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Social & Entrepreneurial:

The paths to tomorrows journalism

JD Lasica
April 23, 2010

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the maldivian way by
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by Prakhar

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What well cover today
2 simple propositions
The new new news ecosystem
Social media overview & cultural norms
Rise of social media & impact on journalism
Social journalism
Entrepreneurial journalism
Innovation imperatives (take a page from Facebook)
New skills, new media forms
Geolocation: New forms of visual storytelling
Examples: Tomorrows news today
Fearless predictions, closing thoughts
Proposition 1
We need trustworthy news
Information is as vital to
the healthy functioning of
communities as clean air,
safe streets, good
schools and public

Knight Commission on the Information

Needs of Communities in a Democracy,
October 2009
Proposition 2
News is undergoing its biggest,
messiest change ever
Everything about news is changing:
The way its produced
The way its distributed
The way we consume it
Whos a trusted news provider
Conventions of journalism (NPR
as advocate for Haiti relief efforts)
What news means
The new new news?
A contrast in fortunes

Daily U.S. newspaper circulation fell 10.62 percent in the most

recent 6-month period (April-September 2009).
USA Today circulation fell 17.5%, New York Times fell 7.3%,
San Francisco Chronicle fell 25.8%. (Chron: newsroom of 575
in 2000, 160 today.)
Average daily paid circulation fell to 30.39 million in Sept. 2009
from a high of 63.3 million in 1984.
Social medias ecosystem
Almost 1 million blog posts per day; over 346 million people
globally read blogs
6 of top 10 websites in US are social sites (YouTube,
Facebook, Wikipedia, MySpace, Blogger, Craigslist)
Twitter: 108 million registered users; 300,000 new users a day;
180 million unique visitors a month
Facebook: 400 million members
Flickr: 35 million people have posted &
tagged 3 billion-plus photos
Wikipedia: 10 million users have contributed
YouTube: 1 billion-plus videos served per day
Whenever someone opens a computer, 60% of time its for
social reasons
Cultural norms of social media
Its not about the technology, its about connecting people.
Premium on sharing
Conversation expected
Mistrust of traditional authority
figures & marketers
Instead: trust in peers, people
like ourselves even
Trust is easily gained and easily lost.
Credit/attribution given
Big Medias suicide pact
New spate of newspapers
social media policies:
Do not engage without permission
Do not be open
Do not be personal

Creative Commons
photo by Bombardier
on Flickr

Read the policies for yourself at:
Old Media values Social Media values
News as finished product News as a process/service
Lecture, authoritative Conversation, participation
Passive consumers Empowered users
One to many Many to many
Corporate/autocratic Democratic, collaborative, messy
Closed Transparent
Exclusive Shared
Centralized Distributed
Elite professionals Grassroots, peer-focused
Institutional voice Personal voice
Heavily filtered Unfiltered/lightly filtered
News as a social experience

To a great extent, peoples experience of news, especially on the

internet, is becoming a shared social experience. ...

Getting news is often an important social act.

75% of online news consumers say they get news forwarded
through email or posts on social networking sites
51% of social networking site (e.g. Facebook) users who are
also online news consumers say that on a typical day they
get news items from people they follow.
37% of internet users have contributed to the creation of
news, commentary about it, or dissemination of news via
social media.

Understanding the Participatory News Consumer, Report by Pew

Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism, March 1, 2010
Social journalism
Elements of social media applied to journalism:
Blogging ... Twitter ... Facebook ... Comments ...
Widgets ... RSS ... Video sharing ... Photo sharing ...
User-created content ... Ratings ... User reviews ...
Tagging ... Social bookmarks ... Live streaming & chat ...
Presentation sharing ... Geolocation services ...
Forums ... Community membership ...
Social news sharing sites ...
Wikis ... Texting ... Meetups ...
Shared calendars
Entrepreneurial journalism
Entrepreneur (n-tr-pr-nr)

A person engaged in the art or science of

innovation and risk-taking for profit in business

Commons photo
by kyz on Flickr
Entrepreneurial approach
Build things that are useful & have value

Study marketplace, define goals, write business plan

Embrace risk

Launch pilot projects

Measure results

Make tough choices

Iterate! Iterate! Iterate! Creative Commons photo by parl on Flickr

Make mistakes, forgive yourself, move on

Cost of innovation
40 Investment cost (in millions)




2002 2006 2010

Technorati: estimated $36 million investment over 8 years

Dabble: $1.7 million over 4 years
Wellness Mobile: essentially zero startup costs. Test it out,
offer shares to programmers, if it flies, you take funding.
Innovation = Iterating
Facebook in 2005

