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Monica Henry and Elizabeth Jernigan March 15, 2010

SPED 6402

Q arth on the Move: A Case of Erosion

Soil is a very important resource. 11 is used to grow food, trees, and crops.

Content Research Paper: Erosion

However, there is a natural process that damages our soil. This process is called

erosion. Erosion is the physical wearing away of the earth's surface (USDA, 1996)_ It

removes topsoil and contributes to the breakdown of soil structure. Erosion removes


surface soil which causes a loss af nutrients and often creates less than favorable

environment for plant growth (USDA, 1996). Soli erosion, a geophysical process

involving the detachment, transport and deposition of soil materials, is a serious

ecoptoblems in many parts of the world. and has put great pressures on the earth surface and its environment (Wei etfa~2009). Some scholars even describe erosion

and related land degradation as 'earth cancer', which has persistently plagued ancient cultures and modern civilization (Wei ethP2009).

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Erosion occurs in tv€formsc~rth'S processes and human activity. Earth's (

processes move material on the Earth's surface over long periods of time. These

processes include weathering and gravity. Weather starts the erosion of rock causing

the Earth's surface layers to change. Weathering is the breakdown of Ihe Earth's

surface by natural occurring weather sediments, su~h as rain, snow, sleet, and wind. Human activity moves matEirials on the Earth's surface over shorter periods of time.


Human activity includes re~idential and commercial development and also farming. A

problem for many parts of ~he world is the erosion of rich topsoil due to poor agricultural


practices. ~ ",-.~._ a ,~,..\- ,~)~- .. ",r"'';.'}·-'t S ,

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There are many (~p, s\ f eros~:~~~~~iS ~~ will L"l~'; discuss two. water and

wind erosion. Water erosion is the detachment and removal of soil material by water

(USDA, 2001). The process can be natural or caused by human activity Water erosion

Key factors that control how much erosion occurs are slope, soil texture, and

Content Research Paper: Erosion

wears away at the earth's surface and is caused by the impact of raindrops on bare soil

and by the power of running water on the soil surface (USDA, 2001)_ Water erosion

occurs when chemicals in the ,water and the force of the flow cause certain rocks to

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break down ("Virtual Science Fail', 2004), These particles scrape and scour the soil,

loosening it and carrying it ENlay. Some of the signs of water erosion are small rills and

channels on the soil surface, soil deposited at the base of slopes, sediment in streams,

lakes, and reservoirs, and pedestals of soil supporting pebbles and plant material

(U S OA 2001). Water erosion also causes canyons and valleys on the Earth's surface

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Wind erosion is the physical weari ng of the earth's surface by wi nd (U SDA, \ -v _/ / ~'

(j. "I

"'. 2001). Wind erosion removes and redistributes the soil. Wind erosion can occur only \~VO (/J ' ~ ~V\ , \ /v '1'1 J'u

rj GtA.


over a great period of time (Frank, 2000).

when wind speed at the soil surface is sufficient to lift and transport soil particles

(USDA, 2001)_ Wind erosion occurs when there is little to no ground cover and small

rocks, sand, and silt are blown across the land. Ught objects are carried by the wind

and hit landforms. causing them to slowly erode ("Virtual Science Fair", 2004). Soils are

more susceptible to wind erosion where disturbance exposes individual particles and

soit aggregates tathe wind (USDA, 2001)_ Some of the signs of wind erosion are dust

clouds, soil accumulation along fencelines or snowbanks, and a drifted appearance of

the soil surtace (USDA, 2001)_ The greatest difference between wind and soil erosion

is the soil erosion cannot move Earth particles uphill, only the wind can impact the Earth

in this manner (Frank, 2000).

cover. Slope is a key factor in controlling erosion because the steeper the slope, the

Erosion has different effects on the environment. There are three main

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Content Research Paper: Erosion

more kinetic energy a stream will have and it will be able to better remove loose

particles. Another factor that impacts the effect of the slope of the Earth's surface is

gravity. The pull of gravity is causing the water to flow faster down the hill and this

causes the erosion to occur at a faster pace (Frank, 2000). Soil texture normally has a

variety of particle sizes, but the finer the particles sizes, the more easily the soil will be

eroded Cover is an important factor because without the roots of trees and grass to

hold the particles together, soil will become rapidly eroded.

Just as gravity is a force that impacts the effects of water erosion there are many

different forces that drive erosion and 1118 effects of erosion. The three main forces that

drive erosion are physical, chemical, and biological. A physical force can be wind,

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water such as rain or rivers, gravity, evaporation, and changes in temperature. VVind

causes erosion by blowing away top soil which then leaves more soil unprotected and

subject 10 more erosion. Rain and rivers cause part of the Earth to be washed away.

o ependi ng on the geographies I locati on of an area, the amount of the effect of each of r oy(\.

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these Will vary (Frank, 2000). A chemical force IS acid ram and the effec1s It has on/.;0(11&·

exposed rock. This rain causes the rock to break and then the paris of the rock are

washed away. Another chemical change can be a forest fire. In a forest fire trees are

removed leaving exposed soil with fewer plants for the soil to anchor to. With each of

these forces erosion occurs. Once the erosion has occurred it is impossible to reverse

it. The erosion then has an impact on the environment

categories of the effects of erosion. Those categories are sedimentation in the rivers,

removal of topsoil, and wind. Rivers eroding away the earth can lead to damaged


Content Research Paper: Erosion

ecosystems. When a river erodes the sides of the earth those sediments are carried

downstream with the flow of the rtvar The larger sediments often settle on the bottom

of the river while others are carried out and down the river where they are deposited at

the mouth of the river forming deltas (Frank, 2000). As these sediments build up it can

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then lead to increase water treatment for human consumption. This occurs because the

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water now holds more dirt and bacteria that was deposited with the sediments. The

extra sedimentation in the river bed can cause the (1C--

'f the rrver over time to

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decrease leading to problems with nav" SIS the nver becomes . p,J.;:,P "t/lfo!

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shallower due to the. rising of the \. ~ , I't> 1fe difficult for larger b~ts 8i:r :f1S

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to navigate through the rivers. ThE; . "'\ \"'.\.""".J can be preventr on 0'1 \ 0 DIP' ..» /

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plalligrowth, destroyed crops whlc~ t, D. ()(\\~. J .cuttural food production and ,t:'1l\1~S.

lead to reduced farming income. WV. _",Ion increases the amount of particles In tb ~'\o.f

air, reduces visibility and air quality. The reduced air quality causes breathing problems

such as asthma.

Erosion cannot be stopped. but it can be slowed. Erosion can be slowed by adding

vegetation to an area. The plants provide an anchor for the soil. The soilisab!e to

latch on to the roots andlherefore, is not as easily carried away. The plants also

reduce the direcl contact of rain and wind in an area. The plants are providing the soil

with a shelter. The exira vegetation protects the soil from all types of erosion. By


Content Research Paper: Erosion v"JfrJ.Y o


In summary, erosion is a~1 occurring process that is gradually cIlanging 1he


Earth's surface. As the chan~9CCUrring, we as humans impact the effects and rates

of change. As we live our daily lives we can either speed up the process or slow the

process; The natural occurring process can be slowed by proactive human involvement

in restoration of the Earth's surface.


Content Research Paper: Erosicn

Frank, Ma~orie Slavick (2000). Science. Orlando, FL: Harcourt School Publishers

Geology, (ApriI200Y); v. 35; no. 4; p. 303-306; DOt 10.1130fG23109A1

USDA, Natural Resources Conservation Service. (1996). Soil Quality Resource Concerns-Soil Erosion. $oil Quality Information Sheet.

USDA, Natural Resources Conservation Service (2001). Rangeland Soil auality-Water Erosion. Soil Quality Informalion Sheet.

USDA, Natural Resources Conservation Service (2001). Rangeland Soil Quality-Wind Erosion. Soil Quality Information Sheet.

Wei, w., Chen, L & F u, 8 (2009). Effects of rai nfa II chang e on water erosion process in terrestrial ecosystems: a review. Progress in Physical Geography, 33(3) p.30Y- 31B.

