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These statements has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. All information is of personal views.
Cigarettes and Alcohol
Death and Disease
Cigarettes and Nicotine

 Nicotine is one of the most deadly poisons in

 It is more poisonous then arsenic, snake venom
cyanide and even strychnine
 Cigarettes contain over 4,000 chemicals as well
as 200 toxic poisons
 Inhaling cigarettes replaces the oxygen in your
blood with deadly Carbon Monoxide (CO2) -
same product that comes out black from your
car tailpipe
Cigarettes and Nicotine Side Effects

 Hardening of arteries (arteriosclerosis)

 Destruction of join tissue (arthritis, gout)
 Brain Damage from lack of oxygen and
exposure to poisons and toxins
 Damaging of organs like liver, kidneys and
pancreas due to high toxicity
 Damage to the immune system and DNA
damage from carcinogen exposure (aka cancer!)
 Leading cause of death: heart disease, stroke,
and cancer
Cigarettes and Nicotine Statistics
 Around 5.4 millions deaths per year are attributed to
 According to the World Health Organization (WHO),
every 6.5 seconds a current or former smoker dies
 In USA, over 18% of deaths are caused by smoking
 In China, 2,000 people per day die from smoking
 Smokers died on average 10-15 years sooner then
 In Russia, smoking kills between 400,000 and 500,000
Russians every year
Second Hand Smoke
 Second hand smoke kills people around
smokers daily
 According to California EPA Report on
Secondhand Smoke, about 50,00 people
die every year from secondhand smoke
 Children have the highest risk factor from
second hand smoke, attributing to many
chronic disease
Alcohol Facts
 The USA centers for disease control, around 35,000
people die of liver disease related to alcohol per year
 Another 41,000 die in alcohol related car accidents
 In England and Wales, alcohol use directly kills over
28,000 per year
 Worldwide, over 2,000,000 deaths per year are attributed
to alcohol use
 Alcohol is linked to 50% of early deaths in Russia
Alcohol Side Effects
 Weight Gain
 High Blood pressure
 Heart and Respiratory failure
 Depressed immune system
 Cancer
 Liver Disease
 Alcohol Poisoning
 Diabetes
 Depression
 Death

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