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I am giving a free copy of my novel to readers in the

states mentioned blow. I’m doing this so I can continue

with the joy of sharing a good story (or so I’ve been told
it is. )
In the beginning when I started to write the story, my
intention was to entertain my sisters with a fictional
tale of our life; names have been changed to protect the
guilty or innocent – however she might perceive herself
to be. Later, when deciding to publish it I thought “how
fun to share with other family, friends, clients and just
maybe a stranger or two. In the meantime, my book,
The Skye in June has found readers in ten countries and
34 states. The ages of readers are from 12 to 80 +. I am
touched that the story has brought joy to readers. Many
have gave heartfelt comments and have told me how
they identify with the characters and subject matter.
As I’ve traveled to book events across the USA, one of
my greatest pleasures is the honest conversations about
religion and one’s personal choices, witchcraft and
paganism (with mostly Catholics) and immigrates. The
dialogue is always lively and the guests open and
interested in what I have to share whether that be why I
chose to become a witch and pagan (leaving
Catholicism) what it’s like being a psychic and growing
up in San Francisco’s Castro district during the 19060’s
environs. People also want to know about the
mechanics, challenges and rewards about publishing a
book. People are experiencing what I had hoped for; do
not judge until you have had an opportunity to
experience someone or something different than what
you know.
Readers have kindly shared comments their reviews on
Amazon, Goodreads and my website.
I’d like to send a free copy to those residing in the states
listed below. One book per state, first come. I hope that
winners would consider giving a review.
Interested participants may contact me through my
website juneahern dot com. Read what others have to
say on my comments page.
The Skye in June ready to fly to: Alaska, Arkansas,
Kansas, Kentucky, Hawaii, Tennessee and Vermont.
Support your Indie Authors and Bookstores!

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