Pers pective s

Perspectives are how we see the world around us and what we believe about

./ that world. Our perspectives are constantly Changing and evolving based on the

influences in our lives. The way we think is impacted by our family, friends, and life

Some erosion is necessary and has a positive impact on the Earth by helping to

experiences. These factors an playa vital role in how our perspectives about our world

are formed. I ~ ~~r

One of today's hot topics is Earth preservation. Going green and saving !he·\ ~lf

Earth is all the rage As humans, we Impact the Earth daily while living our lives. we(~v~6 can save the Earth through conserving energy and recycling products. We can also ~ t;rJ-" work to conserve 'he amount of Earth that is taken ewe, through the process of erosio . ~~

Erosion is a natural part of the world but can be accelera1ed through human lntsractloris (\

with the Earth.

break down rock and spreac minerals and nutrients to other parts of the Earth However, when this process is accelerated the positive ~ects are lost. Erosion is

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to accelerate erosion while doing these types of jobs. The acceleration is a natural part

of the job however: we plan to share the@S of the acceleration and some ways to

n CVl'-i!! r-vv, S-hAtltfl~"S f;'h~fe. +~tli 1"" help slow down this acceleration. We plan to share~_erspecHve}abDut the impact

of humans on erosion through a public service announcement 7

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The public service announcement will be presented to a local company Ars(e

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compsnle:_ are presented with the information, they will use their perspectives on ,-S'n,oc.J.t:;(__

erosion and how they impacting the causes of erosion to decide if they neied I ~ rV change how they do their job or if they are going to continue what they are .spe Cf..n ~ c,

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already doing. They will either choose [0 implement some new ideas into their projects

or they will choose to leave things alone, all depending on their perspective of the


Unit Objectives

Unit Goals:

1 The students will investigate the process of erosion and the effects- that human actions have upon erosion.

2, The student will conduct investigations and use materials and technology to develop ways to slow the process of erosion.

As a result of the unit, students will know:

1. That erosion is the slow wearing away of the Earth's surface

2. Erosion occurs in two forms, earth processes with move materials on the Earth's surface over long periods of ti me and hu man activity wh ich move materials on the Earth's surface over short periods of time.

3. Two types of erosion are caused by wind and water. /

4. Slope, soil texture, and cover controls how much erosion occurs.

As a result of the unit, students will understand that: 1, Plants help slow the process of erosion.

2. Erosion is a natural process that cannot be stopped but can be slowed down.

3. Human interacti.ons affect erosion and the amounl that occurs,

4. Humans have to be more cautious of the development and products that are produced because it speeds up the process of erosion,

As a result of the unit, students will be able to:

1, Analyze how hl.!.f!Wnactioo~ influence and affect the process of erosion.

2. ~_a':(nel~~~_Of f~~.~~~2~alt":~orw\~~~nl ~~; w~a~~~ a~~y .. ~~ t~'le",E:rt~:, .;., (oJ/) " '2' r

3 Conduct experiments 10 test their method and make any changes necessary. 4, Develop an advertisement to show their method and explain how their method

would be good for farming. and the fig.hl ag.ainst erosion


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Points to Ponder:

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• Moderate, noturol erosion is healthy fo: tJ.' ecosystems:

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• The Earth is washing away. fit-

• Erosion is changing our world. ~'"


Monica Henry and Elizabeth Jernigan

I. Erosion

a. The process by which the surface of the Earth gets wom down

b. Can be caused by natural elements such as water, wind, and glacial ice

c. Key to erosion is fluid flow

i. Water, air, and ice are fluids

Ii. Tend to flow from one place to another due to the force of gravity

d. Liquid water is most common agent of erosion i. So much INater on Earth's surface

II. Erosion occurs in two forms

a. Earth prooesses

i. Moves material an the Earth's surface over long periods of time (weathering and gravity)

b. Human activity

i. Moves material on the Earth's surface over short periods of time (residential and commercial development, farming, etc.) III. More terms to know

a. Sedimentation- the act or process of depositing sediments which have usually been transported for some time and distance.

b. Soil- thin and loosely packed layer of Earth's materials composed of decaying organic matter and weathered minerals

i. Provides nutrients, physical support, and adequate amounts of air and water for plant growth

c. Rills- cuts made in the soil due to the action of flowing water as it picks up sediments in the soil.

IV. Key factors to help control how much erosion occurs a. Slope

i. The steeper the slope, the mare kinetic energy a stream will have and the better equipped it will be to remove loose particles

b. Soil texture-

i. The finer the particle sizes the more easily the soil will be eroded

c. Cover

i. Without the roots of trees and grass to hold the particles together, 5011 will become rapidly eroded.

ii. Plants help reduce the energy of running water by serving as an obstruction of flow.

iii. leaves of plants help 10 dissipate the energy from rain drops hitting the ground

V. Types of erosion

a. Running water (fluvial)




I, Occurs when the force of moving water dislodges rocks and other solid particles carried along bylhe water

ii. Particles scrape and scour the soil, loosening it and carrying it away

b. Wind (Eolian)

i. Occurs when there is little to no ground cover

ii, Small rocks, sand, and silt are blown across the land VI. Forces that drive erosion

a. Physical

i. Wind, flowing water, flooding, gravity, temperature sMts (expansion and contraction), evaporation due to the sun, and glacial ice melts

b. Chemical

i. Acid rain acting upon exposed rock and forest fires which remove plants anchoring the soil

c. Biological

i. Beavers who dam rivers and flood lands areas and people whose human practices expose soil

Effects. of erosion on the environment

a. Sedimentation in rivers

i. Pollutes water with soil particles

ii. Damages water ecosystems through reduced sunlight for aquatic plants and animals

iii. Increases water treatment costs for human water consumption

IV. Reduces the depth of rivers, thus creating waterways that can be navigated by commercial crafts

b. Removal of topsoil from land areas i. Prevents plant growth

ii. Alters eoosystems, thus reducing the biodiversity of life iii. Destroys crops

IV. Reduces agricultural food production v. Reduces farming income

c. Wind erosion

i. Increases the amount of particles in the air ii. Reduces visibility

iii. Reduces air quality

iv, Causes breathing problems (asthma, etc.) Slowing erosion

a. Add vegetation

i. Anchor for soil

ii. Reduce direct contact of rain and wind iii. Plants provide soil with shelter Erosion control practices (farming)

8. Contour farming - way of farm ing on slopes and hills that reduces soil erosion.



i. Keeps valuable topsoil in place on sloping fields ii_ Slows water and lets it soak into the soil

! i i. IRm Pdroves lirrbigati 0 nd systkemshand ctonse ryes wats r "'/

IV. e uces a or an rna es arves Ing easier

v . Improves appearance of farm

b. Terrace farming - method of shaping land to control erosion on slopes of rolling land.

i. Conserves soil and water

II. Reduces amount and velocity of water moving across ~


iii. Reduces erosion

iv. Permits more intensive cropping

v. Settles sediment and other contaminants behind terrace ridge before polluting water in a receiving stream

p uhl ie servi ce announcem ant

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Technology Infused Authentic Product Paper

This unit will take 11 look at the real world problem of erosion. The unit will give an

overview of what erosion is and the causes of erosion. The students wlll then be required

to take the rnfurmation gained and experiment with it to discover ways to slow down the

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process o("roslOn. ~6 "t-.e- /.t.-J"~ .-\

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ln lesson one; the students will be introduced to the unit b~ with a

PowerPoint about Pros: on, The Power Point will be presented to lhu students on a


SmartRoard with opportunities to answer queslions. During the PowerPoint there will be", '" ~.

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moments for the students to gel up ,1 nd actively answer questions and Play'(ame . on tile


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Sm<lrlBoill'L1. For example th e students may need to match pictu res of erosion with the -.. I) ~t"D rP ~ <~ ~t type of erosion, The students will do this by drawing the matching line on the '\ v-l'

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SmartBoard. While Ioteracung with the PowerPoint the students will gather b5ckground .\ \"~t

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knowledge on the process of erosion and the real world problem we face with erosion.

After the PowerPoint. students will experiment with materials that help to show that

planting plants Is one way to slow down the process of erosion. Since erosion cannot be

stopped the students will then be challenged to think of other ways to slow down erosion

and to think about why it is important to slow down this process.

