eth port is called eth1 and
its other port is called eth2.

1. create a new EoIP tunnel on R1.

2. create a new EoIP tunnel on R2, where the tunnel ID is the same as the one on R1 but the MAC
addreses are different.
4. create a new bridge on R1 and R2
3. add a PPPoE server to the Bridge on R1.
4. on R2 and add eth2 and the EoIP tunnel to the bridge.
5. put an IP address onto eth2 (any address seems to work, but it maybe better to use a different
subnet for routing purposes).

Now you should be able to establish a PPPoE connection from a PC plugged into the eth2 port on
router R2, this PPPoE connection will terminate on router R1.

This is not the most efficient method of using the available bandwidth on a network, but is perhaps
easier than having a PPPoE A/C on every Mikrotik router and using RADIUS as you can just have
PPP secrets setup on one router.

Check Memory PC Router Mikrotik Print E-mail

Written by Administrator
Tuesday, 13 October 2009 14:34

bagi anda yang menggunakan pc router untuk mikrotik, silahkan cek kondisi memori anda dengan
menggunakan perintah :

/tool memory-test

perintah ini akan mereboot pcrouter anda, dan setelah reboot akan keluar tampilan untuk checking

sebelumnya pasang dulu monitor + keyboard pada pc router anda, untuk mengetahui kondisi
memori anda.

Silahkan lihat berapa % error pada memori anda, kalau masih dibawah 10% bisa dibilang aman...
tapi kalau sudah diatas 10% mending ganti deh..

o iya... proses checking ini makan waktu cukup lama, so jangan coba2 pakai router yang lagi jalan /
produksi ya... bisa ngamuk nanti clientnya...

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