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What learners would learn?

Water is life
Firstly learners will be given a topic to discuss the phrase “Water is life”. Background information
will be given to learners, that is, water is an important resource in the world. A question on sources
of water will be interacted.

Activities to be done by learners

- Explore the different sources of water and the South Africa map with different dams.
- Make models of dams
- Investigate the importance of water.

Development of learners
Skills: Construction skills, cutting skills and research skills obtained.
Knowledge: information on where do people get water in different areas.
Attitudes: Water is scarce and people need to preserve water.
Phases of water
Secondly learners will need to have the following resources: - ice, water, kettle, saucer and stove.
The activity will be on phases of water. The educator conducts the demonstration on how water
changes from one form to another form. The demonstration will be conducted as follows:
- Pour water into a beaker and observe the shape of water.
What is the shape of water? __________________________________________________
- Pour water into a plastic bag. What is the shape of water in the plastic bag?
- Put the block of ice inside the glass. What shape is the ice?
- Put the ice in the beaker and leave it for 20 min. What happens to the ice?
- Boil water in a kettle. Observe what happens when water is boiled for a long time.

An activity for the above demonstration:

Fill in the table
State or form Can you see it? Does it remain the What does it feel Can it flow by itself?
same way? like?

Water cycle
The third activity to be done will be on water cycle. Learners will learn that every drop of water
counts. The background information for learners on this activity will be:
Water changes forms from liquid to solids or gas.

The process of changing phase is called water cycle.

Learners will be asked to discuss the water cycle diagram in groups. Learners in groups present the
water cycle presentation using the diagram.
Development: Knowledge- Understanding the water cycle stages
Analysis skills- Learners identify parts of the water cycle.
Values- Learners passing their judgements about people who misuse water.

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