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In lesson two; students will inlc&jgw with prospective viewer for their public c""-- V

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sf'rvil:e announcement, After the. interview, ~tudents will .. start Lo develop ideas of ways to 'l, r.o; 1

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slow erosion through different experiments,' D't"Jring this lesson students will explore ways [;/...-_'" .....

to use M ovir Maker to make ::u~: S:~icJ announcement. Students will actively' l~ngag~

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ill a t~al that will teach them how to us1 the Movie MakerproducL AJler they have

practiced using the product students will t,il'gin to brainstorm ways to create thei.r own


The students will need to gather knowledge on bow to use the Movie Maker

Technology Infused Authentic Product Paper

announcement. Students will begin creating their Movie Maker I/roduct In their. . tJ '(:>_

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announcement students will be targeting a local farming com pany or ~llSDA. In this

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announcement students will pr~sent to the companies the real world problem of erosion ~ ?

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f".!V ;IIHJ the impact farming has on local erosion. The stu dents will then presen L their product ;:'::"'/J., J

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{~b ",<c.or method or farm ing that can be us d to help slnw down the process of erosion. Since


1'''' erosion is not stoppable the students will need to show the companies the benefits of

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\S.~ r I'V) slowing erosion and how their product or method can help. (

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.. , "', During the last lesson; studcn ls wlll Iinallze their Jl1110U ncernen ts, Students will .f't, ' •. I' ... """/"~ A

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X\jc!,:'t1 l'CU tv spend time finishing their production as well as editing it. Once students have 1<" ... · I ..... t\ co •

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flnished editing their product they will need to publish iL onlu a en. Students will also need


The technology infused product for this unit is a Movie Maker presentation that will

be used as a public service announcement targeting local farming companies. This

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presentation will b(:!fo 5 minutes in length. The an nouncernent will state the reaJ world

problem of ICfD!:;iO[l an d how erosion is impacted by til e local farm ing com panles,

program. Th e stu den ts will gather th is Informatio n by Ii rst watch ing a M OVI e Maker

production tl at walks the students through the steps of using Movie Maker. While the

students are watch Ing til €; video they wlll be following ulong wiLh the v ideo ami doing the

steps with on their computers and wilh their carnerns. The video .... rill walk them through


/IUW to take pictures and upload them. how to arrange the pictu res and add effects and

transition, it will show how to add music, how to add titles and title slides, and the video

handout that provides them wilh lips [or \Ising the program. The students will then Choose,\\ ;i the best way to present their information to the perspective viewer. The students will need


Lo spend time designing a public service announcement that is attractive, creative, and



Technology Infused Authentic Product Paper

will also show them how to edit and view their product. The students will also receive a

informative to the viewer.

Academically Rigorous Enrichment Lesson 1

L Define tl1e Content

Lesson Objective:

Students will learn the different types of erosion and the effects on the Earth's surface.

H. Preplanning: BeQin with the End In Mind

... 'Stu-dents will knewthat ...

A. What is worth ··Erbsiori Is the slow wearing away bftheEarth's 'surface, Water,

knowillg?l'Ii'nd, ice, and Ch.emical reactions cause erosion.

(Thirikabo\.lt the content

you have selected. What

IS important for students

to know')

B. What 'is Important for Thestudent Willbeable,Lo explain erosiQn~tIle types of erosion,

, Students, to kn Ow 'and a rid til e effects on the ea rth's surface. Stu dents shou ld begin

, do? ·tllinkillg of ways to slo, ... down the processof erosion and wlW

(Define what students ··this, is important. . .

should be able to do as a

result 'of your lessen.)

C. What are the enduring understandings that stucentsshould take away from the lesson?' (Define ths.b.iQ ideas.)

Students will understand that. erosion is a. natural! process that cannot be stop but can be, slowed. The process of erosion can be siowed by planting trees ,~nd other plants along riverbanks,

',by adding sand ·bags to h i,gh risk eroston areas, and by

I laridscaping buildings and dams in a.prbductlve manner.

111. Planning
B. Essen tial Questions: How can humans slow the process of erosion? Why
(One overarching and should humans work to slow the process of erosion?
one or more topical)
Students will keep erosion notes online using
wallwisher. com. Before posting their first post
students will be given a rubric stati ng the
expectations of their wall post. Students wil! record
their thoughts after the experiment about the quarter
and how it is related to land and erosion. After the
C. Assessment: : lesson students will reflect on their responses and
(Performance Task) make any changes based on what they learned about
Students will self analyze responses by comparing
their hypothesis to the Information presented to
them. Students will also analyze responses through
think pair share.
*See attached rubric
D. content: I. What is erosion?
(Outline the content you will teach}

a. Erosion is the process by which the surface of the Earth gels worn down.

b. Erosion can be caused by natural elements such as water, wind, and glacial ice

c. Key to erosion is "fluid flow"- water, air, and ioe are fluids because they tend to flow from one place to another due to the force of gravity.

d. Liquid water is the mosl common agent of erosion because there's so much of it on the Earth's surface,

II. Erosion occurs in two forms

a. Earth processes which move material on the Earth's surfaoe over long periods of time (weathering and gravity)

b. Human activity which moves material on the Earth's surface over short periods of time (residential & commercial development, farming, etc.)

III. More terms to know

a. Sedimentation- the act or process of depositing sediments which have usually been transported for some time and distance.

b. Soil- thin and loosely packed layer of earths materials composed of decaying organic matter and weathered minerals which provide nutrients, physical support, and adequate amounts of air and water for plant growth.

c. Ri!ls~ cuts made in the soil due to the action of flowing water as it picks up sediments in the soil.

IV. Key Factors to help control how much erosion occurs

a. Slope-the steeper the slope, the more kinetic


energy a stream will have and the better equipped it will be 10 remove loose particles,

b, Sod texture-the finer the particle sizes the more easily the soil will be eroded,

c. Cover- without the roots or trees and grass to hold the particles together, soil will become rapidly eroded, Plants help reduce the energy of running water by serving as an obstruction of flow, Leaves of plants help to dissipate the energy from rain drops hitting the ground.

V. What are the types of erosion?

a. Subaerial eros/on- erosion thai occurs when land is exposed 10 the atmosphere,

I. Leading causes- gravity, running water, ice, wind, and near shore ocean riaves.

b. Gravity erosion- (mass wasting) occurs when slopes and other irregularities in land surface allow gravity 10 weather away and transport debris downward.

c. Running water (fluvial) erosion- occurs when the force of moving water dislodges rocks and other solid particles which are carried along by the water. These particles scrape and scour the

soil. loosening it and carrying it away_

d. Ice or glada' erosion- occurs when glacial ice freezes to rock particles and the rocks are the pulled loose and become stuck to the glacier. The rocks are then carried along, scraping and eroding the Earth's surface as the glacier moves

e. Wind (eolian) erosion- occurs when there is little to no ground cover and small rocks, sand, and silt are blown across the land.

t._ _L f_. _W_ave erosion- caused by recurring crash of

waves along coasts and beaches"

9. Subaqueous erosion- when currents move along the bottom of bodies of standing water and the currents move solid fragments of rock/soil which, in turn. scrape the soil layer and cause soil loss in the area.

VI. What forces drive erosion?

a. Physical- wind, flowing water. flooding, gravity, temperature shifts (expansion & contraction), evaporation due to the sun, and glacial ioe melts

b. Chemical - acid rain acting upon exposed rock and forest fires which remove plants anchoring the sail

C. Biolog;cal- beavers who dam rives and flood land areas and people whose human practices expose soil

d. Biochemical- acids deposited by plant roots or fallen leaves or by animal waste such as urine. Both can lower the pH of soil making it difficult for protective plant growth to occur.

VII. What is the sHeel of erosion on the environment?

a. Sedimentation in rivers

I. Pollutes water with soil particles

II. Damages water ecosystems through reduce sunlight for aquatic plants and animals

iii. Increases water treatment costs for human water consumption

iv. Reduces the depth of rivers, thus creating waterways that can't be navigated by commercial crafts

r- I b. Removal of topsoil from land areas
i. Prevents plant growth
ii. Alters ecosystems, thus reducing the
biodiversity of life
III. Destroys crops
iv, Reduces agricultural food production
v . Reduces farming income
c. Wind erosion
L Increases the amount of particles in the
ii. Reduces visibility
iii. Reduces air quality
iv. Causes breathing problems (asthma,
etc.) I
Upon entering the room students examine materials
E. Hook: for erosion experiment. Students will predict what
(DesCribe now you Will they believe will be the results of the experiment by
grab students' answering the following. What will the quarter
attention. ) represent"? How does the representation effect
erosion? - -
Step 1: Students will complete the mini experiment
on erosion.
-Soil Erosion Mini Experiment"
Materials Needed:
Damp sand
F. Instruclion: Small container
(Tell, step-by-step, what Quarter
you will do.) Watering can
1. Put some damp sand into a container.
2. Dump out the sand like you're making a sand castle.
3. Put a quarter flat on top of the sand. 4. Sprinkle water on top of the sand very gently.