The idea is launch early and iterate. Early on, I didnt

just start Facebook as a company. It was a project
that I wanted to exist. Its amazing how much stuff we
messed up. Mark Zuckerberg, 10/09
New skills for journalists
Storyteller, yes, but also:
Conversation facilitator &
Multimedia guru
Data gatherer
Metrics nerd
Photograph by Tristram Kenton
The Really Useful Group Ltd.
If I were launching a news site
It would contain these elements:
Geo-targeted news
Data-driven tools
Open APIs
Rewards & incentives
for participation
More attention to real-time Web
Lots of real-world meet-ups
Explore multiple verticals
Community brain
Tagging the
real world
The emerging mobile
marketplace will require
evergreen content from
trusted sources of vetted
But you can enlist
schools, partners and
readers to help create a
digital community

Wikitude AR Travel Guide for Android G1

The Web is a database
But it needs curating!
Local news pubs
competitive advantage:
The new newsrooms need
more coders
Value in building structured
evergreen data need a
city guides 2.0
Journalists can bring
meaning to info-jungle
Enlist local citizens to
maintain the living database
The power of open APIs
Give the public access to public records
Open APIs = enlist
community to hack &
contextualize content has
licensed its mapping
technology to news
publications & waged a
battle to open up public
records in Ky.
YourMapper founder-CEO Michael Schnuerle
News organizations are
logical hub of community
data around schools, Dont know APIs? Go to:
hospitals, prisons & more.
New tools for new needs
to explore
Open source Wikipedia of
maps; community builds
own using GPS traces and
donated satellite imagery.
Creative Commons
Google Earth has an API
News orgs can layer
photos over Google Maps
Online visualization tools

The Decline: The

Geography of a
Recession by
LaToya Egwuekwe
Check-ins at SXSWi
Who does tomorrows news?
Traditional media Reimagined media
Professional journalists at Citizen publishers
newspapers, TV & radio
Alternative & community
news publications
Twitterers, Facebookers
Advocacy groups
Early trailblazers
Seattle Post-Intelligencer
closed print publication in
March 2009 with 170
Relaunched as online-only
site with 40 staffers, 20 in
Early trailblazers
Initiative from Chicago
Aggregates over 300
local blogs.
10,000 registered users
and 3.2 million page
views per month (Oct.
Early trailblazers
Nonprofit, nonpartisan
public media organization
Produced by veterans of
Texas Monthly & Texas
Twitter & blog widgets
Not just a publication:
They put on public events,
sponsor & record a
conversation series w/
elected officials, hold an
ideas festival, sponsor a
college tour
Early trailblazers
ProPublica, nonprofit investigative
journalism site, winner of 2010 Pulitzer Prize, nonprofit news site
launched in 2007. Operating loss in 2009:
$125,000 on expenses of $1.2 million; $675
in revenues from donations, ads, sponsors, nonprofit news site, crowd-funded journalism, for-profit network of sites for
communities under 50,000 people, claims to
operate at 4.5% of cost of newspapers.
Huffington Post creating a nonprofit
investigative journalism arm.
Jim Brady launching a DC news site
Early trailblazers
Community builder

heres an amazing
difference between building
an audience and building a
community. An audience
will watch you fall on a
sword. A community will fall
on a sword for you.

Chris Brogan
Author,Trust Agents
Trends: Niche news + community

The Stupid
A Food Coma Spouse Buzz
Cancer Show
Predictions: Old media
500 of the 1,408 daily
U.S. newspapers will
suspend print
publication in next five
years. Most will go out
of business.
Cause of death: failure
of imagination.
The impact will be highly disruptive of communities in short
term, but new emergent journalism enterprises will sprout up.
Well see isolated success stories of pay walls, nonprofit
news models, crowdsourcing. But these, as well as micro-
payments & government subsidies (& blogging!), wont
sustain in-depth/community/investigative journalism.
The iSavior? Um, no
Im a genius, but Im not a
miracle worker. ... I wasnt
put on earth to save The
New York Times. I was put
on earth to restore a sense
of childlike wonder to
peoples empty, pathetic
Fake Steve Jobs
Predictions: New media
Emerging from ashes of the news industry will
be a vibrant news ecosystem with smaller
players that are more social & entrepreneurial.
Blogging, crowdsourcing & nonprofit news
sites cannot take place of newspapers by
themselves but they will be part of news
We'll see hyperlocal news aggregators take
slice of local advertising pie: EveryBlock,, Fwix,
But: They dont have resources to go deep.
Legacy news publications should own
hyperlocal markets but largely wont.
Prediction: Trust disruption
Reimagined media: When the rules are up for grabs:
Investigative journalism with
a catch: Mark Cuban &
TechCrunch: April Fools a
day early
Kontera embeds text ads as
part of your blog posts

March 31, 2010

Closing thoughts
Young people dont read newspapers, but theyre
enormous consumers & sharers of news. The Mobile
Generation: Hire them. Observe them. Listen to them.
If every business is a media business, do what no one
else can easily replicate in your community or region.
To be relevant in the new age, create a startup culture,
practice social journalism and innovate!
Leverage the community. Retool focus to serve as
guide, curator, data jockey & aggregator as well as
content creator.
Bring journalistic standards & values into this new
Help communities tell stories in authentic ways.
Thank you! Lets talk!
JD Lasica
SNCR senior fellow
Twitter: @jdlasica
Presentation at

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