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August 2008

Inside MyWOT
Current WOT News

Back to school: Keeping children safe online

For our study of the Internet's Red Light District, we found some startling
statistics ninety percent of school-age children have viewed porn online,
most while doing their homework. Children can inadvertently access
pornography by innocently mistyping popular search terms or landing on
misleading URLs. The misuse of brand names is a common tactic used by
those intentionally exposing kids to porn. Three of the top ten misused
brand names; Disney, Barbie and Nintendo, are specifically targeted to
Keep your children safe online this school year by installing WOT and
setting higher protection levels on their profile. Read the user email on the
WOT adds extra protection next page for instructions on how to set this up and watch our new demo.
We think schools and libraries could benefit from using WOT too. Suggest it to your childs teacher or the
principal of the school. WOT can add an extra layer of protection at no cost. And thats priceless.
Statistics derived from Family Safe Media and Healthlife24

WOT is Mozilla recommended add-on for August

Welcome to all the new WOT users who downloaded the addon from Mozilla's
recommended add-on list in July, and thanks to our loyal users who rated and
reviewed WOT to keep us there for August.

WOT had its biggest month yet in July, with 300,000 downloads. Our user base is
growing fast, as is our number of rated pages. We have reached nearly 20 million
rated sites, which puts us "neck and neck" with our nearest competitor. Help us
keep the momentum going by inviting one person to join WOT.

New WOT community page

WOT is powered by you our users. When you rate a website or make
a comment on the scorecard, you help countless others around the
world to surf the Internet safely.

In August, we continue to introduce new innovations to our website by

replacing the old My page with an exciting new community and my
profile pages. You'll be able to connect with other WOT members and
share information about websites rapidly. Look for the changes soon.
New WOT community page
Changes to the Pop-up
Recommendations from our users have prompted us to make some small
but significant changes to the behavior of the WOT pop-up you see while

First, we added a slight time delay, so the pop-up won't, well, pop up right
away. Notice the little "i" on the top right? If you click anywhere on the pop-
up, it takes you right to the scorecard so you can see more details. If you
have disabled the pop-up altogether, you can click right on the WOT icon to
go to the scorecard.

The WOT pop-up Thanks to our users for the suggestions! Look for the update soon.


I have multiple users on the same machine. How can I

set the levels for different people when we only have 1
email address. It won't pick up the other settings and we
can't set new ones. And I don't want the same limits as
my 11-year-old son. Your help would be appreciated.

You can have different protection levels on one computer if

you use different profiles either in Windows or in Firefox.

In the second profile, install the WOT add-on to the browser

and synchronize it with your already existing WOT account.
This activates the settings and both the add-on users can see
each other's ratings.

See how to set up different profiles in Firefox

See how to synchronize the add-ons

WOT on the Web

Lists for everything

People enjoy lists and bloggers are especially good at creating them So here is a lists of lists that we like
(mainly because we are on them!):

50 Firefox Add-Ons to Achieve Private and Secure Web Surfing

Best Firefox Extensions

Portable Add-Ons for Firefox Portable: Make Your Life Even More Portable!

62 Plugins, 15 Web Apps, 25 Mobile Apps To Ease Your Life

Lets not neglect Internet Explorer add-ons. Did you even know IE has add-ons?
Well, heres a list of 10 fantastic ones!

10 Free and Fantastic IE Add-ons

Web 2.0 directories

Attention all early adopters and explorers! You can find WOT and lots of other cool web 2.0 applications
and services in directories like Ziipa, Go2Web2.0 and Listio. These directories are visual search engines
that are fun to look at (love all the colorful logos), but also useful in helping you find the latest thing.

WOT Top 10 Lists

Most active users Most popular Recent comments

1. Yatti420 11735 1. Google Your Voice

2. Sami 11475 2. YouTube Google Images
3. Timo 8760 3. Gmail Odun
4. Anonymous 7016 4. Yahoo login Wixi
5. logicman 7413 5. Wikipedia Deep Discount
6. Lisa 6803 6. Facebook Viva Marco Travaglio
7. Reprotected 6617 7. Windows Live Manager Online
8. Vednier 6072 8. Yahoo 3dtoy
9. Lordpake 5769 9. Mozilla add-ons rsfind
10. Mupet0000 5718 10. MySpace World of Gothic

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Copyright 2008, WOT Web of Trust. All rights reserved.
Published by Against Intuition Inc, Italahdenkatu 27 A, 00210 Helsinki, Finland

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