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SMALL BUSINESS COMMITTEE ‘TRANSPORTATION AND IyFRASTRUCTUNE cONMTIEE Te amanuen CONGRESSMAN VERN BUCHANAN HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ‘THIRTEENTH DISTRICT, FLORIDA July 14, 2010 President Barack Obama ‘The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW ‘Washington, DC 20502 Mr. President: Jam writing to urge the Justice Department to withdraw its lawsuit against the State of Arizona's new Immigration law. Our citizens are demanding that strong antiillegal immigration policies be enacted and enforced, Your Administration's legal efforts are inconsistent with the clearly-expressed wishes of the American people. Earlier this year, Arizona enacted a new immigration enforcement law aimed at addressing a serious problem in that state, Arizona passed this law precisely because the Federal government has falled to take any action of its own to stem the influx of illegal Immigrants. Rather than seek to thwart the wishes of Arizona, and the American people overall, would encourage your Administration to work with Congress to draft and enact tough anti-illegal immigration legislation now. ‘The federal government should work as a partner with states, like Arizona, instead of seeking to Impede their efforts to crack-down on the flood of illegal immigrants in our neighborhoods and communities. Sincerely, Up Buchos— Vern Buchanan Member of Congress area Snsiyeer cots pea aa soto 202 rosetta ‘wav buchanan house.gor

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