5. The sand washes away in every place except underneath the coin,

Step 2: Students will answer the questions - Why isn't the sand under the quarter eroding and what could the quarter represent in the real world? Students will write these answers on Wall Wisher without any input from the teachers.

Step 3: Teache rs will discuss the slides from the interactive PowerPoint that teaches erosion. (see attached PowerPoint)

Step 4: Students will then refer back to their answers on wallwisher to questions in step 2. Do they still agree with their answers? If not, what should they change?

Step 5: Students will think-pair-share answers from questions.

Step 6: Students will begin brainstorming ways to slow the erosion process based on the lnforrnatlon gathered from the mini experiment and PowerPoint. Step 7: Students will be given the rubric for the Movie Maker product. Each element of the rubric will be explained. Students will understand that the objective of their product is to have a public service announcement that will be presented on Thursday. Students will know that the public service announcement will reflect their perspective of the best method of farming.

Step 8: Students will be introduced to the program Movie Maker. Students will view a pre-made Movie Maker production to gather interest in the program. Step 9: After viewing the video students will participate In a Movie Maker tutorial. he tutorial will show the students how to use the program and the different features of the program. The tutorial will allow for student participation in making a short mini production.

Henry and Jernigan's Erosiun Site Agency Est. 2009

"Sulving casas uf erusion aU liver the worldN

Case One: Where's all the dirt??

Materials Needed:

Damp sand Small container lluartar Watering can


\. Put some damp sand into a container.

Z. Dump 0 ut the sand like you're making a sand castle,

3. Put a Quarter flat on top of the sand.

4. Sprinkle water on top of the sand very gently.

5. The sand washes away in every place except underneath the coin.

Rubric for Wall Wisher:

Requ i rements: Met (+) Not Met (-)

Student respo nels to
posted sticky note
Response is thoughtful
and detai led
Constructi vely
responds to classmates
Post is clear and logical
I Post shows personal
Post leaves room for
more discussion by
presenting new
observations Academically Rigorous Enrichment Lesson 1

I. Define the Content

lesson Objective: .1c.:.

Students will learn the different types of erosion and the effects on the V',h'S surface.

II .. Preplannin~ln with tJ1e End In Mind Students will know that...

Erosion is the slow wearing away of the Earth's surface. Water, / wind, ice, and chemical reactions cause erosion. v

A. What Is worth kl'lowlng?

(Think about the rnntent you have selected. What is Important for students to know7)

The .student will be.a~Lt9,:o. explain erosion, the t:-{.Pes of erosion, and the effects on th~rth's surface. Students should_Qe9!n. thinking of wilystoslow down the process of erosion and why ...

this Is fmportant: He-51 ~'Oo(i;+17 V\ {A).f'l" -tYLe/1-",-, .

4:Yl lV\.k..1 r\ / r L6tn Vllr- L n eod-

Students will understand that erosion is a natural process that cannot be stop but. can be slowed. The process of erosion can be slowed by planting trees and other plants along river banks, . by, adding sand bags to high risk erosion areas, and by landscaotn bultdincs and dams in a roductlve manner.

III. Planning
B. Essential Questions: How can humans slow the process of erosion? Why \1
(One overarching and should humans work to slow the process of erosion?
one or more toplcal}
I Students will keep erosion notes online using
(/),F. -wallwisner.colTf:) Students will record their thoughts
after the experiment about the quarter and how It Is
related to land and erosion. After the lesson students
C. Assessment: will reflect on their responses and make any changes
(Performance Task) based on what they learned about erosion.
Students will self analyze responses by comparing
their hypothesis to the information presented to
them. Students will also analyze responses through/
think palr sh~re. . But. 1".Qw f...0·ill Z'!PU.o a.ssess ~
I. What is erosion? cG;J:/eJ'-i'JIll,\.(2_, I whP-tkier. q
6-11A.1i£nf-6 J1 cu,,& r
D. content: 8. Erosion is the process by which the surface of
(Outline the content you the Earth gets worn down. ~ bf ec
will teach)
b. Erosion can be caused by natural elements /

such as water, wind, and glacial ice.

c. Key to erosion is ·fluid f1ow"- water, air, and ice are fluids because they tend to flow from one place to another due to the force of gravity.

d. Liquid water is the most common agent of erosion because there's so much of it on the Earth's surface.

II. Erosion occurs In two forms

a, Earth processes which move material an the Earth's surface over long periods of time (weathering and gravity)

b. Human activity which moves material on the Earth's surface over short periods of time (residential & commercial development, farming, etc.)

III. More terms to know

a. Sedimentation- the act or process of depositing sediments which have usually been transported for some time and distance,

b. Soil- thin and loosely packed layer of earths materials composed of decaying organic matter and weathered minerals which provide nutrients, physical support, and adequate amounts of air and water for plant growth.

c. Rifls- cuts made in the soil due to the action of flowing water as it picks up sediments In the soil.

IV. Key Factors to help control how much erosion occurs

a. Siope- the steeper the slope, the more kinetic energy a stream will have and the better equipped it will be to remove loose particles.

b. Soil texture- Ihefiner the particle sizes the more

easily the soil will be eroded.

c Cover- without the roots of trees and grass to hold the particles together, soil will become rapidly eroded. Plants help reduce the energy of running water by serving as an obstruction of flow. Leaves of plants help to dissipate the energy from rain drops hitting the ground.

V. What are the types of erosion?

a. Subaerial erosion- erosion that occurs when land is exposed to the atmosphere.

i. Leading causes- gravity, running water, ice, wind, and near shore ocean waves.

b. Gravity erosion- (mass wasting) occurs when slopes and other irregularities in land surface allow gravity to weather away and transport debris downward.

c. Running water (fluvial) erosion- occurs when the force of moving water dislodges rocks and other solid particles which are carried along by the water. These particles scrape and scour the soil, loosening it and carrying it away.

d. Ice or glacial erosion- occurs when glacial ice freezes to rock particles and the rocks are the pulled loose and become stuck to the glacier. The rocks are then carried along, scraping and eroding the Earth's surface as the glacier moves.

e. Wind (eolian) arosion- occurs when there is little to no ground cover and small rocks, sand, and silt are blown across the land.

f. Wave erosion- caused by recurring crash of waves along coasts and beaches.

g. Subaqueous erosion- when currents move along the bottom of bodies of standing water

L_ _l ~~

and the currents move solid fragments of rock/soil which, in turn, scrape the soil layer and cause soil loss in the area

VI. What forces drive erosion?

a Physical- wind, flowing waler, flooding, gravity, temperature shifts (expansion & contraction), evaporation due to the sun, and glacial ice melts

b. Chemical - acid rain acting upon exposed rock and forest fires which remove plants anchoring the soil

C. Blo/og;caJ- beavers 'Nho dam rives and flood land areas and people whose human practices expose soil


d. Biochemical- acids deposited by plant roots or fallen leaves or by animal waste such as urine. Both can lower the pH of soil making it difficult for protective plent growth to occur,

What Is the effect of erosion on the environment?

a. Sedimentation in rivers

i. Pollutes water with soil particles

Ii. Damages water ecosystems through reduce sunlight for aquatic plants and animals

iii. Increases water treatment costs for human water consumption

iv. Reduces the depth of rivers, thus creating walerways thai can't be navigated by commercial crafts

b. Removal of topsoil from fand arMS i. Prevents plant growth

iv. Causes breathing problerns (asthma, '7

etc.) _r 7 . ~~ .Ile~.c.'l('": l' .".,.

t;;r~e, -tl \Nk r ... l "\'Jv,,, VI ,,-;' tr,~ ~ ,- ",,~'D"-\ :"'i ~ <

Students wil~erform the erosion eXperimj .-

that is explained below. After performing the Thi

experiment students will write their hypothesis . (J.O ;,,'4;"" 10

Walt Wisher. ( rf-a I~ £,Wf1

*See Soil Erosion Mini Experiment below. LI ~ "(A/ , _

I Step 1: Students will complete the mini experiment :I)h~~

on erosion. howd.-

-Soil Erosion Mini Experiment*" "\,_;S -tv"") ~~-f-hil

Materials Needed: \ I (L ''7

Damp sand I OX 00 v. T~.Jert6fi~

Small container ' -\ .-(" VV1

1~ Quarter

Watering can ~~ren.:

1. Put some damp sand into a conta i nsr, ( f;3 h t:

Ctr- -tl1~

2. Dump out the sand like you're a sand castle. .' i

be8i~ o·

3. Put a quarter flat on top of the sand. - t11.

les~v befb r-e-

f II Si'ltv-·tM rn Stv-¥"r?

