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Blue Star Cobourg

It’s hard to imagine that the Cobourg Blue Star group is now meeting for its
fourth year.
While our group is small, it continues to grow. Recently, two new members
from the area joined us: Janice Olsen and Brenda Crossley. On occasion,
we’ve also been blessed to be joined by Deva, Lucy, Gina and Naseem.
Our weekly meetings are based on Sri Vasudeva’s 40-Day talks. We begin
with a series of breaths to cleanse and focus our minds and then listen to
Guruji’s discussion and meditation. Based on his message we reflect as a
group and individually identify something we want to work on in the coming

week. The following week we discuss our progress and share any insights
we may have had.
The group is supportive and encouraging, and respectful of each person’s
individual path. We’re thankful for Guruji’s guidance and the opportunity to
meet and deepen our spiritual practice. Namaskar.
By Carol Holt

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