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/* icon styles */

.icoVid { background: url(

WIDE/Icons/iVideo.gif) no-repeat center; padding-left: 14px; text-decoration: no
ne; position: static; }
.icoVid:hover, .icoVid:visited:hover { text-decoration: none; }
.icoSli { background: url(
WIDE/Icons/iSlides.gif) no-repeat center; padding-left: 14px; text-decoration: n
one; position: static; }
.icoSli:hover, .icoSli:visited:hover { text-decoration: none; }
.icoDis { background: url(
WIDE/Icons/iDiscuss.gif) no-repeat center; padding-left: 14px; text-decoration:
none; position: static; }
.icoDis:hover, .icoDis:visited:hover { text-decoration: none; }
.icoNew { background: url(
to-Fronts/SITEWIDE/Icons/flag-new2.gif) no-repeat center; padding-left: 23px; te
xt-decoration: none; position: static; }
.icoNew:hover, .icoNew:visited:hover { text-decoration: none; }
.icoUpd { background: url(
to-Fronts/SITEWIDE/Icons/flag-updated2.gif) no-repeat center; padding-left: 40px
; text-decoration: none; position: static; }
.icoUpd:hover, .icoUpd:visited:hover { text-decoration: none; }
/* the following removes icons from the TOPICS column headlines in slices */
.ssBody #cell4.content .story h6 .icoSli, .ssBody #cell4.content .story h6 .icoV
id, .ssBody #cell4.content .story h6 .icoUpd {display:none;}

/*suppress underlines from all icon links*/

.grid h6 a.icoNew, .grid h6 a.icoNew:hover,
.grid h6 a.icoUpd, .grid h6 a.icoUpd:hover,
.grid h6 a.icoVid, .grid h6 a.icoVid:hover,
.grid h6 a.icoSli, .grid h6 a.icoSli:hover,
.grid h6 a.icoDis, .grid h6 a.icoDis:hover,
.grid a.icoNew, .grid a.icoNew:hover,
.grid a.icoUpd, .grid a.icoUpd:hover,
.grid a.icoVid, .grid a.icoVid:hover,
.grid a.icoSli, .grid a.icoSli:hover,
.grid a.icoDis, .grid a.icoDis:hover
{border-bottom: 0px; text-decoration: none;}

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