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On that day, the angry crowd gathered around two young men in their late twenties like a football

audience in a Chelsea v. Man U match. 'For what' one may ask? They had committed a crime in the
public eye. 'What did they do', would be every reasonable mind's question. Eh nn!!! 'KIDNAPPING'.
The allegation was raised by some young haggard looking men, who could pass for the kidnappers
themselves. Immediately the ALARM was raised, young and old in 'one and twos' made rapid dialogues
with their itching legs to witness the event. Without delay, the so called kidnappers were beaten with
sticks and iron rods, and tires hung round their necks like chains, and the next thing was the sprinkling of
petrol like holy water on the two accused and a match was lite ..... The full story is now HISTORY.

If it were you, what would you do? Who is at fault?

For full LIVE video of event, WATCH the 1st video @
And drop your comments like a bomb shell

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