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My daily routine it´s always the same, I wake up early, about 7.45 a.m.

, I
wash myself and get dressed.

Usually I have breakfast in my father cofé shop: only milk with chocolat.

Then I go to school with my mother in her car. I have classes all morning.

At 1 o`clock I have lunch in my grandparent´s home, and in the afternoon I

have classes until 4 o´clock, after I go to Cambrigde School or to math
private lesson´s.

After I do my homework.

At 8.30 a.m I usually have dinner and after sometimes watch Tv or do some
puzzle game.

At 10 o`clock I go to bed, and the next day it´s the same all over.

On Saturday, I get up later at.9.30 a.m, me and my family always have

lunch in a restaurant.

After we go to friends party´s or to take a nice car drive somewhere, or

simple stay at home watching a nice film .

On Sunday we usually stay at home, I use this time to study or to rest,

because on Monday is time to go to school again.

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