F. Instruction:

(Tell, step-by-step, what you wllnm:-)~-

Ii. Alters ecosystems, thus reducing the biodiversity of life

iii. Destroys crops

iv. Reduces agricultural food production

v. Reduces farming income

C. Winderosion

I. Increases the amount of particles in the air

ii. Reduces visibility

III. Reduces air quality

4. Sprinkle water on top of the sand very gently.

5. The sand washes away in every place except underneath the coin.

Ste 2: Students will answer the uestions - Wh

w~ IS t1tlEs?

isn't the sand under the quarter eroding and what/

could the quarter represent in the real world? '

Students will write these answers on Wall Wisher

without any input from the teachers. vv.i0Z.e

I Step 3: Teachers will discuss the slides from the V;"? f-v,\~ ~

inte~tL~owerPolnt that teaches erosion. __ ~ :._:.....

SteP 4: Students will then refer back to their answers

on wallwisher to questions in step 2. Do they still

agree with their answers? If not, what should they


Step 5: Students will think-pair-share answers from questions.

Step 6: Students wi!! begin brainstorming way.s to slow the erosion process based on the information gathered from the mini experiment and PowerPoint.

Step 7: Students will be introduced to the program _

Movie Maker. Students will view a pre-made Movie ts "tv'lI.s " Maker production to gather interest in the program . ..fiv fSirIL G0 :

Step 8: After viewing the video students will

"iJ ",,,.., (0"" I parttdpate in a Movie Maker tutorial~--rtle"tutoriarwITr -",

1;.0' ..._.. - ......

r • ~" ? show the students how to use the program and the

~A:' . different features of the program. The tutorial will

rV'~ d ",( t, ~. allow for student participation in making a short mini

4ft cJ~ C , .... .c production. :: Words 0181 stick

Welcome to Wallwisher ... a new '/I'a)' to comrnunu.ete


DemD Wa I

Sui d a wa I

Co To ...

Page 1 of I


Rubric for Wall Wisher

Requirements: rvteW1-- Not Mel () I
Student responds 10 posted --
sticky note (daily)
Response is thougbtful and - -
Constructively responds to I
classmates postings
- -
Post is clear and logical I
Post shows personal
knowledge ,
Post leaves room for more
discussion by presenting -1
new observations t-
_,. d Movie Maker Tutorial! Video ~ .\ y\ t/A....t

JJ H_ -;r; "7 A'" Je. -~ .-....-1 ~

• J ,.- • .". ,-I ", J );7 '"I

Outline: J ,,-: 6"'P, ,<'.,l eO ~_l ,o'1' ~'?

y--a ~\.l (. 1;0 ~ {uv-' .

"Show short video to Introduce the program and what a Movie Maker product can look like.

·show Tutorial Video

'Video will walk students through the steps of how to use the program. Video will first show them how to open the program and get started. The video will the walk them through different stc ps

and features of the program

Step 1: How to upload photos to the com puter and Movie Maker Progr am.

Step 2: How to select photo, and add them to the movie's storyboard. This step will also explain what the storyboard is in the program and how it Is used,

Step 3: Arrangement of photos. This step will snow how to arrange the picture on the storyboard and how they can move them around to make the video flow better.

Step 4: Title Slides and Title over-lay. This step will show how to add tItle slides before certain slides and at the beginning. This will also show the students how to do over-lay slides with

ty ped text.

Step S: Credit Slide - what should go on this slide/why Important? The students wilileam how to add this slide and what needs to go on this slide.

Step 6: Effects and Transitions. Students will learn how to change font and background color as wen as the text style .. They will also leam how to add transitions between their different slide.

Step 7: Adding Music. Stude Ills will learn how to add mus!c to their movie as well as to fade In, fade out, shorten and blend songs.

Step B: EditIng/Deleting. Students will learn how to delete unwanted wares and slides.

Step 9: Viewing and Publishing. This final step will show the students how to view their whole production as well as how to publish it to a CD .

•• During each step the stu dents will be followl ng along with their own computers and on the program so to learn the features.. The video will be paused to allow time for the students to plav aruund with the different features. Student Will NOT publish the minI video they make during th e tutorla I.


10 ~Ipful Mo";e Maker Tips!!

l - ~J

, \ OV'l- I I

(,,2> (I e_ W .


Tip 2:

Tip 3:

TIp 4:

Tip 5:

Take a lot (If pictures throughout tne week. This will make it easier to make yo",r final pr-oduct look interesting ortd attractive.

UplO<ld all of your pictures befor-e yuu begin making your final product.

Select ALL pictures you would like to use BEFORE getting started on yOI.I' product.

Place ALL pictures ond title 51 i des on your storyboard be fore add i ng any voice oYer or title over features.

Watch your video several times before adding any title slides or effects. "This will help you visualize what will look good in your video.

Tip 6:

Consider usil"lj a patter for your transitions between slides.

Add your music near the end of your production,


Be sure to check the timing of your prcductioa. Does your viewer have time to read and "';ew all Olf your slides?

TIp 9:

Have scmeooo other than you watch your video for errors and time before publishing to Ol CD.

Tip 10:

Have FUt'JIl




Students will learn that soil erosion can be lessened by good farming or conservation techniques designed to protect and save the soil.


A. WHAT IS I Students will know that erosion affects farming by washing away the

WORTH I topsoil.
















Students will know the difference between contour fanTiing and terradnc. Student5 will beable to tell the benefits from both of these types of farming and why farmers may want to farm in these methods.

.. , .

Umiting the amount of erosion that occurs during farming is essential to help preserve the. topscll because the nutrients are stored in the

topsoil. . ... .





, C.


How does erosion affect farming? What farming patterns can be Changed to help with the erosion problem?

Students will keep erosion notes online using wallwlsher.corn. Students will record their thoughts after the experiment about which type of they feel will be the best method for slowing the process of erosion . After the lesson students will reflect on their responses and make any changes based on what they learned about the different types of farming.

*See attached rubric.

Students will self analvze responses bV comparing their hypothesis to the information presented to them. Students will also analyze responses through think pair share.






1. Erosion control practices (farming)

01. Contour farming - way of farming on slopes and hills that ,

reduces SOil erosion.

i. Keeps valuable topsoil in place on sloping fields u, Slows water and lets it soak into the soil

iii. Improves irrigation systems and conserves water iv. Reduces labor and makes harvesting easier

v. Improves appearance of farm

b. Terrace farming - method of shaping land to control erosion on slopes of rolling land.

i. Conserves soil and water

ii. Reduoes amount and velocity of water moving across soil surface

iii. Reduces erosion


tv. Permits more intensive cropping

Settles sediment and other contaminants behind terrace ridge before polluting water in a receiving stream

~----~--~--~------~~--77--~~ Students will view a short video on fanning and erosion. This video will

show some of the effects farming has on erosion. While viewing the video students will complete the graphic organizer.

*See graphic orqanlzer.

http://freeology .corn Igraphicoras/odflproconsca Ie. pdf http://freeology . ~om 19ra ohicorgS/Rdf/the maticweb. pdf http://freeology . com {graphico ras(odUcornelinoteta ker. pdf

*Video Link - howVjd eo. e ~Dx?SearchText::: farm inq+ a nd + erosjon&lD =227290&autostart= 1 (start video at 1:40 and play until 2:40)



Step 1: After the video students will think about the effect of erosion on farming and how fanners might slow the process of erosion by the way they farm.

