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Dear Darla,

Why do married women stop having sex? My woman hasn’t had sex with me in over 6

Blue and Frustrated

Dear Blue,

There could be numerous reasons why your ‘woman’ won’t have sex with you. Allow me
to list just 6.

6. You call her ‘my woman’.

5. You treat her like the maid, or worse your mother! Look under the coffee table.
Are those your socks, pray tell?

4. Sex has become as routine and as exciting as taking out the trash.

3. Your beer belly isn’t sexy.

2. She doesn’t have an orgasm, so why bother?

1. And -- drum roll please -- the biggest #1 reason why women lose interest in sex is
diminished confidence in their bodies. This is a problem for so many women, and
men are at least partly to blame. Having children, neglectful self-maintenance
and normal aging, of course, come into play. But the major culprit is the
bombardment of images depicting an absurd ideal of woman ala Playboy – and
your reaction to it. The average woman comes to the realization that she can
never, ever measure up to such air-brushed, surgeon-created beauty.

Thus, married men can continue to expect less and less sex as their ‘women’ become
more and more self conscious and fearful of being compared to an ideal they haven’t
a prayer of achieving. It’s really your own fault.


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