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Grey spiders. ‘The grey spider noticed as it crawled across the bloodstained floor, inches away from death Te dead body, it was noticed, plus the spider, by the murder investigator. She tried to pick up «the spider, but the bite made her drop it. Instantly as an act of survival, the spider hid. She wondered exactly what the spider was. The bite mark itched/ became inflamed! on fire, ‘minutes later, all feeling of hurt gone: Replaced by a new sensation later, as she herself turned into areal spider-woman, As lier stomach expanded beyond bursting point, it burst, to release hhundreds upon thousands of tiny grey spiders. “Who do we have here thes! "The dead body isa Mr Conway, 58 yrs of age, the body was discovered by a neighbour”, "Was he married or any girfriend!? “He was, but she is dead, only one daughter, but she ison holiday, were trying to find notify her now, not mach success yet" With no murder weapon, it was suspicious death. The police photographer took his many shots after the doctor set the time of death estimated. The coroner then took over, as the body was placed in he black body bag. From there on, the examination took place. That's where the story took on another twist of fate. Inspector Williams bent down, noticed first the dead body. but her eye was drawn towards the spider, which she tried to pick-up, but it bit her. At first ignored but the bite wouldn't allow her ‘00, Hours later, the infection worse, decided to visi the doctor. After some antiseptic lotion, cotton wool bandage, tea & sympathy, it didn’t hurt so much. The next moming, Tam, she was awakened by the telephone, Grambling, eyes trying to open, hands reaching out forthe phone ty the bed.” Hello inspector Williams here, don't you know what time itis, hello Bennet yes yes, ak, I'll be there shortly’ Instead of half an hour it took ar‘ hour. That hour in the mortuary would remain with her ‘memory for the rest of her life. The shock horror of seeing the body on the slab, its stomach torn ide open. The contents inside all gone, a completely empty carcass. “Have you ever seen anything like this before’? “No, but whatever pulled it apart, must be extremely strong” There is more tests to be done, yet, but Ican tll you, thatthe insides show no sign of infection, tht the-most interesting part isall these teeth marks, as ifa creature had bit the deep gash into the stomach, like biting an apple ‘The body was covered back up dplaced into an empty metal drawer unit. A copy of the post mortem was given to the inspector. “It will make dinnertime reading, the body would have died eventually. for there Was large tamour inthe brain, the life expectancy only about two. ‘months, yet something decided to shorten that life much faster She sat down; the fireside firelogs & coal burning brightly enough for her to read. Except this {ime it-was books on spiders: With twelve books gone through, and now only the 13" & still no answers, So now it meant a:new breed of spider, undiscovered. Yet it was the thought of Something that had ripped open that stomach image, which taunted her madly. It held many Clues. As she slept during the nigh, she dreamt of many different spiders, yet none were of the {ype that bit her. She had already it ner mind decided to return to the scene of the death, The hours couldn't pass by quickly enough. The only clue she found the next day was one dead seraviled up grey spider. This time picking up with finger wasn’t needed; instead the extension used was a pair of metal tweezers; The dead spider placed inside an empty jatn jar She then took the jar specimen to a man spider specialist. The address she found in the phone book. While she drank coffee, he went through many of his books, Internet, & cme to the conclusion thatthe spider specimen could not be identified. Yet the spider under microscope ‘evealed some evidence. ‘I have just taken a fluid sample, you woat believe ths’. She didn't For the spider has human blood “cells. A second & third test producd the saine result. The cells are human all right, plus the chromosomes are male. The spider is only a few days ‘old. What it died of | is not sare. Are you feeling all right miss ‘Before she could answer she fainted. It took more than smelling salt potions, anything to revive ther, except a larze cup of coffee. What’ s the bite mark’?”A spider bit me, the one that is de ‘maybe I am poisonous"? “I think its best we check your blood out “The blood sample taken revealed a newer shock. T think its best you look at this, you wont believe me’ She took a look att, & noticed moving cells, “Ok