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ead Tee 9 IWON’T HAVE TOCROSSJ.R, | ALONE Erg ¢. Aseratt =a See SS Sse =a ae I PSs = oa — * 2. When! come to Scream oN end-ing of day, When the last winds of 2. OF - ten-times Pim for-ak-en; and wea-ry and sat, When it seems thatmy 8. Tho’ the bil-lows of sor-row ‘and trouble may aweep Wee Milkmao” — will lust ee sor - row have blown; Ther tbe cloaemen waiting to show mo Oe way, friends haveall gone; “F ENDORSE THs MES(AGE 2 EMWACE THY MESSAGE care for His own; ‘Till tho end of the jour-ney, my soul Ho will keep, winds of sor-row have blown; thd I won'thaveto cross Jor-dan a = lone, ‘I won"thave to crows Jor-dan a- b won't have to erase sa .. de-bas died from my rtagor Finger S ne. Jor-dan” 9'-Ione, oan el ge ad fib, a= Copyrinht, 1934, by AUtiG REC Inc Gaeigned 198, Wo TRAN RAPT Brouimnan Press, owner iy wine We 3 ona I lo Le ie : ~~ ee : 15 ie exs bd: fdas as ' 7 OR ee ee eae

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