Step 2: Students will do set up the playing dirty experiment. During the experiment in step six, while the experiment is drying, students wil'l brainstor-m to generate questions they will ask the farmer during the interview.

**see experiment below.

Step 3: Students wi'll interview farmer via Skype. This will be done while students are letting the experiment dry.

Step 4: Students will complete experiment and record results. Students will need to take pictures d.uring experiments of all three types of farming. Students will need to be sure to take lots of pictures because they will need these for their Movie Maker production.

"''''Stop ... all tllaL aroslon="

Materials Need


4 I-quart milk cartons garden soil


shallow pan or tray short stick measuring cup

I paper pencil

1. Cut away one side of each carton, the side a.way from the opening or spout.

2. Pack each opened carton with the same amount of soil.

3. Wet the soil in each carton thoroughly and mix it up. If the sallis too wet, put in some dry soil and mix it tlloroughly by hand.

4. Pack down the muddy soil rneacn container to form a hili, oro, slant with the high side toward the unopened end of the container.

5. With your hand or stick, form sidewavs. or horizontal, gullies or ridges in one carton, steps in the second carton, and leave the third hill alone. Make your own design in the fourth carton.

6. Let the soil in the contalners dry out for about 30 min utes,

7. After they have dried, prop the first carton against something immovable So that It Is <It a slight slant.

B. Place the shallow container under Lhe spout opening 11. Write this down. so the opening rests on the bottom of the container.

g. IMeasure 1 cup of water and pour it stea.dily but gently on the top of the soil hill. Wait a few min utes for the water to settle and drain into the pan.

10. POLlr the water from tile container back into the measuring cup and see how much you have gotten back, or recovered.

12. Repeat step 10 with the other 3 sou boxes and record your results.

13. Mcke a note of just how clear or mlJddythe water is or how much

sediment or soil particles are present, as well as how long it took for the w~ you recovered to flow from each soil box into the drainage container.

Step 6: Students will reflect Oil experiment results by pasting a sticky note on wall wisher. This sticky note will either state a point to ponder or ask an open ended question to the group.


Case Two: STOP .. all that erosion 1 :

Container] Container 2 Container 3 Container 4 I
How much
water is
1 low clear or
muddy is he
How much
edirncnt or
soil particles
are present? --
l low long did
it take (0
recover water
from each
soil box into
the drainage I
container? '_


Tip 1:

10 Helpful Movie Maker Tips"

Tip 2:

Tip 3:

Tip 4:

Tip 5:

Tip 6:

Take a lot of pictures thr'oughout the week. This will make It easier to It\ake your final product look Interesting end attractive.

Upload all of your pictures before Y(lU begin making your final product.

Select ALL pictures Y(lU would like to use BEFORE getting started on y(lur product.

Place ALL pictures and title slides on your storyboard before adding any voice over or title over features.

Watch your video several times before adding any title slides or effects. "This will help you visuolize what will look good in your video.

Consider USing n patter for your transitions between slides.

Tip 7:

Add YOUI' music near the end of your production.

Be sure to check the timing of your production. Does your viewer have time to read and view all of your slides?

Tip 9:

Have someone other tho." you watch your video for errors end time before publishing toa CD.






Students will learn that 5011 erosion can be lessened by good farming or conservation techniques designed to protect and save the soil.


A. WHAT IS WORTH Students will know that erOsion affects farming by washing
. KNOWING? away the topsotl,
FOR STUDENTS TO KNOW Students will know the dlfference between contour farming and
AND DO? terrddng. Students will be: able to tell the benefits frolTl both of
(OEFINE WHAT these types of fo:~ti'iing and why fa~,., lfiay W~l"I't to farm In
ABLE TO DO AS A RESULT these methods.
OF YOUR lEliI5QN.) ._-_ .
j--. . •..
ENDUR:rNG Umiting the amount of erosion that occurs during farming Is
UNDER$TANDINGS THAT essential to help preserve the topsoil because the nutrients
STUDENTS SHOULD TAKE are stored in the topsoil. V
B. ESSENTIAL How does erosion affect farming? What farming pattems
QUESTIONS: can be Changed to help with the erosion problem?
Students will keep erosion notes online using Students will record their thoughts after
the experiment about which type of farming they feel will be
the best method for slowing the process of ercsion. After
C. ASSESSMENT: the lesson students will reflect on their responses and make
(PERFORMANCE TASK) any changes based on what they learned about the different
types of farming.
Students will self analyze responses by comparing their
hypothesis to the information presented to them. Students
will also analyze res _qnses ~!:,rou_gh think pair share. 1. Erosion control practices (farming)

a. Contour farming - way of farming on slopes and hills that reduces soil erosion.

L Keeps valuable topsoil In place on sloping


ii. Slows water and lets It soak Into the soil iii. Improves Irrigation systems and conserves water

lv, Reduces labor and makes harvesting easier

v, Improves appearance of farm

b. Terrace farming - method of shaping land to control erosion on slopes of rolling land.

l. Conserves soil and water

ii. Reduces amount and velocity of water moving across soli surface

iii. Reduces erosion

Iv. Permits more intensive cropping

Settles sediment and other contaminants behind terrace ridge before polluting water in a receiving stream


: Students view a short video on farming and en?si01

\jJ\[I.tA\ '7 V\I I",.j.o( . ~ C) 0 ~ t. E, ~v' 'r;-e

\.po.tD· 'V"': \Ie.. '-f -:r:''{V' .J\O~b<V'5&

-Step 1: Students will watch a short video 0 farming and

erosion. g.

Step 2: After the video students will think about tl'1e,affect of erosion on farmin~ and how farrn~j~ht slow the process oeerOsion b _ the way the farm._) . ?

tep 3: Students will do set up the playing dirty experiment. **see experiment below.

Step 4: Students will Interview farmer via Skype. This will· be done while students are letting the experiment dry.

Step 5: Students will complete experiment and record results.



**Stap ... all that erosion"'·

_ 5' .... 'h--t'Vo b . lAJ., .. ' v.. ~ jA. -I ..1£e


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~n..d .. ...J1

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c:--f 56,


: U .\",,' f v.~ {I YG' v-: \.,t ¥\..,,~


H -"t: £-.0",

~ J.o

- ---' t''' p:. ...

Cfvl" St- '

• "'j!..!

Vvho 1.',1/1/

{ ,.,.J.. .. " '. v. . "q \.1((<1{

from the

Material Need scissors

4 t-quart milk cartons garden soil


shallow pan or tray short stick measuring cup paper


2. Pack each opened carton with the same amount of soil.

3. Wet the sou in each carton thoroughly and mix it up. If the soil is too wet, put in some drv soil and mix it thoroughly by hand.

4. Pack down the muddy soil in each container to form a hill, or a slant with the high side toward the unopened end of the container.

i 5, With your hand or stick, form sideways, or horizontal, gullies or I ridges in one carton, steps in the second carton, and leave the

i third h III alone. Ma ke your own design in til e fourth ca rton.

! 6. Let the soil in the containers dry out for about.30 minutes.

! 7. After they have dried, prop the fi rst carton aqamst somethin 9

I immovable so that it is at a slight slant. , ' '-,

8. Place the sll allow contai ner under the spout Q_~e ning 1 i:w rite

I tills down. --~

I so the opening rests on the bottom of the container.

19,. Measure 1 cup of water and pour it steadily but gently on the top of the soil hill. Wait a few minutes for the water to settle and I drain into tile pan.

'I' 1, O. Pour the water from the container b,aCk into the m,easuring cup' and see how much you have gotten back, or recovered.

I 12. Repeat step 10 with the other 3 soil boxes and record your .

I results. V

13. Make a· ~90f just how clear or muddy the water is, or how much sediment or soil particles are present, as well as how long it took for the water you recovered to flow from each soil box into tile drainage container.

Step 6: Students will reflect on experiment res~/ pasting a sticky note on wall wisher. This stlck~'Wi1l either state 21 point to ponder or ask an open ended question. to the group.