what exactly am | supposed to bbe looking at’? “Two different types of cell strictures, one human, the other identified probably as spider, now ‘we compare it with cells taken from the dead spider.” ‘Accidentally some blood sample was spilt onto the dead spider cells into a patrid dish, Straight away, spider eels grew. Within seconds, the distinctive shapes appeared. Quickly they stood tack as spiders appeared. Quickly thinking he used the Bunsen burner, but that only made them ‘prow mote. She flicked the dish into the sink, already water in there, as the spiders shricked & {hen died. "Well it seems water destroys then “No, its not that which kills them, it's the bleach { putin there earlier on, its seems bleach kill all more than just germs. We have found indeed sway to destroy them’ Tomake sure another blood sample affected inflicted by spider cells was checked. A small droplet of bleach added. This time they survived. So the answer to destroy them wasn't the ‘leaning fluid. "Maybe its because cells themselves are different in some way’. “Yes that's it ‘The answer lay in the fact thatthe cells, which survived, were of female origin. And the ones that didn’t survive were of the male gender. As he spoke. ‘Well it seems all of them are now dead [As he destroyed the last of the cell spider specimens, "Well it seems you are infected. “What happens next”? Before he could answer that she collapsed onto the floor, sereaming, pulling ber skirt up high. to ‘expose her expanding stomach, as it got bigger & bigger, ready to explode From her never region, where he noticed no knickers, spiders began to appear, as if escaping fom a dark tunnel, they stumbled & fell iato each other, finally moving aeross the floor in there hundreds. "They have no eyes they're born blind’. He went to pick on up. “Careful she shouted they bite” It didn’t. Quickly he squashed it, put it under the microscope, “There is now as many cells of spider as there are of human All the spiders surrounded her, protecting their new mother. He looked over at her, & noticed that her face was beginning to ‘Change shepe, contort. Screaming like a baby, as he watched the female change. Her face remained for the moment the same, but her body changed. Spider legs appeared attached to her body, sill with breasts & everything else. Finally her head changed from human to spider. His screams were the only sounds, as hundreds of baby spiders, ‘attracted tothe sound attacked their first meal of the day. Within seconds all the flesh gone, the ‘only signs of human was bones. Seasing danger, the babies returned to their mother, entered. ‘back inside her, Quickly she got up, & left the laboratory, as two policemen arrived to find the ddead corpse bone remains. They in turn found spider specimens. The story ht the newspapers & became titled asthe ‘spider murders’. Many more would take place. ‘The story noticed by a government officer who reported it. The story turned up eventually on the desk ofa secret lab located in the isolated desert of America. Forfar deep undergrouind the lab where the spiders were first discovered, dead inside a piece of space rock. A small chunk of it, sill hot, had two spiders inside, still alive, somehow escaped. Days later, a human dead, two more days later, a female has a near exploding stomach, thousands of spiders. By the end of the month, the whole underground compound over-ridden ‘with alien spiders. The compound known as Roswell Si, used to find & experiment om aliens, had finally found some, Except the humans were experimented on by alien spiders. ‘The underground labs all sealed off justin time they thought Yet several managed to escape. All the exits sealed with several inches of concrete, then the whole area inside flooded. a The spiders eventually died of suffocation. Yet the spiders that escaped would five for another day. They felt pleased that the spiders were destroyed For many years, man has known about the threat of meteorite rocks in space that threaten earth, yet never now of the spiders ‘Yet amongst many rocks floating about space, is a huge rock, half the size of earth. Inside, infested, amongst the small tunnels are huge nests of spider egas ready to hatch & be born. ‘That huge egg of spiders is heading towards earth & should be here by the year 2022. Soi you don’t like spiders, I suggest you quit earth now, or become a spider carrier if you're female, and spider food if you are male, Either way, humans‘are fucked, to extinction The end. Completed: 12" sept.03 ‘Typed: 25/01/2004 Word count, 1,653, A grey spider story

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