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On the 25th of June, 2009 a great man Michael Jackson died. His life was truly
a great one. He had wealth and also possessed influence. He was successful in
his career and had records that it would take a long time coming to break or
surpass. He was loved, cherished by many and had fans the world over. There
are traces of him in the dance steps, songs and works of established acts and
upcoming stars in his line of work. His reach the world over truly can·t be
quantified. He had what many wished, killed and died for. He was a living
legend and died leaving a legacy. He truly would be missed no doubt but let·s
pause and ask ourselves; if he died without making peace with God, what·s his
fate before the judgement seat of God? Will his wealth, success and influence
speak for him before God and grant him eternal life if he is not saved? Truly
Jesus Christ says; what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose
his soul?

While you ponder about the answers to the above questions, take a look at
your life. Have you made peace with God? Are you preoccupied with the
pursuit of wealth and success to the detriment of your soul? Are you still
making excuses and procrastinating the decision to invite Jesus into your
heart as your Lord and saviour? Do you still believe the lie that there·s no life
after here and therefore no heaven or hell? Many people, great and small, rich
and poor, women, men have died without that ultimate decision and found the
mistake too costly, do not join them. I implore you to make the decision to have
Jesus Christ in your life if you haven·t and to hold on till the end if you have for
now is our salvation nearer than when we first believed.
Remember, a great man just died as countless others do and will still do but
will his greatness amount to anything before God if he died without Christ?
Think about it.
Burutolu Augustine

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