Teachers' Domain: Organic Farming: Conserving Top Soil

Page 1 ofl

Organic Farming: C.onserving Top Soil

close window


Q 2006, f) 1994 WGBH E,jl.lcation~1 Foundation, Alii ights reserved,

Ad"f'7C'n from !lIlt.'1 C]ctivf.' NOVA: 'Eartb", ProduCE'r1 by WGBH ill LlJ~p"'ration with NASA, Stork fnotagc cour Le~,' of The Prehnger ArchlVf"'>, Still images L\,)Urtf'sy 01 t.vnn llet:s, LrSDA rJMLlral Re,ourl:!:', Conservatton Service and Jeff lIanug<l, Nawral Resour(es (onse-vatlcr Servla'_

http://www .teache rsdornai vid organ ic-en/


Teachen;' Domain: Flood: Farming and Erosion

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Flood: Farming and Erosion



J;l2006, - 996 W(,UII [oucatlonal FOlmdJtlon. Allli,,:ilL~ reserved:

Adllpled from NOVA: "Flood!". A NOVA Production by Twin Citie~ Teievlsicn lor WGDlllBosto . Stock tootege courtesy (It MiS50uri Depcorrm<'1lT of Conse rvat iU·I. U.S, Army Corps o' Engirl('pr;, RDck Isla nd Di~lI iLL. t~OAA. and USDA.

hltp:/lwv."" .tenchersdomni n,orgia<:~etJess05 _ vid _ flooderosion/





Students will create a technology infused product using the program Movie Maker.

Students will publish a public service announcement directed toward Tangle Wood





15 WORTH Students will know the effects of tnetwo types of farming (contour and

KNOWING· terrace) on erosion. Students will also know how to use the pr-ogram

? Movie Maker to create a public service announcement.

















Students will know the best method for farming that will impact erosion the least. Students will also know the importance of planning and brainstorming their Movie Maker productions. Students will be able to successfully use the program Movie Maker. Students will know how to upload pictures and create a storyboard.





TO no AS


c. WHAT Students y,tjll understand thatthe WJlY land Is farmed will affect the ARE THE amount oferoston that occurs on the-farrn.. .. .

ENDURIN ... _.- ._-- . ... ...".






B. What are the benefits of changing current farming methods? How would

ESSEI'lT1A the change affect farming in the long term?



c. Completed storyboard graphic organizer - students will need to have

AsSESSM completed their planning for their Movie Maker production. The

ENT: storyboard should be detailed and look very similar to the example

(PERFOR completed as a group. The storyboard outline will help the students

MANCE prepare to create their product targeting farming and showing how to

I-T_A_S_K-=) __ -1_~reduce soil erosion while farm",_.9..,_, -,-- _

I. Erosion Control Practices (fanning)

a. Contour Farming - way of farming on slopes and hills that

reduces soil erosion.

i. Keeps valuable topsoil in place on sloping fields Ii. Slows water and lets it soak Into the soil

iii. Improves irrigation and makes harvesting easier iv. Reduces labor and makes harvesting easier

v. Improves appearance of farm

b. Terrace Fannmg - method of shaping land to control erosion.

i. Conserves soil and water

u. Reduces amount and velocity of water moving across


iii. Reduces erosion

iv, Permits more intensive cropping

v. Settles sediment and other contaminants behind terrace ridge before polluting water in a receiving stream








s· ATTENno N .• )

Windows M'ovie 1'>1aker

a. What is Movie Maker - video creating/editing software. i. Upload pictures

ii. Create a story board

III. Select and Arrange Photos

iv. Create title slides and title over lay v. Credit Slide

vi. Effects and Transitions vii. Adding Music

vi i i. 'Editi ngl Deleting

ix. viewing/publishing

Student will view a Movie Maker production on fanning and the two types of erosion. This production will follow the rubrtc the students will be assessed with. Students will also be given a Story Board organizer to be completed while watching the production. The first block will be filled out' and the students will be able to see how It outlines the first slide. The students wlll then need to outline the other slides of the production whil.e

It is showing. They will be Instructed to record as many details as they notice about the Movie Maker production. For example, students will

need to record transitions they notices, pictures they saw, the titles, if

the title was a title sttde or an overlay, and so on.

Sample Tutorials:

'" In dows-vista/Getting -startedwith - WI ndows- Movie-Ma ker

:I< htt.Q: /I des ktopv id eo. a bo ut. comla if dynam i c/QUs Ite, htm ?site"" http: tLww w. saskschools. calresQurces/techreUmoviema kef 1m avis. htm I

* bTIQ: /I www.enot§ ((:locums otsl rnQvie- ma ker- m icrosoft- kidsversion -.23 5457actiqn =vie w em bedded




Step 1: Students will be given a Story Board graphic orpanlzer. "'see attached organizer.

Step 2: Students will be shown an example graphic organizer for the sample Movie Maker product.

Step 3: Students will compare their Story Board with the one given to them to see what other Items they will need to plan for while planning for their production .. Viewing the sample product students will see how the slides in the organizer match what was presentadln the product.

Step <1: Students will upload all pictures to computers and Movie Maker. These are the pictures the students took during the experiment earlier in the week.

Step 5: While pictures are uploading students will review the rubric for their final product and begin planning.

Step 6: Students will complete planning template for their final product uSin_Q_ the provided Story Board orqa nizer. Students will need to fi II out

I organizer in detail. They will need to state when pictures are going in and what they will be saying about the picture. They will need to do this

for the entire outline.

Step 7: using the outline created, students will begin to place pictures

and title slides on their storyboard in Movie Maker.

Step 8: Students will continue working on Movie Maker products.

Step 9: Students will reflect on product so far and amend any parts of the planning template for tomorrow.

Step 10: Students will log on to and respond to another

student's sticky note from the previous day.

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Students will create a technology infused product using the program Movie Maker. Students will publish a public service announcement directed toward Tangle Wood

Farms. \V._< r"'j ~"" v'~~~ -, v-'{U)L-7 .

, .("1 (L 'tv ~ 'c1:J

KNOWING? Students will know how to use the program Movie Maker to
(THINK ABQUT THE .creata a public service announcement.
CONTENT YDU HAVE 'H II. t Vv~.,J ~;; ~v C ..... P?, ~ +- ;;
STUDENTS TO arno,!",,'?) -
B. WHAT~S Studenfswill beable>to successfully use the P"OgI'om Movie Maker.
STUDENTS TO KNOW Students will know how to upload pictures and create a storyboard.
AND oo?
(DEFINE wtiAT C 0 v. \L ""r
LESSON.) Students will understand that the way land is farmed will 7
ENDURING .•• affect the, arnountof erosion that occurs on the farm. . ..
B. ESSENTIAL What are the benefits of changing current farming methods? \,/
QU~5TIONS: How would the change affect farming In the long term?
C. ASSESSMENT: Movie Maker Product/Rubric ~~f{a.;A- n-f..rlJ"l..It4"--
( PERFORMANCE "--.ow t:7-11S M /1 h..e.-- «sse
TASK) -+0 rn-e-ef-- fltV D 12 - p ,-h v---e
D. CONTENT: 1. Windows Movie Maker fJ
(OUTLINE THE a. What is Movie Maker - vIdeo creating/editing E •. Hool<:


Step 1: Students will log on to and respond to ~ another student's sticky note from the previous day. O'j' p~fCX! ,fj)

Step 2: Upload all pictures to computers and Movie Make~ "IV

Step 3: While pictures are uploading students will review the vJ -~\

rubric for their fi nal prod uet and beg i n pi a nni ng. \

Step 4: Students will complete planning tem.p~t~ for their It \

final product. :e., ..p... .. " h,....e- 5-h1 ~ti f:';.""" s: d , +tA r,)J vv I tJ 'I.'" :;:~:")? I

I Step 5: Students will begin to place pictures and title slides rr r:

on their storyboard in Movie Maker. I

Step 6: Students will continue working on Movie Maker


Step 7: Students will reflect on product so far and amend any parts of the planning template for tomorrow.








Rubric for Movie Maker:

I Hequirements:

3to 5 minutes in length
7 to 10 pictures
Transition between EACH
Credit Slide - at least)
Music - at least one song Met (+)

Not Mel (-)

Title overlays - at lea t 3

rhemel Attractive

3 reasons - type of farming

,. ~:~b_O_a_r_d_' Date: Period: __ - Free Teaching Resources




Students will create a technology Infused product using the program Movie Maker. Students will publish a public service announcement directed toward Tangle Wood Fanns.

