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Should I Get A Crock Pot?

By Patty from

Are you debating buying a slow cooker, or else a crock pot? If so, you might want to look into a slow
cooker. This size is perfect for smaller families-anywhere from one to three people.

A slow cooker is able to create a side dish that feeds between four and six people. It is additionally great
for portable dishes. If you are requested to bring something to a pot luck for instance, you can cook it
eariler in the slow cooker and then take it with you. This is feasible because the slow cooker just weighs
about ten pounds empty and you could sometimes buy a carrying tote for it.

The slow cooker actually generally will carry approximately 3-1/2 quarts, or, to give you a better visual
example, it will hold a four pound chicken with a bit of room to spare. It will hold enough beef, chicken,
stew etc for between one to three individuals.

Crock pots have great functionality. You can locate tons of recipes on the internet for them. Usually
they'll come with several recipes included too. You could make a bunch of different dishes including
cooked fruit jams, soups, oatmeal, beef, chicken, stews, pork, etc.

One great and common use of the crock pot is to put together a meal before work in the morning. This
way when you arrive home form work you have a fresh, hot meal waiting for you. This is great for

Overall, a 3 quart slow cooker is a good option for someone seeking a quick, easy way to cook dishes for
their family.

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