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System development Task Completed YES/NO

Understanding the Identify Important
problem elements
Create a clear problem
Preliminary investigation
determines whether a
quick fix or new system is
Does a system already
What are the deficiencies?
What are the needs and
concerns of all
Requirement report
statement about the
needs of a new system
What are the aims and
objectives of the system?
Planning Develop one or more
solutions to the problem
Seek approval from
management (by stating
the advantages and
disadvantages of each

Exercise 3.2 p. 95

1. List the five stages in the system development cycle? Understanding,

Planning, Designing solutions, Implementing , Testing (evaluating
and maintaining)

2. How is the exact nature of a problem determined? By redefining the

problems important elements, and creating a clear problem statement.

3. What is a preliminary investigation? An investigation into whether the

problem is easy to fix or solve, or that a new system is needed.

4. List three types of questions in an interview?

Open ended what do you think?

Closed from this list which?

Probe- why do you?

5. Outline the disadvantages of surveys as a method of data collection?

Wording of questions hard to understand

Probes can not be used

Time consuming to produce

6. What types of statistics are obtained from measurements? Descriptive

statistics (understanding of the nature of the data), inferential statistics
(making inferences from sample to large population)

7. Describe a requirement report. Is the statement about the needs of a new

system, it outlines the aims and objectives of the new system and how it
will help the organisation.

8. What is a project plan? Is an investigation into the new system, it

organises the project by specifying who, what and when.

9. Why are gantt charts a popular management tool? It provides a quick

method of determining if the project is on schedule.

Task 1 hour 2 hour 3 hour 4 hour 5 hour 6 hour



the meal


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