KNQWl:NG? Students wUI know the effects of the. two types of farming
{THINK ABOUT THE (contour and terrace) on erosion. Studentswill also know
COI'rT'ENT YOU HAVE how to use the program Movie Maker to create a public
SELECTED. WHAT IS service announcement.
B. W·H.AT IS IMPORTANT Students will know the best method for farming that will
FOR STUDENTS TO KNOW Impact erosion the .leest. Students will also know the
AND DO? importance of planning and brainstorming their Movie t1aker
STUDENTS SHOULD BE! productions. Students will be able to successfully use the
ABLE TO DO AS A RESULT Program Movie Maker. Students will know how to upload
OF YOUR LESSON.) pictures and create a storyboard.
C. WHAT AIl~ THE Students will understand that the way land is farmed will
ENDURlNG affect the amount of erosion that occurs on the farm.
What are the benefits of changing current farming methods?
QUESTIONS: How would the change affect farming in the long term?
Movie Maker Product/Rubric - see attached rubric. -
C. ASSESSMENT: The rubric will assess whether or not the student met the
(PER.FORMANCE TASK) objectives for the Movie Maker product. Students must have
a video 3 minutes in length, 7 to 10 pictures, transitions and
music, have a theme, and have at lease three reasons
supporting their method of farming. D. CONTEm:


trosion Control Practices (farming)

a. Con our Farming -way of farming on slopes and hills that

redu ces soil erosion.

i. Keeps valuable topsoil in place on sloping fields ii. Slows water and lets it soak into the soil

iii, Improves irrigation and makes harvesting easier iv. labor and makes harvesting easier

v, Improves appearance 01 farm

b. Terrace Farming - method of shaping land to conu 01 erosion.

i, Conserves soil and water

ii. Reduces amount and velocity of water moving

across surface fII. Re<::iuces erosion

iv. Permits more intensive cropping

v. Settles sediment and other contaminants behind terrace ridge before polluting water in a receiving stream

Windows Movie Maker

a. What is Movie Maker - video treating/editing software.

i. Upload pictures

ii, Create a story board

iii. Select and Arrange Photos

tv. Create title slides and title over lay v, Credit Slide

vl. Effect.s and Transitions vii. Adding Music

viii. Editing/Deleli ng

Vi ewlng/Pu blishing






As students enter the room pictures of contour farming and terrace farming will be displayed on the Smart Board. Students will need to discuss which pictures are which types of farming and give one reason to back up how they know it Is that type of farming. Students will label each picture appropriately and then share their reasons for knowing with the group.

=see attached PowerPolnt to view pictures


Step 1: Students will pull up their Movie Maker products on the computers from previous day to working on them. Students will need to complete their products today.

Step 2: Students will be given a rubric to guide their final products. Students will need to use the rubric to determine what needs to be done to complete their productions.

I Step 3: Students will review storv Board plans to note

I where to add music and overlay titles in their products Step 4: Students will add music and overtav titles throughout their products,

Step 5: Students will finalize products by adding any final touches and viewing their video for errors. While viewing their video for accuracy students should also use rubric that was gIven to them to note anything that may need to be added to product.

Step 6: Students will view neighbor'S product to view for

editing errors. While viewing these products students will use the guiding questions to look for all key components of the Movie Maker product. Students will note any changes that need to be made or any suggestions they have for the group. Students should also keep in mind the requirements

from the rubric.

Step 7: After reading other students suggestions, students

will make any and all final editing changes.

Step 8: Once students are sure their announcement is accurate and has all requirements from the rubric students will publish products to a CO. This CD will be taken with the students at the end of camp.

Step 9: Students will reflect on the experience on by stating their perspective on reducing erosion during farming. Must state at least one reasons from the week to support their perspective. Students will also need to write one question of something else they would like to know about this topic.





Rubric for Movie Maker:

I Requirements: Met (+)

3 to 5 minutes in
7 to 10 pictures
Transition between
EACH slide
Credit Slide - at least
3 credits
Music - at least one
Title overlays - at
least 3
Themel Attractive
13 reasons - type of
farming Not Met (-)



--- , "
A. WHA't IS WQlttH
(TI1INK ABOlITTHE Sturl.-· , ~ OS. the program Movie Make< III
CONTENT YDU HAVE cr ~ \~C~)()\\ 'In;eme);t.
SELECTED. WHAT IS . ~Q('O 1-~i\"0 .
-_ ~ fU-
B. WHAT IS ::5 \\~!f"
IMPORTANT FOR StUQ Y \._; \.j -' ully USe the progrc.m Movie r(
STUDENTS TO KNOW Make '. .•. 11 1Q10W how to add music and Q voice thread. ~
ANDD07 IJ..~ - 7
(DEFlNE WHAT ~ ~w Wh~'l~" _ 7 V~~-,._£
STUDENTS SHOULD DE I<\)~ 1L~1'l lAo.! r I j-'J ft,-.'
RESULT Of YOUR ~,,~~ J~ ~~{~"r- Cu "",if
LESSON.) ?¥l
C. \YHAT .A~ETHE Stude;nts will understand that the way land Is farmed will
ENDURING ~ect the am ou nt of erasion thet occurs on the farm .





C. ASSI!!SSMENT: Movie Maker Product/Rubric


What are the benefits of changing current farming methods? How would the change affe-ct farming in the long term? lOO

lVJ/)1/ fA"""'-

u ,.



Window!> Movie Maker a, What is Movie Maker - video cre<lting/ecHting software. i. pictures

\pV '~d-:s

t/ / \

1 .{)I- t: 'rV'

iii. Select and Arrange Photos ~ .{ ()Y

iv, Create title slides and title over lay ,yv' OP<'f' er U

v. Credit Slide W e. 'If'

}1'" .je, V IV

vi. Effero and Transitions , c,;, .l;.f 1 \ v (}'

vii, Adding Music :/ v ,J 0 ~/ v'"

cY .rY\,f/ 01 L yJ' [J.IS f>

Students will write their voice thread for their final product,

~ (_)i) "" "..j "'7 - ~ L. Aq.,.I' ?

'\!' ~~1 .,-",J . " 1"-" TV' .,l/<t ,

fJlI 'IfI.''; \ j{j.' \r-~

" "\ "!if'"-- -I

Students will bring u heir Movie Maker products.

Students will music and oy.fir lay titles to -f ,I" ....

products. ~ 'S: J..".I-jf >'to"'" I"' .... '"

\A- vi VI ,

\Step 3: Students will place their voice thread into their '

'product. - .

tep 3: Students will finalize products by adding any final

ouches. tep 4: Students will watch video looking for any errors in

pelling or timing.

t~5tudents will make any necessary editing changes.

tep 6-:'-~udents wi,1I view neighbor's product to view for . 1UJ}~

.. ..frrors. <. fA I GiVtt' WfMlr t» rnctJYf~Or p_J-' ,sQ( ').~ ,J

Step 7: Students will make all final editing chang~. 7 or:- IfI{vrr(t(. Step 8: Students will publish products to as.D. If'J lAy

Step 9: Students will reflect on the experience on \. t" -\' ~c;"\ \\

_ _J "', 'S -I" ..... &"" L',C,li- h' gG r I.'

P U J. • .'L- I 'I II r.\ - {u J'l

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veLvy \1,1 _, '\.,...... )U coof' V, _9, c , ",v

tj.! .'(lJ\..t ~ if" 0 ("'''" c,,? _0~ (~ i

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'\'~ "f"rtJ" Il/V' ,I; \l 'l ~' ., ',f'

o V ,I t £.,11' ~ ~.t V

f1_, ... \ \0 1'"" t ~ ~t, ffK?/;' p

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y.. VI" I " '" \,

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\ V "\ 'XV', \..-)

1,1-1'1 ,[\,\ £'"b vt'"i '\ "-./', , o

,.i.\\ '" (\ " )(~'

---------------r--------------------- ------------------

ii, Create a story board

"''''~ 'I"~ V~;"'J

~ D:d. ~

-\'IA lJ. p ",Ii




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IN 0 u-«J.

CUi(J!.AT ~ 11)

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P(}& ~ti~ to rn jJA'1t-s/ G

viii. Ediling/Deleting

lx. Viewing/Publishing


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