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Name: Ulbrich Kanity

Nickname: Uan

Age: appears to be 22

Gender: male

Appearance: tall with a lean build, small frame but wide shoulders, soft dark brown almost black hair
that reaches his collar, gold/caramel eyes and fair skin, birthmark under his left eyes

Race: assumed to be Arlonian

Origin: unknown assumed to be near Rosenian Canyon

*Short-range weapon: Willow= bladed tonfas that connect to his staff to become a glaive

*Trademark Attack: Wisps = seemingly endless assault with tonfas before quickly attaching to create
glaive and using razor winds to deter opponent for final blow

Goal: unknown

Friends/Allies: Fayette and Devorah, his familiar named Whisper(a crow)

Enemies: none known

Strengths: perfect execution of spells

Weakness: obviously Caid

Sample RP: Ulbrich watched Caid through half-lidded eyes from his sitting position beneath the tree. He
had almost skipped out on coming but after thinking about it for a whole 2 seconds, he realized it would
be better if her did come. After all, Caid was the "Catastrophe Queen".

His gaze lazily followed her movements while he only half listened to the words she was murmuring.
Ulbrich had to admit, Caid may be accident prone and gangly, but when it came to her spells, she was
more gracefully than a falling leaf.

For a moment, he thought this spell might be accident free, until a blinding light exploded from the
ground. He was up in a second to catch the unconscious girl before she even hit the ground.
With a sigh, he held his fellow apprentice to his side while he used his other hand to cast a rain spell to
put out the small fire consuming the surrounding foliage.

*Personality: generally open minded, and well mannered, Intelligent, takes on a more serious tone
especially around Caid, known for his stoic face

History:Not much is known about Ulbrich except that Caid has called him Uan since he first appeared at
Fayette and Devorah’s shop two years ago. Ulbrich doesn't share any personal information though Caid
often lets their history together slip out. Two years ago when Caid was only 16, Ulbrich appeared at their
shop before dawn and petitioned the witches with an unkown offer they couldn't refuse and thus has
been working with them ever since. Due to Ulbrich's mannerisms and original clothing, it is assumed
that he originally comes from an aristocratic family.

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